Wednesday, July 14, 2010

So This 57 Year Old Sista Calls The Police Right .. And These Muhfuggas ...


Anonymous said...

I saw that on the Washington Post website, but couldn't find the story behind it. You got a link to more about the story?

Anonymous said...

Alright, a little more background info.

Both were fired (well one quit before he could get fired).

I'd like to say that I can't believe it, but really I'm not shocked by this at all. I don't know if this field of work attracts certain types, or if the job warps them.

Hope she sues.

Kopenhagen Country said...

Ahhh. Y'all know that has nothing whatsoever to do with racism. It's the lucifarian Illuminati New Word Order which once again pulled the strings here.

Kit (Keep It Trill) said...

In 1991 I overheard a daycare worker tell another, "One of these days they're gonna find out that Satan resides in these Nintendo games."

All these crazy cops cut their teeth on violent video games. They, along with the music and movies starring all races, have contributed to desensitizing the culture. And I do think DMG is right about the profession attracting too many of the wrong type.

Anonymous said...



There were PLENTY of racist, evil, motherfuckers with badges WAAAAAYYYYY before video games.

Don't go blaming video games. I don't particularly like them, but asshole behavior definitely predates them.