Saturday, August 07, 2010

Wyclef Jean Will Reignite The Most Profound Revolution In The History of Human Beings

Remember where you heard it first. Remember where you heard it best. Denmark Vesey. The Blackest Man On The Internet.

Denmark Vesey said ...
In about a week or two. Maybe three. The NY Times. Or the LA Times. Maybe Newsweek or the Wall St. Journal will run an article with a title something like "What Wyclef Could Do For Haiti" ... or ... "New Generation of Political Candidates Use Social Media To Galvanize Electorate, Political Landscape Changed Forever" ... or ... "Wyclef Holds Anti-War Rally In Paris, 1 Million Expected" ... and these bitter little jealous pork eating technocrats will jump on the bandwagon like they knew it all the time.

(Plantation Negros have to hear it from white folks before they give it up.)

Jiggaboos could just take it from DV. The massive political potential embodied by a cat like Wyclef Jean dwarfs anything a silly technocratic puppet produced by the same system that has given the world the current crop of do-nothing politicians.


CNu said...

priceless comedy gold...,

large, pork-eating, $11/hr, red-jacketed TSA goon said...

DV, why you on Wyclef's Johnson? My Johnson tastes so much better. Remember the time...? You said...?

John Ali said...

Denmark Vesey!

My Brotha! I love how you think. However, don't you think your comment on Wyclef Jean igniting a revolution, is a little over the top?

John Ali

CNu said...

even Dr. Bacon-Bey's moorish confederates scurred his fez on jes a little too tight...,

Denmark Vesey said...

Brother Ali!

Thank you my man.

Yes. I can imagine that my comment appears over the top.

To most people.


Tomorrow ...

It won't seem as much so.

But if you've been around Brother Ali, you will notice that is how I get down.

I call shit in advance.

Before it becomes the consensus.

Plantation Negros have been conditioned to reject ideas not spoon fed them by the mass media.

That's why you will notice the predictable vitriol from the pork eaters above.^^

The original Haitian Revolution was not about land, sugar, or even slavery.

It was another battle in an endless spiritual war. It represented a blow against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

A Wyclef presidency carries revolutionary potential because it challenges the Plantation Negro mindset that "Presidents" must look a certain way.

(Plantation approved spiritless technocratic cogs in a meaningless political menagerie.)

KonWomyn said...

I'll go with the first suggestion of a NY Times article, "What Wyclef Could Do For Haiti". In fact somebody's prolly penning it right now and MTV's preparing a docu - but unless it's a critical piece, it'd be yet another product of the Plantation hype machine. Next thing Coca Cola and MTV will be trynna get in there as official sponsors of Clef 2010. Maybe even Monsanto would get a second chance at spreading their 'free' devil seeds.

One good thing I see thus far is the potential of Clef 2010 to motivate the young Haitians to become more politically conscious and be pro-active in doing for they selves rather than have a quake condemn them to the status of perpetual UN & USAid pity project...Not that Haitians weren't pro-active in their affairs before Clef 2010, but there's potential for more media attention on what Haitians are doing for actually themselves since people in the West had 'lost interest' in Haiti after 3months.

On anutha subject, DV it's one thing to clown someone out because of what they say, but that image is just plain cruel & unnecessary. Maybe it's a guy thang & y'all are cool with each other. Fine if that's the case.


CNu said...


Let John's son Bacon-Bey punk himself to his heart's content.

He's doing the very best he can with what little he has....,

Denmark Vesey said...

I'll go with the first suggestion of a NY Times article, "What Wyclef Could Do For Haiti".

What would _________ (anyone) do for Haiti?

Were Wyclef an Oxford trained lawyer would you ask that question?

If a Haitian born Goldman Sachs banker was planning to run for office would you automatically associate him with "Monsanto" or "MTV"?

Were Wyclef Jean was a Plantation Physician who spent the past 10 years 'vaccinating' Haitian children ... would you assume his story was being "penned"?


um hm.


Why the knee jerk skepticism?

What unique qualifications do you expect in a politician you don't see in Wyclef Jean?

Come on ... admit it.

Deeeeep down inside, many of you resent brothers who made their way outside the indoctrination of the Plantation "education" / system.

The scorn tossed at the good brother Wyclef is motivated by the sense that he hasn't paid his dues.

Wyclef is not a product of the education system (a ponzi scheme selling degrees) Plantation Negros have invested so heavily.

You would like to think the only black man who should be considered for an office like "President" ... should be a black man who has endured the process and paid the fees other blacks have paid hoping to be smiled on favorably by the Plantation.

Yeah yeah yeah. Education education education.


I haven't met anyone the Plantation has actually educated in years.

In fact the smartest people are smart DESPITE Plantation education - not because of it.

This is starting to sound like what brother Marcus Garvey was talking about:

"Most of the trouble I have had in advancing the cause of the race has come from Negroes." MG

What does Barack Obama have that Wyclef Jean does not have?

... Other than a birth certificate?

Denmark Vesey said...

"DV it's one thing to clown someone out because of what they say," Kay Dub

I feel you Kay Dub.

