Monday, August 02, 2010

The Return of The Mad Bloggers - Behind The Beef

CNu said ... Doc. I really hate Denmark Vesey!
DMG said ... Oh God. Are we going there again today? I thought we were going to monitor your pressure, prescribe a few drugs and check your prostate. Don't get yourself worked up.
CNu said ... Yeah yeah I know. My blood pressure. But the dude really gets to me Doc. I. I. I... I don't know what it is. I mean. I can't. I can't sleep at night Doc. I check his blog when I wake up in the morning. Before I even brush my teeth. Before I fry sausages or pop a can of Pillsbury instant biscuits, I'm logging onto DenmarkVesey.Net. I go again all throughout the day. Afternoon. Evening. Before I go to bed... I try to stay away Doc. I. I. I spend more time on his blog than I do with my own kids. When he doesn't post or when he's playing golf I'm looking for him on the internet. Did you know that? I. I. I try to get into his business Doc. I think about him. I... I think about him. I think about him a lot Doc. Oh he's soooo vain! You have no idea. He's like 180. I'm 320 Doc. I can break him in half! I can bench press 300 Doc! Did you know that? He thinks I'm fat. He's always teasing me about my gynecomastia. Tits this! Tits that! He's trying to say its because of my diet. There is no scientific evidence that eating genetically modified food and cloned animals raised on growth hormones causes men to grow breasts!! What' he know about science?
DMG said ... Nothing! He knows nothing about science! He doesn't have a background is science. We all know that. Anyone who listens to him is a fool. So what he was right about the H1N1 "Pandemic" and I was wrong?! He got lucky! OK! Yeah yeah yeah! He was also right about the catastrophic damage caused by artificially refined salt and the immense benefits of natural salt rich in minerals and micronutrients. And enough with the Vitamin D and sunshine already! I still say vaccines are more effective! Is Denmark Vesey going to care for these people when their kidneys fail?! No! Who are they going to call then!?
CNu said ... They're going to call you!
DMG said ... Damn right they are going to call me!
CNu said ... Listen to us Doc.

We ride this man's jock like as if it were a unicycle. I mean. We act like we hate it here, but we show up like it's jury duty...

Doc. Is there a drug I can take to get off of another man's dick?


Dr.Love said...

To the medical doctors out there... is it true that meateaters or carnivores do not have pores and release that energy b "panting" with their mouths open?....If this is true why do we continue to eat that meat, chicken, beef,pork, and even some fish( leave that filthy catfish alone!.. Most cooking destroys the bacteria eating microbes in most food.. should we consider more of a raw food diet or variations of raw food intake?...does a raw clove of garlic have the same effect as a 100,000 shots of pencillin?...onions when raw are excellent for blood pressure and other blood cleansing properties,finally is the newly touted "agave nectar" even more dangerous than the killer HFCS? Just checking with the "real" medical doctors ..... cuz I don"t believe " SHIT " these folks tell me after "400 years without a comb"!! PEACE....

Anonymous said...

"To the medical doctors out there... is it true that meateaters or carnivores do not have pores and release that energy b "panting" with their mouths open"

Surely, this isn't a serious question. So I'll ignore it.

If you want to discuss eating meat, just ask.

Dr. Love said...

Well EXCUSE the Hell out of me...let me rephrase the question.. with the "obesity" epidemic... is processed meat consumption... something we should consider eliminating in our diets...does meat put stress on our digestive systems considering the documented evidence from WHITE (non AFFIRMATIVE ACTION DOCTORS)that the meat we eat is loaded with stress..steroids, antibiotics..estrogen...testesterones... I respect your thoughts and opinions....Peace

Anonymous said...

You are excused "Dr."

The epidemic of obesity is multifactorial. The main point is too much energy input, not enough expenditure, therefore there is a surplus. Humans store surplus energy as fat.

All mammals including those that pant, such as dogs have sweat glands that aid in temperature regulation.

I suspect you aren't seriously asking a question as you seem to believe "WHITE (non AFFIRMATIVE ACTION DOCTORS)" is somehow germane to this conversation, so I'm going to have to cut you off right there, and tentatively put you in the Wax/Thordaddy category. If you are able to prove that you aren't a nut job you will have an opportunity to apply for re-categorization.

If you want to have a serious conversation, let's have one, leave the bullshit behind. There are enough, storefront "scientists" and "doctors" on this blog. I'm not interested in anything "natural news" or YouTube "health" guru's have to offer. This site used to be fun, and there were intelligent folks asking real questions. Now it's a few nutters talking about the world is flat, and invoking slavery every thread. If you want a serious explanation, hit me up. If you aren't interested in learning something from someone with a pretty good understanding of science and medicine then we can brawl if you like until I get bored...which is rather quickly these days.

I don't have any problem with you. So it's your choice.

Denmark Vesey said...

"The main point is too much energy input, not enough expenditure, therefore there is a surplus. Humans store surplus energy as fat." DMG




Void of critical thinking.

"Dr." DMG's equation assumes people eat only "energy".

The Plantation diet is mostly waste.


People are obese because they eat too much garbage.

They are obese because they are storing too many toxins.

Grown men don't grow breasts because they consumed an excess of "energy".

"Dr." DMG, The Plantation Trained "MD" was taught to ignore consequences of toxins ingested via the diet because the ingestion of toxins and garbage fuels the entire Plantation Medical industry.

If Americans stopped consuming garbage DMG would get laid off within the year.


Your presence here used to be of some value.

You were useful in demystifying the 'secret knowledge' of medical doctors.

As if you studious nerds who managed to get through medical school were in possession of a level of understanding about health not available to those outside of your cult.

But now it is apparent that you don't understand a damn thing more than anyone else about health.

Your exaggerated posture of intellectual intolerance is hilarious.

This is school for you.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...


