When did he leave?
Hot Wax said ...
Right before your eyes. The Mound builders in Louisiana Washita is older and more developed than places in Africa.
The Olmecs and Washitaw, Black Californians (Khali/Kali/California), Jamassee, Califunami and other pre-columbian Blacks of the Americas were part of a prehistoric trade network that began in Antiquity when the landmass was One more than 100's of millions of years ago.
Nice picture. Black people are from Africa and they populated the whole earth and birthed many nations. The diversity of the human race is quite incredible.
"Black people are from Africa" KW
Um. Not really.
Black people were here before there was an Africa
Really. So where did humanity originate from DV?
LOL. Aight, Blackest One.
Speaking of Baltimore, you should checkout this guy if y'already haven't.
Kaaay Dub!
Dude is funny. lol. Got style.
Where you find him?
Yea he really cracked me up, one of my girls sent me the link.
He has quite a few videos in the sidebar. It's a good concept if y'ever thought of a vlog on the Plantation N£&^o.
It doesn't really matter...the plantation niggah is not spiritually connected to anything but his master...and the sweet land of poverty..land where my father got his ass kicked daily...and mothers got raped right in front of their familys' faces...of thee I sing... Check out James Rogers Sex and Race Vols. 1-6.... all these mugfudgers came from the black gene...Whether we call it Africa..Enia Dudu(Land of the Blacks) this particular continent continues to mystify humanity wih its diversity, its rhythm cannot be matched anywhere on the planet! Stay BLACK my niggah!
LOL—the Polygenetic Theory of Evolution lives at DV.Net. Somewhere in the deep recesses of His Majesty’s mind, images of “Piltdown Man” must drive such deliriums.
My dear KW, you must know that the Bacon-Bey family has been eating crab cakes in the Chesapeake area since the break-up of Pangaea.
Although modern science is totally baffled by how this happened, the Bacon-Bey family apparently evolved from whatever predated Australopithecus straight to Homo sapiens sapiens, with no evidence of Homo habilis or Homo erectus. Quite amazing, wouldn’t you say.
That's cute Mak.
You Plantation Negro Haters are finally getting a bit more creative.
But as much as you Bone-In-The-Nose "Community Organizing" Negros claim to fight the Plantation ... at the end of the day you accept every version of history they've ever spoon fed your monkey asses.
What makes you think ALL Black People come from a body of land that is today called "Africa"?
"Massssa Sed So!"
Is not an acceptable answer.
lol...DV I love you....lol
Ahhhh ... Conservative Black Womaaaan!!
Sista, I love you too.
We Black folks gotta stick together.
Because these square ass Plantation Negro ... eat-any-got-damn-thing ... professional victims ... Wanna Be slaves ... are trying to hiJack the legacy.
Even these Negros, who like to think of themselves as "militant" and anti-establishment ... do nothing but regurgitate Plantation narratives that perpetuate their subservient status.
Well, Im black, and I'm from Africa, not because massa said so, but because I know the village I am from,which is where my grandmother is and where her grandmother and father are from.
Well, Im black, and I'm from Africa, not because massa said so, but because I know the village I am from,which is where my grandmother is and where her grandmother and father are from." Anonymous
True Sista.
Very true.
But please consider, that there are black people from the Eastern Shore of Maryland, which is where their grandmother is from and where her grandmother is from.
To say ALL black people are "FROM" Africa is illogical.
It is not a knock against Africa.
It is a celebration of our aboriginal status as the first humans on Earth.
We were truly all over the Earth.
Limiting us to Africa is an Hegelian head fake.
"To say ALL black people are "FROM" Africa is illogical"
Perhaps you should define "black" people.
Then define "from"
All human beings are descendants of peoples who migrated from the continent we now know as "Africa".
"All human beings are descendants of peoples who migrated from the continent we now know as "Africa"." DMG
You say that with such certainty.
How do you know?
'To say ALL black people are "FROM" Africa is illogical.'
Which is it: you got a 1000 year Malian bloodline like you once said.
