Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Blackest Bull On The Planet

Didn't ... I ... Tell .... You ... Muh ... fug ... gus ... To ... Stop ... Fugg... gin ... Wit Me ... Hm?! ... Didn't ... I ... Ughhh ... Take ... That ... Bitch ... Ass ... Ham .. Bur ... Ger ... Eatin' Run Muh... fuh gus Runnn!!


Dr. Love said...

At least something"black" is fighting back! Ole! Ole!

Anonymous said...

Its all fun and games until somebody gets the horns put to dat azz.


Anonymous said...

An inspired Michael Vic writes into CNN as Anonymous07 (starting off): "Riddle me this beeiotch...!!!"

Joanna said...

I can't help seeing this video in the context of the symbolism of bullfighting as put forth in The Isis Papers.....

Denmark Vesey said...

Michael Vick ....

How apropos.

What's up Joanna?!

The Isis Papers?

I'm not hip.

How does that play?

Joanna said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Joanna said...

DV- do you mean you don't see a parallel or that you are not familiar with Dr. Frances Cress Welsings analysis of the symbolism of bullfighting?

From my understanding: Basically she talks about a white man (the bullfighter) trying to subdue and kill a Black bull in order to symbolically eliminate the threat of white genetic annihilation posed by Black male virility. So, I cannot help but carry the theory further and see the bull charging the spectators as a symbolic challenge to white supremacy.

Then again, maybe I am reading too much into things, or misunderstanding her theory!

Denmark Vesey said...

Hey Joanna.

That's good stuff.

Nah. Not familiar with Cres Welsings.

The history of the Moors in Spain would certainly support the symbolism of that meme.

Whachu Think? Is that what you see?

Are you aware of any effort or desire to symbolically eliminate the threat of white genetic annihilation?

Joanna said...

I agree with Dr. Cress Welsing that the whole system of "white supremacy" is actually a response by white people to the knowledge that they are genetically inferior, and the majority of actions taken to "prove" that whites are "superior" are responses to that knowledge.

If white folks really believed in our own superiority, they would not have to resort to war, imperialism, slavery, WMD, etc to assert their supposed "dominance". It is the Napoleonic complex on a global scale.

Denmark Vesey said...

That's interesting Joanna.

And what you say certainly correlates with what the proponents of the Global System of White Supremacy meme have stated on this blog for years:

"White people fear genetic annihilation and therefor resort to war, imperialism, slavery etc."

But it doesn't add up to me Joanna.

That meme strikes me as mere talk.

Not reality.

For example:

You consider yourself a white person.

1) Do you fear genetic annihilation?
2) Have you ever resorted to war, imperialism, slavery, WMD.
3) Have you considered the reality that non-whites have resorted to war, created empires and practiced slavery?

Personally I believe Imperialists practice imperialism. Warlike people wage war. Slavers enslave. Dominators dominate.

Ascribing "white" to these activities is a Hegelian Head Fake designed to confuse the victims of war, imperialism and slavery by making them focus on defending themselves from the myth of "organized white people" instead of defending themselves from the reality of "organized imperialists, slavers and wagers of war".

Joanna said...

Frankly DV, I do not worry about genetic annihilation because I do not invest myself in the future of my "race". If I were the last white person left on the face of the Earth, I would not care. I would say if the ENTIRE white race died off I would not care, but frankly, my sense of self preservation keeps me from making that statement. I am not invested in my "whiteness", I simply refer to myself as "white" because that is how the world sees me, and because I have benefited over the years from the misdeeds of the white collective, whether directly or more subtly.

Although I myself have not resorted to war, imperialism, slavery, etc, the white collective HAS. Violence and aggression has increased in the world as "Western" (white) influence has spread. Most non-European cultures DID NOT resort to the levels of violence and aggression we see today UNTIL the influence of "Westerners" expanded.

There has been no "race" of people that has shown as much aggression and sadism as the "white" race. The spread of violence in non-white cultures has largely been an effect of the spread of "Western" ideals.

Thordaddy said...


Because you deny the existence of Supremacy and like a good conformist conflate "white" Supremacy with evil, your mode of thinking is actually the thinking of all those that simpy see themselves as you see yourself, not white.


It is the radical atheist that is most concerned with "genetics" for he desires the knowledge to rid Man of any notion of Supremacy. But it is futile... For those who understand that ALL are free to experience God-ordained free will, it is instantly self-evident that "genetics" ARE A LIMITATION ON OUR MOVEMENT in this life.

No real white man is concerned over genetics... He is concerned over the denial of his God-ordained free will which ABSOLUTELY abhors a collectively coercive effort to "equalize" all.

As a self-described self-annihilator, why should anything you say be taken serious? You're an anti-Supremacist and indifferent to the annihilation of those who "share" your "genetics."

Joanna said...

When did I say I was a "self annihilator"??? I said I am not invested in the future of the "race" I belong to. I said that if I were the LAST white person on Earth, I would have no problem with that. I THEN said that my sense of SELF PRESERVATION keeps me from saying that I would not care if ALL white people were gone... so how does that amount to SELF annihilation?

And frankly, Thor, I do not believe that all people are "equal". White people over the years have proved themselves to be the "inferior" race, genetically,morally and culturally.

HotmfWax said...


Violence and aggression has increased in the world as "Western" (white) influence has spread.-joanne.