You are the King of All Morons, so I'll from now on just call you KAM.

I guess you don't understand exactly WHAT energy is, or how humans consume it. Carbohydrates, you know those sugars you are always jawing about...what do you think your body is doing with it all?

Since today is the first day of school out from where I'm from, here's your first assignment:

Cellular Respiration
1. You'll spend hours trying to understand glycolysis (remember that whole Fructose thing you were trying to get everyone to believe you understood)
2. Electron transport chain
3. ATP (adenosine triphosphate)
4. Maybe you should also have a look at fatty acid synthesis too.
5. Look up Fat Storage

Oh, yeah before I forget, perhaps you should read about the function of the liver and kidneys since you are so intent on discussing "toxins". still with me? Now, don't be late turning in your assignment. We use paddles in my classroom, and I won't hesitate to whoop your monkey ass if you are late.

Now sit the fuck down in my class, and don't open your mouth again when you don't know what it is that you are talking about.

You interrupt my class again, you'll fail again. Just like last year, that's why you here again.

Anonymous said...

What's up with your blog? Posted a comment like four times and it keeps disappearing..

Anonymous said...


Since you are the King of All Morons, I'll from now on just call you KAM

I guess you don't understand energy, or how humans consume it. Carbohydrates, you know those sugars you are always jawing about...what do you think your body is doing with it all?

Since today is the first day of school out from where I'm from, here's your first assignment:

Cellular Respiration

1. You'll spend hours trying to understand glycolysis--so you should start here first (I'm sure you remember fructose...)

2. Electron Transport Chain (maybe have a look at an overview of Mitochondria first)

3. ATP (adenosine triphosphate)...I'd say review a basic biochemistry book first.

4. Maybe you should have a look at fatty acid synthesis, and then fat storage mechanisms.

Oh, by the way before I forget you REALLY do need to read about the function of the human liver and kidney, since you are interested in mouthing off about "toxins" every ten minutes.

KAM--wake up boy! You still with me? I know it's alot, but this is your second time around in my classroom (don't be embarrassed about being held back, some folks don't get simple concepts the first time around). And you DO remember that I use paddles in my class, and won't hesitate to whoop your monkey ass if you turn in your assignments late--or with some bullshit.

Now sit the fuck back down in my class, and don't open your mouth again unless you know what you are talking about.

Anonymous said...

So I guess I have to try this again, since your blog has deleted four or five incarnations of this post, I sent a couple of hours ago.


Since you are running for the title King of All Morons, I'll refer to you hence forth as KAM. No more MOTI.

Just how do you think humans consume the energy to think, move and live? Your brain, for example, almost exclusively runs on glucose.

Today is the first day of school in many parts of the country so I suppose it's appropriate to hand out the first homework for the school year:

Class, the man formerly known as MOTI isn't new, so have some courtesy and let him resume his old seat right up front.

Cellular Respiration

Your task is to review the following:

1. Glycolysis (you DO remember Fructose...right?)

2. The Electron Transport Chain, and Mitochondria

3. ATP (adenosine triphosphate)--look up high energy bonds first.

4. Fatty Acid synthesis and the mechanism of storing fat in adipose tissue.

You have to do your homework before you are taught, so don't come unprepared. That means you, KAM--wake up boy, you still with me? I'm sure you recall that I'm not afraid to use paddles in my classroom, and won't hesitate to wear you out with one.

Now if you would kindly re-take your seat, class will begin shortly.

Denmark Vesey said...

"So I guess I have to try this again, since your blog has deleted four or five incarnations of this post, I sent a couple of hours ago." DMG

My apologies. I'll look into that.

"Just how do you think humans consume the energy to think, move and live? Your brain, for example, almost exclusively runs on glucose." DMG

I think humans get energy from a number of sources.

Primarily from what they breathe and from digesting what they eat.

"Today is the first day of school in many parts of the country so I suppose it's appropriate to hand out the first homework for the school year:

Class, the man formerly known as MOTI isn't new, so have some courtesy and let him resume his old seat right up front." DMG


(You have yet to make a point Doc)

"Cellular Respiration

Your task is to review the following:

1. Glycolysis (you DO remember Fructose...right?)

2. The Electron Transport Chain, and Mitochondria

3. ATP (adenosine triphosphate)--look up high energy bonds first.

4. Fatty Acid synthesis and the mechanism of storing fat in adipose tissue." DMG


Gratuitous statement of facts that have nothing to do with your ridiculous assertion that humans are obese "because they consume too much energy".

"You have to do your homework before you are taught, so don't come unprepared." DMG

**********FLUFF *********

"That means you, KAM--wake up boy, you still with me? I'm sure you recall that I'm not afraid to use paddles in my classroom, and won't hesitate to wear you out with one." DMG


"Now if you would kindly re-take your seat, class will begin shortly."DMG


Doc. Stop it.

I know you are trying to save face and all ... but let it go.

Just listen. Read. Learn.

You don't have to argue things you don't understand.

You DON'T UNDERSTAND why people are obese.

You DON'T UNDERSTAND why people get diabetes.

You DON'T UNDERSTAND what causes hypertension and heart disease.


So stop arguing with Hot Wax and follow his guidance.

If we are going to save any black lives we are going to need trained technicians like you to help spread the word on the healing wonders of Natural Food.

Cool bra?

Anonymous said...


There's nothing more to say to you. You are willfully, and happily an ignoramus. So I'll let you wallow in your stupidity.

You have crossed over permanently, and irretrievably into the realm of Thordaddy, and Wax.

I'd held out home for the last year that you were only joking in an attempt to frustrate me. Now I see that you ACTUALLY are just that stupid.

That is truly amazing to me.

Anonymous said...

Oh pleaase DV! If DMG and CNu stopped coming here, you would fall into a deep depression!