Thursday, September 06, 2012

Should We Really Be Teaching Black Kids To Want To Be "Doctors", "Lawyers" & "Obama Scholars"?

Black doctors have not made us well. Black lawyers have not kept us out of prison. 

The Black president has expanded the war and strengthened the banks.

Why are we training our kids to be like them?

... Plantation Negros going through the motions.


Anonymous said...

Where is the "fist tap" Anonymous?

Denmark Vesey said...

lol ... fist tap fist tap

you got too much style to be "Anonymous"

Big Man said...

That's bad logic DV.

If the only metric of worth is completely solving problems, then who should we be teaching our kids to emulate?

Which of the many men you have held up as role models has succeeded completely?

Anonymous said...

I agree. Let's push our kids to be farmers, who make their own clothes out of hemp.

We can call the white, or Asian physician when he's got a ruptured spleen after that combine accident.

Then we can call the white or Asian lawyer to represent him in court when he's sued.

And well, he won't have to worry about voting for a black President...there won't be anymore serious candidates.

Anonymous said...

Big Man,

The only person I want my son to emulate is me. I don't believe in role models, nor do I point to famous people as worthy of emulation. I don't care if my boy is a poet or a plastic surgeon or a plumber. I just want him to reach his full potential.

Big Man said...


That's a cool philosophy.

But, given that I'm well aware of my own failings, I'm sure that my son can find other men to emulate to as well as looking to myself for guidance.

There are many admirable black folks in the annals of history, and I think I would do my sons a disservice by telling them to only look to me as a source of inspiration. So many black folks overcame so much to succeed, that I think their memory should be upheld and pointed to for our youth.

Denmark Vesey said...

I feel you Big Man and you make a good point.

But let's look at this one more time.

Imagine if we encouraged our children not to "be" doctors ... but to be healthy.

Imagined if we encouraged our children not to "be" lawyers ... but to know and use the law.

Imagine the above video:

"I can be!"
"I can be!"


"I want to be"
"I want to be"


"Diabetes Free"
"Diabetes Free"

"Jail Free"
"Jail Free"



Negros were suckered into playing roles.

Schools have been reduced to places where people go to get licensed, approved, sanctioned, appointed ... not taught anything that actually makes a difference.

A black doctor today is not different from any other doctor.

A bureaucrat, a cog in a government run / pharmaceutical controlled machine that manages the ill-health of the masses.

They treat the American people the same way the farmers treat herds of cows.

Antibiotics, GMO, drugs and surgery in a cycle of managed sickness.

We have 10 times more black lawyers than we had 50 years ago and we have 10 times more black men in jail.

Is it even fair to say these cats are actually "practicing law"?

So ... here we have yet another Civil Rights era Negro in the class room getting his Jesse Jackson on ... who likes to think all young black kids need is to be fired up and told they CAN BE DOCTORS LAWYERS AND PRESIDENTS ... and all will be well.

Nah Big Man.

I submit the insanity we see in this video is EXACTLY what's wrong with the generation of black adults we have today.

They don't really want to be free.

They just want to go through the motions.

Ergo: Plantation Negro

Denmark Vesey said...

"I agree. Let's push our kids to be farmers, who make their own clothes out of hemp." DMG

LOL. That's funny D.

"We can call the white, or Asian physician when he's got a ruptured spleen after that combine accident." DMG

Ruptured spleen ...
Burst appendix ...

Yeah I hear ya Doc.

Thing is for every ruptured spleen there are 1000 cases of diabetes.

You "doctors" have no clue what you are doing regarding diabetes.

We don't need more "doctors" like that.

We need "doctors" helping people deal with the health problems that are killing them off like it was on purpose.

Big Man said...


You and I disagree on whether being a doctor precludes you from being healthy.

For example, The Good Nurse is a nurse, yet she is often champions the causes you deem important regarding health. It seems she's providing a workable blueprint to accomplish the goals you seek without forsaking the traditional medicine system.

It's ridiculous to say that doctors don't learn anything of value in medical school, or that lawyers don't learn anything of value in law school. Yes, it's possible to gain much of this logic, particularly as it relates to law school, outside of a traditional classroom, but that does not mean it's useless to go to medical school or law school.

Those places are repositories of knowledge, and provide easier access to information even in the digital age.

In addition, people appreciate degrees and other credentials because they are a faster, easier to verfiy capabilities rather than the trial and error method.

