One more time; It starts here. Check out your mortgage.
Usury is fraud....
goldman knows this and has groomed the people like (Paulson,Summers,Giethner) to execute this criminal system over the last centuries.
The system:
when a private central bank(or any bank come to think of it) issues the public currency at interest, the system is a pyramid that lasts only as long as ever-larger pools of new borrowers can be found to allow the creation of new money with which to pay the interest on the old money. When new borrowers cannot be found, the pyramid collapses. When everyone in the nation (or planet) is already in debt and cannot be persuaded to borrow any more, collapse is inevitable because it is designed into the system from its inception.
Will Plantation Negroes get it ? The bankers(Goldman etc.) designed a system that would eventually place all the wealth into their hands(usury- old jewish con), but never planned what to do when they actually succeeded and society stopped operating.
And these same greedy bastard want to run the world? Jeeez.
Not real hard to understand bra-goldman sachs is a tool of the Rothschild /vatican/monarchy team of destruction.
How many times we going to prove the Butler did it?
What I find fascinating is the Mak B. brothers who refuse to incorporate this particular phenomenon into their World View because it clashes with their Global System of White Supremacy Boogeyman narrative.
Not until one appreciates that white peasants are just as much victims of these bankers as are black peasants and that this is more of a spiritual war than it is a race war, can one abandon old memetic head fakes like "Da Sivul Rites Moovment".
I have to disagree somewhat. When one pays "interest" on borrowed money he is actually paying the price that he WOULD HAVE PAID in the future AS IF HE HAD ALL THE MONEY TO BUY THE HOUSE OUTRIGHT.
You buy a 500k house, put 20% down and borrow 400k. Over the next 15 to 30 years (depending on your amortization) you pay principal PLUS interest. This principal PLUS interest is to REPRESENT THE VALUE of the house in 15 to 30 years AS THOUGH YOU HAD ALL THE MONEY TO BUY THE HOUSE OUTRIGHT.
So your house value IN 15 to 30 years is the 500k PLUS interest.
So if your house is 750k in 30 years WHEN YOU CAN BUY IT OUTRIGHT then that is the price you pay.
In an advanced liberal society, self-sufficiency represents a primitive mode of existence. It's exclusivity is looked upon with suspicion. The idea is that Man can't capitalize being strictly self-sufficient and thus must borrow capital in order to expand beyond his own personal need and thereby introduce the potential for capitalization. The growth and accumulation of capital SEEN AS PROVIDING for more than self.
In this debt-based system of growth BEYOND self-sufficiency IS THE POTENTIAL for abuse and ultimately anti-capitalization.
There is certainly room for abuse when your ability to increase your leverage on borrowed money is perpetually liberalized. Ultimately, there has to be a definitive limit, boundary, etc., to this excessive leveraging.
That's why there is a need to get back to the basics of Capitalism as ordered by Supremacy.
Man strives for credibility... Credibility IS intangible Capital. The Man with the most credibility is the Man with the most Capital. Man is a Capitalist.
What we have now is exactly what we have IN ALL SPHERES of our existence. The hegemony of radical liberalism.
Bernie Madoff a Capitalist???
Nah, Madoff helped set in motion our current state of anti-capitalization... We are losing credibility...
And these radically autonomous anti-capitalists get the cover of Capitalism just like we call the dyke "feminist," self-annihilation "euthanasia," abortion a "fundamental right" and jihadists "American."
Thing is, a house is a middle of the road investment with low long term risk and the commensurate low long term ROI. We really have to wait 15-30 years to see if the house value equals the principal plus interest. There was a Wall Street/Federal Government initiative to create both greater demand (open borders, more lax loan standards, 0 down) and then fill that demand (construction boom, bureaucratic oversight).
And now a growing number of people who borrowed TODAY what they can't afford for another 15-30 years are unable to pay the mortgage. BUT THE LENDERS CAN'T MAKE INTEREST EITHER... And the Government has opened up the private sphere TO INCREASED FOREIGN OWNERSHIP.
Radical autonomists... Infiltrators... Relations to nothing... Relationship with no one... Purely indiscriminate will...
Ain't trying to beat a dead horse BUT CATS up here ARE ALWAYS trying to build credibility. It's as natural as lying with Woman.
Man is always building his Capital when he lives by the proper order of things.
The "default elite" is putting US in a state of anti-capitalization. We are losing credibility BUT THEY STILL the "default elite." Power without work. Influence without sacrifice. Pull without push. Strength without muscle...