If you are into any afrocentric "metaphysics" you probably have heard of Dr. Phil Valentine. He does not like to use the term Western (see at 2:02) man

and uses the term Nordic to describe the white man. Said that the Nordic man killed off the "western men." He also actually quoted every thing you said in your statement Joanne, i.e.-"resorted to war, imperialism, violence, slavery, etc" in describing the caucasoid or recessive ("zit of the planet") white man.

It is interesting that Thor and yourself ( who are both white) are discussing a subject that Brothers who are into the afrocentric metaphysics sometimes feel a little uncomfortable discussing. Therefore( since I think that the door is open and I am a big fan of some of Valentine's metaphysics), What is your opinion of some of his belief that Whites are genetical different in makeup(whites were grafted or hybrids species that will eventually burn themselves out(recessive), etc., etc. ) from "melaninated" beings and that is the reason for their evil?

It might be off in the deep end of the pool..... however I spend a lot of time researching Valentine's world and somehow "this subject(are whites dammed?)" is the unspoken and no one wants to have the conversation head on.

You are starting to go there :) , so I might as well ask you for more.

Thor, I would really like your opinion on how you feel about someone like Valentine also.


Joanna said...

HotmfWax- I have not as of yet familiarized myself with his work. However, I will do some research and get back to you on that. It is only in the past few months, under the tutelage of a close friend that I have moved from reading the likes of Cornel West and Randall Robinson to the works of Afrocentric scholars. The next book I will be reading is "Yurugu" by Marimba Ani. But the more reading I do, the more I am starting to comprehend things that I could not fathom (regarding the behavior of the white race)

makheru bradley said...

I agree with Dr. Cress Welsing that the whole system of "white supremacy" is actually a response by white people to the knowledge that they are genetically inferior.” -- Joanna

Using the term “genetically inferior” outside of the context of the Cress Theory is problematic.

[I reasoned that in the majority of instances any neurotic drive for superiority and supremacy is usually founded upon a deep and pervading sense of inadequacy and inferiority. Is it not true that the white people represent in numerical terms a very small minority of the world’s people? And more profoundly, is not white itself or the quality of “whiteness” indeed not a color but, more correctly, the very absence of the ability to produce color? The quality of whiteness is indeed a genetic inadequacy or a relative genetic deficiency state or disease based upon the genetic inability to produce the skin pigments of melanin which are responsible for all skin coloration. The massive majority of the world’s people are not so afflicted, suggesting that the state of color is the norm for human beings and that the state of color absence is abnormal.

The Theory of Color-Confrontation states that the white or color deficient Europeans responded psychologically with a profound sense of numerical inadequacy and color inferiority upon their confrontations with the massive majority of the world’s people…

The sense of numerical inadequacy and genetic color inferiority led to a number of interesting, although devastating to all “non-white” peoples, psychological defensive maneuvers or defensive mechanism.] – Dr. Frances Cress Welsing

I would say that the White Supremacy Dynamic while still employing such psychological defense mechanisms as repression, reaction formation, and projection, has now moved to increase their numbers by redefining some groups of people as “white,” and more importantly by using “colored” proxies to help maintain their hegemony.

Joanna said...

mekheru- I was thinking about that the other day... how what was once defined as an "other" by white folks have now been adopted as "white" simply because white people NEED to expand their membership ANY WAY THEY CAN because of diminishing levels of fertility. And the groups that were more recently accepted as "white" are among the most racist, in order to "prove" their "whiteness" and gain acceptance.

Thordaddy said...

Hot wax, Hot wax...
U know I ain't got my "whiteness"
Out da box uh cracka-jacks...
I was defined uh "whitey"
By doze racial cats!!!
These black cats got radical autonomy
See TD n suddenly got none of that!!!
They genetically determined,
Mize-well say uze slow n fat
A dude who strive for Supremacy
Is a dude who's brain is whack???
Nah nah, Mak on crack
That's some diabolical reverse psychology
Usually come wiff sum melanin, that's just uh fact
This white boy believe in God-ordained free will
Try n stop me, thatza vicious attack
Try'n "equalize" me
Getjew uh knife n da back,
Ain't no genetics explain that!!!
Ain't no genetics superior 
To any moral act...
I ain't followin' no "whiteys"
I lead'm or they fall back tuh da black...
Fade out lika genetic dead end
N give da blacks uh reason t'relax
No more need to think Supremacy
Pink toe get the tag n nigel kicks back...
Nigel lie himself tuh sleep
Think he winnin' thru some frontal attack
But he ain't winnin' nothin'
"Whitey" just "hell bent" on punchin' da clock
Nigel justa facilitator
He the watchman, makin' sho' the clock go tick-tock
But don't trip, homey still got the 9 glock
He still ready tuh mob n thro big rocks
Use bricks tuh smash heads
A gang of vultures come n big flocks
Smell "whitey's" corpse
But "whitey" dead because of "whitey's" fault
Therein lies the fault
"Whitey" can't die 
Via the external assault
That's called "white supremacy"
By the haters, enthralled!!!
Know this workhorse ain't stoppin'
'Till he decidin' tuh stall
But that's not all,
If he believes n God-ordained free will
There's the rise after the fall,
There's the grace after the wall
Those who strive for Supremacy
They seek to have it all,
Those who strive for "equality"
Tryin' tuh make TD small...

That's evil, dawg...

RBGAnonymous...yes that's me said...

i call this clip, Revenge of The Moor.

Mainkaracter said...

Your right Joanna if your not then put a snow white bull in that ring and see how people react... It's clear....