Wednesday, September 08, 2010

The Global System of White Supremacy? Negro Please.


white guy said...

Is this supposed to be a white guy? 'Cause this is no white guy.

Anonymous said...

Like looking at one cell of your brain and based solely on the fact that the cell doesn't resemble a brain, proclaiming that there is no brain.

Also logically unsound because you wax poetic about the Global System of Black Supremacy in the face of obvious destitution in far too many Blacks. So we know it can't be about the individual situation of any particular member of the collective in question. Yes we know it, and yet we keep right on going there.

Joanna said...

I don't think you will find one person on earth who REALLY believes that whites are in any way superior when all evidence, in fact, points to the EXACT opposite conclusion. If you take into account ALL AREAS OF COMPARISON (moral, cultural, genetic, etc) the white race is NOT ANYWHERE near the top. The whole SYSTEM of white supremacy is based not on ACTUAL superiority but on WISHFUL thinking. As I said before and will say again, it is a Napoleonic complex on a global scale. Little man knows he's little so he tries to play like he is big. Plain and simple.

Illmath said...

I second that emotion (sic) Joanna

DV's Head said...

What's a brain?

Anonymous said...

Joanna appears to have a working brain, and a good grasp of the situation. Perhaps she can help you out with that one.

Denmark Vesey said...

"I don't think you will find one person on earth who REALLY believes that whites are in any way superior when all evidence, in fact, points to the EXACT opposite conclusion." Joanna

Oh come now Sista.

You know that is not true.

It sounds good.

It makes Brothers like Exodus and Makheru nod their heads in empty agreement.

But you know good and Gotdamn well, there are white people who feel whites are superior.

Just as there are black people who feel blacks are superior.

And they should feel that.

I don't trust white people not proud of white people.

I don't trust black people not proud of black people.

"Group" superiority is a coward's refuge regardless of the color.

At the end of the day ... there is no such group as "white people".

Just as there is no such group as "black people".

Attempting to ascribe characteristics of organization and intent to an abstraction as vague, conflated and distorted as "white people" ... is the domain of intellectual midgets.

Joanna said...

Honestly DV, in my opinion, the people most loudly proclaiming white "superiority" are the ones who are the most insecure about their own status. In order to feel better about themselves they have to proclaim this group identity that "elevates" them above others. Personally, I believe that COLLECTIVELY, whites are an inferior race. Does that mean that I think that I am PERSONALLY an inferior being? Nope, all it means is that moral, cultural and genetic inferiority is more widespread in people who share the same racial characteristics as me. Just my opinion. Feel free to castigate me for my opinion! :)

Thordaddy said...

Actually, what u have is called a sickness
Uve been rejected by "white man"
So now u relentless
Payin' lip service to ideologies
With manufactured contemptuousness
But in there lies an emptiness
An attempt to cry out for acceptance
WHO U EVER HEARD PROCLAIM "white supremacy"
'cept some "white" degenerates?
These same degenerates, by definition, know nothin' 'bout Supremacy
In your twisted world such notions
Evidence of inferiority
Yur lika a drug dealer,
Always pushin' "equality"
For dawgs like TD, means I gotta b lesser
For cats like Joanna
They get to be "better..."
Any fool can see this uh recipe for disaster...
When push comes to shove
Who u think z'goin Master?