Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Aint Heard Squat About Haiti Since Wyclef Wasn't Allowed On Ballot. Next Time DV Tells You Something ... Listen

Told ya'll unimaginative uncreative corporate conformist Negros this shit years ago. Wyclef Jean president of Haiti today ... S. Carter president of the United States tomorrow.
DMG said ...
Let's try something different, I mean I don't want to end this riveting conversation, but I'd like to know your thoughts.

Explain to me in detail why Wyclef Jean is a good choice for President of Haiti. You can save the swagger part.

Then, if you have the time, please entertain us with your reasons for endorsing Weezy F. Baby as President of these here United States.

Denmark Vesey said ...
OK. D.

I'll slow it down for you and your chubby side-kick CNu.

Haiti does not need an "Economist."

Haiti does not need a "Technician."

Haiti does not need an "Accountant."

Haiti does not need a "Bureaucrat."

Haiti does not need a puppet with a college degree and a suit to pretend to be President when the power that controls Haiti has nothing to do with the Presidency.

Banks control Haiti.

Haiti's struggle is not political.

Haiti's struggle is spiritual.

For Haiti 's struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

Haiti, as will the rest of the world, will be saved by a man able to galvanize human beings on a spiritual level. Wyclef Jean is an example of that kind of man in Haiti.

The value of his election would be purely symbolic.... Not unlike our last election.

Now DMG,
What's the difference between Barack Obama and Wyclef Jean?


KonWomyn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...


What's up. I've been thinking about this since yesterday when I heard he was thinking about running. I don't know what about him would make him a good President. Caring about the country isn't enough. Then again, is there anybody there motivated to take on the job for altruistic rather than self-serving reasons? What's Wyclef's motivation?

I like his music...is that enough? (Any smart opponent would latch on to his inability to manage his own charity and not let go...I suspect that's what will happen. I predict a dirty race).

By the way, London first two weeks of September (with some side trips to Italy and Sweden). Where's the place to be that time of year? I'll be there for business, but should have a couple of days to play.

KonWomyn said...

I take that back. I deleted my comment coz I felt bad, iCan't be dissin' the Wyclef when I grew up on the Fugees. Nevermind winning or losing, political cread or not, jst hope he does this right and offers Haiti sumthin +ve.

KonWomyn said...

Hadn't seen ur comment, I felt bad for dissing him - nostalgia got the better part of me!

I get what watchu mean abt caring not being enuff, its true but more than that is whether he'll be a US 'ally' or not? Whether he, or any other contender, plays ball with the US or not, Haiti loses in the end so is this even abt an election when foreign policy and trade are what determine the fate of the people?

London - well there's the London African Music Fest unfortunately there's no Vegan Festival this year, but there's plenty of stuff to do jst depends on whatchu like.

Anonymous said...

I don't think there's anything particularly wrong with being a U.S. ally. It's with whom in the U.S. he's aligned himself. They can't cut ties with the U.S. And this can't be some damn vanity project he does on the side in addition to his music career. Nor can it be him allowing U.S. entities to have free reign on the Island.

Haiti has already lost. It lost a long time ago. Ever look at the topography on Google maps? Sure they probably have some minerals to exploit, but I don't think much of that wealth would make it to the people no matter who is in charge. I think it needs someone who is a little Chavez without the showmanship mixed with the intellect and demeanor of Obama. Most of all Haiti needs someone honest and uncorruptable who would really go to bat for the poor in that country.

Thanks for the tips, I'll check it out.

Anonymous said...


I might hit you up when I get there. Do you check the email attached to your handle often?

Pink said...

I don't really know a ton about running a country, but am I the only one that thinks that caring just might be enough? The problems in Haiti have stemmed largely from selfish leaders who care more about lining their own pockets than about the people of Haiti and restoring the country to greatness. The best thing about Wyclef is that the brother LOVES being Haitian. Before Wyclef the kids in school would be teased for being from Haiti but Wyclef made that shit cool! At least everyone knows he's not running on a power trip or to rob the country of what little resources they have left. He genuinely cares and I hope he wins because that may be what that country needs.

Anonymous said...

No, Pink just caring about a place can lead you to make the wrong decisions. Hard decisions need to be made in the short term. He'll end up relying on alot of advisors just because he has no specific knowledge of law, economics, politics, energy, defense, public health etc. Of course a President doesn't need to know all of these, but at least SOME of these.

I don't know what you are talking about it wasn't cool to be Haitian before Wyclef...

CNu said...

Does it matter that he wants them
to change the law to allow him to run against sitting president Renee’ Preval in November?

