Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Blackest Water On The Planet

O. Mahogany said...

This is beautiful DV! You're so surprising sometimes. ;)

I love the metaphysical, astrological etc.

Makes sense that anything flowing through us, anything we require for life, would carry our traits.

Made me think about when my dad told me he played classical music through headphones slid on my mom's belly while pregnant with me.

9 years later my grandmother paid for conservatory classes unbeknownst to him. I cant help but think it was something in the amniotic fluid.....good music makes me so happy.


HotmfWax said...


You really thing the peeps are ready for meta physics. I notice that you have been droppin some hints.

Hydrogen the only element?

Dr. Emoto?


Come on DV.


Down the Rabbit Hole DV..

Spoon Feed them.:)


Denmark Vesey said...

LOL! Bra Wax.

Maaaaaaan. You too much for cats Bra.

I thought I was bad.

But you bust a Plantation Negro in the head.

Rub his face in his own complicity.

Seven Half Store said...

This is beautiful DV! You're so surprising sometimes. ;)

I love the metaphysical, astrological etc.

Makes sense that anything flowing through us, anything we require for life, would carry our traits.

Made me think about when my dad told me he played classical music through headphones slid on my mom's belly while pregnant with me.
9 years later my grandmother paid for conservatory classes unbeknownst to him. I cant help but think it was something in the amniotic fluid.....good music makes me so happy.

Anonymous said...

I saw that documentary a few months ago.

It is really mind-blowing!

It is is incredible how science is now proving what an ancient book always said.

So, all it is proving is that 'someone' was right.

It is crazy how water can react to everything.

Well, 'cause like everything else is energy.

It is a living thing.

Shi.. The world is a cell.

HotmfWax said...


"It is a living thing.

Shi.. The world is a cell."-ces

On point Bra. The Macro is the micro. :)

Technoes, stole Mandelbrot Set from our people long ago but now trying to pass it off as something new.

Since its discovery a quarter of a century ago, the Mandelbrot Set has become a universal icon for the doctrine of chaos--the emerging scientific idea that simple processes can result in infinite complexity.

This explains the concept "order out of chaos" and what infinity and our universe is about.

The earth is just another cell of another cell of another cell of another cell.......of forever.

Check out the technoes, breaking it down:


Constructive Feedback said...

Pretty deep stuff DV.

I believe that the people of New Orleans could benefit from obtaining a higher level of consciousness about the power of this substance that surrounds them and threatens to kill them all, for no other reason than this powerful substance seeks to reclaim that hollowed out bowl that sits below sea level. The man-made water control systems are no match to its power.