Thursday, August 19, 2010

Turn On HBO And All You Hear Is Black Comedians Going "Nigger! Nigger! Nigger!"

O. Mahogany said...
Dr. Schlesinger, could you be more typical?

1. You're closest black friend is your bodyguard.

2. The reason you can say nigger is because black comedians and entertainers say it all the time. TV=african american studies

3. President Obama is proof of the evolvement of race relations in America- and you are the reason he is in office.

4. You really think people are on a scholarly quest when they ask a black woman "What do black people like...?"

I have no idea why you gave this argument on your show.

Oh wait, yes I do.It's a "ratings thing".

DMG said...

Three points:

1. Why was this woman seeking advice from "Dr." Laura in the first fucking place?

2. You DO know her Doctorate is in physiology and not psychology, counseling, social work or anything else. [Just curious Doc. If her Doctorate were in psychology, counseling or social work ... what difference would it make? Would what she says either way be more credible? I ask because I am interested in the perceived value of university degrees vs. the real value of university degrees ]

3. The bitch was just looking for a reason to yell nigger in public and then act surprised, and hurt. Whatever, her livelihood depends on controversy.


Seven Half Store said...

This b*tch is so out of line.

What I'm saying is nothing that any of us hasn't already considered...

A friend of mine...mother black/father irish and some other wierd cocktail..told me that he thought that black people are too sensitive to have honest dialogue with "white america". While "white people" (Jews included) are afraid to talk about race (black/whites in particular) because they dont want to be called racist.

I told him I dont think black people are really anymore sensitive than anyone else and if "white america" is afraid of being called racist than maybe they should just stop saying race-ish shit.

This topic is LOADED with issues.

1st you're right this black/white thing is so constipating. HOWEVER

the caller's issue was about black/white least that's how the caller presented it.

My question is...

Seven Half Store said...

Why didn't this esteemed doctor just answer the question presented to her?

She went on a huge tangent that had little to do with the question the caller asked.

The caller said she RESENTED HER HUSBAND because his bonehead friends and neighbors were picking with her and it made her uncomfortable.

Obviously, this chick had some unsettled grievances. As a doctor-
no, as a professional I cant understand her point in invalidating her caller's feelings and telling her that black people as a whole can be too quick to "demonize white people".

Seven Half Store said...

Dr. Schlesinger, could you be more typical?

1. You're closest black friend is your bodyguard.

2. The reason you can say nigger is because black comedians and entertainers say it all the time. TV=african american studies

3. President Obama is proof of the evolvement of race relations in America- and you are the reason he is in office.

4. You really think people are on a scholarly quest when they ask a black woman "What do black people like...?"

I have no idea why you gave this argument on your show.

Oh wait, yes I do.It's a "ratings thing".

Anonymous said...

Three points:

1. Why was this woman seeking advice from "Dr." Laura in the first fucking place?

2. You DO know here Doctorate is in physiology and not psychology, counseling, social work or anything else.

3. The bitch was just looking for a reason to yell nigger in public and then act surprised, and hurt. Whatever, her livelihood depends on controversy.

Please continue.

Seven Half Store said...

wtf did she get a degree in physiology if all she was gonna do is talk shit for a living.

Columbia must be proud.


Anonymous said...

Stating the obvious here. In this country when someone puts "Dr" in front of their name, the first assumption is that they are trained medical personnel. Most people here realize it is an incorrect assumption, however a radio personality giving out counseling type advice, the average listener (and anyone who listens to, and relies on talk radio to solve their problems may not be the brightest bulb) is going to assume she has some sort of advanced specialized training. She's using her "Dr." of Physiology status to place weight behind her advice claims...unfortunately her doctorate work has nothing to do with what she's spewing.

If you want to talk about the value of a university degree this is a poor example. She's not working in the field in which she received her training.

As neither of us are architects I could not utilize my training as a physician to expound on the structural integrity of a building, nor could you.

Dr. Love said...

Why is it that platation negroes get so "UPSET" when those other "folks" call them niggah/nigger which is what they always have called them. The comedy happens when you here other ethnic groups call each other niggah whether endearing or not. Why do we think running to the plantation negroes "real Daddy" for help is our only recourse? After Katrina, if a persson of any color does not know what the plantation negroes status is, God help them. Obama is a sign of evolement (niggah please!) Obama not only does not say whats up my niggah in public he does not say black, AfrikanAmerican, Negroe, or colored. We watched on TV the horror of people who not only cold not get "their' governments help but could not even help themselves. A few ball playas did throw out some baskeballs (maybe they could one day play one on one with Obama)Oprah sent some water and contaminated chicken(what happened to the "rides"? Did you see the dump trucks filled with bodies of plantation negroes women, children, and men protected only by sand levees which crumbled like sand castles on Hilton Heads beaches. We are under physical and mental attack but don"t be color blinded or think it doesn't matter! Obama don't think that all "my niggahs" are mind controlled. Eat healthy, think healthy, and grow healthy! Who dat!