Monday, May 10, 2010

Plantation MD Quacks Sucker Sistas Into Plastic Surgery

Good candidate for a Mommy Makeover Tom J. Pousti, MD answers: "Mommy Makeover" for African Americans?

"After only 1 pregnancy, I've looked this way for 10 yrs. It's been devastating. I'm currently 29 years old, and hope I'm a good candidate for a Mommy makeover. I've been researching procedures and really like the short scar vertical (lollipop) breast lift with silicone breast implants, but don't much see it performed on African Americans.

Also with my severe striae, will a tummy tuck help, or only add more scars? I don't expect plastic surgery to make me perfect. But can I expect good results from a Mommy makeover or in my case make matters worse. Note: I weigh 165lbs-plan to lose 30 before considering surgery."

By Tom J. Pousti, MD - San Diego Plastic Surgeon
Based on the picture you provided, you are an excellent candidate for a mommy makeover. Since you are planning to lose weight prior to surgery, you will have an amazing result. It is clear that you have been doing your research. The best advice would be to make sure you are finished having children and that you find a board certified plastic surgeon to perform your surgery safely. I have many African American patients who benefit significantly from plastic surgery. For more information, go to my website and check out before and after photos of patients. Good luck!


Anonymous said...

OK, I'm not much for cosmetic surgery. I think one should have a compelling reason for risking anesthesia, and the scalpel...but how you going to place all the blame on the surgeon? They aren't rounding these women up against their will...and much of the time husband/boyfriend is pushing for the plastic tits. It's supply and demand. Are you suddenly against capitalism?

Nobody wants to grow old gracefully anymore. Nobody wants to face the fact that they are never going to be 22 years old again. Everybody has to have fluorescent white teeth, 6 pack abs (male and female) and a supermodels body. Why?

If the woman in the photo looks normal for having a child. If she didn't like the extra fat, try more cardiovascular exercise. If she didn't like the stretch marks...perhaps some creams or whatever might help. If her man is complaining tell him to shut up or step. I don't see why she needs to undergo surgery, that C-section scar looks well healed and barely noticeable, no keloids, or hypertrophic scarring.

It's this kind of vanity that led to Kanye West's moms death. She doctor shopped until she found one who do her procedure without medical clearance.

I actually thought you of all people would have sympathy for your fellow narcissists.

Denmark Vesey said...

"It's supply and demand. Are you suddenly against capitalism?" Plantation MD

I'm against money grubbing Quacks passing themselves off as noble 'men of science' while monopolizing the health care industry.

This shit is an ad and a microcosm of the fundamental problems with the medical mafia.

The "doctor" wrote the copy and placed it under the photo of one of his Negro patients.

Aint no sista writing: "also with my severe striae ...".

Bull Shit.

Plastic Surgeons and Cardiovascular surgeons are preying on people's fear for profit.

There is no money in HEALTHY PEOPLE for the "Health" Care Industry.

Until pork eatin' Negros come to terms with that fact and turn their backs on you Plantation MD vaccine peddling quacks, black people will always be sick and broke.

KonWomyn said...

Sorry DV i'M not feeling the pic. Not hating, but when it comes to the representation of women's bodies it can be an issue for me.

iGet that you wanted to discuss plastic surgery but iDon't get the pic. There's something undignified and dehumanizing about seeing this woman so exposed - stretch marks, breasts, belly and all in the most brazen manner. Not to say I have a problem with the naked form - as art no, but this yes. It's like body oddity porn or summat.

iCan't fully describe my objection, it's a feeling I have - maybe other sistas will feel maybe not. And perhaps this sista happily consented to this pic for the doc and the world to see, therefore you see nothing wrong with such a graphic display, but it just doesn't sit well with me.

KonWomyn said...

summat - sumthin like dat.

Denmark Vesey said...

"There's something undignified and dehumanizing about seeing this woman so exposed - stretch marks, breasts, belly and all in the most brazen manner." Kay Dub



I aint feeling it either.

Believe me, I find the image equally unpleasant.

There are also things undignified and dehumanizing about the way the overall Sickness Industry uses fear and insecurity to exploit people financially and to ultimately destroy their health.

Highlighting this particular example dramatizes this theme common in allopathy.

This fake ad for plastic surgery is NO DIFFERENT from the fake ads for anxiety drugs, "penile dysfunction" drugs, or the billions of dollars worth of diabetes drugs.

Hopefully one or two people will see it and ask if they really want to inject their children with "vaccines" marketed by these people.