Cause right now, Haitis’ constitution says all candidates must be;

1. Haitian by Citizenship

2. To have lived in the country for the previous Five Years to his candidacy.

Uhh Ruhhhh, was y'all (K-Dub/DMG) aware of these two seemingly crucial requirements?

What kind of gangsta hookup does supervening these requirements suggest in light of his hookup with Pierre Eric Jean-Jacques, former leader of the country’s Chamber of Deputies (the lower house of Haiti’s parliament), akin to former House majority leader Newt Gingrich, and the one-year-old coalition party Ensemble Nous Faut he now heads?

Anonymous said...

I, in fact am not familiar with the Haitian Constitution. Seems 'Clef has a problem. I'll have to read up on that. Thanks.

OK, let's say they change the Constitution (besides the dirty politics needed to do that BEFORE elections in a couple of months). What does he bring to the table? Celebrity?

CNu said...

Haven't Ronald Reagan and Sarah Palin shown that that's all anybody needs?

Isn't that the quintessential timber of Dr. Bacon-Bey's whole canon of belief and "instruction"?

KonWomyn said...

"I don't think there's anything particularly wrong with being a U.S. ally. It's with whom in the U.S. he's aligned himself."

No given the past, the U.S is no friend of Haiti and Obama being the militarist that he is will capitalize on the weakness of whoever comes to power to expand US 'interests'. Wyclef as I said y'day in all guilt, seems to be the perfect Tom cos his vision for rebuilding Haiti seems to be aid, more aid and more aid and a dash of foreign investment supposedly make for nationbuilding.

I read an article today about Wycelf's political connections and disconnectedness with real life Haiti. The writer's pro-Aristide no doubt, but makes some valid point about the Prez Cred of 'Clef, or lack thereof.

Yea you can hit me up on that email ad, I check it every couple of days.

KonWomyn said...


"1. Haitian by Citizenship

2. To have lived in the country for the previous Five Years to his candidacy."

Apparently he never renounced his Haitian citizenship, even though he's an American citizen. And he claims to have been bestowed the title Haitian Amabassador by the govt in '07 so that supposedly justifies his absence from the country.

CNu said...


And since Haiti clearly needs an enthusiastic front man and shill more than it needs a brilliant operational and infrastructural manager to get its act back together, then everythings bout to be strictly okey doke from here on out.....,

Anonymous said...

"No given the past, the U.S is no friend of Haiti and Obama being the militarist that he is will capitalize on the weakness of whoever comes to power to expand US 'interests"

Militarist?? Look I know you are from across the pond and all, and see things differently, but Obama is NOT a militarist. Expecting him to withdraw troops immediately is neither tactically or strategically sound. Sounds nice at a rally...but.

Yeah, yeah, great Satan United States, etc. You do realize historically we haven't done a fraction of the damage that y'all European types have done...

With whom should Haiti ally themselves? France? Cuba? Venezuela? Haiti is on her own...broke, and adrift, after a massive earthquake. What choice does she have?

Anonymous said...

"I don't think there's anything particularly wrong with being a U.S. ally."-Mary Poppins DMG

"What choice does she have?"-La Costra Nostra DMG


Anonymous said...

“The majority of the people working for those organizations are not economic hit men. They are technicians, they’re engineers. They’re doing what they believe is their job of designing systems but there’s always somebody at the top, there’s somebody in that organization that has a complete understanding of what’s going on. Most of these people are in the dark about this and they shouldn’t be in the dark about it. It should be pretty obvious what they’re doing as it should be obvious to all of us in this country where are tax dollars are going. It isn’t that obvious. The system is amazingly subtle and an incredibly effective system.”- John Perkins

Anonymous said...

Gee Chee,

What is with you and Wax and the hour long videos? Look man, I know you don't have anything of value to add to this discussion. I'm not interested in some dude who put up a YouTube video. I'm interested in what YOU have to say.

What do you think Haiti should do? Elect Wyclef, and let him sing his way around the country side? That doesn't fill bellies.

Anonymous said...

"malthusian technocratic misanthropic nerds who aint get no pussy in high school pretending they know how to run the world today"

And this is your contribution to the discussion? Mindblowing.

Denmark Vesey said...

"And this is your contribution to the discussion? Mindblowing." DMG

... yup. It is Jigaboo.

It is.

Anonymous said...

It's too easy when you essentially hold up a sign that proclaims your foolishness.

From the man who probably actually believes his favorite rapper would make a good President of the United States...you truly are special.

Denmark Vesey said...

"From the man who probably actually believes his favorite rapper would make a good President of the United States...you truly are special."

Actually, Jiggaboo

I'm more than special.

I'm the blackest man on the internet.

