America still owes a debt to its black citizens, but government programs to help all 'people of color' are unfair. They should end.

Forty years ago, as the United States experienced the civil rights movement, the supposed monolith of White Anglo-Saxon Protestant dominance served as the whipping post for almost every debate about power and status in America.
After a full generation of such debate, WASP elites have fallen by the wayside and a plethora of government-enforced diversity policies have marginalized many white workers. The time has come to cease the false arguments and allow every American the benefit of a fair chance at the future.
I have dedicated my political career to bringing fairness to America's economic system and to our work force, regardless of what people look like or where they may worship. Unfortunately, present-day diversity programs work against that notion, having expanded so far beyond their original purpose that they now favor anyone who does not happen to be white.
In an odd historical twist that all Americans see but few can understand, many programs allow recently arrived immigrants to move ahead of similarly situated whites whose families have been in the country for generations. These programs have damaged racial harmony. And the more they have grown, the less they have actually helped African-Americans, the intended beneficiaries of affirmative action as it was originally conceived." CONT=>
Thordaddy said...

don't get it twisted
NOPE! never eva eva existed
white boy pissed
cuz black boy think it existed
but black boy savvy
he really done twisted it
use that meme
get'm whatee want thru alda resistance
no sense playin' with white boy
who knew what u sayin'
NO! how u playin'
NO! how u slayin'
jive hustle white boy nda self-annihilatin'
Get white boy believe in level playin' fields
where that dude does his diabolical hatin'...
Level playing fields = anti-Supremacy
The stuff of Satan..."
Diversity and the myth of White Privilege Part 2 :)
Can you stop her from doing this?
click here
White folks are definitely angry at AA. They are not prepared to compete on a level playing field. Hell, the field ain't even now and they whine like bitches.
But a cornered animal is dangerous.
Oh, that dude,
don't get it twisted
NOPE! never eva eva existed
white boy pissed
cuz black boy think it existed
but black boy savvy
he really done twisted it
use that meme
get'm whatee want thru alda resistance
no sense playin' with white boy
who knew what u sayin'
NO! how u playin'
NO! how u slayin'
jive hustle white boy nda self-annihilatin'
Get white boy believe in level playin' fields
where that dude does his diabolical hatin'...
Level playing fields = anti-Supremacy
The stuff of Satan...
WASP elites have fallen by the wayside…
Is this dude on drugs?
and a plethora of government-enforced diversity policies have marginalized many white workers.-- Webb
Well it was white capitalists who decided to make “jobs” America’s leading export over the past 20 years. But the common cold for white workers dude is complaining about is pneumonia for African Americans.
[Mark Levi tan, found that just 51.8 percent of black men ages 16 to 64 held jobs in New York City in 2003. The rate for white men was 75.7 percent; for Hispanic men, 65.7; and for black women, 57.1. The employment-population ratio for black men was the lowest for the period Mr. Levitan has studied, which goes back to 1979.]
This was before the deliberate destruction of the US economy on 9/15.
[For example, without a dramatic new intervention by the federal government, the poverty rate for African-American children could eventually approach a heart-stopping 50 percent, according to analysts at the Economic Policy Institute. Already more than a third of black children are living in poverty.]—Bob Herbert
[But perhaps the most startling recent development has been the finding of several recent reports showing that the black middle class as a group is not only losing ground compared with other groups but is failing to reproduce itself. A 2007 Pew Foundation/Brookings Institution study found that a majority of black middle-class children earned less than their parents and, even more alarming, that almost half of downwardly mobile offspring had fallen to the bottom of the income distribution.] – Orlando Patterson
[According to a 2008 report by United for a Fair Economy, a research and advocacy group, from 1998 to 2006 (before the subprime crisis), blacks lost $71 billion to $93 billion in home-value wealth from subprime loans. The researchers called this family net-worth catastrophe the “greatest loss of wealth in recent history for people of color.” And the worst was yet to come. ]-- BARBARA EHRENREICH and DEDRICK MUHAMMAD
[Black median household income, for example, the lowest of major US ethnic groups, has declined by 7.8 percent from its high point of $37,093 in 2000, when it was 65 percent of white median household income. At $34,218 in 2008, it stood at 61.6 percent of white household income. Even more troubling has been the stunning growth in disparity between white and black wealth. A report by the Institute on Assets and Social Policy shows that black median family wealth hardly grew over the past quarter-century, standing at $5,000 in 2007; it is now probably much lower, in view of the disproportionate impact of the housing crisis on black homeowners. In contrast, white median family wealth in 2007 was $100,000, twenty times that of black families and a fourfold increase in disparity over this relatively short period.]—Orlando Patterson
$100K vs. $5K! Asante Brother Bey for letting us know just how much those WASP elites are really suffering.