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

KW, the picture of this woman is precisely the reason why plastic surgeons are in business. I've had one baby so far and the changes in my body weren't as pronounced as the picture above but they are certainly here! Regardless of what their husbands may think, some of us actually have an image of ourselves outside of the confines of our relationship with men.

If I had loose skin that could not go away via exercise, I would get it removed. And don't castigate women who do that for themselves guys. DV, if your wife had a stretched out gut and inverted vagina from childbirth, don't even lie and tell us that you'd be cool with that.

Vaginal reconstruction techniques are performed fairly regularly too due to childbirth.

A good friend of mine was a dancer with a nice athletic and toned body before her baby. Her skin stretched so much that the doctors told her she HAD to get a tummy tuck because exercise could not get rid of that stretched out skin.

I am willing to bet many women who've had children weren't banking on the stretch marks, the pelvic floor issues and the sagging boobs. There is aging gracefully and then there's saggy titty and stretched out hillbilly gut. Sorry to say I don't want that for myself and neither do most women.

I get that we are a nation of fat lazy asses who would rather risk surgery than exercise. But in the case where exercise would be ineffective, I definitely say go for the surgery!

And DMG if you know of any creme that helps stretch marks, please do tell. I've heard everything from coco butter to baby urine but none of the women who I've seen use those things had a reduction in stretch marks.

Pink said...

The fact that other naked bodies are exposed and it doesn't offend but when her pic is up, it's called "body oddity porn" may explain why she would feel bad enough about herself to go under the knife to "fix" it. I'm petrified of needles, pills and surgery so I probably wouldn't be able to get plastic surgery but I can definitely understand why a woman would want to get rid of the mummy tummy and stretch marks.

KonWomyn said...

I'm not holding her body up to a std, but there is a genre of photography and film that exploits people's hangups about their bodies and it is in a very pornographic way - there are so many makeover Gok Wan and fix-my-body-defect Dr Jessen inspired shows. Understand that I don't mean pornographic as in porn flix but in the definition of the word -there's a raging appetite for that kind of thing and its not only limited to the body, but poverty also makes good currency too.

And yea there's a racial and historical dimension to it - Black women have been sold that rejuvenation elixir for the longest time, plastic surgery is one of a long list. But I don't really wanna go there, I'm not limiting this to race.

KonWomyn said...


Try bio oil. They say it works.

I'm not so anti-stretchmarks tho, for me I think they're like the roots of a tree, each line tells a story of its own. And they're a part of me.

I can understand if someone wants to wear something fashionable, but I think it generally has to do with your overall esteem and how you feel about your body.

Sure the appeal to 'get that perfect body' is there, but how many Plantation-certified ideas of perfect beauty does one chase after and at what cost, like the chic above or Yeezey's mom?

The truth is, women need to learn to love themselves and love the skin they're in. That's the only thing that can stop the illusory pursuit of perfection and its antithesis, addiction to men/drugs/bingeing/weight loss. And that's the only way they can effectively challenge the billion dollar industry that profits from telling them a nip n tuck is all they need.

KonWomyn said...


I'm glad you hear me, I hear you too.

Anonymous said...

Hold on...

"I'm against money grubbing Quacks passing themselves off as noble 'men of science' while monopolizing the health care industry"

If you were against money grubbing quacks you wouldn't be posting links to all of the money grubbing quacks passing themselves off as noble 'men of science' (like Mercola, etc) you offer up on nearly a daily basis.

Monopolizing what? This is mostly a cash business. Explain how and what are they monopolizing?

Now you are just talking stupid. Plastic Surgeons (perhaps you really mean Cosmetic Surgeons) AND Cardiothoracic surgeons? You are really putting these two groups in the same basket? Maybe you are a bit ignorant in this arena, but replacing someones aortic root, bypassing blocked coronary arteries, replacing diseased valves, etc...aren't exactly unnecessary elective procedures. I'm going to assume you are just wanting me to participate more in this nonsense discussion...fine.

"The "doctor" wrote the copy and placed it under the photo of one of his Negro patients."

What...the lady can't look up a word? Maybe she asked someone. The woman doesn't like the way she looks. I she were my wife, I'd probably be against getting any of those cosmetic procedures...but if she wants to risk it, that's her business. Why do you assume she's being suckered? Quite condescending don't you think?

And KW, I don't see anything wrong with this picture. It's a womans body after she's had a child. I don't see what's disgusting about it.

KonWomyn said...


I never said/implied it was 'disgusting'. I said for me there was something unnerving about this specific portrayal.

Anonymous said...

KW. Noted.

Big Man said...

