Monday, June 14, 2010

What's The Difference?

Was Obama Elected ... or Selected?


SimonGreedwell said...

Just in case you haven't seen it yet: The alternative, independent Free Times was apparently the only media outlet that bothered to do a serious report on the man named Alvin Greene. Corey Hutchins wrote the piece, which was apparently the only piece ever done on this man's candidacy.

The difference between Alvin Greene and Barack Obama can be summed up in one short paragraph.

- "In May 2002, Obama commissioned a poll to assess his prospects in a 2004 U.S. Senate race; he created a campaign committee, began raising funds and lined up political media consultant David Axelrod by August 2002, and formally announced his candidacy in January 2003."

Alvin Greene did none of that. He paid his $10,400 filing fee and then went to Kinkos to print up flyers with his name on it. We know that he passed them out in at least one barbershop:

"A Mystery in Manning

The June 9 midday headlines crawling across TV screens and Internet news feeds were proving the “Mystery Man from Manning” was going to dominate the first part of the national election news cycle. Greene’s landline had been ringing in the house he shares with his dad and brother since the numbers came in the night before.

In the small town of Manning, where Greene had grown up and moved back to a year and two days before, things were weird the morning after Election Day.

Spencer and Tom’s barbershop on East Boyce Street downtown was buzzing with locals watching a TV that hangs from the ceiling and asking each other, “Who is Alvin Greene?”

One of the barbershop owners, Spencer Tindell, kept swearing that the man lived just down the road on highway 521.

A month ago, Greene had moseyed into the shop and handed Tindell a campaign flyer copied on a sheet of printer paper. He hadn’t even brought any tape. Greene asked Tindell if he’d go down to the courthouse and fill Greene’s name in on an absentee ballot and if he’d put up the flier. Then he just moseyed on out.

Tindell recalls Greene being incredibly nonchalant about it. “Positive, but low-key,” is he how he put it June 9, in the barber shop, shortly before a 5 p.m. news ticker flashed across the TV screen with the alert that Greene had been charged with showing pornography to a USC student in November.

Tindell’s eyes widened. “Daaaaaamn,” he said, turning up the volume. “I thought Manning was going to put on the good side of the map.” He put down the remote and shook his head."

SimonGreedwell said...

This entire story is just priceless.

Leave it to the good people in places like the local barbershop and the coroner's office to give you the real story.

All of the local ABC, NBC, and Fox affiliates down in South Carolina did not have even a fraction of the information that these folks had regarding the man who won a state-wide election.

A Family History From the Undertaker

"If you want to know something about someone in Manning, you have to seek out Hayes Samuals.

Samuals is the county coroner, and in the small town he lives, he also serves as the local undertaker. He’s been running the family funeral home on Church Street for decades and makes it his business to know the business of everyone in town.

Sitting in the conference room of his funeral parlor, decked out with Clyburn campaign signs and a life-sized cutout of President Obama, Samuals recounted everything he knew about the Greene family after hearing one of their boys had just unleashed a major upset in the election the day before.

A solidly built middle-aged black man with a shaved head, a graying goatee and glasses, Samuals explained how Alvin Greene’s father has been a well-known political figure in Manning since back in the day.

Alvin’s win had shocked everybody in town, he said, but he wasn’t surprised the kid did what he did — even the way he did it.

Alvin’s father, James Greene, retired from the Clemson Extension Program where he used to teach. In his time, he was a barber and a nightclub owner who wanted blacks to play a bigger role in politics and entertainment. An outspoken activist for Democratic politics, he was a prominent fixture in town who once brought a private carnival to Manning many years ago when the American Legion stopped doing it.

“His parents were go-getters,” Samuals says of Alvin. “His folks were aggressive people who wanted their kids to have a good education.”

Samuals doesn’t believe any of the conspiracy theories surrounding Greene’s win or why he might have gotten in the race to begin with. He says his father has money and Alvin probably has a good chunk still from his time in the Army even though he doesn’t have a job.

“He was a nice kid,” he said. “I’m glad to hear he won.”"

What a case for the irrelevance of the press. The coroner knows, the folks at the barbershop know, but the national media now asks, "Who is Alvin Greene?"

LMAO. Priceless.