Even folks who use the medical procedures you prefer, someone like the commenter She, are credentialed by some organization that tells folks they have attained a certain level of mastery. It's one thing to have a problem with the institutions handing out credentials, it's something else to have a problem with the need for credentials at all.

Finally, I don't have a problem with this brother encouraging kids to dream of becoming doctors and lawyers. Just like I don't have a problem with you encouraging them to eat healthy and consider their larger place in the world. The two things are not mutually exclusive and both aims have value.

You seem hellbent on proving that only your way has merit.

Sasha said...

Well said, Big Man.

Denmark Vesey said...

"You and I disagree on whether being a doctor precludes you from being healthy." Big Man

Nah. Bra.

You completely misunderstood that point Big Man.

I am challenging the value of "being a doctor".

Not saying an individual doctor cannot be healthy. (how you read that?)

The implication is that obtaining a medical license from the Plantation has value to the individual and to the community.

I am asking: What ... really ... is that value?

In the old days the individual doctor was assured a middle class lifestyle, esteem and a high income.

Today none of that is true.

The medical business model has changed forever.

In the old days it was assumed the more licensed doctors, the better would be the health of the community they served.

Is that true? No.

Doctors DO NOT EQUAL better health for the people they serve.

They mean more pharmaceuticals prescribed. More surgery. Not better health.


Right now, Americans are more obese and more sick than any people have ever been in the history of mankind.

Our "legal" system is as corrupt as is our medical and financial systems.

Under the watch of the previous generation of black lawyers we were burdened with the yokes of Mandatory Sentencing, 3 Strikes and Federal drug laws that have funneled nearly of generation of young black men to private prisons.

Black lawyers have been doing either Thurgood Marshall imitations or Johnny Cochran imitations for decades now.

That prototype is not working.

We need some black men and women who know the LAW and can challenge the jurisdiction of these "courts" that are locking Negros up like it is a business.

Black Doctors, Black Lawyers, Black Teachers, Black Presidents ... just doing the bidding of the Plantation.

And this cat in the video has the nerve to teach these kids to chant those memes?

Come on Bra.

Denmark Vesey said...

Sasha, DMG ... nothing personal. Much props for individual achievements.

But admit it. Your hands are tied.

Other than negotiate a reduced sentence ... what can a lawyer really do for a defendant in a federal case these days?

Other than prescribe drugs, what can a doctor do for a juvenile diabetic?

More "black lawyers" are not going to fix that problem.

More "black doctors" are not going to fix that problem.

Overhauling our approach to law and our approach to health will fix that problem.

Big Man said...


You and I see totally different value from being a doctor.

Forget the salary and the job security, I'm thinking about the skillset.

You learn concrete skills in medical school. How to diagnose and treat illnesses. You learn surgical techniques. All of these things are not well-known among the general public, and thus you have a skillset that nobody can take away from you that you can use to benefit others.

The other stuff is ancillary. Yeah, it's nice to make money and have stuff, but I'm talking knowing how to do something that the public needs and that you can see concrete results from. It takes skill, talent and dedication to gain that knowledge, and I think that's something black folks should encourage their kids to aspire to attain.

Now, I can see the argument against lawyers WAY more than against doctors. Personally, I'm not a fan of lawyers even though my brother and father-in-law both have law degrees. (Full disclosure: I have some homies who are doctors too.)

I think that you can learn the law outside of law school, and I think that speeding tens of thousands of dollars on a legal education is fairly stupid. And I agree that most folks go into the law just to make money.

But, I do think law schools are repositories of information about how the American justice system works. I think you can learn from folks who are actually involved in the fields you're interested in. I think that learning about the law is valuable for folks starting their own businesses and going into a host of other areas.

Finally, where did I argue that more doctors equals better health, or that more lawyers equals more justice?

I don't believe I wrote that anywhere. Instead, I disagreed with your thesis that it's a waste of time to encourage our children to become laywers and doctors.

I don't think that more black doctors or black lawyers will automatically solve problems anymore than more black police officers, teachers, and politians solved problems. Some folks will help, some will hurt.

But, that doesn't mean that I don't see value in those fields. I think that if you avoid being co-opted and maintain the correct value system, all of those fields can allow you to do good things for black folks.

That's my argument.

Denmark Vesey said...

"You learn concrete skills in medical school." Big Man

I hear you Big Man.

But let's walk through that again:

1) Learn concrete skills?

They learn to pass tests.

The more I talk to doctors the more I realize how little they understand about health.

They, like most people on the Plantation, have been trained to equate what they practice ... with health itself.