OR is Makheru's right abt your Chesepeake crab cake eating ancestors? LOL, that was funny MB.
The evidence points in this direction, including genetic markers that are only passed from mother to daughter and those from father to son.
And the fact that someone from Fiji can procreate with someone from Finland...means we are all from the same species. If there were multiple places where evolution into the human species, it's unlikely we'd be able to "interbreed".
...um, ain't you a bit high yella, and straight haired to have a Malian bloodline?
uh.., that'd be Mrs. Bacon-Bey Doc.
Bacon-Bey his-self looks like a so-Malian cab driver in Paul Smiff shoes....,
High yella?
Straight hair?
Come on Jigaboo.
You projecting again.
I'm the complexion your wife wishes you were and got the wig you married a white woman to get.
CNu ... you pork eatin' Negros don't really even have complexions.
If you do, it's called 'yuck'.
Relax negro, can't take a little jab and your nonsense? As far as wigs, I kind of dig my nappy hair, which are apparently so strong, my boy's got the same type.
But you aren't suggesting you have that so-called "good" complexion and hair are you? I mean, that would kind of throw a wrench in your whole "1000 Year bloodline", now wouldn't it?
So which is it?
THIS man is from Mali.
"... you pork eatin' Negros don't really even have complexions.
If you do, it's called 'yuck'."
Call and response of the self-hating...
"But you aren't suggesting you have that so-called "good" complexion and hair are you?" DMG
Negro I will spell it out for you.
What's so "taboo" about saying that?
Do you have "good" hair?
That's what I'm saying about you Plantation Negros.
Massa done got into your head so bad ... you think "Good" hair can't be Black hair.
What kind of handkerchief head negro shit is that?
Here go Bacon-Bey striking a pose with Paul Smiff his'self.....,
Moorish science in full muhphuggin!!
Accept no substitutes...,
Blog where that picture from is all about Bacongo bidnis, African Dandies and assorted Moorish kerfluffery.
Evidently Paul Smiff been turning out silly jiggaboos for a minute..,
Remember this Darwinian moment next time Bacon-Bey invites you hoes to go on another Paul Smiff dick-ride!!!!
There is no subduction. Pangea was a hoax. One big land mass. Africa is not special!!!!
Land masses were all connected.
Everyone was blue black. :)
Whites were secondary......
We have always run the Planet. -Chuck D
The name "Caucasian" and or "Caucasoid" race simply arose a little more than a century ago from a possible assumption that the cradle of "blond Europeans" was in the Caucasus.
The Caucasoid/West Eurasian "race", is a relative new genetic isolate , formed from a variety of populations that found themselves in the same Northern Eurasian area during the Upper Paleolithic Age. Here they mixed thoroughly, and populated Northern Europe when the Ice sheets melted.
That gene pool was relatively isolated and homogenous since that time, and apart from a North to South cline, doesn't show much genetic diversity.
The Inquisitions were about killing of the spiritual (pagan) blacks(moors) and wiping them out of Europe once this small group (nordic) came into place.
Come on Peeps.
Right before your eyes. The Mound builders in Louisiana Washita is older and more developed than places in Africa.
The Olmecs and Washitaw, Black Californians (Khali/Kali/California), Jamassee, Califunami and other pre-columbian Blacks of the Americas were part of a prehistoric trade network that began in Antiquity when the landmass was One more than 100's of millions of years ago.
Read the Book "The Rise and Fall of the Caucasian Race"
The term "Caucasian" is a curious invention of the modern age. Originating in 1795, the word identifies both the peoples of the Caucasus Mountains region as well as those thought to be "Caucasian".
The history of the term and the category of the "Caucasian race" has been authoritatively invented, embraced, displaced, and recovered throughout our history.
"In charting the course of the 'Caucasian race' from a despised, barely European peoples to a scientific classification for white identity, the author illuminates the socially constructed nature of the race and the role of science in shaping it.
His analysis of the changing fortunes of this curious concept demonstrates that even scientific inquiry is deeply influenced by the social and political assumptions of its time.