Recapitalization becomes clear when we see that the "default elite" IS ONLY THERE because we haven't retired them.
The old saturnilia (Zionist cult of Saturn as Islam is the cult of Venus) system was designed by the elite Banker communist under the assumption that you can.
A fiat currency monetary system combined with usury has been mathematically proven by scholars worldwide that it will return all the wealth and value to the lenders and bankrupt all the borrowers.
We see the lenders as virtuous when they are lending us "fake" money( no value) that does not exist for our wealth(real things of value). Pure con man.
We have been fooled to think that there is a communist monetary system and then capitalism.
No, no, no.
Go back to the Frankfort school thread our system is Communism disguise as "Free Capitalism".
Most plantation Negroes would argue successfully against Amway, but can't argue against our current system which is no different.
I suggest this refresher course of Debt is Money in order to help us in this maze. TD is right the elite is putting us in a state of "anti capitalism" however what wonderful timing- right at the time when the wealth is all stolen.
Brilliant! Simply Brilliant.
One last time people - money is not wealth, wealth is not money.
Money is really a debtor note. a tool.
Wealth is land, gold, minerals, food, etc. The elite used a Saturn" tool(money/capital)" to own most of the world's wealth.
What I find fascinating is the Mak B. brothers who refuse to incorporate this particular phenomenon into their World View because it clashes with their Global System of White Supremacy Boogeyman narrative.—DV
What particular phenomenon is that DV? You and the “Red Rosa” twins are like middle-school quarterbacks who keep locking onto one receiver—Rothschild/Jewish Bankers, while I’m Joe Montana probing the entire field. I saw the actions of Bush/Bernanke/Paulson/Geithner, etc., on the weekend of September 14/15, 2008 as a planned demolition of the economy, for multiple purposes,which spun out of control, well before many respected economists. My error was that I thought the Lehman collapse would come after in the election, in December 08 or January 09. I couldn’t imagine that they would do it in September, during the election cycle, but they were desperate to get Obama elected. So they pulled the trigger, and many folks are just now understanding what really happened.
He showed us that THERE IS NO REAL LIMIT to building one's credibility.
THE CAPITALIST PARADIGM is operative for all time.
Man seeks to build his credibility BECAUSE he wants Capital.
Now, money is a tool. Powerful AND AT OUR DISPOSAL...
We are able to build unlimited INTANGIBLE CAPITAL (credibility) and that helps lay the foundation for accumulating tangible capital (legacies, lands, property).
We use dolla bills as an exchange medium AND THE CREDIBILITY OF THE AMERICAN has made it the most versatile exchange medium OF ALL TIME. With the dolla bill, one CAN GO MORE PLACES and GET MORE THINGS in exchange for that lil greenback than any other money...
The cats that are taking the CREDIBILITY out of the dolla bill ARE NOT CAPITALISTS...
They are anti-capitalists AND MAKING IT MORE DIFFICULT for US to CAPITALIZE...
These cats like Madoff that accumulated "capital" through deceit and illegal action and then ARE PROVIDED THE OPPORTUNITY to drape themselves in the excess of capitalism by an ignorant mass of autonomized individuals are PUTTING US in a state of anti-capitalization.
We help them stay the "default elite" EVEN WHEN they sacrifice one of their own by ascribing to him CAPITALIST scum when he is an anti-capitalist con artist.
One can not build REAL credibility THROUGH DECEIT and false action.
What has been the "investment" mantra of the last 2 decades?
"DIVERSIFY your portfolio..."
Translation: Give us your money and if not us then someone like us... And make sure you don't have anything outside the portfolio... That's dangerous...
Of course, most people read this as not putting all your eggs in one basket.
Thing is, if you have 5 baskets and 4 of them have rotted out bottoms then you may put all your eggs in one basket ASSUMING of course that you MUST put your eggs in a basket.
Thing is, there is complicity between the masses and the anti-capitalists attempting to provide ALL with ill-gotten gains.
We are in many respects self-correcting via invisible natural laws.
Men will still rise attempting to build their credibility and thus engage in the enduring operative paradigm of Capitalism...
"Man seeks to build his credibility BECAUSE he wants Capital."
I follow your stuff tightly and I am a little lost on Capital here- why does he need or want capital? Not money right? define capital in the above sentence.
If a man had a piece of land then it's value was determined by whether one would die trying to take it. The land was tangible capital while the Man that WOULD KILL YOU if you tried to take it WAS THE CREDIBLE CAPITAL... Intangible... A perception built in a myriad of ways but usually through work, sacrifice, comittment and maybe killing other fools.
