Thursday, May 20, 2010

Really Aint Much To Argue About

Every one of these diseases is preventable. Every one is diet related. (Except homicide and even that is debatable). All together these diseases represent $147 Billion in annual revenue for the Plantation Medical System and big Pharmaceutical companies. That is $500 million per day for the drug dealers. Do you think they are training doctors to prevent these diseases or are they brainwashing doctors to treat sickness with drugs and surgery for profit?


DMG said...

Same distortion, different date, different graphic.


I'm claiming this one too. Count it.

HotmfWax said...

Lawd! Lawd! Will they ever stop! hahahaaaaaha

Click here

The "most retarded science journal of the year" award goes to the Journal of Urology which has published an article suggesting that diet soda is actually an effective type of medicine for preventing kidney stones (April 19, 2010 issue). The research was led by Dr Brian H. Eisner, a urologist at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, who is apparently completely clueless about human nutrition and the toxicity of aspartame.

According to Dr Eisner, diet sodas are not only good medicine for preventing kidney stones; they're also a good source of water hydration. Noting that patients need to consume 2-3 liters of water each day, Dr Eisner said in a Reuters article, "If drinking these sodas helps people reach that goal, then that may be a good thing."

I wonder if our resident Dr. uses that source? Sounds legit. :)

DMG said...

So, without referencing any email warnings show me your proof that aspartame is toxic. And tell me about the specific toxicity.

Next, I'd like you to go to the original article (not just the Natural News), and point by point pick the article know, what I routinely do to all of YOUR references.

Let me know if you can't access the original article...I'll pretend I'm you and cut and past 47 posts worth of it for you.

HotmfWax said...

click here

click here

The Aspartame molecule is an alcohol poison about 20,000 times as toxic a poison as ethanol, (regular old sipping or beverage alcohol) on a per weight basis. Moreover, the myocardium (heart muscle) never gets to rest except between heart beats, so the methanol from Aspartame that becomes more or progressively toxic upon metabolism is especially damaging to muscles.......The heart's extreme mitochondrial concentration, and its dependence upon mitochondrial metabolism for its unresting labors make it a site intensely generative of Aspartame's poisonous byproducts and extremely subject to their resultant chemical, immune, mitochondrial and CHz damages

Dr. James Bowen MD sums it up best:

Murdering Blacks with Aspartame! Tuskegee Syphilis experiments were Chickenfeed compared to boosting Sickle Cell Crisis!

A third of the aspartame molecule digests into wood alcohol, CH4O. The alcohol next loses 2 hydrogens to be the undertakers' friend: formaldehyde. CH2O! Add an oxygen and its formic acid, the venom of fire ants which can kill a person a million times larger, also known as formate! CH2O2. Formate is a "blister poison" that kills and runs, transferring cell to cell, killing as it goes, leaving blisters of dead tissue. It destroys the deformed sickle hemoglobin cells reducing the sickle cell count, but it amplifies the disease inciting a sickle cell crisis.

All of these poisons tie up the enzyme cytochrome oxidase P-450, blocking the body's ability to use oxygen. Many other essential enzymatic functions are inactivated by these poisons; over 85 enzymes are known to be so affected. Like carbon monoxide, formic acid inactivates hemoglobin, reduces oxygen transport to the cells, the most immediate and urgent function of blood circulation. You silently suffocate! Chelating aspartame carries toxic heavy metals into your cells, such as aluminum from the pop can which appears in Alzheimer's neurofibrillary tangles, brain cell graveyards.

9 countries OMRF has patents to use it to treat SICKLE CELL ANEMIA! It enhances the disease, makes it more deadly and murderous! A dagger in the heart of the black race!

Have a diet coke and a smile Doc.

DMG said...

I see that you cannot follow directions. That's sad, but expected. You can't put it in your own words, can you? Because you really don't understand. You just go by what some internet hustler told you....without question....without evidence.

That's why you are are you.

Anonymous said...

Hot Wax that is incredible.

Who is James Bowen MD?

DMG does this claim have any merit at all?

HotmfWax said...


email him,

James Bowen, M.D.

Dr. Bowen received his bachelor of science degree in chemistry from Eastern New Mexico University and his medical degree from The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. He completed residencies in internal medicine and neurology at the University of Washington. He is board certified in neurology, and has taught in the departments of both Neurology and Rehabilitation Medicine at the UW.

