Thursday, August 26, 2010

Yes. There Is Such A Thing As Good Hair

Your hair is what you eat. If you are eatin' Quiznos ... that's exactly what is going to grow out of your skull.


Constructive Feedback said...

What about their Veggie sub?

Guacamole, black olives, lettuce, tomatoes, red onions, mushrooms, mozzarella, cheddar, Red Wine Vinaigrette

Served on your choice of Artisan Breads: Italian White, 9 Grain Artisan Wheat, Rosemary Parmesan or Italian Herb.

Denmark Vesey said...

What up CF?

Veggie Sub?


That shit will kill you.

"Veggie" is just a word they throw on a collection of genetically modified processed foods and toxic chemicals ... so they can market them as "Under $5" to the growing numbers of people slowly waking up to the Processed Food Holocaust in this country..

Ditch the bread. Keep your $5.

Get your woman, go out to the Decatur Farmer's Market. Buy you some FRESH lettuce. Fresh Avocados. Fresh onions. Skip the cheese and get you some bread not soaked in preservatives.

(You will want to digest it one day).

KonWomyn said...

Is that all her hair? Obviously I could be wrong, but that pic looks like she's got in a weave to add volume to the bun. The brown looks like the weave and the black is her own hair.

Denmark Vesey said...

What up Kay Dub?

Her hair?

I don't know.


I don't whose hair it is, but it's good.

CNu said...

Moorish science classify this as a quizno-head.....,

Some pink himalayan salt in a kale and chia schmoovie fix this bad-haar right on up.

Anonymous said...

Way to quickly change the subject...I figured you for one of them negroes who perpetuates "good" hair, and "good" complexion.


Anonymous said...

I suppose if you spend a $1,000 you can have hair as "good" as hers, woven right to the short curlies popping up from her scalp.

the good nurse said...

love it! crowning glory, indeed...

uglyblackjohn said...

@ DMG - Can't the condition of ones hair and nails be used to diagnose other problems in the body?
Isn't "Good Hair" that which belongs to a healthy person?
If a proper diet helps one to be more healthy - wouldn't they be more likely to have good hair?

Anonymous said...


"If a proper diet helps one to be more healthy - wouldn't they be more likely to have good hair?"

No. "Good" in this case is a quality judgement based on appearance and has nothing to do with health. I know it. You know it. Why bother trying to shoe horn this in as an argument?

Anyway, hairstyle, straightness etc isn't going to tell you if you have enough copper in your body, or anything about your genetic make-up (as in Menkes Disease).

Denmark Vesey said...

"No. "Good" in this case is a quality judgement based on appearance and has nothing to do with health." DMG



Whey dem bumbaclot get dat frum?

If healthy hair isn't "Good" hair ... what hair is "Good" hair?

What does "Good" hair mean to you DMG? You've introduced the term on multiple occasions. You've referred to my hair more than once ... and we've never met.

What do YOU mean by "Good" hair, DMG?

"I know it. You know it. Why bother trying to shoe horn this in as an argument?" DMG


________________ _______ _______ ?

Anonymous said...

Negro please. Don't try to pass this off as some sort of health thing.

Or ask me what I mean by it.

Personally I believe hair is neither "good" nor "bad", it serves a function. Don't get me started on weaves, processes, extensions, wigs, toupe's.

Good hair and the subsequent claims of "having some 'indian' blood" is code for looking like massa. Don't believe me? Explain the black skin and hair care industry.


________________ _______ _______ ?"

Exponentially more than you. But we've had this discussion.

Don't play coy. The term "good hair and complexion" has circulated through and in many cases defined the black community since the days when we really were on the plantation. It defines many black folks now. Black hair care products is a multibillion dollar a year industry, and it's not even run by black folks.

You really want to get into this discussion? If so don't try to pass this shit off as some "health" issue.

Pink said...

I'm voting fake on the ponytail... I'm becoming better at spotting weaves now that I have one! Don't freak out TGN, I just needed a transition from now until November when I BC! I'll be one year perm free then. I'll put up a pic of my weave (aka good hair!). And can I just tell you guys that this damn weave is a man magnet??? I can't get down the street. I've heard a lot of females say that they attract more men with the fake hair. What a shame!