Thordaddy said...

When one recognizes that the civil rights period was about radical liberation (dissolving of relations with "white supremacy") and then recognizes that radical liberation MUST PROCEDE FORWARD, one comes to a realization.
Radical liberation REALIZED is self-annihilation.
Many wayward black males have internalized radical liberation and find themselves on the brink of its realization, i.e., self-annihilation.
To spread the responsibility for that self-annihilation to wide and thin is to obscure the root of the problem which is a denial of God and the embrace of radical liberation. This all-accepting indiscriminancy that manifests as radical autonomy (dissolving of all relations and destruction of all impediments) ends in self-annihilation.
Black man is very much "avante garde" in this radical liberationist enterprise.
Black man's vitality and virility is analogous to the plastic Hollywood blonde. It's a physical "faithfulness" masking an intellectual and spiritual unfaithfulness.
Part Deaux - Wake up. Please......
To all you "Green" Nuggas out there peep this.
"Population Control" started to become a negative word in the Elite marketing toolbox. These mugga fuggas decided to change it to a nicer word.
Guess what they pick?
That's right; "Sustainability".
This sustainability proposal, and its companion proposals in some 400 cities across America(and worldwide), is but a small step to brainwash Americans into believing they must give up their abundant energy sources in order to save the planet. This is an evil delusion.
Once these small steps are locked in, the agenda of our enemies will continue with the help of our laws, some lawyers, our brainwashed citizens and our elected politicians.
This agenda, my dear friends, is nothing less than to dramatically reduce the standard of living of America and turn America into a third world country. The seemingly nice, feely-goody sustainability proposals are evil steps leading America to self-imposed destruction.
Here are some of the invalid assumptions built in to the sustainability proposal.
1- natural is optimal (natural is not defined)
2- climate is fragile
3- climate change can be mitigated
4- our carbon dioxide emissions change our climate
5- carbon dioxide is bad and dirty
6- oil is bad
7- oil is going to disappear soon (peak oil)
8- green is good
9- green jobs are good
10- alternative energy is good
11- wind energy is good
12- by omission, nuclear is bad
13- packing people in a city is good
14- living outside a city is bad
15- energy costs are world controlled
16- we cannot produce cheap, reliable energy in America
These assumptions are not supported by science or technology. These assumptions are brainwashing.
Sustainability is built on a foundation of sand. It consists not of truth but of feelings.
Sustainability is a religion. Governmental enforcement of a religion is against the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America.
Sustainability forces decisions to be made on unfounded criteria. It forces decisions to favor more costly alternatives. In the end it will help destroy our economy.
The false assumptions in the sustainability proposal are used to support the following scientifically false and economically costly conclusions:
1- emphasize renewable energy
2- replace hydrocarbon fuels with ethanol, even though it emits more CO2 than using hydrocarbon fuels and it increases food costs
3- promote and track carbon sequestration
4- make it expensive for people to LIVE outside of a city
5- the energy saving value of packing people in a city trumps the personal desire to live outside a city
6- incentivize green jobs and green businesses
7- reduce city’s oil consumption and GHG emissions
8- reduce vehicle size
9- use electric vehicles
10- reporting systems and bureaucracies to monitor GHGs
11- hire sustainability officers
12- coordinate sustainability efforts
13- align efforts with federal efforts
14- create a culture of sustainability
All of the above are costs that can be eliminated from government. They should be eliminated because they waste voters money.
Damages from this fraud will include all the direct costs to implement the Elite's agenda.
It is time to STOP THE FRAUD(just a part of Agenda 21)! Do you brothers want to be like cattle and be hearded into cities and penned. Sheeet- the national parks and recreation areas will be for sale to foreign governments.
This is the goal of all the "sustainable" programs- therefore don't be duped by the "Green Bullshit" meme.
IT IS STILL AN attempt at "population control."
"To all you "Green" Nuggas out there peep this." Hot Wax
Lol .... ahhhh
This is the goal of all the "sustainable" programs- therefore don't be duped by the "Green Bullshit" meme.
IT IS STILL AN attempt at "population control."
True Wax True.
Plantation Negros have a hard time understanding why the Plantation would ever WANT to reduce its population of slaves.
They can't seem to grasp the consequences of a dwindling need for labor.
People are to the plantation what inedible cows are to a farm.