Capital is the stuff of INTELLIGENT DESIGN.
There is an unlimited dimension to it that allows one's intangible capital (credibility) to stretch the millennia.
Hotwax eloquent like a capitalist building his intangible capital...
We only know "capital" in the physical sense of things. It's actually quite predictable if we recognize the "default elite" are largely God-deniers or "believers" in unknowable god(s). The physical is all that exists. Credibility CAN BE built through lies and deception... Yes we can... Capital CAN BE anti-capital. Man CAN BE anti-man... Yes we can...
What would it say about those who would say Carlos Slim?
They know nothing of Truth and Credibility... The intangible and enduring capital... They only know of physical capital. A thing THAT CAN BE created and destroyed AND therefore CANNOT BE the Capital that endures because it is intangible AND indestructable.
A strong people can borrow against the future in order to fuel growth now BUT this people must be perceived to be credible. These people MAKE US want to invest in them. The more credible a people is the farther they can borrow into the future, the more they can grow now and an increase in investment opportunity for others.
The "default elite" HAS FLIPPED THE SCRIPT.
They have been INVESTING IN OTHERS (diversify your portfolio) which HAS THE EFFECT of making US less credible.
We are in a state of anti-capitalization BECAUSE our fundamental investment advice has been DIVESTMENT.
The idea behind the need to be able to compete in a global economy really tells us nothing more than we already know about basic business and economics.
The competition in our national economy only differs in degree with competition in a global economy. You simply must enhance your knowledge to reflect a broadening of the environments in which you operate.
There is no global competition for landscaping business in San Diego, but there may be for port leasing.
You can get in whatever game you want and decide your level of competition.
The problem that exists is malinvesment that has morphed into divestment.
We are telling ourselves that China and India will surpass us AND so we are INVESTING IN THEM... And divesting from America... Anti-capitalization... The capital is flowing out of us... Growth is elsewhere...
Back to the Latest way to Scam the ignorant Masses:
Con Job Class number 452:
Blame the Poor (While Taking Their Money)
Gordon Arnaut wrote in "Information Clearing House" --
" Did you know that the poor (and mostly black) people in the US caused the global financial crisis that threw the world economy into its worst slump since the Great Depression of the 1930’s?
I didn’t know that either, until I heard this news from the US media and popular broadcasters like Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh.
This is how it all happened: Special interest groups representing poor people, minorities, and “socialist” elements in the US government “pressured banks to make loans to people who could not afford them, and then the whole thing melted down…” explains Beck, who has a radio and TV audience of several million viewers and listeners. "
"Thomas Sowell, a right-wing economist for the Hoover Institution and a writer for the Wall Street Journal and Forbes magazine, says that anti-poverty activists “blocked drive-up lanes and made business impossible for banks until they surrendered to demands that they make billions in loans that they wouldn’t otherwise have made.”
God Bless America. The land where truth and freedom prevails.
The only thing I don’t understand is how these poor, black and Hispanic Americans, whose combined share of the national wealth is less than the personal fortune of a few wealthy individuals at the top of the Forbes list, could possibly have exerted such a disproportionate influence on the nation’s economy.
Statistics from the United Nations tell us that the bottom 40 percent of the population of the United States own less than 1 percent of the nation’s wealth. That is about 120 million people. If each and every one of these individuals “forced” the banks to give them mortgages and loans, and then failed to pay them back, the worst that could happen would be a total national loss of 1 percent of wealth.
Is this what happened? That 120 million poor Americans all simultaneously defaulted on their mortgage and loan payments and the economy collapsed because of a 1 percent decline?
Or perhaps the collapse had more to do with the top 1 percent of Americans who own 38 percent of the national wealth? If we do a bit of simple math we see that a member of that top 1 percent—about 3 million wealthy Americans—owns, on average, about 1,500 times as much as a member of the bottom 120 million Americans. Put another way, about 1,500 poor people share a single piece of pie that one wealthy American has all to himself.
Also curious are numbers on who actually lost the most in this Great Recession. According to a study by a professor at the University of California, the average American household lost an astounding 36 percent of their total wealth. But the top 1 percent households lost only 11 percent. So the net result is that the wealth distribution is even more unequal than it was it was before the financial crisis.
Maybe the top 1 percent should be thanking the poor black folks for “causing” the financial meltdown.
