Thursday, May 06, 2010

Plantation Negros Wearing "Darfur" T Shirts Have Been Conditioned To Ignore This - This Will Be Detroit In 5 Years


Anonymous said...

"Plantation Negros wearing "Darfur T-shirts" have been conditioned to ignore this- This will be New Orleans in 5 years"

Straight up! Where's Don Cheadle and George Clooney on Youtube/Larry King/Oprah protesting genocide in Palestine? All that Darfur genocide talk, but genocide isn't even a word considered in the conversation about Israel. Nothing more than a barrage of Mr. Furley karate chops.

Anonymous said...

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places"

Ephesians 6:12

Constructive Feedback said...

Seems to me that if THIS is the response to years and years of missile attacks into Israel that the more CONSCIOUS among the residents of Gaza will tell the individuals who are waging war one rock at a time to PULL UP.

Why is it that the Hamas battle Fatah and kill themselves this does not rise to level of a death at the hands of an Israeli?

Denmark Vesey said...

Constructive Feedback said...

"Seems to me that if THIS is the response to years and years of missile attacks into Israel ..."

^^ Thas so silly I canm't evn typ. ^^

KonWomyn said...

I've experienced quite the opposite, there are plenty of Gaza campaigners and sympathizers; Alice Walker and Cynthia McKinney are on the frontlines and they've done some good work.

However some of the people who know all about Gaza know nothing of Darfur or what's happening in the Congo. At the time the violence intensified in Gaza in Jan '08, I met an Asian South African from Johannesburg who wept heavy tears for the families of Gaza, but when I asked how she felt about the violence in the Sudan or the DRC, she had no answer.

Then I said so what about when African migrants get beaten up in Jo'burg or when the SA Police beat people. And she said yes that was sad but seeing the little children of Gaza made her tear up.

And somehow a Mozambican man being burnt alive by a mob in Jo'burg doesn't evoke emotion???