When in fact what they practice is not health(y) at all.

This particular medical monopoly is in the business of perpetuating itself.

Not in the business of making people healthier.

I submit the wholesale lack of health of the people who frequent doctors as evidence.

2) "Finally, where did I argue that more doctors equals better health, or that more lawyers equals more justice?" Big Man

You didn't.

Didn't say you did.

I was referencing the video and the operative point of this post:

We've been trained to think the occupations of "doctor" and "lawyer" were sacrosanct and universally worthy aspirations for our youth.

What the man is doing in the video is a perfect example of the disconnect between our youth and older generations.

The older generations are giving bad advice to the youth.

We are encouraging them to make the same mistakes we made.

Big Man said...

Your argument is that doctors don't learn the correct skills in medical school.

My contention is that they learn useful skills.

The skills they learn in medical school can be combined with the knowledge you value.

Moreover, even if doctors don't learn the skills you value, they still provide a useful and needed service. In fact, I know that you believe that they provide a useful and needed skill because you yourself have noted that you will make your way to the hospital for any type of "triage" service.

See, you believe that proper diet and exercise can prevent most medical conditions. I think that 80-90 percent of doctors agree with you. I have never heard a doctor not list diet and exercise as the keys to a healthy life.

The disagreement is about what type of diet, not about the importance of diet.

That disagreement does not prove that doctors are irrelevant. Nor does it prove that teaching your children to aspire to become a doctor is wrong.

I'm not sure how you think it does.

HotmfWax said...

DV is being to nice to you folks in regards to being a doctor(working for the medical Industries).

You cannot escape a prison you cannot see. The most clever form of mind control is one that teaches people how to enslave themselves... (and then to defend their own mental prisons!)

That's what the Medical Industries are doing to people: Brainwashing them into enslaving themselves with clever medical babble that preaches victimization and the " Illusion of Disease".

Sorry BM, I got an email today from Mike Adams after I READ some Bruce Lipton stuff and just had to share:

Being a doctor nowadays is totally different.

Doctors today use a manipulative language patterns of "influence masters" to brainwash patients.

Mike Adams from Natural News did some research on this and never expected to find such a strong correlation between the language used by medical doctors and the linguistic hypnosis patterns exploited by hypnotists and influence masters to control people.

His quote-

"Last year, I met a small, frail woman in Los Angeles who approached me after a speech I gave on nutritional cures. In a weak, crackled voice, she told me my speech was all wrong. There were no cures for diabetes or cancer, she said, and I was wrong to give people even a hint of hope at reversing disease.

She was a type-1 diabetes sufferer, and she talked about the disease as "my diabetes." She described the pharmaceuticals she was taking for hormone balance as "my medicine," and her description of her bone health included the admission that she had a disease called "osteoporosis" that caused her bones to become fragile.

It didn't take long to realize there was something odd about her choice of words. This wasn't the way healthy people talk... it was almost like she was speaking some sort of alien language that had been taught to her by doctors and health authorities -- a language that kept her trapped in a system of medical control."

He said that doctors are "hypnotizing" and "brainwashing" patients into believing in a disease mentality.

He discovered that before patients come into contact with western doctors regarding a health complaint, they only experience symptoms of discomfort or concern. They generally believe those symptoms have an underlying physiological cause, and that the symptoms are reversible.

But after contact with western doctors, everything changes! Their beliefs suddenly shift, and they now believe they have a "disease" (with a technical-sounding Latin name) and that their disease is incurable and can only be "managed" by medication or surgery.

Their ownership of those diseases also shifts from a dissociated perspective to a personal, possessive perspective. For example, if they had originally been experiencing symptoms of thirst and light-headedness, they talked about those symptoms as things separate from their definition of self (they don't walk around describing themselves as someone suffering from "thirst disorder," for example). But after visiting the doctor, they immediately assigned a name to the symptoms ("diabetes") and had taken ownership of the disease, talking about "my diabetes" or describing themselves as "being diabetic."

What was happening here? How was contact with doctors causing these people to change their language, their beliefs and their actions regarding disease? And why were these people suddenly so hopeless about the prospect of reversing the disease or health condition?

HotmfWax said...


And it's not just the doctors alone, mainstream journalists use the same hypnosis that are being carried out by writers and journalists in every major magazine, newspaper and conventional health website in the world! USA Today, Washington Post, Newsweek, TIME, CNN, Fox News... they ALL use these manipulative language patterns that attempt to trap the public in a mindset of sickness and disease.