Anonymous said...

If you are even posing the question, you aren't serious.

Anonymous said...

I think it's clear why GC is cheering for this guy...the democratic because he presents no real challenge to the Republican nominee.

If it comes out that this guy is being used, I'd be very interested in your commentary.

SimonGreedwell said...

That's only "clear" to you, DMG.

Him being "used" by somebody would be welcome news because then his win would make sense.

I'd rather have a Democrat like Alan Grayson against DeMint. You know, make him work for it a bit in the general.

Anyway, DMG, I don't know how closely you follow politics, but the Democrat didn't stand a chance to win the seat no matter who the nominee was, let alone Bubba-Gump Shrimp here.

The so-called "serious" Democrat candidate raised just under $200,000. The Republican has 4 million and is an incumbent. Why go to the trouble of planting this guy randomly? Even the WaPo knows that scenario is unnecessary and unlikely.

Anonymous said...

I retract my statement about GC. I read your post incorrectly. Apologies.

Anonymous said...

I think this guy winning is infuriating.

1. If it was "Name recognition"--or because his name sounded black--then that's not democracy. I would rant on about how stupid or uninterested people shouldn't be allowed to vote, but that would lead to a slippery slope.

2. If this guy is a plant by some nefarious group, then I think all of us should be infuriated that someone is using BLACK mentally challenged people to do their bidding.

Constructive Feedback said...


Alvin Greene:

1) Did not have Negroes getting his campaign symbols cut into their hair (paint and all)

2) There are few Blacks with an "Alvin Greene Commemorative Plate" sitting on their mantle

3) Few Blacks figured that "the ELECTION OF GREENE" in and of itself would be a "PERMANENT INTEREST" of Black people attained

4) Few Blacks donated money to the Greene campaign with the hopes of getting ten fold back in money paid to the IRS from someone else

5) If Alvin Greene commanded US Navy Seals to shoot 3 Somalians in the head to save ONE WHITE MAN - the Black community would be PISSED at him!!!

Is this enough of a difference for you?

SimonGreedwell said...

DMG said...

"2. If this guy is a plant by some nefarious group, then I think all of us should be infuriated that someone is using BLACK mentally challenged people to do their bidding."

How mentally challenged can he be though?

We know at the very least that he was in the Army for over a decade and has a legit political science degree from the state university down there. Maybe he isn't all that mentally challenged but just stutters like the Duh Duh Duh Man from New Jack City.

(Bill Nunn would play a great Alvin Greene in the made for TV movie.)

Anonymous said...

You've not seen his interview I take it. Our host posted it right here in this blog.

This man was never a serious candidate. Stop playing games, it's not amusing.

SimonGreedwell said...

I've seen it. His mental state is obviously beside the point.

Of far more significance is how?

How did this man who was "never a serious candidate" (and whose win you say "infuriates" you) win?

You have no clue and neither does anyone else. He'll either drop out and be replaced or lose in November, so why the indignation over this? You can't be that hardcore of a Democrat, assuming you're even a Democrat to begin with, which I don't know about.

that dude said...

I misread the "Alvin Greene Commemorative Plate" line wrong and cracked up.

I mean, it's funny in the context that it's meant, but I initially read it to imply there's a lot marginal black folks with jobs because they showed up at the right time at the right place.

And even more white folks like that.

The dad being a political figure is very important. Why wouldn't he win with that on his side? Clearly the party didn't care enough to find a credible candidate.

But dude on Olbermann did come off mentally challenged.

makheru bradley said...

A corrupt system based on the science of deception, and “nothing but disguised hypocrisy” as Malcolm described it, deserves to be exposed for it what it is and made to look foolish.

The Doc said...

Given how many presidents are in Obama's family tree I've really begun to question whether or not any of our presidents are elected, as opposed to chosen.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


I wouldn't exactly say they are "related". If you want to get technical we are ALL related, if you go back far enough.

Anonymous said...


Sure I don't know the details of how he won. But it is improbable that he won on his own merit.

HotmfWax said...

another letter from my buddies:

The wizard of OZ!

Why, you might ask, have Obama up there?

Why not have one of the actual people behind the curtain run for President.