His research interests include clinical trials of treatments for MS, aging issues in MS, and the immunology, virology and genetics of the disease.

Dr. Bowen is involved in several organizations, including the American Academy of Neurology. He has served on the Clinical Advisory Committee of the Greater Washington Chapter of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society for many years, and has chaired the committee since 1999. He was inducted into the National MS Society 2005 Volunteer Hall of Fame in the Health Professional and Researchers category for his contributions as a volunteer.

Dr. Bowen is involved as a peer and ad hoc reviewer for numerous publications. He himself has authored more than 200 articles, abstracts and publications relating to MS and other neurological diseases.

If you look up anything about fighting the dangers of Aspartame him or Betty Martini will show up. If you are searching for him or Betty on the Internet be careful. Those two have been our personal warriors against Monsanto and others in fighting the Aspartame battle, therefore lots of vicious attacks have been posted against them. Think about if you had 100 billion$dollars how you could use it in an attempt to destroy your enemy.

"James Bowen is also the author of "Billions Of People Are Now Aspartame Victims".

He even is against the use of Splenda also click here.

White guy with a very anti NWO slant.

CNu said...


Not surprisingly, Bowen is a delicensed LHL quack....,

DMG said...

Mental illness is a terrible thing. Kind of sad. Feel bad for the guy.

HotmfWax said...


As I said think, read his content -don't let technocrats (who would sanction any experiments on human) or I decide for you.

For example, if you search for Betty or Bowen ; this might come up in the 10,000 level:

"Aspartame Causes Blood Disorders
Aspartame is also an endocrine disrupting drug causing infertility, and a teratogen causing birth defects and mental retardation. Dr. James Bowen wrote that ... - Cached - Similar
Aspartame Awareness Weekend, Sept 7th & 8th - Devastations of ...
Dr. James Bowen explains it this way: "The ability of methyl alcohol/ formaldehyde to create antigenicity, especially as combined in aspartame molecules is ... - Cached - Similar
EMC 413 - US Food and Drug Administration Home Page
Dec 27, 2004 ... It's also in some of Dr. James Bowen's papers on this web site.dd Then go to www and click on aspartame and there are several ... - Cached - Similar
Billions Of People Are Now Aspartame Victims By James D. Bowen, MD
Apr 8, 2008 ... Billions of people are now Aspartame victims or their friends. Individual answers to questions are now an impossible approach. The. - Cached
Conspiracy Planet - Voodoo Science - Aspartame: Slow Death by Slim ...
As to Phenylketonuria, yes there is a PKU warning because of the phenylalanine content and according to Dr. James Bowen aspartame can also cause ... - Cached - Similar
James Bowen - Pipl Profiles
Male Sexual Dysfunction Triggered By Aspartame (NutraSweet). By James Bowen, MD (719 332-0033), available from Betty Martini ... - Cached - Similar
EU to Reexamine Safety of Aspartame Artificial Sweetener
consumer is off aspartame and gets pregnant she may lose the baby if she gets back on it. As James Bowen, M.D., in Aspartame Murders ... - Cached - Similar
Sugar Substitutes Danger - Artifical Sweeteners Sickness
Jump to Detoxifying from Aspartame Poison‎: Dr. James Bowen explained that the methyl alcohol of aspartame is arranged in such a fashion that it is “500 ... - Cached - Similar
James Bowen, M.D., A physician, biochemist, and survivor of ...
May 8, 2005 ... (James Bowen, M.D.). Doctor Bowen has spent 20 years researching artificial sweeteners after his use of aspartame resulted in being ...

What is the First one that appears which our kind technocrat just showed you ? Quackwatch- that enough to tell me dude is on to something! Chess not checkers.

Follow the money Anon. These boys know that most are lazy and will use that as any justification for dismissal of anyone who is anti establishment -Pure evil.

Investigate for yourself.

Email him, call him. But don't let the negative technocrats or I decide his merit for you.

DMG said...

Why is it that you all make sure you emphasize that this quack or the other is a "DR"? His medical training is fine, once he's had his license stripped, right?

Yes or No. Was Bowen's medical license taken away?