What we do know for sure is that the US government has given more than a trillion taxpayer dollars to big banks like-
Goldman Sachs and Citigroup, to prevent them from going under. This has led to huge deficits, which has brought demands from the wealthy that the government cut back on social security and Medicare. So while the bank executives continue to reward themselves with multimillion dollar bonuses at the taxpayer’s expense, poor pensioners—who you will see at the grocery store buying marked-down, half-rotten fruit and vegetables—are asked do get by without their medicines and live on bread and water.
BTW, this was not planned or scripted by the elite. It just happened, no one to blame but the worst of us.
The banks were virtuous in this scheme. Bless them..No conspiracy here.
Of course the plight of the poor, the sick and the old is of no concern to the slick business media, with their glossy spreads of the “good life” and fawning write-ups of the business elite whose lifestyles would make Marie Antoinette blush—an army of servants, chauffeurs, pilots, prostitutes, maids, cooks, valets, butlers, masseuses, caddies, surgeons…at their beck and call.
And what about the “ordinary” people of America? The great middle class of suburbia? Mom and dad working three or four part-time jobs between them, kids working too, always trying to get ahead, but never quite getting out from under a lifelong load of debt—interest continually piling up. Banks repossessed nearly a million homes last year. Another three million went into foreclosure and the total number of homes repossessed will likely reach over 7 million when all is said and done, say experts.
Do these people need to lose their homes? What would happen if the trillion dollars that Bush and Obama gifted to the banks were given to help ordinary homeowners instead? The median monthly mortgage payment in the US is about $1,300. A trillion dollars could pay the mortgage on those 7 million distressed homes for 10 years. If the average mortgage is about $150,000 then that trillion dollars could pay off completely all seven million of those mortgages.
Not that anyone is asking for total debt forgiveness. Even a tiny fraction of the bank bailout, say 100 billion, would be enough to get those homeowners back on their feet and keep a roof over their heads.
So the banks get more than a trillion dollars, but homeowners get practically nothing. (Well not nothing; they get the tax bill that is paying for the bank bailout.) One has to ask the logical question. Is this democracy? Is this a system where the people exercise political power?
Welcome to America, a country of 3 million people (and 300 million debt peons).
"Oh Shit! ... GMO Food Sterilizes People ... And It's Really A Form of Population Control?"
"There was of course no way of knowing whether you were being watched at any given moment. How often, or on what system, the Thought Police plugged in on any individual wire was guesswork. It was even conceivable that they watched everybody all the time. But at any rate they could plug in your wire whenever they wanted to. You had to live—did live, from habit that became instinct—in the assumption that every sound you made was overheard, and, except in darkness, every movement scrutinized."
Alexander King, Bertrand Schneider - founder Club of Rome - The First Global Revolution, pp.104-105
"In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill ... All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself."
Were We All Kunta Kinte? Or Are We Also Mansa Musa?
Plantation Negros & The New World Order
Illuminati Want My Mind Soul & My Body - A DV Joint
Barry Goldwater 1909-1998
"Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue. "
Robert Mugabe Speaks To Thunderous Approval At Harlem's Mount Olive Baptist Church
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad
"It Is Easier To Change A Man's Religion Than It Is To Change His Diet"
Private Prison Industry
2,000,000 human beings in American prisons and counting
The founders of the American state understood that the proper functioning of a democracy required an educated electorate. It is this understanding that justifies a system of public education and that led slaveholders to resist the spread of literacy among their chattels. But the meaning of "educated" has changed beyond recognition in two hundred years. Reading, writing, and arithmetic are no longer sufficient to decide on public policy. Now we need quantum mechanics and molecular biology. The knowledge required for political rationality, once available to the masses, is now in the possession of a specially educated elite, a situation that creates a series of tensions and contradictions in the operation of representative democracy.
Greater Display of Conspicuous Consumption?
"Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.”
Margaret Sanger. Woman, Morality, and Birth Control. New York: New York Publishing Company, 1922. P
"We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population. and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members."
Louis Pasteur
"The Microbe is nothing. The terrain is everything."
Ask Denmark Vesey
Chris Hedges Warns of The Dangers of The "New Atheists" and "Secular Fundamentalists"
Beverly Johnson. Beverly Hills. 1978
Do You Consider Yourself:
"Bra! Tell Me About It!"
"Most of the trouble I have had in advancing the cause of the race has come from Negroes."
Is President Barack Hussein Obama The Driving Force Behind US Policy?
Ted Turner - CNN founder and UN supporter - quoted in the The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor, June '
"A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal."
Lord Bertrand Russell, The Impact of Science On Society (Routledge Press: New York, 1951).