And you are just an unimaginative, uncreative petit bourgois peasant who mistakes his Plantation License to practice medicine with genuine education.

Come on the blog, calling people names, throwing insults. Little corny ass ad hominems.

But I can see through that shit Jigaboo.

And you know I do.

Intellectually, you are the least developed cat in the spot.

That's why you always here picking little playfights.

Bully style.

Trying to prove to yourself it's not true.

But you know it is. And you know I peep it.

"who probably actually believes his favorite rapper would make a good President of the United States" DMG

If you were better educated .. or at least more courageous ... you would understand that the current president of the United States ... is already a rapper.

Sean Carter has Jay-Z.

Barry Sotero has Barack Obama.

I said I was amazing
Not that I’m a Mason
It’s amazing that I made it though the maze that I was in
Lord forgive me I never would’ve made it without sin" Jay-Z

Anonymous said...

"I'm more than special."

You sure are...

"I'm the blackest man on the internet."

I suppose it can't be considered a lie as long as you truly believe it...or something like that.

Let's try something different, I mean I don't want to end this riveting conversation, but I'd like to know your thoughts.

Explain to me in detail why Wyclef Jean is a good choice for President of Haiti. You can save the swagger part.

Then, if you have the time, please entertain us with your reasons for endorsing Weezy F. Baby as President of these here United States.

Oh, by the way (unless you deleted the logs) I've consistently whooped your monkey-ass for all to see on multiple occasions. And that nonsense about insults? I know you aren't attempting to tell your audience that you do not, and have never called anyone out of his/her name on this spot? I need only scroll up...so please save that shit for someone who actually gives a fuck what you say. Thanks.

Denmark Vesey said...

"Explain to me in detail why Wyclef Jean is a good choice for President of Haiti. You can save the swagger part."

If not him.

Who __________________ ?

Anonymous said...

Short on details, I see.

I hear his Uncle is making a run for President.

Match them up side by side. Ideology aside (and we don't really know Clef's). Who is better equipped to resuscitate a failed nation?

Even you have to realize that if Wyclef were President somebody else would be pulling his strings. I don't believe he is equipped to run a nation. I suppose he could run, and win on the popular vote, and appoint his uncle as Prime Minister...

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Viktorasaurus said...

Sweet, maybe he can become the next Mugabe/Obama!

wildassbuckfro said...

Yup, instead of public debates, they should just have emcee battles from now on.

Hey, maybe Eminem can become the next POTUS too!

Anonymous said...


Why don't you take all that "Haiti's problems are spiritual" nonsense down to Cite Soleil when folks are lining up to get the best dirt cakes, and see what they have to say? Spirits don't fill bellies, or put a roof over your babies heads, or fix a failed Nation.

Yes, Haiti needs an economist, and honest judges, and PLENTY more people educated in things like sustainable soil management, since Haiti has been for the most part deforested. Haiti needs people who actually know what they are doing to get the population to work, and not just the perpetually low paying jobs that the dark skin uneducated folks get to do. Haiti needs laws that prevent the wholesale robbery that occurs when folks show up to their government jobs once a month to collect a check for work not done. Haiti needs to deal with a national military and police force who are nothing more than attack dogs for the financial elite, keeping the populous uneducated and submissive.

Should I continue?

Anonymous said...

The difference between Wyclef Jean and Barack Obama?

1. Obama actually has the intellectual capacity to understand the details of the problems facing this country.

2. Obama has a plan and can articulate it.

3. Obama knows how to manage people.

I like Wyclef. I really do, I'm a fan of his music. I think he could go into politics (and should) and move people. That's not the problem. You don't get into the ring with the Heavyweight champion before you've had your first boxing lesson just because you have heart.

If he's elected he'll need to get a graduate level understanding of political science, economics, public health, law, agriculture, and finance in 3 months without ever having the basic foundation...or just be a figure head.

And what's the point of being a puppet?

Denmark Vesey said...

Yes, Haiti needs an economist, and honest judges, and PLENTY more people educated in things like

1) sustainable soil management, since Haiti has been for the most part deforested.

2) Haiti needs people who actually know what they are doing to get the population to work, and

3) not just the perpetually low paying jobs that the dark skin uneducated folks get to do.

4) Haiti needs laws that prevent the wholesale robbery that occurs when folks show up to their government jobs once a month to collect a check for work not done.

5) Haiti needs to deal with a national military and police force who are nothing more than attack dogs for the financial elite, keeping the populous uneducated and submissive.


The United States of America hasn't accomplished those things Jibaboo.

Under the current globalist paradigm, how in the hell do you expect Haiti to do it?


Oh my God ...

This is a funny dude.