By showing that the Caucasian race is a product of power rather than a racial group descended from the Caucasus region, The Rise and Fall of the Caucasian Race makes an important contribution to the study of race and whiteness."
"Caucasoid race" is a term formerly used in physical anthropology to refer to people of a certain range of anthropometric measurements.[9] Conceived as one of the "great races", alongside Mongoloid and Negroid, it was taken to consist of a number of "subraces". The Caucasoid peoples were usually divided in three groups on linguistic grounds, termed Aryan (Indo-European), Semitic (Semitic languages) and Hamitic (Berber-Cushitic-Egyptian).
The postulated subraces vary depending on the author, including but not limited to Nordic, Mediterranean, Alpine, Dinaric, East Baltic, Arabid, Turanid, Iranid and Armenoid subraces.
Lemie seeee.......
Negroid master races........MMMMMM..... needed to combine some "subraces" to match and compete.........
DMG, of course you know that His Majesty Dr. Bacon-Bey knows absolutely nothing about “Mitochondrial Eve,” who more appropriately should be named “Mitochondrial Makeda.”
Right before your eyes. The Mound builders in Louisiana Washita is older and more developed than places in Africa.—Melted Wax
It is incredible that such ignorance can exist in the 21st Century. Wax please identify anything in the so-called Americas older than and comparable to Her-em-akhet. While you’re at it identify anything in the Americas older than and comparable to the Ishango bone, or the Mathematical Papyrus of Ahmes for that matter.
That idiot, known as Wax is quite talented. This man actually out does himself on a daily basis, with a more grandiose and outlandish "theory" every time he places his fingertips on his computer keyboard.
DV is so on time when he hit you about your pro black stance that have to be blessed by your Judeo-Christian masters.
Time Dimensions in your mind are corrupted Bra.
Based on the Vedic scriptures: ** the human race is much older than now generally accepted, and various humanlike beings coexisted for long periods in the past.
"If the hypotheses brought forward in The Hidden History of the Human Race are correct, that humans are far older than commonly believed, and that humanlike beings coexisted for long periods of time, then who were Homo Australopithecus, habilis, and Homo erectus? Some scientists have already acknowledged that we really do not know where Homo sapiens came from. Could all these early hominids be the mixed forms between humans and apelike beings as described in theosophical literature? Perhaps the search for the first apeman who stood up and behaved like a human is irrelevant. Could it be that man is his own ancestor? **
The time concept of modern archeology, and modern anthropology in general, resembles the general cosmological-historical time concept of Europe's Judeo-Christian culture. Differing from the cyclical cosmological-historical time concepts of the early Greeks in Europe, and the Indians and others in Asia, the Judeo-Christian cosmological-historical time concept is linear and progressive. Modern archeology also shares with Judeo-Christian theology the idea that humans appear after the other major species. The author subjectively positions himself within the Vaishnava Hindu world view, and from this perspective offers a radical critique of modern generalizations about human origins and antiquity. Hindu historical literatures, particularly the Puranas and Itihasas, place human existence in the context of repeating time cycles called yugas and kalpas, lasting hundreds of millions of years. During this entire time, according to the Puranic accounts, humans coexisted with creatures in some ways resembling the earlier tool making hominids of modern evolutionary accounts. If one were to take the Puranic record as objectively true, and also take into account the generally admitted imperfection and complexity of the archeological and anthropological record, one could make the following prediction. The strata of the earth, extending back hundreds of millions of years, should yield a bewildering mixture of hominid bones, some anatomically modern human and some not, as well as a similarly bewildering variety of artifacts, some displaying a high level of artistry and others not. Given the linear progressivist preconceptions of generations of archeologists and anthropologists, one could also predict that this mixture of bones and artifacts would be edited to conform to their deeply rooted linear-progressive time concepts. A careful study of the archeological record, and the history of archeology itself, broadly confirms these two predictions. Linear-progressivist time concepts thus pose a substantial barrier to truly objective evaluation of the archeological record and to rational theory- building in the area of human origins and antiquity. "-
Cremo, Michael A. (1994) "Puranic Time and the Archeological Record." World Archaeological Congress 3, New Delhi, India
You only repeat what your Judeo-Christian handlers tell you is the truth.