"At present the population of the world is increasing at about 58,000 per diem. War, so far, has had no very great effect on this increase, which continued throughout each of the world wars.. War has hitherto been disappointing in this respect, but perhaps bacteriological war may prove effective. If a Black Death could spread throughout the world once in every generation, survivors could procreate freely without making the world too full. The state of affairs might be unpleasant, but what of it?"
Denmark Vesey For President 08
1. Troops Out Of Iraq Immediately. Like By Monday. 2. Money Owed To Haliburton and War Contractors Be Given Directly To The Iraqi People 3. Complete Electoral Reform 4. No Corporate Conglomerate Will Be Allowed To Control More Than 5% Of News Market 5. Federal Reserve Abolished 6. For-Profit Prison Industry Abolished
*George Orwell (1903-1950) English novelist, critic
Men can only be happy when they do not assume that the object of life is happiness... If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear... The great enemy of clear language is insincerity... The quickest way of ending a war is to lose it... To see what is in front of one's nose requires a constant struggle... For a creative writer possession of the truth is less important than emotional sincerity.
“The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society will be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values.” – Zbigniew Brzezinski
God Don't Make No Mistakes
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Gordon Parks 1912-2006
"I suffered evils, but without allowing them to rob me of the freedom to expand."
One more time; It starts here. Check out your mortgage.
Usury is fraud....
goldman knows this and has groomed the people like (Paulson,Summers,Giethner) to execute this criminal system over the last centuries.
The system:
when a private central bank(or any bank come to think of it) issues the public currency at interest, the system is a pyramid that lasts only as long as ever-larger pools of new borrowers can be found to allow the creation of new money with which to pay the interest on the old money. When new borrowers cannot be found, the pyramid collapses. When everyone in the nation (or planet) is already in debt and cannot be persuaded to borrow any more, collapse is inevitable because it is designed into the system from its inception.
Will Plantation Negroes get it ? The bankers(Goldman etc.) designed a system that would eventually place all the wealth into their hands(usury- old jewish con), but never planned what to do when they actually succeeded and society stopped operating.
And these same greedy bastard want to run the world? Jeeez.
Not real hard to understand bra-goldman sachs is a tool of the Rothschild /vatican/monarchy team of destruction.
You on the money Brother Wax.
But let's fess up.
How many times we going to prove the Butler did it?
What I find fascinating is the Mak B. brothers who refuse to incorporate this particular phenomenon into their World View because it clashes with their Global System of White Supremacy Boogeyman narrative.
Not until one appreciates that white peasants are just as much victims of these bankers as are black peasants and that this is more of a spiritual war than it is a race war, can one abandon old memetic head fakes like "Da Sivul Rites Moovment".
I have to disagree somewhat. When one pays "interest" on borrowed money he is actually paying the price that he WOULD HAVE PAID in the future AS IF HE HAD ALL THE MONEY TO BUY THE HOUSE OUTRIGHT.
You buy a 500k house, put 20% down and borrow 400k. Over the next 15 to 30 years (depending on your amortization) you pay principal PLUS interest. This principal PLUS interest is to REPRESENT THE VALUE of the house in 15 to 30 years AS THOUGH YOU HAD ALL THE MONEY TO BUY THE HOUSE OUTRIGHT.
So your house value IN 15 to 30 years is the 500k PLUS interest.
So if your house is 750k in 30 years WHEN YOU CAN BUY IT OUTRIGHT then that is the price you pay.
"So your house value IN 15 to 30 years is the 500k PLUS interest." TD
... Apparently not.
Many people bought homes for $500k 5 years ago and would be lucky to get $350k on them today.
Still paying interest on 500k though.
Usury is financial heroin.
Usury and Fractional Reserve Banking is heroin and crack cocaine.
In an advanced liberal society, self-sufficiency represents a primitive mode of existence. It's exclusivity is looked upon with suspicion. The idea is that Man can't capitalize being strictly self-sufficient and thus must borrow capital in order to expand beyond his own personal need and thereby introduce the potential for capitalization. The growth and accumulation of capital SEEN AS PROVIDING for more than self.
In this debt-based system of growth BEYOND self-sufficiency IS THE POTENTIAL for abuse and ultimately anti-capitalization.
There is certainly room for abuse when your ability to increase your leverage on borrowed money is perpetually liberalized. Ultimately, there has to be a definitive limit, boundary, etc., to this excessive leveraging.
That's why there is a need to get back to the basics of Capitalism as ordered by Supremacy.
Man strives for credibility... Credibility IS intangible Capital. The Man with the most credibility is the Man with the most Capital. Man is a Capitalist.