"Well it was white capitalists who decided to make “jobs” America’s leading export over the past 20 years." MB
What are you saying?
You are just repeating Civil Rights Black Power slogans without even thinking about them.
"White Capitalists"?
Makheru. Pray Tell.
What percentage of Plantation Crackas do you think qualify as "White Capitalists"?
Is the 48 year old white dude who details my car a "White Capitalist"?
I'm pretty sure he leases that little portable car washing vehicle of his.
The simple-minded characterization of the power elite as merely "White" is a counterproductive cliche.
Crackas victims too.
Elite got you fighting each other.
Robbing you both.
[Mark Levi tan, found that just 51.8 percent of black men ages 16 to 64 held jobs in New York City in 2003. The rate for white men was 75.7 percent; for Hispanic men, 65.7; and for black women, 57.1. The employment-population ratio for black men was the lowest for the period Mr. Levitan has studied, which goes back to 1979.]MB
A N D ?
......... ?
What does that prove?
How does that make that white Howard Johnson's Assistant Manager, who is about to get laid off, playing on a field tilted in his favor?
"the poverty rate for African-American children could eventually approach a heart-stopping 50 percent, " MB
How exactly are they defining "poverty"?
What exactly is the line that separates black children "in" poverty from those "out" of poverty?
Are the impoverished black children not getting enough food to eat?
Or are they getting too much food to eat?
Is it something they are lacking materially?
Are the children with material goods really any wealthier than the kids deemed "in poverty"?
Mak ... if you take them out of poverty they will still get diabetes.
They got you Negros so worried about white people and PROVING their fucking advantage you can't see real dangers or appreciate real opportunities when they hit you in the face.
They got you Negros so worried about white people and PROVING their fucking advantage you can't see real dangers or appreciate real opportunities when they hit you in the face./quote
Finally someone understands.Clapping my hands.
Satan fit'na bring in the sheaves.....,
Although economists aren't taught it, a thing must be "physically possible" before it can be "economically possible."
All money systems are limited by physical laws. The "net energy" principle explains why after "peak oil," it will be literally impossible to exceed previous levels of economic activity - no matter what kind of magical money system you or anyone else conjure up.
Inability to get the international economy going again will, sooner-or-later, result in "systemic fear" - like a deer caught in the headlights. At that point, devotees will lose interest in the ritual of forward-looking capitalization - and capitalism is over.
The dominant capitalists will panic when their rituals fail - and their status declines! Violence is an evolved response to panic. The dominant capitalists will be forced to make war in order to reset/restart the whole system from a sufficiently reduced point that it can begin growing all over again.
If the dominant capitalists "feel" that they can resurrect their growth ritual by vaporizing Iran, Pakistan, and China, then guess what's going to go into the WW-III global reorganization queue?
"All money systems are limited by physical laws. "
Obviously not
The money system might be restrained by the physical laws, but capitalism certainly isn't.
Physical Laws????? HaHaHaHa!!!!
Ain't that hard people.
Debt is money.
Unlimited Debt.
Unlimited money.
Expand Credit. Get rich.
Constrict Credit. Get poor. (if US paid off it's Debt-money would not exist :))
Bailed out banks would be stupid to lend money and take a financial risk. (Give credit).