These language patterns are everywhere.

In essence, the entire medical community -- including doctors, medical journals, health journalists and government health regulators -- are all taking part in a grand brainwashing scheme based on the "Secret Language Codes" of modern medicine.

You can't even talk to a doctor for thirty seconds without hearing one or more of these language codes being used.

(And, by the way, most doctors are using these language codes unconsciously.)-our resident Doctor does it every time.

They're not necessarily trying to brainwash you themselves. They may not even know these codes exist. Rather, they've adopted them because those are the language patterns used to brainwash them in medical school. Now, it's just the way they talk... they can't help but use them.

Not surprisingly, this brainwashing scheme is highly profitable. It makes people believe in fictitious disease, the empty promises of expensive chemical pills and the ridiculous promise of "preventive surgery" and flu shots, for example.

Virtually everyone is caught up in this brainwashing.

Technically, it could be called a "virus of the mind," and this virus is dangerously infectious. It can be so easily passed from one person to another that a single visit to the doctor causes most health consumers to catch this virus and suffer an infection of their own minds, language and thought processes.

Symptoms of infection include the shift of language patterns towards a victimization posture, surrendering to the medical advice of doctors, and abandoning all hope for self determination. In other words, people exposed to this virus of the mind become hopeless victims who verbally recycle medical babble while believing disease is a matter of fate or luck, not a result of causative actions.

In other words, they become the perfect victims to be exploited by Big Pharma and the conventional cancer industry!

And how is this virus of the mind propagated? As he later learned, it is passed from person to person through the use of the Secret Language Codes(NLP) of modern medicine.

Neurolinguistic Programming is the technology of using language to affect lasting changes in the mind. It's a branch of neuroscience that was created by John Grinder and Richard Bandler, and today it's currently studied by practically everybody interested in sales, persuasion or marketing.

What most people don't realize is that NLP is the basis of the "Secret Language Codes" used by drug companies, health authorities and pill-pushing doctors who infect the minds of patients with their dangerous (and false) concepts of health and disease.

You are not a doctor: You are a marketeer. :)

HotmfWax said...


Symptoms are real; disease labels are fiction

When considering everything you've learned , remember that I'm not saying the health symptoms people experience aren't real. They certainly are (When your head hurts, your head hurts!) But the disease names and explanations used to define and describe the world of modern medicine are nothing more than a fabricated model of reality that's shared among conventional health practitioners.

Technically speaking, conventional medical doctors suffer from a mass hallucination in which diseases like osteoporosis are real, self-contained entities that run around causing symptoms of disease (like fragile bones).

That's part of the reason why the results of our modern health care system are extremely disappointing: Degenerative disease rates are higher than ever. Pharmaceutical use is through the roof. Health insurance costs are skyrocketing, and families, companies, cities, states and entire nations are going broke from out-of-control health care costs.

Flatly stated, our modern medical system doesn't work. That's because it's based on a fictitious model of reality and propagandized using the aforementioned NLP methods.

Haven't you had enough of these manipulation efforts by modern medicine?

Denmark Vesey said...

"You cannot escape a prison you cannot see. The most clever form of mind control is one that teaches people how to enslave themselves... (and then to defend their own mental prisons!)

That's what the Medical Industries are doing to people: Brainwashing them into enslaving themselves with clever medical babble that preaches victimization and the " Illusion of Disease".

Brilliant Wax.

Big Man. Do you see that?

Denmark Vesey said...

HotmfWax said...


Symptoms are real; disease labels are fiction

When considering everything you've learned , remember that I'm not saying the health symptoms people experience aren't real. They certainly are (When your head hurts, your head hurts!) But the disease names and explanations used to define and describe the world of modern medicine are nothing more than a fabricated model of reality that's shared among conventional health practitioners."

NEEDS TO BE TATTOOD on the foreheads of anybody with a prescription drug in their "medicine cabinet".

Big Man said...

DV and Wax

Y'all gonna have to clear something up.

Don't you two regularly point to Plantation diet and Plantation chemicals as the cause of many modern diseases and health problems?

Now, you're arguing that most diseases aren't really diseases after all and are the result of people accepting the terminology of the plantation and creating psychosomatic illnesses?

That doesn't compute.

If the diseases are all in people's minds and the result of western treatments, then why all the complaints about flouride and aspartme and beef.

If the diseases are real, then doctors aren't creating them with hypnosis.

But, all this is besides the point.