One land Mass Bra.
Then it expanded.
If you embrace the expanding earth theory for example then and only then can you truly talk about dinosaurs. With Pangea and the same size earth and gravity of today , they would die from the crushing pain of their bodyweight in an instant. Any real "man of science" would go ..mmmmm, However, you guys resort to name calling and insults.
Very Mature.
If all you learned was that man was 'created" in Africa and this concept screws up your locked in mind, I can do nothing for you man.:)
This man actually out does himself on a daily basis, with a more grandiose and outlandish "theory" every time he places his fingertips on his computer keyboard.
Perhaps NOW you begin to realize the the awesome power of Moorish science Herr Duckter!!!
DV is so on time when he hit you about your pro black stance that have to be blessed by your Judeo-Christian masters.
Moorish Science is SOOOO Black it makes Bro. Makheru a handkerchief head plantation negro.
Let it happen.
Moorish science is school for y'all plantation negroes.
Accept no substitutes.
Yes, those poor, poor Elephants are dying of the crushing pain of their body weight.
Not insults. Descriptions. Idiot is an appropriate description.
when you call people idiots, you do know that you are just projecting what you think of yourself. 4th grade phycology bra.
I really hope that someone is paying you well in your professional blogger career, because after your salt reply I am 99% sure that you are not a doctor. It is as crazy as your nutritional Subway and chips diet.
Find God. any God Bra.
See below for anyone who needs proof the doc is very limited:
Have you ever wondered - Why were dinosaurs so big?
In 1987 I realized my engineering knowledge of scale effects on structures revealed a startling answer to this mystery. Dinosaurs could never grow gigantic unless something dramatic had changed. Their bones, muscles and ligaments were too weak.
There was one answer that solved the dinosaurs’ large scale - a reduced gravity. A Reduced Gravity Earth would reduce the weight of all life, so the scale of all life could increase. A reduced gravity explains the dinosaurs' large size.
This thesis allowed me to calculate that dinosaurs' gravity was about half the present force of gravity on the ancient Earth. But celestial mechanics means that the Earth would need to be much smaller with reduced mass to have such a large reduced gravity.
At first it seemed unlikely that the ancient Earth could have been so small during the dinosaurs time, but I soon found that a number of geologists had already proposed that the ancient Earth was smaller and then expanded. Their reasoning had nothing to do with dinosaurs and was based purely on geological evidence. This is commonly known as the Expanding Earth theory and a number of geologists are still promoting this theory today.
For people who suspect that there is something fishy about Pangea.
Recommended Readings
R.1 Websites
R.1.1 Overview of Expanding Earth Theory
R.1.2 Overview of Increasing Gravity Throughout Time
R.1.3 Introduction to Theory of Aether & Scientific Thought Discrimination
R.2 Books
R.2.1 Overview of Expanding Earth Theory
R.2.2 Plate Tectonics
R.2.3 Historical Earth Reconstructions
This list of readings goes beyond just Expanding Earth sites. Why? If you delve into Expanding Earth (EE) Theory with an open mind you can’t help but conclude there is a good alternative to Plate Tectonics (PT) that is not being taught. You may disagree, but the research is compelling. Then you notice that there are alternatives to other important theories that aren’t being recognized. So why is this theory not getting more attention?
There are three primary reasons. The first reason is that many geologists, professors and students have never heard of the theory, never studied it, or never used true scientific rigor in understanding it. They accepted what they were told.
The second is that the organizations that have supported a dominant theory like Plate Tectonics have too much at stake to lose in prestige, influence, money and jobs to admit such a grievous error. Yes, they are human and protect themselves first. They no longer think they are possibly in error. All of their peers they communicate with agree with them. They have accepted fully, close mindedly, their new faith.