No Credit. No new debt. No new money. No new industry. No creation. De- industrialization.
Obama's financial reforms will make sure that this happens even more.
Not rocket science.
Click here
Not the people's fault. Manipulation.
All about Control in this Ponzi Scheme.
You are being "conned" by the "Elite doomsdayers". This is just a system that has been in place for years to steal your wealth. Nothing else.
Pensions? Dead.
SSI? Dead.
Savings? Heard of Inflation?- you betta ask somebody.
Slavery Bra.
To hell with all that " Satan Sheaves BS meme".
Just expand credit a little after the elections and the moe foes in charge will look like heroes (after they pass more laws to control you).
Vatican wrote the prophecies Bro- therefore these boys are doing all this(Constricting Credit via Central Banks) world wide with the help of ISLAM AND THE JEWS to make sure that we get that one world system of "money and control" and most importantly beg for it welcome it and accept it.
That is what financial pain will do.
Stealing. Plain and Simple.
If you put a lot of people WORLDWIDE under the pain of what the techno's video shows - we will gladly accept "anybody as our savior" no matter what cost to our freedom or sovereignty.
Sowing in the morning, sowing seeds of kindness,
Sowing in the noontide and the dewy eve;
Waiting for the harvest, and the time of reaping,
We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves.
Bringing in the sheaves, bringing in the sheaves,
We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves,
Bringing in the sheaves, bringing in the sheaves,
We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves,
Sowing in the sunshine, sowing in the shadows,
Fearing neither dark clouds nor winter’s chilling breeze;
By and by the harvest, and the slave's labor ended,
We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves.
Going forth with laughter, sowing for the Master,
Though the loss sustained, The child often grieves;
When our weeping’s over, He will tell us gently,
We shall come rejoicing to heaven, bringing in the sheaves.
The money system might be restrained by the physical laws, but capitalism certainly isn't.
magical-thinking peasant comedy gold....,
Existing theories of political economy, liberal as well as Marxist, see capital as a dual entity. According to these theories, the "real" essence of capital consists of material/productive commodities, while the "financial" appearance of capital either accurately mirrors or fictitiously distorts this underlying reality. We reject this duality. Capital, we argue, is finance, and only finance. In its modern incarnation, capital exists as forward-looking capitalization, a universal financial ritual that discounts expected future earnings to a singular present value.
The universality of this reduction makes capitalization the most supple power instrument ever known to humanity. Previously, distributive power was associated with clear socio-ecological distinctions -- differences between king and subject, owner and slave, tiller and landlord, field and citadel, village and town. Capitalization flattens these qualitative features to the point of irrelevance. In principle, anyone can be a capitalist, and what distinguishes one capitalist from another is the quantity of their capitalization: the most powerful are those with the greatest capitalization (dominant capital), and those that hold that power achieve and augment it by increasing their capitalization faster than others (differential accumulation). In this way, capitalization crystallizes the power of capitalists to shape their world, as well as the resistance of those that oppose this power. It gauges the capitalists' success in directing production and consumption, in shaping ideology and culture, in affecting the law, public policy, conflict, war and even the environment. It is the all-encompassing algorithm that creorders -- or creates the order -- of the capitalist mode of power.
The purpose of our paper is to examine the breakdown of this algorithm. To be sure, this type of inquiry is hardly novel. Marxists have long searched for objective signs of capitalist collapse, preliminary omens that would foretell the system’s imminent disintegration. However, because of their dual conception of capital, they've tended to look for such signs in the so-called real sphere of production and consumption, while paying far less attention to finance, which, in their view, is merely a distorted mirror of that reality. But finance isn’t a mirror of real capital; it is real capital – and indeed the only real capital. So if we want to look for signs of systemic crisis and possible disintegration, our search should begin here, in the very ritual of capitalization.