The original issue was whether it makes sense to teach children to aspire to be doctors and lawyers.

I have yet to see an explanation for why simply becoming a doctor or lawyer is evil, wrong or something to be despised.

I have seen explanations for why becoming a CERTAIN TYPE of doctor or lawyer is a problem instead.

There is a very serious difference in the two concepts.

the good nurse said...

i am a nurse...a non-traditional nurse.
i focus on the education and prevention of dis-ease.
i am not a champion of the use of medication, but once you are ill i see the benefits of using the poison to kill and treat the illness.

my goal is to prevent sickness by effectively educating our folk to know better so they can do better....

Big Man said...


Do you see any value in encouraging children to become nurses?

the good nurse said...

and yes, I did go to a legit school of nursing housed in a major university...for those of you who may have wondered :)

the good nurse said...

i see great value in encouraging children to see a need in the world and be the best at meeting that need.

i think your passion should lead you in terms of what your "profession" should be.

my mother "shamed" me into going into nursing because she saw no value in my desire to become a chef...

i have allowed my son to seek and find his own path, vision and passion. i only offer encouragement, love and kisses so that he may reach his goals knowing he is loved.

Big Man said...

Oh, that's crazy. I think being a chef is cool.

I agree on encouraging interests and letting passion guide you in profession.

the good nurse said...

i think it is crazy, too and i wish i had the courage to just do what i wanted and not what i thought my parents thought was best for the way, my mama is a nurse too :)

and she hates to cook! LOL

Denmark Vesey said...

Sista Nurse!

Where you been? You know we need the love.

"i am a nurse...a non-traditional nurse. i focus on the education and prevention of dis-ease."


That's what I'm talking about.

Sista Nurse is not just " ... "a" nurse".

Whe is a thinking self-defining woman who happens to also be a nurse.

We need more thinking people ... not just mindless role players supporting a system that does more harm than good.

Denmark Vesey said...

"Don't you two regularly point to Plantation diet and Plantation chemicals as the cause of many modern diseases and health problems?"

"Now, you're arguing that most diseases aren't really diseases after all and are the result of people accepting the terminology of the plantation and creating psychosomatic illnesses?" Big Man



uh ....

Big Man ....

You don't see how those two concepts are directly related?

If the Plantation is making the food that makes you sick and the drugs that keep you sick and "doctors" rubber stamp that food and prescribe those drugs ... don't you see them as one and the same?

Big Man said...

That has nothing to do with what I said.

The information Wax posted questioned whether people are even really sick.

Different issue.

Denmark Vesey said...

Big Man you misread what Wax posted.

The information doesn't question the existence of sickness.

Symptoms certainly do exist.

It challenges the reality of named diseases and the explanations that go along with them.

Read it again.

Anonymous said...

sure DV, you just want them to be more niggas with gangs and guns, bitches and ho's. that's a much, much better plan than being a doctor or lawyer...

you da man.

HotmfWax said...

"It challenges the reality of named diseases and the explanations that go along with them."-DV

Lets try it again Biggie: The Disease Name Game-

Disease names are misleading and confuse patients about prevention and treatment.

The fastest way to solve most problems is to immediately establish cause and effect relationships. Failure to identify the true cause of a problem inevitably results in an incorrect assessment of what must be done to correct it. When it comes to sickness, treating the effect as a cause is a prescription for public health disaster.

Cause or effect?

There is a curious tendency in conventional medicine to name a set of symptoms a disease. I was recently at a compounding pharmacy having my bone mineral density measured to update my health stats. I spotted a poster touting a new drug for osteoporosis.

It was written by a drug company and it said exactly this: Osteoporosis is a disease that causes weak and fragile bones." Then the poster went on to say that you need a particular drug to counteract this "disease."

Yet the language is all backwards. Osteoporosis isn't a disease that causes weak bones; osteoporosis is the name given to a diagnosis of weak bones. In other words, the weak bones happened first, and then the diagnosis of osteoporosis followed.

The drug poster makes it sound like osteoporosis strikes first, and then you get weak bones. The cause-and-effect is all backwards.

And that's how drug companies want people to think about diseases and symptoms: First you "get" the disease, then you are "diagnosed" just in time to take a new drug for the rest of your life.

But it's all hogwash. There is no such disease as osteoporosis. It's just a made-up name given to a pattern of symptoms that indicate you've let your bones get fragile.