And why?

Denmark Vesey said...

"Yes or No. Was Bowen's medical license taken away?" DMG

Who gives a shit?

Fuck a license.

You have a license and you are an idiot who recommends MSG and aspartame in "moderation".

Muhfuggas with "licensces" kill 100's of thousands each year and injure God knows how many.

Stick to the ISSUE.

Is Aspartame healthy or not?

Or is this yet another Plantation manufactured chemical you recommend in "moderation"?

DMG said...


You are becoming hysterical. Maybe some Maca will calm you down.

What you advocate is anarchy, and chaos. And now YOU (of ALL motherfuckers) are telling me to stick to "the issue"...which really never was Aspartame. And anyway, neither you, nor your ho have anything to back up any of your claims, so exactly WHAT should I "stick to".

You don't stick to any issues, you rhyme, moan, cry, move onto tangents, distort...etc. You don't like definitions either. You prefer to keep things vague.

So what would you like me to talk about? How a man whose medical career was sunk by his mental illness?

KonWomyn said...

Aspartame may be alotta crappy things, but iHave never read such 'satanically inspired diabolical nonsense'.

Thanks for the giggles, that 1st letter is jst too funny.

Gotta go,


Big Man said...


I don't know whether dude is right about aspartame or not. I don't drink soda anyway.

But, I'm curious why do you believe his claims?

I know you distrust traditional doctors, so why do you believe this doctors comments on aspartame and its toxicity? Why do you trust his thoughts and not the thoughts of someone like say, DMG?

I'm really curious about you make the determination on what is good information and what is bad information since you obviously have a lot of information.

Big Man said...


How do you decide which doctors to trust and which ones to ignore?

You obviously distrust everything that comes of DMG's mouth and he's a doctor. Yet, you trust what comes of this cat Bowen's mouth, and he's a doctor as well.

You trust Bowen's studies, don't trust DMG's.

Is it because Bowen's information sounds more plausible to you? Or because you have some sort of personal experience that backs up what he says?

I'm just curious how you decide which information is valuable and which information is not.

Amenta said...

On homicide. There have been several murders associated with the use of steroids by certain athletes or entertainers namely professional wrestlers and body builders. These murders are commited in a fit of rage, commonly called "roid rage."
Could it be possible, that the huge amounts of steroids and RBH pumped into most "feed" for the masses cause a type of low grade "roid rage" in the Plantation "feed" consumers? Just wondering as DV said it's debatable.

testing said...


DMG said...


That doesn't sound plausible.

Big Man,

I've been interested in that answer for awhile. Thanks for asking it. Maybe Bowen et al. doesn't bother with the details.

HotmfWax said...


Good Question.


This is not just a fad or something new. For the last 10 years, I have been studying the " WTF's" in detail. I have always know that something ain't right. God could not have designed something so fragile and weak and if you believe in evolution, the species could not be getting weaker and dumber. I was also born with a strong distrust of authority (babylon) :) and the strongest sense of curiosity that you have ever seen.

I question everything.

I don't have any Icons, Don't worship celebrities, Don't believe in any Dogmas (I have come to know that everything gets co opted and corrupted over time) and also will try to understand every different points of view.

I also try to respect everyone and treat them like I want to be treated. (Trust me-its hard and in Dealing with Techno 1 and 2-its even more difficult(Kant would be proud of me) ,but I am growing.:))

I am not a "peaceful warrior" (that is an oxymoron). Warrior? - not interested in destroying anything or killing anyone(Bad Karma). Peaceful? Most of the times.

I know the importance of synchronicity and being open to all possibilities ( I could be wrong< but I also could be right). The best thing that could describe said "thought process", is Null-A Theory.(Google it Bra! ) In the study of Epistemology - misplaced A=A "rationality" could get you locked into being only a second hander or a repeater(follower) and can destroy creativity and progress. You abdicate your trust and responsibility to someone else setting your rules.

However the most important tool for me is studying history in detail , personal experiences and my own gut when deciding what is right and wrong. If you have a good heart and seek the righteous light, the right things will come to you.

Research and decisions:

Finally the most important thing that I use however is to take personal responsibility for my life. Stop asking everyone to decide for you.