What we have now is exactly what we have IN ALL SPHERES of our existence. The hegemony of radical liberalism.
Bernie Madoff a Capitalist???
Nah, Madoff helped set in motion our current state of anti-capitalization... We are losing credibility...
And these radically autonomous anti-capitalists get the cover of Capitalism just like we call the dyke "feminist," self-annihilation "euthanasia," abortion a "fundamental right" and jihadists "American."
aight aight ...
I'm going to give it up.
That's some good shit TD.
Thing is, a house is a middle of the road investment with low long term risk and the commensurate low long term ROI. We really have to wait 15-30 years to see if the house value equals the principal plus interest. There was a Wall Street/Federal Government initiative to create both greater demand (open borders, more lax loan standards, 0 down) and then fill that demand (construction boom, bureaucratic oversight).
And now a growing number of people who borrowed TODAY what they can't afford for another 15-30 years are unable to pay the mortgage. BUT THE LENDERS CAN'T MAKE INTEREST EITHER... And the Government has opened up the private sphere TO INCREASED FOREIGN OWNERSHIP.
Radical autonomists... Infiltrators... Relations to nothing... Relationship with no one... Purely indiscriminate will...
Ain't trying to beat a dead horse BUT CATS up here ARE ALWAYS trying to build credibility. It's as natural as lying with Woman.
Man is always building his Capital when he lives by the proper order of things.
The "default elite" is putting US in a state of anti-capitalization. We are losing credibility BUT THEY STILL the "default elite." Power without work. Influence without sacrifice. Pull without push. Strength without muscle...
Recapitalization becomes clear when we see that the "default elite" IS ONLY THERE because we haven't retired them.
"The "default elite" is putting US in a state of anti-capitalization." TD
Preach White Boy Preach!
You on to some shit here man.
I feel you.
Rule one.
You can't borrow more than what exist.
The old saturnilia (Zionist cult of Saturn as Islam is the cult of Venus) system was designed by the elite Banker communist under the assumption that you can.
A fiat currency monetary system combined with usury has been mathematically proven by scholars worldwide that it will return all the wealth and value to the lenders and bankrupt all the borrowers.
We see the lenders as virtuous when they are lending us "fake" money( no value) that does not exist for our wealth(real things of value). Pure con man.
We have been fooled to think that there is a communist monetary system and then capitalism.
No, no, no.
Go back to the Frankfort school thread our system is Communism disguise as "Free Capitalism".
Most plantation Negroes would argue successfully against Amway, but can't argue against our current system which is no different.
I suggest this refresher course of Debt is Money in order to help us in this maze. TD is right the elite is putting us in a state of "anti capitalism" however what wonderful timing- right at the time when the wealth is all stolen.
Brilliant! Simply Brilliant.
One last time people - money is not wealth, wealth is not money.
Money is really a debtor note. a tool.
Wealth is land, gold, minerals, food, etc.
The elite used a Saturn" tool(money/capital)" to own most of the world's wealth.
The art of the Con. Beware the money changers. :)
What I find fascinating is the Mak B. brothers who refuse to incorporate this particular phenomenon into their World View because it clashes with their Global System of White Supremacy Boogeyman narrative.—DV
What particular phenomenon is that DV? You and the “Red Rosa” twins are like middle-school quarterbacks who keep locking onto one receiver—Rothschild/Jewish Bankers, while I’m Joe Montana probing the entire field. I saw the actions of Bush/Bernanke/Paulson/Geithner, etc., on the weekend of September 14/15, 2008 as a planned demolition of the economy, for multiple purposes,which spun out of control, well before many respected economists. My error was that I thought the Lehman collapse would come after in the election, in December 08 or January 09. I couldn’t imagine that they would do it in September, during the election cycle, but they were desperate to get Obama elected. So they pulled the trigger, and many folks are just now understanding what really happened.
Jesus was the ultimate Capitalist...
He showed us that THERE IS NO REAL LIMIT to building one's credibility.
THE CAPITALIST PARADIGM is operative for all time.
Man seeks to build his credibility BECAUSE he wants Capital.
Now, money is a tool. Powerful AND AT OUR DISPOSAL...
We are able to build unlimited INTANGIBLE CAPITAL (credibility) and that helps lay the foundation for accumulating tangible capital (legacies, lands, property).
We use dolla bills as an exchange medium AND THE CREDIBILITY OF THE AMERICAN has made it the most versatile exchange medium OF ALL TIME. With the dolla bill, one CAN GO MORE PLACES and GET MORE THINGS in exchange for that lil greenback than any other money...