Another example: When a person follows an unhealthy lifestyle that results in a symptom such as high blood pressure, that symptom is assumed to be a disease all by itself and it will be given a disease name. What disease? The disease is, of course, "high blood pressure." Doctors throw this phrase around as if it were an actual disease and not merely descriptive of patient physiology.

Fatal flaw

This may all seem silly, right? But there's actually a very important point to all this.

When we look at symptoms and give them disease names, we automatically distort the selection of available treatments for such a disease. If the disease is, by itself, high cholesterol, then the cure for the disease must be nothing other than lowering the high cholesterol. And that's how we end up with all these pharmaceuticals treating high cholesterol in order to "prevent" this disease and lower the levels of LDL cholesterol in the human patient.

By lowering only the cholesterol, the doctor can rest assured that he is, in fact, treating this "disease," since the definition of this "disease" is high cholesterol and nothing else.

But there is a fatal flaw in this approach to disease treatment: The symptom is not the cause of the disease. There is another cause, and this deeper cause is routinely ignored by conventional medicine, doctors, drug companies, and even patients.

HotmfWax said...


Medical illogic

Let's take a closer look at high blood pressure. What actually causes high blood pressure? Many doctors would say high blood pressure is caused by a specific, measurable interaction between circulating chemicals in the human body. Thus, the ill-behaved chemical compounds are the cause of the high blood pressure and, therefore, the solution is to regulate these chemicals. That's exactly what pharmaceuticals do-they attempt to manipulate the chemicals in the body to adjust the symptoms of high blood pressure.

Thus, they only treat the symptoms, not the root cause.

Or take a look at high cholesterol. The conventional medicine approach says that high cholesterol is caused by a chemical imbalance in the liver, which is the organ that produces cholesterol. Thus the treatment for high cholesterol is a prescription drug that inhibits the liver's production of cholesterol (statin drugs). Upon taking these drugs, the high cholesterol (the "disease") is regulated, but what was causing the liver to overproduce cholesterol in the first place?

That causative factor remains ignored.

The root cause of high cholesterol, as it turns out, is primarily dietary. A person who eats foods that are high in saturated fats and hydrogenated oils will inevitably produce more bad cholesterol and will show the symptoms of this so-called disease of high cholesterol. It's simple cause-and-effect. Eat the wrong foods, and you'll produce too much bad cholesterol in the liver which can be detected and diagnosed by conventional medical procedures.


Yet the root cause of all this is actually poor food choice, not some bizarre behavior by the liver. If the disease were to be accurately named, then, it would be called Fatty Food Choice Disease, or simply FFCD.

FFCD would be a far more accurate name that would make sense to people. If it's a fatty food choice disease, then it seems that the obvious solution to the disease would be to choose foods that aren't so fatty.

This may be a bit of an over-simplification since you have to distinguish between healthy fats and unhealthy fats. But at least the name FFCD gives patients a better idea of what's actually going on rather than naming the disease after a symptom, such as high cholesterol.

You see, the symptom is not the disease, but conventional medicine insists on calling the symptom the disease because that way it can treat the symptom and claim success without actually addressing the underlying cause, which continues to remain a mystery for modern medicine.


But let's move on to some other diseases so you get a clearer picture of how this actually works. Another disease that's caused by poor food choice is diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is the natural physiological and metabolic result of a person consuming refined carbohydrates and added sugars in large quantities without engaging in regular physical exercise that would compensate for such dietary practices.

The name "diabetes" is meaningless to the average person. The disease should be called Excessive Sugar Disease, or ESD. If it were called Excessive Sugar Disease, the solution to it would be rather apparent; simply eat less sugar, drink fewer soft drinks and so on. But of course that would be far too simple for the medical community, so the disease must be given a complex name such as diabetes, effectively putting its solution beyond the intellectual reach of most patients.

HotmfWax said...


Another disease that is named after its symptom is cancer. In fact, to this day, most doctors and many patients still believe that cancer is a physical thing: A tumor. In reality, a tumor is only a side effect of cancer, not its cause. A tumor is simply a physical manifestation of a cancer pattern that is expressed by the body.

When a person "has cancer," what they really have is a sluggish immune system. And that would be a far better name for the disease: Sluggish Immune System Disease or SISD.

If cancer were actually called Sluggish Immune System Disease, it would seem ridiculous to try to cure cancer by cutting out tumors through surgery and by destroying the immune system with chemotherapy. Yet these are precisely the most popular treatments for cancer offered by conventional medicine.