Well, being a conspiracy theorist, I can come up with an answer to that question.

Those other people behind the curtain have backgrounds that are so radical that they would never have made it past the first few days of a campaign.

Additionally, they are life-long community organizers and they know what kind of face can be effective if you wish to radically change the nation.

First, you need a black man to gain the support of the vast black minority. Second, you need a pale skinned black man so as not to be too much of a threat to white Americans.

For the same reasons, you need a mixed race man who allies himself with the poor and down-trodden.

And you need someone who speaks well enough to co-opt the language of the right and appear to be a uniter, not a divider.

Someone who sees, or at least can articulate, both sides of an issue..

This is the kind of man you would pick to be your front man so that while you move things drastically and dramatically left, the vast majority of Americans will not believe that was the intention of the moderate appearing front man.

Yes, Obama was a community organizer. Yes, he could be clever enough to have all this be his idea. But he really wasn't a community organizer for that long.
And when he was, he didn't do anything truly radical.

It was more a time during which he was being trained than a time when he was driven by a personal sense of commitment to anything in particular.

There are people who are now in his government who have been community organizers and radical left wing activists for 20-30 years. These people have deeply ingrained commitments to changing the system and have been actively trying to do so for all that time.

Obama is not one of them.

In my view, Obama has been trained and used as a puppet by others for a long time. His successes seem to have come too easily, as if they have been orchestrated. His life appears to have been pre-planned.

I mean, Harvard Law Review without publishing a single paper of note. That is unusual.

A community organizer for a short time.

A State legislator for a short time.

A freshman US Senator. (143 days) A convention key-note speaker. And then POTUS. How does that happen?

A person with zero governmental administrative experience is running the entire government of the United States ....

How do 1100 page documents get developed and put out in such short order?

Who is writing all these proposals?

Does it not seem that something is just not quite right here?

Forget about the specifics of the policies for the moment.

Have you ever seen this level of activity in the first few months of any other administration in your lifetime?

Does Obama seem like the kind of person that could manage this level of activity in so short a time?

Too much does not make sense here.

So, slowly but surely, I am becoming convinced that it is not Barack Obama who is running the show.

The White House has been captured by a group of people who are using Barack Obama as their front man.

He is nothing but an articulate but empty suit. We have to start looking behind the curtains to find out who is really on trolling the "great and powerful Obama".

Something to think about...

IllMATH said...

Royal Family members can only be President of the corporation. No one called him the C.E.O or Chairman.

makheru bradley said...

First Alvin Greene, now Kesha Rogers. What is going on in the Democratic Party?

[The clerk at my local post office was absolutely apoplectic at the sight of the motley group of young African-American political canvassers that had set up their literature table on the sidewalk in front of her station.

The clerk was African American, as were nearly all of the patrons in the station. They nodded in assent at the clerk’s loud threat to have the group arrested. Their pitch to other African Americans to impeach Obama seemed bizarre, if not outright dangerous. But confrontation and danger is nothing new to these canvassers.

They were members of the Lyndon LaRouche Youth Movement. This group is an offshoot of the equally bizarre Lyndon LaRouche political organization, founded by the group’s patron guru, Lyndon LaRouche. The LaRouche movement is known and condemned as a clownish collection of kooks, cranks, and oddballs, who spout conspiracy theories on globalism, one-world domination and secret mind control manipulation by a cabal of global corporate leaders.

Now enter LaRouche adherent Kesha Rogers. Her jolting congressional win in the Texas Democratic primary has made her a national figure and casts a fresh eye on LaRouche’s philosophy.

Rogers’ win was even more eye-catching in that the seat she seeks in the 22nd congressional district was once held by disgraced former House Republican Majority Leader Tom DeLay.

Texas Democratic party officials took the unprecedented step of disavowing her campaign. In a resolution they struck her name from the official online list of congressional contests. They emphatically warned that Rogers will not have access to party materials or data, no listing on the party website and no position of privilege or recognition at party meetings or conventions.

Rogers fired back and called their punitive action an insult to the voters. She accused the Democrats of “not acting in the interests of the people.” And she made it clear that she’s running as much against the Democratic Party as her GOP opponent, incumbent Pete Olsen. – Earl Ofari Hutchinson