But this is not designed to be cruel.

It designed to make a very important point.

How smart can any man be who eats a diet which causes him to grow breasts?

Brother CNu is particularly aggressive and antagonistic towards the championing of a natural unprocessed diet for Black people.

Black people are dying by the thousands.

I'm making a point that could eventually save black people's lives.

Fuck his feelings.

John Ali said...

Wyclef is not a product of the education system (a ponzi scheme selling degrees) Plantation Negros have invested so heavily.
LMAo.... good point Denmark.... Either way, some serious ish will go down

John Ali

Anonymous said...

Resent who? I'm happy he found something in which to excel in accordance with this passion and potential. Why would anyone resent that or suggest he needed a degree to be an entertainer?

Man you are making insinuations where none exist. I guess you aren't creative enough to come up with something other than "y'all just jealous because he's successful". Yeah, whatever. The people here have made their case that his qualifications for the Presidency are suspect.

I mean, would you be on his dick so hard and long if he DIDN'T sing?

I didn't think grown ass men swooned over stars...especially the male kind (you see...THAT's how you weave a homophobic remark into the conversation...your attempt was just pedestrian).

CNu said...

How smart can any man be who eats a diet which causes him to grow breasts?

ummm..., exponentially smarter than you?

Brother CNu is particularly aggressive and antagonistic towards the championing of a natural unprocessed diet for Black people.

Old white women's magical thinking, ridiculously expensive, unsustainable, 19th century bowel-control mumbo jumbo has nothing of benefit to offer Black people.

Because I tend not, as a habit, to second guess Black people, this isn't really a point of obsessive compulsive contention for me.

Black people are dying by the thousands.

and will be dying by the millions very soon...., has nothing whatsoever to do with diet.

I'm making a point that could eventually save black people's lives.

Nah..., you just selling your own ignorant and obsessive compulsions Bacon-Bey.

Fuck his feelings.


I play with Bacon-Bey the way a typical nurturing adult indulges the imagination and proclivities of a spoiled 5 year old....,

The minute he gets sincerely extra, he knows he'll get his little ass whooped.

KonWomyn said...

"I'll go with the first suggestion of a NY Times article, "What Wyclef Could Do For Haiti".

What would _________ (anyone) do for Haiti?

Were Wyclef an Oxford trained lawyer would you ask that question?"

Uhm...Dude, that was a statement not a question, it was actually a response to a comment you had made. Check the top of your post and see the three headlines you presented.

"If a Haitian born Goldman Sachs banker was planning to run for office would you automatically associate him with "Monsanto" or "MTV"?"

If I knew him, I'd obviously associate him with Goldman Sachs not MTV, but I'd still make Monsanto reference.

"What unique qualifications do you expect in a politician you don't see in Wyclef Jean?"

What? The man's only jst declared his intentions, let the political campaign get into full swing before pronouncements can be made.

"Wyclef is not a product of the education system (a ponzi scheme selling degrees) Plantation Negros have invested so heavily.

You would like to think the only black man who should be considered for an office like "President" ... should be a black man who has endured the process and paid the fees other blacks have paid hoping to be smiled on favorably by the Plantation."

LOL. Now if that aint kneejerk reaction! DV chill out, go play with your kids or sumthin and have fun - where'd you get that there's some kinda resentment bec of education? Based on a comment? Really? That's quite a s-t-r-e-t-c-h of the imagination. I'm not representative of the College-degree, debt-ridden, pork-eatin' Plantation herd y'use as a stereotype so dunno what that kneejerk Garveyism was abt other than just projecting into the aether...Y'def need to relax.

I co-sign on the Jay Z-Barack-Wyclef connection made y'day, but all o'this, nah y'lost me. Evidently, I don't share your level of enthusiasm, but I'm not going to be told what kinda 'Plantation box' I fit into coz of that. Sorry, the world's a li'l mo' complex than the rigid either/or binaries y'construct based on your perspectives.

As for the pic, well I'm not sure how that will motivate anyone to change their lives, IMO pple respond to messages better than derisions. I'd like to see you convince someone online of the joys of a healthy life, make it a Blackest Brotha on The Planet's No Pork Challenge or sumthin.

Nite y'all.

CNu said...

Wyclef Jean Will Reignite The Most Profound Revolution In The History of Human Beings

Remember where you heard it first. Remember where you heard it best. Denmark Vesey. The Blackest Man On The Internet.


this jiggaboo ain't gwan be igniting nothin but a tin cup of pruno in the cell he shares with Wesley Snipes for tax evasion.

More problems surface for Wyclef. Last week there was the revelation that he owed the IRS $2.1 million in back taxes. He better be careful, he could be sharing a cell with The Blade!
No question that Wyclef knows how to play the media… The question is does he have the skills necessary to manage a country through what will be the most ambitious recovery effort in history?
More importantly, is Wyclef really a departure from the sort of corrupt politician and government which has crippled the country and every single effort to move forward?
It’s really beginning to look like he doesn’t… and isn’t.

Anonymous said...

I guess this is all just moot now.