If your woman didn't have stretch marks before she had your baby, she probably didn't have a donk.

I like stretch marks, particularly on the hips. I don't mind them on the tummy.

My wife has a mommy tummy and I tell her not to sweat it. You had two babies, what do you expect?

HotmfWax said...


If you were against money grubbing quacks you wouldn't be posting links to all of the money grubbing quacks passing themselves off as noble 'men of science' (like Mercola, etc) you offer up on nearly a daily basis.

Mercola posted this today. Any information wrong? Who is grubbing who? Who is the original quack that allowed crazy science to go out??

back to the post-

Her body is fine.

follow a dv" like" eating and health plan and every thing will be fine in 6 months and her body will adjust in harmony, no surgery needed.

I have helped many people get in shape all my life from professional bodybuilders to moms and I can say that the majority of people trying to get their body in shape are being "conned" by Fitness/medical industry.

You don't have to work out with like a beast to look good either (matter of fact people usually go do hard and end up very acidic along with the fact that they don't understand recovery (at least 3 days) and how if affect protein breakdown.

My boy Che Nazzarith can help all of you people who think you know everything about it and also to those of you who want sincere help.
(Get his series on nutrition)

We have a hard time in this country understanding the concept of less is more(in regards to food, workout, etc.).

Your body will attain harmony in 6 months tops and look better than any plastic surgeon could if you just follow any of Che's advice.

Hell, give me 6 months with this lady and I can have all you guys saying" post her on the side wall DV".

She will also be very beautiful also in the face too.

How do I know?

You see along with removing every poisonous and toxic elements of her food, We will also remove the self hate.

If you have a negative body image of yourself, there is no way that anyone will think that you are beautiful-pure physics Bra!, studied as much as the placebo effect by science.

Now you can understand and see why the elites use cosmo ,vouge etc., to market an unrealistic image to women everywhere.

Negative Self Image.

As man TD would say "self annihilation."

Especially Sistas.

Got them frying their hair, bleaching their skin etc., etc.

Sister are the largest consumer group in the world according to many studies because of negative body image.(I have posted the links before on that subject.) buying more crap for beauty affirmation. they made you hate your natural self.

You are being marketed- what is hot(to look like a 13 year old boy, or a blond amazon stripper?)

Finally, as I said before I have personally "tried and teach" all the con methods of reshaping body image before and this by far is the easiest (whatDV talks about).

I would pay a million bucks to know 30 years ago what I know now about wellness. At 48 I have never been so ripped and muscular with hardly no effort. Went from 230 with gut to rock solid 185 in 6 months by adapting what DV preaches.

Again, I am not bragging about it to soup myself up, but rather to say that not only did I know and experience the "exercise/roids/surgery/ implants bodybuilding pharma" world like the back of my hand and had access to it all, but I am also a real life convert who did it the right way.

DV's and Che are the truth.

BTW, the stretch mark issue. easy -intense hydration ,the right minerals (zinc, mag, potassium) and a crapload of vitamin E(omega/fish) For god sake it is skin-everything else is an excuse:)


Denmark Vesey said...

Hot Wax.

You need to be chargin' cats a fee.

Che Nazzerith?

Let me check him out.

Anonymous said...


Either stick to the subject or wait your turn. Fluoride has been discussed to death. If you want to have a long discussion on it ask your boy to post it as a thread.

About this woman and losing her weight. It's not even as involved as what you are talking about. You and our host are talking about "toxins" etc. Didn't I ask you to go read about what your liver does a few months ago?


Omo Naija said...


Heard it all before. My boy can........

your hustle is pimping some scientifically unproven remedy.

Confess and lets be done with it!

Denmark Vesey said...

"your hustle is pimping some scientifically unproven remedy. "

Like H1N1 vaccines?

Like Chemotherapy?

Like Flouride treatment?

Like the Billion$ of Dollar$ of drugs sold by the Pharmaceutical Companies / Government?

Omo ... please share with us an example of a remedy you consider "Scientifically Proven".

_______________________________ ?

I ask because I find that most Negros use the term "Scientifically Proven" ... when they really mean "Massa Approved".

D.SMITH said...

HOTmfWAX...thanks for the Che' link. I'm checking this brother's videos now...just from checking the Thiamin video...very passionate brother to say the least! PEACE

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

KW, I agree that we ought to be happy in our own skins. However, after you've had a baby your body changes in ways that YOU may not like. I don't care too much about the perfect body concept. What I DO care about is if I am running and my gut is jiggling all over the place due to loose skin from pregnancy. You cannot get rid of that unless you get it surgically removed.