The cats that are taking the CREDIBILITY out of the dolla bill ARE NOT CAPITALISTS...
They are anti-capitalists AND MAKING IT MORE DIFFICULT for US to CAPITALIZE...
That's the "default elite."
These cats like Madoff that accumulated "capital" through deceit and illegal action and then ARE PROVIDED THE OPPORTUNITY to drape themselves in the excess of capitalism by an ignorant mass of autonomized individuals are PUTTING US in a state of anti-capitalization.
We help them stay the "default elite" EVEN WHEN they sacrifice one of their own by ascribing to him CAPITALIST scum when he is an anti-capitalist con artist.
One can not build REAL credibility THROUGH DECEIT and false action.
What has been the "investment" mantra of the last 2 decades?
"DIVERSIFY your portfolio..."
Translation: Give us your money and if not us then someone like us... And make sure you don't have anything outside the portfolio... That's dangerous...
Of course, most people read this as not putting all your eggs in one basket.
Thing is, if you have 5 baskets and 4 of them have rotted out bottoms then you may put all your eggs in one basket ASSUMING of course that you MUST put your eggs in a basket.
Thing is, there is complicity between the masses and the anti-capitalists attempting to provide ALL with ill-gotten gains.
We are in many respects self-correcting via invisible natural laws.
Men will still rise attempting to build their credibility and thus engage in the enduring operative paradigm of Capitalism...
Break this one down:
"Man seeks to build his credibility BECAUSE he wants Capital."
I follow your stuff tightly and I am a little lost on Capital here- why does he need or want capital? Not money right? define capital in the above sentence.
Capital IS intangible, at root.
If a man had a piece of land then it's value was determined by whether one would die trying to take it. The land was tangible capital while the Man that WOULD KILL YOU if you tried to take it WAS THE CREDIBLE CAPITAL... Intangible... A perception built in a myriad of ways but usually through work, sacrifice, comittment and maybe killing other fools.
Capital is the stuff of INTELLIGENT DESIGN.
There is an unlimited dimension to it that allows one's intangible capital (credibility) to stretch the millennia.
Hotwax eloquent like a capitalist building his intangible capital...
We only know "capital" in the physical sense of things. It's actually quite predictable if we recognize the "default elite" are largely God-deniers or "believers" in unknowable god(s). The physical is all that exists. Credibility CAN BE built through lies and deception... Yes we can... Capital CAN BE anti-capital. Man CAN BE anti-man... Yes we can...
That is a way to stay the "default elite."
So who is the Man with the most Capital?
Carlos Slim...?
What would it say about those who would say Carlos Slim?
They know nothing of Truth and Credibility... The intangible and enduring capital... They only know of physical capital. A thing THAT CAN BE created and destroyed AND therefore CANNOT BE the Capital that endures because it is intangible AND indestructable.
A strong people can borrow against the future in order to fuel growth now BUT this people must be perceived to be credible. These people MAKE US want to invest in them. The more credible a people is the farther they can borrow into the future, the more they can grow now and an increase in investment opportunity for others.
The "default elite" HAS FLIPPED THE SCRIPT.
They have been INVESTING IN OTHERS (diversify your portfolio) which HAS THE EFFECT of making US less credible.
We are in a state of anti-capitalization BECAUSE our fundamental investment advice has been DIVESTMENT.
The "default elite..."
Cuz they don't have to prove it.
What was another mantra of the "default elite?"
"They do the jobs Americans won't do."
THEY DO the jobs that THEY ARE QUALIFIED to do...
And WE DO the jobs that THEY CAN'T DO even when it would COST LESS...
That's the truth...
If Americans don't have control of the keys to OUR car then WE aren't really driving OUR economy.
The idea behind the need to be able to compete in a global economy really tells us nothing more than we already know about basic business and economics.
The competition in our national economy only differs in degree with competition in a global economy. You simply must enhance your knowledge to reflect a broadening of the environments in which you operate.
There is no global competition for landscaping business in San Diego, but there may be for port leasing.
You can get in whatever game you want and decide your level of competition.
The problem that exists is malinvesment that has morphed into divestment.
We are telling ourselves that China and India will surpass us AND so we are INVESTING IN THEM... And divesting from America... Anti-capitalization... The capital is flowing out of us... Growth is elsewhere...
The "default elite..."
Committing psychological warfare...