The third reason is that the implications are too big. If earth expansion is true then likely mass has been increasing. Gravity has been increasing. New minerals may be being produced. Maybe even non-fossil fuels. So, no studies about gravity increases reach the main stream. Few standard science publications on major problems in Physics are printed. No minority reports even. Nothing that would truly upset an apple cart.
"when you call people idiots, you do know that you are just projecting what you think of yourself. 4th grade phycology (psychology) bra"
No, I'm just calling you in particular an idiot, as you fit the Merriam-Webster definition. 4th Grade vocabulary.
I call you an idiot because despite all of the information available in books, lectures, videos, etc. you consistently choose the most outlandish, off the wall nonsense you can possibly scrape up. That makes you an idiot.
I call you an idiot because you contradict yourself over and over again. Why? Because your menudo-like litany of words strung together you attempt to pass off as legitimate "information" is from such disparate schools of misinformation that it's inevitable that they will cancel out. If you were a thoughtful and intelligent man you'd recognize that.
I call you an idiot, because when in the beginning of our online relationship I actually attempted to give thoughtful well researched information that might help you understand some of the topics we've discussed, only to have it distorted by your twisted and feeble mind.
So, no. This isn't projection at all. Graduate clinical level psychiatry.
You really are just an idiot.
And I'm 100% sure of that.
HotMungyFunginGreasyEarWax is a 33rd degree grandmaster of Moorish Science DMG!!!!
Moorish Science epitomizes the spirit of the Darwin Awards and should be congratulated for its singular achievements.
Moorish Science is truth!
Accept no substitutes....,
You only repeat what your Judeo-Christian handlers tell you is the truth.—Wax
“Judeo-Christian handlers?” LOL, there’ll be no place to hide when Neith pays you a visit for this profanation.
Here is a person claiming that the evidence of earthen mounds proves that his people were more developed than the architects and engineers (Imhotep et al.) of the world’s first massive stone structure and building which, unlike Solomon’s Temple, are still standing. That is idiotic!!!!!!!!!!!!
Furthermore, what sane person would claim that his people have lived as modern men and women (Homo sapiens), in a certain geographical area for over 100 million years, and the only thing they have to show for it is some earthen mounds?
Calling Dr. Frances Cress Welsing, there’s a brother down in the vicinity of Jonesboro, Ga. who needs your help immediately.
Could one of you rhetorical historians who obviously have not experienced the spiritual connection to what is presently called Africa to educate me on the contributions of the North American Moors especially in the areas of music, art, drama, and other creative genre? No one has mentioned the great Mansa Musa a moor of West Africa who traveled to Mecca like a true"baller" makin it rain and had multiple wives, a 100 concubines...resulting in having to beg his way way back home.... a true playa! I know we are from Africa...after going to Christian churches all of my life.. I did not have a true spiritual experience until I saw african musicians and dancers performing with the fervor that had to be God inspired. This was not in a book...but in my very soul... I rather be connected to real spirits than some f$#%kn statutes..and pyramid structures that were reduced to places for the Luciferians to pillage and blasphemize.
Are you mad because I pointed out that you are in fact an actual idiot?
You wouldn't know if I have or did not have a math or science background because you don't seem to know the first thing about either.
Move it along, you've exposed yourself and nobody likes the smell.
Dr. Love!
Great question.
I encourage you to review the ideas of a young brother named Dr. Ali Muhammad Bey. He's the smartest person I've ever encountered. Deeper than a young Malcolm. More relevant than an older MLK:
DMG ...
Are we reading the same thread?
Wax posts an idea and references supporting documentation.
You insult.
Wax posts more ideas and additional references.
You insult.
Do you really think you are "winning" some type of argument?
CNu is gassing you up dude.
You are not a thinker.
You are not a man of ideas.
You are a bureaucrat skilled in regurgitating approved thought.
Wax is in another league.
Better read.
More creative.
More courageous.
A true intellectual.
You are a mechanic.
A technician.
