Sunday, August 08, 2010

Hot Wax 1 Plantation Negro Thought Police 0

"We can see this today with “mainstream” scientists. Think about global warming/cooling/climate change. We heard scientists saying that if we didn’t listen, we would be under 8 feet of ice in 15 years. After those 15 years, we found that we are now warming and the ocean will be up to our armpits in the next 15 years. Even when credible evidence shows that scientists faked data and that the Earth exhibits warming and cooling periods, these same scientists continue to push their “science” as “fact”…
As the author points out, “…thanks to Google, we can find ‘evidence’ in support of practically any belief.”-comedy gold


CNu said...

Fitting the predictions.....,

The weather-related cataclysms of July and August fit patterns predicted by climate scientists, the Geneva-based World Meteorological Organization says — although those scientists always shy from tying individual disasters directly to global warming.

The experts now see an urgent need for better ways to forecast extreme events like Russia's heat wave and wildfires and the record deluge devastating Pakistan. They'll discuss such tools in meetings this month and next in Europe and America, under United Nations, U.S. and British government sponsorship.

"There is no time to waste," because societies must be equipped to deal with global warming, says British government climatologist Peter Stott.

He said modelers of climate systems are "very keen" to develop supercomputer modeling that would enable more detailed linking of cause and effect as a warming world shifts jet streams and other atmospheric currents. Those changes can wreak weather havoc.

The U.N.'s network of climate scientists — the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) — has long predicted that rising global temperatures would produce more frequent and intense heat waves, and more intense rainfalls. In its latest assessment, in 2007, the Nobel Prize-winning panel went beyond that. It said these trends "have already been observed," in an increase in heat waves since 1950, for example.

Still, climatologists generally refrain from blaming warming for this drought or that flood, since so many other factors also affect the day's weather.

HotmfWax said...


Expose the liars.

When youI read the list of 1970 Earth Day predictions, you got to give it up Bra, sooner or later, lies implode and the liars must be held accountable.

“We have about five more years at the outside to do something”, said Kenneth Watt, an ecologist, when asked about global warming.

“Civilizations will end within 15 to 30 years unless immediate action is taken against problems facing mankind,” said George Wald, a Harvard biologist.

“We are in an environmental crisis which threatens the survival of this nation, and of the world as a suitable place of human habitation,” said Barry Commoner, a Washington University biologist.

“Population will inevitably and completely outstrip whatever small increases in food supplies we make. The death rate will increase until at least 100-200 million people per year will be starving to death during the next ten years,” predicted Paul Ehrlich, a Stanford University biologist and author, none of whose predictions ever came true.

It’s been 40 years since the first Earth Day.

This, of course, brings us to the greatest serial liar of our era, former vice president Al Gore, author of “Earth in the Balance”, the star of “An Inconvenient Truth”, Nobel Prize winner, Oscar winner, and surely worthy of being metaphorically hung by his heels for general repudiation, disdain, and ignominy.

Steve Milloy of and the GreenHellBlog, reported that Al Gore told a conference call of supporters that the battle to enact a Cap-and-Trade bill, imposing limits on so-called greenhouse gases, and creating “carbon credits” to be bought like medieval indulgences for the remission of sin, that “The federal government has failed us.”

No, what failed was the long, relentless and utterly mendacious campaign to convince people that global warming was an actual event and a genuine threat to the Earth. It never was because it was utter fiction. Well, the part about massive increases in the Earth’s overall temperature was. The Earth is 4.5 billion years old and has gone through a succession of ice ages and warming periods since it began.

To demonstrate how deranged Gore is, he actually blamed a “biased right-wing media…bolstered by professional deniers.”

There is The Wall Street Journal and Fox News whose reporting reflects a conservative philosophy and outlook, but the rest of the mainstream media has been so demonstrably left-wing there was little else available to the public until the advent of cable television and the Internet.

And they all lied about global warming.