These treatments do absolutely nothing to support the patient's immune system in order to prevent further occurrences of cancer. That's exactly why most people who undergo chemotherapy or the removal of tumors through surgical procedures end up with more cancer a few months or a few years later.

It also explains why survival rates for cancer have barely budged over the last 20 years (In other words, conventional medicine's treatments for cancer simply don't work).

This whole situation stems from the fact that the disease is misnamed. It isn't cancer, it isn't a tumor and it certainly isn't a disease caused by having too strong of an immune system that needs to be destroyed through chemotherapy. It is simply a sluggish immune system or a suppressed immune system. And if it were called a sluggish immune system disease or a suppressed immune system disorder, the effective treatment for SISD would be apparent.

Secret language Many other diseases have been given misleading names by western medicine. But if you take a look at how diseases are named elsewhere, you will find many countries have disease names that actually make sense.

For example, in Chinese medicine, Alzheimer's disease is given a name that means, when translated, "feeble mind disease."

In Chinese medicine, the name of the disease more accurately describes the actual cause of the disease, whereas in western medicine, the name of the disease seems to be intended to obscure the root cause of the disease, thereby making all diseases sound far more complex and mysterious than they really are.

This is one way in which doctors and practitioners of western medicine keep medical treatments out of the reach of the average citizen. Because, by God, they sure don't want people thinking for themselves about the causes of disease!

By creating a whole new vocabulary for medical conditions, they can speak their own secret language and make sure that people who aren't schooled in medicine won't understand what they're saying.

That's a shame, because the treatments and cures for virtually all chronic diseases are actually quite simple and can be described in plain language, such as making different food choices, getting more natural sunlight, drinking more water, engaging in regular physical exercise, avoiding specific food toxins, supplementing your diet with superfoods and nutritional supplements and so on.

HotmfWax said...


See, western medicine prefers to describe diseases in terms of chemistry. When you're depressed, you aren't suffering from a lack of natural sunlight; you are suffering from a "brain chemistry imbalance" that can only be regulated, they claim, by ingesting toxic chemicals to alter your brain chemistry.

When your bones are brittle, it's not brittle bone disease; it's called osteoporosis, something that sounds very technical and complicated. And to treat it, western doctors and physicians will give you prescriptions for expensive drugs that somehow claim to make your bones less brittle.

But in fact, the real treatment for this can be described in plain language once again: regular physical exercise, vitamin D supplementation, mineral supplements that include calcium and strontium, natural sunlight, and avoidance of acidic foods such as soft drinks, white flour and added sugars.

Virtually every disease that's prominent in modern society-diabetes, cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis, clinical depression, irritable bowel syndrome and so on-can be easily described in plain language without using complex terms at all.

These diseases are simply misnamed. And I believe they are intentionally misnamed to put the medical jargon, and therefore medical diagnosis, treatment and prevention, beyond the comprehension of everyday citizens.

The language of health and healing Mastery of their secret language has created a great deal of arrogance among the practitioners of western medicine.

This arrogance deepens the divide between doctors and their patients. Division never results in healing. In order to effect healing, we must bridge the communication between healers and patients using plain language that ordinary people understand and act upon without learning a new language.

We need to start describing diseases in terms of their root causes, not in terms of their arcane, biochemical actions. When someone suffers from seasonal affective disorder or clinical depression, for example, let's call it what it is: Sunlight Deficiency Disorder (SDD).

To treat it, the person simply needs to get more sunlight. This isn't rocket science, it's not complex, and it doesn't require a prescription.

If someone is suffering from osteoporosis, let's get realistic about the words we use to describe the condition-it's really Brittle Bone Disease. And it should be treated with things that will enhance bone density, such as nutrition, physical exercise and avoidance of foods and drinks that strip the human body of bone mass.

HotmfWax said...

Final- (Stop complaining -got it from an email that I have:)) I don't have a link:

All of this information, of course, is rather shocking to old-school doctors and practitioners of western medicine, and the bigger their egos are, the more they hate the idea of naming diseases in plain language that patients can actually comprehend. That's because if the simple truths about diseases and their causes were known, health would be more readily available to everyday people, and that would lessen the importance of physicians and medical researchers.

There's a great deal of ego invested in the medical community, and it sure doesn't want to make sound health attainable to the average person without their expert advice. It's sort of the same way that some churches don't want their members talking to God unless they go through their priesthood first.

Doctors and priests all want to serve as the translators of "truth" and will balk at any attempts to educate the public to either practice medicine or talk to God on their own.