A functionary.
If you don't get it. Cool.
If you don't agree. Cool.
But the charade of "being above it all" ... is clownish.
Not a good look.
Bra Waaaax!
Man. You are taking cats to school.
The Plantation MD and his Technocratic side kick with manboobs struggle to maintain a facade of jaded sarcasm.
Later for them insecure nerds.
Do your thing.
Peeps are taking notes.
The Washitaw Nation -- Uaxashaktun de Dugdamoundyah -- exists as the world's oldest sovereign and independent nation, and is the living ascendant of the ancient empire that first ruled the Americas.
Look it up.
Though so many have been deliberately destroyed, over 200,000 ancient pyramids and huge mounds of earth in the shape of cones, animals and geometric designs can still be found from the southern coast of America to Canada. These structures were built by a so-called "obscure" people largely known as "the Mound Builders."
The truth about the Mound Builders is suppressed. Why?
Because they were an advanced civilization of dark-skinned woolly-haired Blacks who were indigenous (native) to North America kin to the Olmecs of South America.
At one time the Afrikan and American continents were joined, as proven by their America-Afraka joined similarity of tropical plants and animals, geographic traits, and their appearance of fitting together.
The Black Mound Builders were the Washitaw-Muurs (Ouachita-Moors), the ORIGINAL inhabitants of North and South America. Many [really MOST!] Blacks in North America are unknowing descendants of these mound-building indigenous BLACKS and NOT descendants of Black Afrikan slaves! ..."aMERica" is "aMOORica."
Therefore, Columbus was not entirely wrong in calling these people "Indians"! For the true meaning of word "Indian" is Black Person! ( "INDI" means black, as in INDIa ink, hINDu and INDIgo the darkest color of the spectrum).
The massive remains of this ancient BLACK civilization /empire "stands as one of the best-kept archaeological secrets in the country."
Ancient American Magazine (Issue 17) reported: "Evidence for black-skinned natives in the Americas long before the arrival of Columbus is abundant. From the distinctly negroid features of colossal Olmec sculpted heads and a pre-Aztec obsidian bowl being upheld by a figure with unmistakably black characteristics, to the bones of negroid persons excavated from a 2,000 year-old mound in northern Wisconsin, a wealth of material exists to establish the certainty of non-White, non-Indian population living in pre-Columbian America along with these other groups."
Many Mound Builders were huge; their ancient skeletons were often 7 to 8 feet. The only other living people on Earth this tall are another group of Blacks, the Massai of Afrika. It is difficult finding information about this highly suppressed subject of the Black Mound Builders.
Much of the so-called African Slave Trade was fabricated. There was no trade.
An independent source showing that the so-called Indians on the Eastern Seaboard (also called Terra Nova), were Moors, is a book called; "Africans and Native Americans", by Jack D. Forbes.
He shows in the book how many so-called Native American Indians were sold into slavery in Africa and Europe.
This is the opposite direction in which we were taught the slave trade went in. These Native Americans or Indians were classified as Negroes and Blacks in the slaves books of Seville Spain and elsewhere.
On page 29 he says; " slaves from Terranova show up in the slave markets of Seville and Valencia very soon after 1500. For example; in Valencia during the period to 1516, we find in 1503 Miguel, Manne, in 1505 Juan and Pedro, in 1507 Antonio and Juan Amarco, in 1515 Ali, now Melchor, in 1516 Catalina. ... they were all classified as Negroes...". if we were first brought to North America around 1619 or even 1555, for that matter, then how were they taking slaves from Newfoundland, to Europe? Keep in mind that one of the "Native Americans" even had the name "Ali" and all were classified as Negro once they reached Yalencia. How did a Native American in 1515 have the Moorish name "Ali"?
The "Missing Indians" are Negroes.
The whole slave trade myth is that the whole story was given to us in reverse. A mass colony of Africans were not shipped from Africa to America, but the truth is that Black Indians were shipped from America to Europe! They were then shipped from Spain to Africa as commodity for African resources. These Black Indians (now mistaken as Africans) were shipped back to America and classified as "African Slaves."