"People are to the plantation what inedible cows are to a farm.
How do you get rid of these liabilities?
Make sure that they take a bite of the "poisonous apple" :0.
ohh snap, they ain't playin.
"Yesterday, at the international CODEX conference, the U.S. is attempting to push its agenda to censor all GMO labeling of foods everywhere around the world. This would result in a global GMO cover-up as consumers are left in the dark about whether their foods and grocery products are genetically modified or not.
Please understand that the U.S. is attempting to outlaw non-GMO labeling of foods, thereby making it illegal for a non-GMO food product to even claim "non-GMO" on the label. If the U.S. succeeds in this global GMO cover-up, the FDA could seize any products in the USA that make "non-GMO" claims."
As Doc would say, "I see spooks everywhere. :)"
More Lies and Myths:
What Blackmen Think.
"An In Depth View of How Myths, Stereotypes and Misrepresentations render Black Men Non-Necessities in their Communities and Families... In the most provocative Black film of the year, Janks Morton presents a searing examination of the role that myths, stereotypes and misrepresentations have played in the decimation of modern era black relationships, and how the symbiotic relationship between government, the media and black leadership perpetuates misinformation to further marginalize the role of black men in society. Since the triumphs of the civil rights legislations of the early 1960 s havoc and decimation has been wreaked on the Black family with a specific devastation on the Black man. With negative imagery of the media, the failed policy of the great society and modern era black leadership abandoning tenets that historically held the community together, a new form of mental slavery has perpetuated an undeclared civil war in the Black Community... "
His next movie:
Red Tape and Brick Walls. Here's a sneak peek into the concept. By the numbers: 67.9% of black men pay their child support. Guess what percent have joint custody? He says that he can drive a mile radius in any urban area and find a black man who has been incarcerated for past due child support. 90,000 black men have sole custody with court ordered child support. There's a 72.8% delinquency-rate among the women. But he can't find a woman who has been incarcerated for a past due child support bill. Does that sound a little biased?
HW there is more than just a little bias in our legal system. I posited that the legal system is one of the last holdouts of blatant racial discrimination in our country. But I was wrong. The discrimination along racial lines never quite went away, and certainly the WORLD's population is in danger and the Black white issue is just another distraction from the truth. Your links are good and paint a very disturbing picture.
As far as the sustainability talk, I've always wanted to be kind to the environment in which I live and I think you feel the same way. But we both see that underneath the terminology lies a pernicious agenda to exterminate us. Black men between 18 and 35 are the first to go.
Without sounding racist, I've often wondered why young Black men are always the target for extermination hell this goes back to Biblical days. The only reason I can come up with is that they possess some type of magic that is enthralling and intimidating to weaker souls. I suppose that's why every time a Black man stands up for his beliefs he is shot and killed. Yet he left his imprint on the planet.
Rambling but disturbed.
You are so right on about the agenda at the 18-35 black males. Every year they crank up more negative amplifications about the brothers. After looking at the video's about DMX, homosexuality personification of black males, what they do to the rap and sports stars, etc, etc, of what I posted, how could you not go mmmmmmm, maybe there is something to this;let me investigate. I think that most guys are like DMG and believe that their is no agenda and that I see spooks in everything(it aint that hard if you are awake). This is not about money and power. The Elite have and has always have it. I think it is personal ala the extermination of the indians.
The story of Anastatia comes to mind. The Rothchilds wanted to send a message to the world so they set out to elimate the Czars entire bloodline to that extent of hunting that girl. This is just not normal and seems that personal. I am not saying to be scared or fearful, but recognize that someone is holding a gun to your head.
Finally, take a day like today. I heard that the market was down 900 points so I tuned in to lying CNN at 4pm to see the close and what got equal time or more billing?
The story of a strong masculine black male (Lawrence Taylor) raping some 16 year old girl. Within one hr the story got so murkey that you could see that it was being hyped without the facts as it went along. Equal billing to the 900 point theft of our money?
Thing is HotWax, black man is complicit in his own self-annihilation.
When one recognizes that the civil rights period was about radical liberation (dissolving of relations with "white supremacy") and then recognizes that radical liberation MUST PROCEDE FORWARD, one comes to a realization.
Radical liberation REALIZED is self-annihilation.
