Friday, July 23, 2010

Acknowledgement of The Obvious 001

Does eating the meat of genetically modified cows, pigs and chickens ... modify the genes of the people who eat it ... causing them to develop the traits of genetically modified cows, pigs and chickens?


Her Side said...

I have a trip to Whole Foods planned for this weekend. Other than quinoa and Himalayan salt, any other suggestions for new things we should experiment with on the way to getting off the SAD (Standard American Diet)?

JH said...

10-4 on the "don't eat cloned meat" message. With you 100%.

But "modify the genes of the people who eat it"? I don't know about that one.

Anonymous said...

It's really sad that you think you can't get fat eating your super expensive diet. Gluttony doesn't respect your "genetically unmodified" foods...

Anonymous said...

"It's really sad that you think you can't get fat eating your super expensive diet. Gluttony doesn't respect your "genetically unmodified" foods..."-DMG

Come on now. Brussle sprouts vs. a hamburger that costs less than a pack of gum?

Yes, it's possible for someone to get fat off DV's "super expensive diet," but it isn't plausible.

It's possible for rappers to create a new "bling" aesthetic with hemp jewelery, but it isn't plausible.

Considering a fast food corporation will invest over $600 mil a year into a marketing juggernaut, is a testament to the other component behind today's gluttony. Gluttony is not commonly identified in those who are "conscientious objectors" to lazy diets.

Anonymous said...

To say it's just people being extreme in their eating habits is reckless logic.

People do not polish off organic chia seeds with a 32oz soda or sprinkle some kosher sea salt over a pork roast. Poor eating is predicated by bad foods. You do not see a 400lb person reading the ingredient content on a bottle of Ragu meat flavor pasta sauce.

Joanna said...

Gee Chee.... "You do not see a 400lb person reading the ingredient content on a bottle of Ragu meat flavor pasta sauce." Not necessarily true. I am a fat woman... I have, at one point been 400 lbs. I have, in the past eaten fast food every damn day. I have made the attempt to change my diet significantly, with SOME positive results. However, I believe that food can be addictive, both physically and psychologically. I am convinced that many of the chemicals added to the foods that we normally consume in the US make the chances of addiction even greater.

CNu said...

People do not polish off organic chia seeds with a 32oz soda or sprinkle some kosher sea salt over a pork roast.

umm.., kosher sea salt is actually the preferred seasoning for roasted pork - however - no sane person opts for pink himalayan salt ignantly thinking that this rust contaminated paki table salt provides them with any kind of "micronutrients". That's just a shyster getting over on a rube.

Where I draw the line for any and all of this nonsense, however, is when police show up with guns drawn and raid the rube food festival. That's just extra. Nitwits preoccupied with diet and bowel control should be free to put whatever they want in their mouths without fear of violent regulatory reprisal.

HotmfWax said...


It ain't that hard...

Click here

You always have a choice.


HotmfWax said...

Good Brother,

Only if your boy could help people like this:

Click here

Anonymous said...


this guy doesn't know how the stomach works.

He is not a doctor.

Anonymous said...

So I watched that video. The first thing that bothers me is that you can't have a conversation about "stage II cancer", without at least knowing what sort of cancer is being addressed (Stage II Breast cancer? Gastric Cancer? Hodgkins Lymphoma? What?).

Since he was talking about a gastrectomy, I'll assume for arguments sake that it's a gastric carcinoma.

Stage II means (and I believe new staging classifications were made recently so these might not be valid in 2010):
T3, N0, M0
T2, N1, M0 or
T1, N2, M0 or

T4a, N0, M0
T3, N1, M0
T1, N3, M0

What's this mean? T=Tumor, N=Nodes, M=metastasis
T means the primary tumor has invaded into or through a certain level of the gastric wall.
N means cancer cells have been found a number of regional lymph nodes
M gives info on how far the cancer has spread to distant parts of the body. (don't worry about the details).

Stage IIA Gastric Cancer has a 45% 5 year survival.
Stage IIB Gastric Cancer has a 33% 5 year survival. Gastrectomy (total or subtotal) WITH chemo or radiation therapy is reasonable and improves survival.

The overall relatives survival is about 28% because most gastric cancers are diagnosed at a fairly advanced stage in the U.S. In a place like Japan, where there is a higher incidence because of their diet of smoked fish, but since they screen for it and presumably catch it at an earlier stage (because of the increased incidence), their survival is about 50%....but there could be other factors involved.

Take home message is that Gastric cancer isn't something to screw around with and self doctor. Just know that the tumor most likely continue to invade into adjacent organs, grow...bleed profusely, make it impossible for the person to eat, and did I mention the immense pain? Nobody wants their stomach out. Nobody wants chemo or radiation.

So now we know what we are discussing.

It's your decision, if you choose the unproven natural route, just know the natural history of the disease.

The gentleman in the video is poorly informed and it shows.

Anonymous said...

where there is a higher incidence because of their diet of smoked fish-DMG

Wait a minute. Smoked foods are cancerous? Why?

CNu said...

benzopyrenes and other carcinogens imparted by the smoke...,