It blows my mind how easily most people are manipulated because of personal laziness. For example, The laziness to not research "Abiotic Oil", or the facts behind the "Frankfurt School", or "Flexner" or how all economies work on the scarcity principle etc., etc,

For example if you know that Mercury is a deadly substance, Why would any one mandate to use it as a filler with 19th Century Education that said "stuff is killer"? The reason why I use that all the time, because it is such a no brainer and we all went for the OKey Doke.

I gave you a non linear viewpoint (abstract) of my foundation of that point around 1998 when my research really begun. Think about- it if you started researching everything about a 1972 Datsun water engine for 10 years- how much you would know about it now? Well start talking to me about it and I would believe that a engine could not be made to run on water -every thing else you tell me would not compute.

Thats where I usually end up with most folks. DV knows this. Shoot cant even get pass: sea salt vs table salt (sodium chloride).

HotmfWax said...

@BM -cont

Dude, I am at about 1% as far as things that I could share. Do any more and .......I will leave it alone :). I have learned that most people are not ready to receive change.

Check this:


BM, I have a business associate that was told that he had prostate cancer and had only 3 months to live (come in next week and let do the aggressive treatment). He told them thats OK, I will go home and take his chances. Went home clean up his lifestyle and diet and nothing else and he is still around. That was in 1996. Start doing the research and you can find out that they are thousand of these people like this in your city. (They have a habit of finding each other). You actually die most of the time from the Treatment of Cancer and not the cancer itself they will tell you. I have the experience of the other way also- many friends who got the treatment did not make it pass 10 years. Something wrong. Nothing hard to figure out there.


Do you know how cool it was to go into a doctors office when they found a lump in my wife breast and just smile and not even worry when it hit my home years ago. Bra, to watch it magically go away with no problem and laugh.Lived it. Faith.Bruce Lipton?

Fear? Not my thing. I am sorry if you think that I am "using it "(implies an agenda) I will be more careful. I get frustrated at times. I will be more self aware.

That was not my goal -my objective is to just drop a few hints to go research any item that I bring up -yourself, because it might lead to a point in discovery.

I mean 9-11 Bra. It is almost 10 years later and 99% of Brother I talk to have no clue what Bld 7 is? Well compare that to Bowen or Betty Martini in regards to Aspartame.

If I can't get pass that -how can I even get to Donald Rumsfeld role.

BM, think how hard this will be to connect all the dots. We just don't want to hear it.

Just like Cipher in the Matrix, put me back in the fake world and make me important and rich.

The Truth is just to boring and difficult.

You have to decide. Not DV, not me, not Anons, not even the Technos. I just want to help period. No agenda, No money, No group attachment, No fear. I am just really happy to just be.

Just a small slice-hopes this help.

HotmfWax said...

Enjoy (click here)

The Doc said...

"I am not a "peaceful warrior" (that is an oxymoron). Warrior? - not interested in destroying anything or killing anyone(Bad Karma). Peaceful? Most of the times."

This brings to mind a quote I once read: Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity.

Big Man said...

Thanks for the background Wax.

The thing is, I'm still not clear about how you decided that folks like this Bowen dude were worth listening to?

I read the link you posted, and well, dude sounded a little loony with his comments. No offense, but that was my first response.

Plus, I'm wondering why you trust his studies and research, but don't trust the studies and research of DMG. They're both doctors, both of them obviously have more training and experience in medicine than a laymen.

Personally, I can't say that either of them is definitively right, yet you seem to believe that about Bowen. Why is that?

I too distrust authority, and question things constantly, but that tends to leave me skeptical about all "experts" not just some experts.

And ultimately, what I've found is that the biggest reason I decide to trust and believe something is because it aligns with a viewpoint I already held in my heart. Like most folks, I trust the information that supports what I already believe, and distrust the information that doesn't. Unlike many folks, I don't ignore information that doesn't confirm my biases, but I don't give it as much weight as the information that alings with my worldview.

Honestly, I've found that this is how most people process information and, ultimately that means that the only real "expert" in most people's lives is the little voice inside their heads.

HotmfWax said...


-In Bowen case it is easy. Here is a guy that decided it was so important to fight the battle in the 90's, he started speaking out and refused to just go along.


BOWEN gave up a lot of easy money and lifestyle and as i said before he is lucky to be alive because if you follow this stuff, normally you would end up like this: click here .