As to stretch marks, they are normal. Bio oil? What is that?

I don't think plastic titties are cool, but after breast feeding, I could imagine a breast lift which helps the muscles that have lost elasticity in that area.

But ultimately if a woman feels tore up after she's had a baby and exercises and still cannot get rid of the Oprah arms, I say they should do whatever will make them feel better about themselves. I don't mean Pamela Anderson Lee style either...

Anonymous said...


Don't bother. Unless you are here for sport (like I am) don't try to educate these cats. They WANT to believe in things that cannot be proven. It's their hustle. They are fairly easily cornered. But since they don't believe in's wasted effort on your part.

Denmark Vesey said...

"They WANT to believe in things that cannot be proven. It's their hustle." Plantation MD

(Yeah. Like the H1N1 Pandemic you were pushing that couldn't be proven right Doc.

Remember last year you were regaling us with tales of perfectly healthy young people dropping dead from 'acute respiratory' failure 2 hours after coming down with the flu ... and how you had to console "young families" who had been warned to get the vaccine but failed yada yada.

Yeah Omo.

Don't bother bra.

The Doc likes to think the snake oil he retails for the Pharmaceutical companies is "proven" ... yet Sunshine and Vitamin D are suspect.

HotmfWax said...


40 year ago -"line up negroes. You have cavities and we need to fill them with mercury. Hey doc I am just a little kid and my teacher said that mercury is bad. Shut up and go to the back of the line-it has been scientifically proven to be safe. Hey you his mom? that will be 50 bucks."

Today-"line up negroes. mercury is "scientifically proven" to leach and cause deadly reaction in the human body. You now have them to be be removed. but Doc the dentist said it was safe 40 years ago-scientifically. Shut up and go to the back of the line. Hey you his wife? That will be 5000 dollars to have them removed. You know inflation."

"Scientifically proven" that cigarette smoking aids digestions."

"Scientifically proven" that vioxx prevent heart disease-oops sorry. 2 billion dollar lawsuit after 20 billion in sales. It doesn't.

All of the above are engage in billions of dollars and killed thousands.

DV and I-sunshine, good food and morals, respectable non poisonous intake in/or on your body. No stress. Love of Humanity.

mmmmm.....What am I making off this "hustle"...ahhh 0 dollars.

I don't know about you DV, but I must be the worst pimp in the world.:)

By the way if you want a list of medical and "scientific hustle" we can be here all week. Trust me I have a list a mile long.

yea guys- it was "scientifically proven" that bloodletting was the best treatment for everything 150 years ago.

and HIV is the cause of know -scientifically.

Anonymous said...

I ask because I find that most Negros use the term "Scientifically Proven" ... when they really mean "Massa Approved".-DV

Where is my Apple button/C?
...Here it is.

I ask because I find that most Negros use the term "Scientifically Proven" ... when they really mean "Massa Approved".-DV

I ask because I find that most Negros use the term "Scientifically Proven" ... when they really mean "Massa Approved".-DV

"Science, understood in the restricted sense of an organized, orderly and objective knowledge of the natural order, is not the product of the modern mind alone. Such forms of knowledge has also been extensively cultivated in pre-modern civilizations such as the Chinese, Indian, and Islamic civilizations. These pre-modern sciences, however, differ from modern science with respect to goals, methodology, sources of inspiration, and their philosophical assumptions concerning man, knowledge, and the reality of the natural world. In pre-modern civilizations, science was never divorced from spiritual knowledge. On the contrary, one finds an organic unity of science and spiritual knowledge.

Nature is a source of many types of knowledge: mathematical, physical, and metaphysical; scientific and spiritual; qualitative and quantitative; practical and aesthetical. Each type of knowledge corresponds to a particular aspect of nature that is singled out for study. Modern science has chosen to study only some of these aspects. In conformity with its scientific conception of nature and its reductionistic and materialistic worldview, modern science ignores, belittles or denies altogether the metaphysical, spiritual, qualitative, and aesthetical aspects of nature. Eddington and Whitehead have rightly asserted that modern science is a kind of subjectively-selected knowledge since it deals only with those aspects of the reality of nature which the so-called scientific method is competent to study."-The History & Philosophy of Islamic Science

"...yet Sunshine and Vitamin D are suspect."-DV

"What you need fossil fuel for, the sun ain’t go’n no where."-Amiri Baraka

Anonymous said...

