Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Advanced Seminar On Intellectual Aggressiveness, Critical Thinking & Self-Determination • Dr. Kay Dub • DV University Fall 2010

KonWomyn said ...
It’s 2010 now; we live in a world where our understandings of race as a social construct are way more advanced than even 50 years ago. Race is a social myth that has it’s uses and evils, but it is part of our biological and cultural selves as humans.

To be speaking of ‘Whiteness’ or ‘Blackness’ as systems of supremacy as though they were clear cut categories in a country like America is not only strange, but false too. How do you know that scrawny man up there is White? Because he looks it? What if he has Black or Native Red ancestry, then what? What system does he belong to? Is he held up as an example of false supremacy within that system too?

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