It is important that we as Americans understand the origin of the so-called American Indian and it is more important that we accept that truth. Black Indians are no more Native than the so-called "Red Man" in culture. The culture and religion that is practiced today by Native Americans is the natural (non-theological) concepts of the Malian Moors of Africa, the Olmecs and Aztecs of Mexico, as well as the early concepts of the Mound Builders. There are various Indian tribes today that will admit to their African ancestry. The Hopis, Apache, Aztec, Zuni, Nez Perce, Miami, Blackfoot, Catawba, Seminole all possess knowledge of African ancestry.
Tribes like Hopi, Aztec, Apache, Pueblo, Seminole, Creek, Tuscarora, Susquehanna, have documents in their possession that tells of the stories of the black Gods who gave birth to them. In fact, the Hopi book of the stars that was given to them by the Dogons tells that when the forefathers (Africans) reclaim their throne, the black and red tribes will join together
There is a similar parable in most Native American cultures...the black eagle freed the red eagle.
Blacks have been convinced that they are all ex-African slaves, of course this is a lie! There had been blacks in this country for thousands of years before the first Europeans. There are millions of blacks in America who, if they traced their family heritage, will not find any African slavery in their family.
Many blacks are children of Yamasee, Seminole, Creek, Cherokee, Blackfoot, Shoshoni, etc. However, the U.S. Government in order to protect their best interest, has kept most of us from true history.
I know the professional blogger(called duckter) doesn't really have a strong math background and is just acting out because he lacks the knowledge...so I can accept that.
(Cat tried to shame me into some lame elephant comment, therefore I tried to open up his understanding in regards to the possibility of an expanding earth instead of Pangea using the paradox of the weight of the dinosaurs, but again did he check into it ?
Nope. More 3rd Grade insults(HE BE Battling!))
But Dude, his Best Buddy is a MIT grad so I expected a whole lot more.
Beakham, Stop pretending that science have figured out the riddle of dino.
Why are you guys so scared to address the issues? Ad hominem attacks are so yesterday.
Thecno, you should know that the existing scientific calculations showed that the bones of the larger dinosaurs were too weak to support their own body weight.
"Applying Science to Understanding Large Dinosaurs
"The previous chapter’s explanation of Galileo’s Square-Cube Law showed that size matters. Yet when we go back in time to the Mesozoic era, the dinosaur world becomes a magical place where the laws of science no longer seem to apply. In all likelihood, if dinosaur fossils had never been discovered the science community would have long ago 1) incorporated the teaching of Galileo’s Square-Cube Law in elementary science education and 2) concluded that largest terrestrial animals of today are at the largest possible size.
There are four problem areas illustrating why the largest dinosaurs and pterosaurs present a paradox to science:
Inadequate bone strength to support the largest dinosaurs
Inadequate muscle strength to lift and move the largest dinosaurs
Unacceptable high blood pressure and stress on the heart of the tallest dinosaurs
Aerodynamics principles showing that the pterosaurs should not have flown"
To get a ballpark value of an animal’s mass, determine a scaling factor by looking for similar shaped animals and then comparing similar features such as shoulder height. Cube the scaling factor to account for volume and hence weight of the animals, and then multiply this by the weight of the known animal. If several appropriate animals of about the same density and shape are used then the average of the results should give a good approximation.
The essential paradox of the dinosaurs' large size is:
Their bones should have buckle and crack via your Plantation Math.
Yet the fossil bones in museums around the world showed that these giants had thrived in their own world of hundreds of millions of years ago.
How can both of these statements be true?
There is one simple answer. The size of all life is controlled by gravity. A stronger gravity would tend to reduce the size of life whilst a weaker gravity would allow life to become larger.
The explanation is simple in its clarification of the dinosaurs' gigantic size. Using the concept of an increasing gravity allows a world in which the larger animals of the past were forced to develop smaller sizes as gravity increased to the present day value.