Funny, you all NEVER had anything to say about the doubled mortality rate and 15 fold increase in ICU admissions related to H1N1 respiratory failure in Australia/New Zealand...nor addressed how bad folks in Brazil got hit....but that would be talking about facts. You idiots are more concerned about a vaccine (which is a weakened form of the virus) than the virus itself. If sunshine will cure the virus, why are you afraid of it's crippled cousin?

When you all are qualified to take care of more than a hamster, why don't you give me a call? MOTI I'm still waiting for your address so I can send you all of my cardiac arrest patients, since you can cure them with your sunshine and expensive salads. Hope you got scotch guard on your carpet.

HotmfWax said...

"Scientifically Proven "Health and Beauty Benefit of Month!

Scientists Find a Way to Trigger Fat-Burning Fat

(Lawd, help us! Fat Burning Fat)

"This week, in a study published in the journal Science, a group of European scientists, led by Stephan Herzig at the German Cancer Research Center in Heidelberg, report that they have discovered a way to make regular white fat act more like the calorie-hungry brown fat and melt away pounds in overweight animals.

The researchers focused on an enzyme known as cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), which is involved in a variety of physiologic functions, from regulating blood pressure to controlling inflammation and contracting muscles. (The class of painkillers known as COX-2 inhibitors, like Celebrex, takes advantage of COX-2's role in inflammation by clamping down on the enzyme's activity.)

In mice, boosting the function of COX-2 caused the animals' white fat to act like brown fat, and led to a 20% drop in their weight. "There has been a lot of excitement around brown fat, but ... there wasn't any clear indication that turning up brown fat would make animals lose weight," says Chad Cowan, a professor in the Department of Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology at Harvard Medical School who studies fat cell development. "What this paper does is make a good link to something that might be clinically beneficial."

In other words, it is the first study to show that manipulating brown fat could make animals thinner, and that gets researchers like Cowan excited about the potential role it may play in regulating weight in humans."

Omo,No hustle on this one Bra.Tell the sistas to line up for the COX-2 pills or shots!

Nice.... COX-2 will be quicker than DV's natural method . It would be "scientifically proven" to help her in a couple of months.. Don't worry that activating COX-2 will promote clottling, pain, hypertension, myalgias, and maybe arrythmias or cancer... it's worth it to fit into a size 2.

Read more: Click here

Anonymous said...

Why do I bother?

"Don't worry that activating COX-2 will promote clottling, pain, hypertension, myalgias, and maybe arrythmias or cancer... it's worth it to fit into a size 2."

Hot Wax,

You realize you are confusing COX-2, with COX-2 you've listed side effects often cited those talking about the adverse effects of Celebrex (COX-2 INHIBITOR--not activator).

You might want to check click preview next time. Just a suggestion.

Omo Naija said...


I come for fun. Half the time its amusing.

Weezy as Christ. The embodiment of blackness.

LaRouchian fantasy. New World order. Jews taking over the world.

The internet bestows on us the ability to easily develop an alter ego - who we wish we were than who we really are. This is DenmarkVesey's outlet. Catharsis.

Hotwaxes mumbo jumbo is no different from the ramblings of the local shaman. I can make you levitate! 6weeks with me you will have your six pack back.

Denmark Vesey said...


Omo you in school too.

Fake sarcasm and repeating CNu won't disguise the fact you haven't offered a more viable alternative to anything you've read here.

We can beat around the bush or we can clear it up right now. You haven't offered an alternative because you don't have one.

Like DMG, you are simply parroting the status quo.

You mistake consensus for science.

I asked you for an example of something you consider "scientifically proven".

You didn't respond.

As I said. Plantation Negros use "scientifically proven" when the mean "Approved Thought".

Toxic vaccines. Obesity as genocide. GMO as a eugenics tool. Engineered debt. Goldman Fuckin' Sachs and spiritual warfare masquerading as a War On Terror ... and the best you can do is to parrot some shit about LaRouchian?

LOL. Man. Please. Stick to the Plantation Negro blogs or go vote "Democrat" or something.

This aint for you.

Hot Wax has given you a better education that than nonsense you took out student loans to purchase.

Anonymous said...


You see how MOTI (Omo, I see our host as merely a "Man On The Internet" and no more) gets when he has nothing of substance to say? He probably sits in his closet petrified at night thinking about the "New World Order". He looks passed the obvious, and directs all of his attention to the absurd. Instead of providing evidence for his spewings, he'll attempt to change the subject, rhyme or try to cast you as being blind to whats going on. He's one of the dudes who took the movie "The Matrix" a bit too literally.

Being an ignorant ass hardly makes one conscious, MOTI.

Just for kicks, do you think you can switch up your game a bit?