Back to the Latest way to Scam the ignorant Masses:
Con Job Class number 452:
Blame the Poor
(While Taking Their Money)
Gordon Arnaut wrote in "Information Clearing House" --
" Did you know that the poor (and mostly black) people in the US caused the global financial crisis that threw the world economy into its worst slump since the Great Depression of the 1930’s?
I didn’t know that either, until I heard this news from the US media and popular broadcasters like Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh.
This is how it all happened: Special interest groups representing poor people, minorities, and “socialist” elements in the US government “pressured banks to make loans to people who could not afford them, and then the whole thing melted down…” explains Beck, who has a radio and TV audience of several million viewers and listeners. "
"Thomas Sowell, a right-wing economist for the Hoover Institution and a writer for the Wall Street Journal and Forbes magazine, says that anti-poverty activists “blocked drive-up lanes and made business impossible for banks until they surrendered to demands that they make billions in loans that they wouldn’t otherwise have made.”
God Bless America. The land where truth and freedom prevails.
The only thing I don’t understand is how these poor, black and Hispanic Americans, whose combined share of the national wealth is less than the personal fortune of a few wealthy individuals at the top of the Forbes list, could possibly have exerted such a disproportionate influence on the nation’s economy.
Statistics from the United Nations tell us that the bottom 40 percent of the population of the United States own less than 1 percent of the nation’s wealth. That is about 120 million people. If each and every one of these individuals “forced” the banks to give them mortgages and loans, and then failed to pay them back, the worst that could happen would be a total national loss of 1 percent of wealth.
Is this what happened? That 120 million poor Americans all simultaneously defaulted on their mortgage and loan payments and the economy collapsed because of a 1 percent decline?
Or perhaps the collapse had more to do with the top 1 percent of Americans who own 38 percent of the national wealth? If we do a bit of simple math we see that a member of that top 1 percent—about 3 million wealthy Americans—owns, on average, about 1,500 times as much as a member of the bottom 120 million Americans. Put another way, about 1,500 poor people share a single piece of pie that one wealthy American has all to himself.
Also curious are numbers on who actually lost the most in this Great Recession. According to a study by a professor at the University of California, the average American household lost an astounding 36 percent of their total wealth. But the top 1 percent households lost only 11 percent. So the net result is that the wealth distribution is even more unequal than it was it was before the financial crisis.
Maybe the top 1 percent should be thanking the poor black folks for “causing” the financial meltdown.
What we do know for sure is that the US government has given more than a trillion taxpayer dollars to big banks like-
Goldman Sachs and Citigroup, to prevent them from going under. This has led to huge deficits, which has brought demands from the wealthy that the government cut back on social security and Medicare. So while the bank executives continue to reward themselves with multimillion dollar bonuses at the taxpayer’s expense, poor pensioners—who you will see at the grocery store buying marked-down, half-rotten fruit and vegetables—are asked do get by without their medicines and live on bread and water.
BTW, this was not planned or scripted by the elite. It just happened, no one to blame but the worst of us.
The banks were virtuous in this scheme. Bless them..No conspiracy here.
Of course the plight of the poor, the sick and the old is of no concern to the slick business media, with their glossy spreads of the “good life” and fawning write-ups of the business elite whose lifestyles would make Marie Antoinette blush—an army of servants, chauffeurs, pilots, prostitutes, maids, cooks, valets, butlers, masseuses, caddies, surgeons…at their beck and call.
And what about the “ordinary” people of America? The great middle class of suburbia? Mom and dad working three or four part-time jobs between them, kids working too, always trying to get ahead, but never quite getting out from under a lifelong load of debt—interest continually piling up. Banks repossessed nearly a million homes last year. Another three million went into foreclosure and the total number of homes repossessed will likely reach over 7 million when all is said and done, say experts.
Do these people need to lose their homes? What would happen if the trillion dollars that Bush and Obama gifted to the banks were given to help ordinary homeowners instead? The median monthly mortgage payment in the US is about $1,300. A trillion dollars could pay the mortgage on those 7 million distressed homes for 10 years. If the average mortgage is about $150,000 then that trillion dollars could pay off completely all seven million of those mortgages.
Not that anyone is asking for total debt forgiveness. Even a tiny fraction of the bank bailout, say 100 billion, would be enough to get those homeowners back on their feet and keep a roof over their heads.
So the banks get more than a trillion dollars, but homeowners get practically nothing. (Well not nothing; they get the tax bill that is paying for the bank bailout.) One has to ask the logical question. Is this democracy? Is this a system where the people exercise political power?
Welcome to America, a country of 3 million people (and 300 million debt peons).
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