Better watch what you eatin’. Even if it’s “OK” with the physician. Processed food is Satan. Killing people like 2 dudes semen friction AIDS and no Trojan.
Black doctors need to redo what the vaccines undone. 15 million dead in Africa and they aint learned the lesson. Still talkin’ about “Safe Sexin’”. Koprowski innoculatin’ a million Africans with viral monkey specimen and these muhfuggas still wonderin’ why we lost an entire generation fuckin’ with their science fiction.
The devil is brazen. A muhfuggin’ demon. A real cretin. The cat aint fiction. Won’t stop till your bond with God is broken. Plantation Negros with clouded vision can’t see the invisible eugenicist villain. See they take your blood that’s crimson. Mix it with occult doctrine from Edom. Inject infection into your system. When you become a victim, they blame it on your genome or your monkey eatin' cousins. It's a fact son. Don't be a dumdum. Protect your antibodies with a gun from Luciferian secularists trying to control the population via mystery inoculations and for-profit prisons.
I’m Denmark Vesey from Charleston. One of God’s sons. “Saapa sei my boolay” to my Haitians. Them cracka bastards threw me in a dungeon. Cuz I had the gumption to free the brothers on the Plantation. Had it all planned. Nothing left random. Simulataneous attack. Steal the guns. Kill Every One Of Em!
But one of them faggots was snitchin'. He called the militia in. Now I face the hangman. But my spirit still livin'. Today klansman kill less of my people than Rockefeller abortions and pharmaceutical prescriptions.
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