Her Side said...

His anger and ignorance of the law always did him in. He was recently held in jail for a week for being approx. $200 behind in child support arrears payments. The kid is an adult in the military now. WTH. I was able to go and get him out with $20 in my pocket. The other two gentleman who appeared on the same day weren't so lucky. Damned shame.
Now he feels armed and empowered if he should face any other legal battles. I took a couple of legal classes in college to learn how to navigate the legal system for myself.
Good stuff, DV.
One of my Facebook friends sent me this message and the this link :
"Lil Wayne's Drop The World lyrics speaking indirectly against the elite"
Is he right? :)
I shared this video (and Part 2) with a friend who has been railroaded by the legal system (with the assistance of a vindictive ex-wife).
His anger and ignorance of the law always did him in. He was recently held in jail for a week for being approx. $200 behind in child support arrears payments. The kid is an adult in the military now. WTH. I was able to go and get him out with $20 in my pocket. The other two gentleman who appeared on the same day weren't so lucky. Damned shame.
Now he feels armed and empowered if he should face any other legal battles. I took a couple of legal classes in college to learn how to navigate the legal system for myself.
Good stuff, DV.
Lord knows that's just one incomplete example! He was held for an entire week although you are supposed to be guaranteed a 72-hour (or is it less?) turnaround. Why? Because he was picked-up during a terribly snowy time and the courts were closed due to inclement weather.
WTH??? So how did officers get to him in that weather in the first place? SMH. All over $200???
Anyway, I was about to do my magic research thing on the "72-hour" requirement and raise a real stink. I would have loved to see them paying him. I'm sure it cost the state thousands to harrass an unemployed man for $200 he simply didn't have.
Lawd ha' mercy.
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