Monday, May 10, 2010

Little Huzzies ... They'll Be Knocking On Lawrence Taylors Door In About 5 Years ...


JH said...

Child Abuse. Way worse than the ass-whoopin that could get your kids taken from you by the state. Where is the state now for this mental abuse?

Damn near every time I go out with my 5 year old, I get the "put her in acting spiel". Last thing a 5 year old needs to do is focus on hair and make-up, rejection and acceptance. Child Abuse. Is your baby's self-confidence worth the few grand you'd make in a Gap commercial?. (Made me think....just his weekend, an ignant stranger at the store even told the Mrs. put her in acting class because she is light-skinded and had good hair! Said it right in front of my baby, too! Hilarious!)

Child Abuse....but also funny as hell to the co-opting of black swagger through white kids. They were fuggin it up too! But somebody, please smack their daddies!

Denmark Vesey said...

"Child Abuse....but also funny as hell to the co-opting of black swagger through white kids. They were fuggin it up too! But somebody, please smack their daddies!"

Good stuff JH

Right on the money

Anonymous said...

What the fuck was THAT? How old are those kids? Like 10?

Sure they got the dance moves down pretty good, but there were parents (and I use that term lightly) who allowed them to dress like they were working in a Bordello and shaking parts they haven't developed yet.

I couldn't watch the whole thing. That's damn near kiddie porn.

Anonymous said...

Time out. Have you all seen this?

This girl and her friends steal more than $2 million in jewelry and clothes, and she gets 6 MONTHS?

Anonymous said...

Maybe THIS will work better

JH said...

Damn! I don't know anything about that case...a few months???? You are hitting on an important point about the inequities in our legal system though. Its not about all-white juries, "guilty" or "not guilty" any more...not about racial profiling or gang-injunctions. Those are just distractions. The real injustice takes place in the overcharging of "scary black kids" and excusing rich white kids' "youthful indescretions". Young bra even think of robbing Ms. Lohan, its "conspiracy"...2 years, bam! White kid snatch a chain, mom comes down and cries to the judge and dude gets detention and a lecture. They dyin to get a brotha in the system. Makes the punk ass DA feel like he's doin' something. Happens every day.

Anonymous said...

You forgot that after all that, young white girl gets her on reality show and modeling contract.

Cardinal Ratzinger said...

Hmmmm. I like....

that dude said...

Wow, those girls could really dance! And a good adaptation of the choreography that toned down a bunch of the sexual stuff but still kept the key movements of the original performance.

That said...for my daughter? HELL NO. My girl is damn near a cornball, but they'll be no hip pumping for a while in my house.

Even if they did the dance...the outfits...actually more provacative than the original costumes. Who's idea was that?

Interesting think about two generations of white kids who grew up this deep into black music and dance. If hip hop and the TV show 24 helped make Obama possible, what happens a generation from now?

Anonymous said...

I don't know if 24 helped Obama possible. That's taking alot away from Obama, and giving alot to a TV show.

And when you say think about two generations...are you kidding? White kids have been listening to what could be considered black music for longer than that.

Anonymous said...

I was grabbing my nuts when Beat IT came out! So was the little kid in the IM BAD remake? Check out the latest african/caribbean dance video's too... That video is as bad as your mind takes it! No more swim suits at the pool kids!

Big Man said...

I heard about the burglary ring when it first broke. I figured it would end like this.

Y'all know how it go.

Pink said...

Other than the costumes, I liked it. Those little girls killed it.

Anonymous said...

Ima have to go with Pink on this one. After careful consideration I have to conclude from the totality of the performance that these girls were not just bumpin and grindin for the sake of cheap sexuality. This is a very artistic and well choreographed piece. The outfits might even have been ok if they had just had on tights or something.

JH, it isn't child abuse to help your child achieve in any activity n which that child has an interest and talent. If you have a musical genius in your home and you refuse to nurture that gift, you are abusing the child. The parents of these children and many others like them spend copious amounts of time, energy and resources on their development. I'm one of those parents,, and I spend just as much time on her personal maturation and development as we do on hair, makeup, etc. Every child has to deal with acceptance and rejection, and all parents should be able to equip them for that and the rest of life.

Anonymous said...


Again this is the same argument as most of the stuff on here:

Sublime vs. Vulgar

A kid can learn to dance ballet (or whatever) or they can learn to pole dance.

One can be the basis of other innovative dancing, and the other can be the beginning of learning to fuck on stage. This was the latter (in my opinion of course).