The specific focus of the article is two historical ruptures of modern finance – the periods of 1929-1939 and 2000-2010. During both periods, capitalists abandoned the conventional forward-looking ritual of capitalization, resorting instead to the backward-looking posture of pre-modern finance. In our view, these rare episodes are of great importance for understanding the nature of capitalist confidence and the capitalists’ ability to rule – as well as the possibility that this system of rule will collapse. Our inquiry seeks, first, to characterize key features of these episodes; second, to speculate on their causes; and third, to assess, however speculatively, what they might imply for the future of capitalism.
Even the regular ignants at larooshnoir know what happened after 1939....., and you want to pretend that you don't see what's fit'na jump off now?!?!?!?!
Bringing in the sheaves, bringing in the sheaves,
We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves,
Bringing in the sheaves, bringing in the sheaves,
We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves,
"White Capitalists"?--DV Bey
Who do you think has been exporting jobs out of America into what they describe as "low-cost geographies? Moorish Capitalists?
What percentage of Plantation Crackas do you think qualify as "White Capitalists"? DV Bey
Enough to deliberately wreck the global economy. Enough to make the Federal Reserve Bank give them a 2 trillion dollar bailout at the expense of US taxpayers. Enough to be regarded as the most destructive financial terrorists in history.
Is the 48 year old white dude who details my car a "White Capitalist"? DV Bey
Not yet, but if can get a few more boule negroes like you to support him, he may eventually become one.
Crackas victims too. Elite got you fighting each other.-- DV Bey
Hypocrite! As proven above you're the one supporting this ignorance.
-- "...the "real" essence of capital consists of material/productive commodities...," CNu
Of course, it's entirely false.
The real ESSENCE of capitalism is Man's credibility. The man with the most credibility is the man with the most capital. The man with a lot of tangible "capital" (material and productive commodities) and no credibility (no intangible capital) can only "capitalize" via ignorance and apathy.
The capitalist system isn't failing, rather, those who pretend to be real "capitalists" are losing all credibility and exist in a state of anti-capitalization.
The real ESSENCE of capitalism is Man's credibility. The man with the most credibility is the man with the most capital.
yeah, yeah, yeah....,
Bro. Cobb tried to go with capitalism is the "monetization of ideas" too....,
When you muhphuggaz figure out how to feed, clothe, shelter, educate and mobilize your children on "ideas" and "credibility" get back at me - until then - I'ma go with the common sense understanding that fewer than 14% of Americans are involved with food, energy, or essential manufactured goods production, rendering the other 86% of y'all more or less expendable....,
Bringing in the sheaves, bringing in the sheaves,
We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves,
Bringing in the sheaves, bringing in the sheaves,
We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves,
"14% of Americans are involved with food, energy, or essential manufactured goods production, rendering the other 86% of y'all more or less expendable...., "
Malthusian masturbation.
And completely stupid.
Going forth with laughter, sowing for the Master,
Though the loss sustained, The child often grieves;
When our weeping’s over, He will tell us gently,
We shall come rejoicing to heaven, bringing in the sheaves.
The white dude who details Brother Bey's car, and Brother Bey's other "Cracka victims" in action:
zzzzzzz ...
Why must Plantation Negros view EVERY issue through the lens of simple minded race conflict?
Why do they obediently play the role of George Jefferson to the Plantation Cracka's Archie Bunker?
Does "Divide & Conquer" mean anything to these cats?
The Titanic is sinking.
Negros and Crackas are locked below deck.
Both drowning.
And these fools want to play the Negro Victim Game instead of focusing on fixing the hole in the ship and replacing the idiots who intentionally rammed it into an iceberg.
That "white" v. "black" paradigm is some Old Negro shit.
It's a lame hustle.
Upgrade your dialectic.
Capitalism works! The right to own property, the right to sale property, etc. Yes, greed in capitalism exist. The United States exist today because of capitalism.
Are you ready to give up for this mess that is being fed to us by our government? Not!
Black people who believe and think that government is the solution to their problems will remain confuse and waiting. The white person is not your enemy.
Get off the plantation and start owning the plantation.
Negros and Crackas are locked below deck. Both drowning.-- DV Bacon-Bey
Let me know when you plan to crank up your rendition of Bacon's Rebellion.
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