Sunday, August 29, 2010

Black Americans Are "African-American" The Way Barack Obama is Half African

(His daddy might be African, but he aint this African and he arrived in America long long before this fellow did)


KonWomyn said...
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Anonymous said...

I dont understand

HotmfWax said...

Barak half African????...

Harharharhar ha ha ha!!!!LOL!

Plantation please.

Phil Valentine can help you break this down.

4:30 on will enlighten you.

come on DV, you know I can't resist poking the plantation in the eye. :)

5ft 9 round make a 6 ft 3 oval mmmm..........Brilliant.

Dr. Love said...

UH..UH better call the Maury show... one looks reptilian..check with Icke....why has Barack never mentioned any "wisdom" coming from his father...most sons fortunate enuff to have one always mentions some memory of a "special daddy" moment....Bush and his father had moments...I still haven't recovered from a mulatto of a single parent who gave bullshit meaningless slogans, surrounded by white folks 24/7, a master dodger of "pertinent" information (Tip o the hat to the brothers from ST. PETERSBURG who have stood up several times with "sticks and rocks" when they were attacked unlike their BIG CITY SO CALLED EDUCATED BROTHERS!) Yeah.. I say call Maury...get that DNA...since we can't find that birth certificate...Peace

Anonymous said...

Utter rubbish!