"the financial elite, keeping the populous uneducated and submissive."






The hypocrisy is "mind blowing".

What's next?

The people of Haiti need to learn to balance their budget?

They need to learn to learn to live within their means and to avoid sub prime loans?

The people of Haiti need to learn not to go bankrupt fighting foreign wars they can't afford on credit?

The people of Haiti need to exercise more and eat a high fiber diet?

"keeping the populous uneducated and submissive. " DMG


News for you.


Anonymous said...

Sometimes I think you put on an act, other times I think you are as fucking stupid as Wax. Other times I think you are just dumb, and don't realize it.

What does the United States accomplishing or not accomplishing those things have to do with the conversation?

Nothing. Haiti's needs aren't based on U.S. milestones.

News for you....no I take that back. It's not news that you are a moron. Been saying it for a year. Nothing in you post makes any sense. You are incapable of having a serious conversation. You try to act like the cat with all the answers, but when challenged you always come up short...seems like a pattern.

You are all talk...and that's not even illuminating.

All of your posts are the same. I'm starting to wonder if you are really just some kid with a random word generator.

Denmark Vesey said...


Stop it.

Every time you get stuck, you pretend to be "above it all".

It's embarrassing.

Stop it.

If you don't get it. Man up and admit it.

Suggesting Haiti "needs to deal with it's problems" is like suggesting 3rd class passengers below deck on the Titanic ... need to deal with their problems by getting their cabins in order.


The whole fucking Titanic is sinking.

The only difference between Detroit and Haiti is the weather and about 36 months worth of time.

What does the US have to do with it?

It puts your middle school level simple-minded solutions in context.


eMail CNu.

Get some help.

I'm sure he'll pop up in a minute suggesting the solution to Haiti's problems is more abortion.

And free pork.

Anonymous said...


I'm only still here, because I'm waiting for you to rhyme like you usually do when you have nothing to say.

The only thing embarrassing is watching a grown man, on his OWN blog write like a 5th grade educated street hustler using the same old corny tactics you've been using the last year. When are you going to realize that shit is played out and doesn't work without a crowd of sycophants at your disposal to call and respond on cue?

Just you and me here. If you are too weak to engage in an actual debate where real live human brain cells need to be accessed...then just say so.

You know if you actually put you feeble mind to it, I'll be you can squeeze out something serious about the subject, or do you just want to trade insults all night?

Denmark Vesey said...




You and CNu my only "sychophants".

Neither one of you cats can claw yourselves away from my Johnson for more than 5 minutes at a time.

But accusing others of something that obviously applies to you is cute. Nice try.

You like the little third grade girls who hit brothers and run.

No homo.

When I get bored I toy with you from time to time, but you know this is school.

Consider my taking the time to explain to you that Barack Obama is just as much an entertainer as is Wyclef or Jay-Z ... my contribution to underprivileged Plantation Negros.

My way of ... "giving back".

I'm going to have to start charging ungrateful Jigaboos like you for all this enlightenment.

That's the only way you will appreciate it.

Make you get a loan before you are allowed to enroll at DV.Net


"keeping the populous uneducated and submissive. " DMG


News for you.


Anonymous said...


News for you.


dv that is so cold but so true. are you Americans really any better off than Haitians? Materially, for now yes, but other than that you are in the same boat. like you said that boat is the titanic.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

"...Barack Obama is just as much an entertainer as is Wyclef or Jay-Z"-DV

If I could offer you a handkerchief and pulpit flanked by deacons I would.

I'm trying to process this. Are you saying:

-Ronald Reagan
-The Governator

Not so much their Hollywood origins but what they can do that a Noam Chomsky etc can't do? That it's not about reaching intellect as much as activating our triggers in this "extraordinarily complicated stimulus environment?"

Anonymous said...

The idea DMG was to introduce John Perkins to the blogging audience. My expectations didn't include you sitting still for someone to inflame your patriotic spirit. Contrary to what you believe, it's not my intention to tinker with your military programing.

Confessions of an Economic Hitman

Anonymous said...


You don't have the intellect to toy with anyone. You are truly who you say you are: nothing but swagger--an empty suit who says he's this or that, but never, ever seems to be able to back up ANY of his assertions.

You may fool the anonymous henchmen who are happy to yell insults from the crowd, but you don't fool me, or anyone else.

Why do you continue with the same, played out antics, time and time again?

Please, anyone with the patience can go back and see...right here on YOUR blog, that you've been cornered multiple times and dodged every challenge. It's no mystery. I know who you are. Every neighborhood had one of you. All woof and shine, with the depth of spittle on the sidewalk in the summer.

There's nothing to you.