This little act is getting tired. Your organ churning monkey Wax didn't post anything but moronic musings he's trying to pawn off as science. But of course you wouldn't be able to tell the difference as you don't have a background, not even a basic understanding of science.
So why are you even bothering to stand up for Wax? Not that you had any credibility to lose, but you really are putting yourself out there to try to score a point for dude.
I've taken it easy on you. Please take your clown show offline. You'll appreciate how nice I was to you in comparison to the ass whooping you'll receive in the non-cyber world.
I'm sure your patron MOTI would distance himself while you are receiving said beat down.
What are you talking about?
You know nothing of antediluvian civilizations.
You don't really think the fake sarcasm is fooling anyone do you?
You attack the messenger because you don't understand the message.
Just an intellectual Negro Slave catcher for the Plantation.
what sane person would claim that his people have lived as modern men and women (Homo sapiens), in a certain geographical area for over 100 million years, and the only thing they have to show for it is some earthen mounds?
Moorish Science is school!
Accept no substitutes....,
I too, have my questions with what Wax is saying, but I'll put that aside for a minute. Say errythang Bra Wax says about Black Indians is true, how are you personally invested in that legacy? I mean Wax is Jamaican and DV's got that Songhai connection - yes/no...So what's it to y'all?
Say Bra Wax has some Arawak connection or summin, if the American govt is so set against Moorish people discovering their true identity as y'say, then why don't you hop on a plane to Brazil, South Africa, the UK or anywhere in Europe, stick a swab in your mouth and get the DNA stats on who you are and where you're from?
And if the Plantation scientists 'lie' then one of your other scientists could do the test to verify your claims, rite? What's stopping you? From the way you talk, money def isn't a factor.
I mean you could be on the cover of NewsWeek and National Geographic getting a global platform rather than getting into online arguments with strangers? Why argue with two people, when 200million await?
I don't get this at all. *sigh*
I mean you could be on the cover of NewsWeek and National Geographic getting a global platform rather than getting into online arguments with strangers? Why argue with two people, when 200million await?
Moorish system of global supremacy!!
100 Million years of earthen mound building.
Accept no substitutes...,
You co-signing on Wax means you co-sign on some theory of evolution or the other, not neccessarily Darwin - I thought you said it was all a lie and humans never came from apes.
What are you talking about?
You know nothing of antediluvian civilizations.
Paul Smiff put me on!!!
I encourage you to review the ideas of a young brother named Dr. Ali Muhammad Bey. He's the smartest person I've ever encountered. Deeper than a young Malcolm. More relevant than an older MLK:
Marcus Counts put me on.
David Icke'n'em put Marcus Counts on.
Moorish science is school for you K-Dub.
Accept no substitutes...,
Much of the so-called African Slave Trade was fabricated. There was no trade.
You can't be serious! All the numerous castles and forts on the West coast of Africa are testaments to the African slave trade.. are you trying to rewrite history or what?
This is an event that was documented both here in Africa and America... how can you possibly delude yourself to the exent of dismissing hundreds of years of documented history... Nah Wah!
LOL. Anon 3:52 is TRUTH.
"Paul Smiff put me on!!!" CNu
LOL, that's more like Paul Smiff turned me out!
"Moorish system of global supremacy!!
100 Million years of earthen mound building."
100 Million years from the anals of history:
The eathern mounds of Ouachita are more 'developed' than the pyramids of Giza.
...Say it ain't so, somebody's jst messing abt.
The Taiwanese Aborigine chick is rockin a fly ass coat. I didn't know they were fashion conscious too.
All people come from somewhere. The Olmecs, The Washita, and others COME FROM AFRICA. If MU was near Australia, it was uninhabited before the Mu people got there, just like Australia, and Tasmania. Caucasians, Asians, and others came from us over the centuries. Reach far enough back you will find our genes at the center of every ethnicity. Anyhow, this starts to look like just another contortion to somehow undervalue African descendants into less relevance. Chill! We don't need our own people to do it to ourselves!
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