But in reality, health (and a connection with spirit) is attainable by every single person. Health is easy, it is straightforward, it is direct and, for the most part, available free of charge.

Don't believe the names of diseases given to you by your doctor. Those names are designed to obscure, not to inform. They are designed to separate you from self-healing, not to put you in touch with your own inner healer. And thus, they are nothing more than bad medicine masquerading as modern medical practice.

"There is only one Natural Cure for dis-ease in the human body and that IS the human body.

Constructive Feedback said...



What the hell is an "Obama Scholar"?

Might we have thrown away some "Obama Scholars" in the Chicago Public Schools which only graduates 51.9% of its students - 87% of them being Black and Hispanic?

How long will you Progressive-Fundamentalist Negros continue to be LEAD BY YOUR EMOTIONS rather than learning how to MANAGE your HUMAN RESOURCES?

Anonymous said...

What is with you and diabetes? It's no mystery about how to avoid Type II Diabetes Mellitus. But this brings us to the same debate about diet....which we've done before.

The problem is you blame physicians (you do this out of ignorance, because you haven't taken the time to learn how this disease process occurs).

Example. Internal medicine or family physician sees a patient with symptoms and risk factors for early onset diabetes mellitus (type II). Dr tells patient that some lifestyle changes need to be made (stop smoking, change your diet, exercise, etc.). Tells patient that his diabetes may be treated without medication, with changes in diet, and possibly reversed.

At the follow-up appointment the patient is still smoking, sitting on her/his ass, and has gained 10 lbs. in the 6 weeks since the last visit...and now blood tests show that her blood glucose has remained elevated for quite sometime. Since the patient doesn't want to participate in her own care, the physician prescribes a medication. Fairly simple. This scenario repeats itself daily.

Anonymous said...

As for the Type I Diabetic (Juvenile)...the etiology of the disease is different, and is thought to be the result of an autoimmune attack on ones on pancreatic islet cells. I know your next sentence is going to have something about Vitamin D. And it's an interesting (and hot) area of study right now. But all the evidence isn't there yet. The fact is the only real treatment for insulin, or transplant.

So what is the REAL reason you dislike physicians, or lawyers, or university educated people? You try hard to disguise it but it really just comes off sounding like jealousy. It can't be that. Can it? Please tell me you have some real concrete reason.

Seven Half Store said...

Well I look at DV's argument in another light.

First a quote:

"Every civilization is, among other things, an arrangement for domesticating the passions and setting them to do useful work." ~Aldous Huxley

In my opinion an excellent civilization is one in which there are a great mix of professions putting to use a diverse skill set.
Let us say we measured the effectiveness of a professional group by its impact on the civilization. Would we say that doctors and lawyers have benefitted the society?
Why is it wrong to judge a group of professionals by their work? After all, professionals by American standards have all been tested and tried, their results quantified prior to owning their titles.
Whether or not we believe the state of health in our country is as a result of stubborn citizens or misinformed professionals, the question remains whether or not the people who are responsible for advancing civilization as it relates to health and law can be depended on to do so.

While there are no implicit threats made by the gentleman encouraging the children to be doctors and lawyers -

"Society attacks early, when the individual is helpless." ~B.F.Skinner

- the problem is that this is a philosophy on its own. We value doctors and lawyers. They are held in high esteem. Why? Because we put our lives in their hands. Why then can we not measure their value by their collective influence on society.

Seven Half Store said...

I love that the good nurse mentions passions.

I dont see the gentleman above talking about finding a career that excites these children. I dont find anyone saying such things - THAT ACTUALLY BELIEVES IT.

I've worked in mental health as a nurse. (my lord I have had so many jobs and years of schooling) I loved that particular field in health as the organization I worked for made overwhelming progress in it's specialty. Results that were quantifiable.
With such momentum in the headway we made in our area I wanted to make more progress. Institute other ways of achieving goals - the kinds of things that could get a fool fired.
I no longer care to fight with "professionals". It does not serve my spirit. I do not like looking like the crazy person because I stray away from the books and politics. I thought I was just passionate about my work.

Enough passion in any profession creates great change whether with an individual or a mass.

Will you ever hear anyone tell a child to be a composer or writer?

ed said...

This character in the video stole the lyrics from "You Are the Universe" from Brand New Heavies...

that dude said...

No, our kids should not be doctors or lawyers. They should be keyboard revolutionaries typing up a storm. Because that cure diabetes and keeps black people out of prison.