Many wayward black males have internalized radical liberation and find themselves on the brink of its realization, i.e., self-annihilation.
To spread the responsibility for that self-annihilation to wide and thin is to obscure the root of the problem which is a denial of God and the embrace of radical liberation. This all-accepting indiscriminancy that manifests as radical autonomy (dissolving of all relations and destruction of all impediments) ends in self-annihilation.
Black man is very much "avante garde" in this radical liberationist enterprise.
Black man's vitality and virility is analogous to the plastic Hollywood blonde. It's a physical "faithfulness" masking an intellectual and spiritual unfaithfulness.
You are right when you say that we are complicit.
However, help me with this, and I have no objection of paying for the breakdown :). No ego.
What do you mean in:
"Radical liberation REALIZED is self-annihilation."
wanting to dissolving of relations with white supremacy -got that.
Must move forward- got that
Then "Realized"- I am a little lost.
To spread the responsibility for that self-annihilation to wide and thin is to obscure the root of the problem which is a denial of God and the embrace of radical liberation.
-I agree 100 percent. By denying God , we do spread the responsibility to other forces. But does that equal an embrace? Can you call it out and not embrace it(relations with white supremacy)?
"This all-accepting indiscriminancy that manifests as radical autonomy (dissolving of all relations and destruction of all impediments) "
This is where I need your help the most in the breakdown.((dissolving of all relations and destruction of all impediments))-Ying and Yang? Need balance? Without hate can't be love....therefore can't dissolve hate?
Black man is very much "avante garde" in this radical liberationist enterprise-mmmm OK.
Black man's vitality and virility is analogous to the plastic Hollywood blonde.--GOT THAT!!
It's a physical "faithfulness" masking an intellectual and spiritual unfaithfulness.
Many brothers believe in this vitality and virility (the physical being) rather than accept God and Love (spiritual being).
TD- I hope that you know that I think you are a brilliant man and know that I am seeking more info here and not "battling" ala many of the "doing the dozens" that occur here.
Finally, I think I know what you are saying..... but I know that it SO IMPORTANT IN MY WALK that I wanted to sure.
Modern Liberal Orthodoxy is the political manifestation of the devout dyke/radical homosexual nature. This nature SEEKS a radical autonomy, i.e., to exist outside of God's universal laws. This attempt at absolute freedom/total liberation/consistently liberal thought, actions, behavior MUST RESULT in the attempt to DISSOLVE ALL RELATIONS and DESTROY ALL IMPEDIMENTS. This is the ONLY conceivable path in which one can attempt to exist in a state of radical autonomy, i.e., total liberation.
The devout dyke/radical homosexual is the original liberal, eugenicist and self-annihilator ALL IN ONE. This is its nature.
BUT BECAUSE God EXISTS, the liberal path leads to self-
annihilation... Freedom in death BECAUSE God CANNOT be usurped. The realization.
Self-annihilation is the REALIZATION of total liberation from a God created universe.
All liberationist movements that have mimicked the devout dyke/radical homosexual drive towards radical autonomy START by dissolving relations. In the Western world this has meant ALL LIBERATIONIST movements started with dissolving relations with white heterosexual man.
Black liberationists are no exception. And their drive towards self-annihilation is empirical.
Thanks TD. Appreciate it. Maybe you ought to drop a couple of dimes on the rap music thread above and let the brothers know that the music is seeking a radical autonomy also. :)
Have you listened to some of those lyrics?
An interesting video. But does it take into account the practical and factual matter of declining resources? It's pretty simple to say that we need the same number of people tomorrow as we have today, but in a world dominated by capitalism, where "planned obsolescence" is at the core of corporate profits, is it an honest assessment to say that there is no chance that population could outrun available resources? Is that not equally a problem (one that I will stipulate is a direct result of Hegemonic control of said resources)?
For me it goes without saying that there is a segment of the population that would be overjoyed if certain other segments of the population were far less numerous and prolifically reproductive. But that cannot be the basis for an argument against the obvious problems with fossil fuels (pollution as well as supply and demand), or against the quaint notion that perhaps we do have some responsiblity not to completely fuck up the only home we have (I know you have heard the saying, don't shit where you sleep).
The concept of justice has been perverted to the detriment of certain groups at varying times and places in the history of mankind. Does that make justice an invalid concept.
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