Look up David Kelly that one went main stream.

This is a big boy game dude.

Follow DMG, naw dude. Can't you just tell by his post, that he is just "showing" and really don't care about people or humanity.

If you care and have been following the Aspartame trail Bowen has been at the front of the line raging against the machine.

He is in the system yes, and with his ability he could have all the money and fame in the world.

Just like Chappelle refusal to take the fiddy million, it happens in other industries also Bra.

Look at our mindset -thousand of articles written by Bowen, however the one that KW, Technos and every one gravitates to is something that someone wrote about (we don't even know if it is true) about an alleged anti-illuminati email rant. Is it not strange that the first thing that comes up in a search of Bowen is that article? Search Betty Martini -I bet you will see some crap like that.

Ever one is so locked in on it and decided on the subject and ready to dismiss. If it is that easy -think how the media have manipulated you then. NBC owned by GE could easily make a news report on how good radiation is for you and also wipe out a Bowen type guy fighting it.

You could email Bowen or call him or read all of his work on the subject(does our local Doctor have anything published on the subject) but we refuse to.

Easy BM, too easy with my history and research of Monsanto, Betty Martini lectures etc. and personal addiction to diet Cokes 9 years ago.

It is serious. That warning about pregnant women on Nutrasweet packages affected my family -but that is for another time.

Easy for me to chose a man of integrity(Bowen) than some guy just practicing a "hobby" of play fighting.

DMG said...


Bowen is mentally ill, and you are following him. What does that make you?

Yes, I care so little about people and humanity that I sleep with my pager under my pillow and am available for my patients 24/7. Leave movies, dinner dates with my wife, son's games, and have missed the funerals of my own family members to care for patients. So...fuck you. And I mean that sincerely.

What I care so little for are people like you, who have been presented with the facts but still choose nonsense. You've said you don't want my help, so I've shaken the dust off my feet. Step, I say. Just don't whine about how you didn't know if something happens. Take your herbs and spices. What do I care?

If Bowen were a man of integrity (and sound mind), he'd acknowledge the facts of the case and debate on those merits, rather than aligning himself with other hustlers and nutjobs to push this stuff.

Big Man said...


You know you just alluded to the Bible, right?

Even the non-believers can't escape it. Lol.

DMG said...

I know exactly what I quoted. My grandfather said it often, more as a "fuck you" than a quote from Matthew 10:14.

Still don't believe it god. Yours, my grandfathers or otherwise.

HotmfWax said...


Techno 1 and 2 questioned the good Dr. Bowen reputation and integrity. They smeared his name base of a fake Blog yesterday.


Wow he isn't ? click here

Ah, why don't you call him- he is still practicing in Washington. The rating said clean record.

Check out this letter he wrote to the senator in 2007 and the other letter 20 years ago to the FDA.

click here

Tell me again why should I choose the words of a vile and vulgar personality willing to slander another Doctor without checking just to win a Battle vs. somebody who has been at a fight for 20 years ?


Wow one blog said that. You can't find anything else negative about him in a 20 year history of being public on the net?

Again do you understand my methodology and choice?

Denmark Vesey said...

Get 'em Wax!

Big Man said...

On Dr. Bowen:

James Bowen, M.D., outspoken anti-aspartame advocate had his license to practice medicine revoked in eight states because medical boards found not that he had "harmed" a patient, but that he was "delusional" about aspartame's adverse effects. Dr. Bowen [appeared on CBS Evening News with Dan Rather in 1984 talking about his case of Lou Gehrig's Disease which he reversed by getting off aspartame].

Dr. Bowen states, "Aspartame's adverse effects have to be non-specific, affecting virtually every organ of the body. Otherwise, it [aspartame] would have been off the market within the first two years!"

That's from this site.

Just a google search of his name and aspartame turned up dozens of links.

To be honest, I can't tell if dude is telling the truth or not. The chemical process he describes does sound dangerous. Then again, DMG offers information about the bodies ability to process the same chemicals in smaller amounts that is just as compelling.

Ultimately, I don't have a problem with avoiding aspartame, I already do that because my mom believed it caused cancer when it first came on the market. She never let us have it, and I don't eat "diet" or "light" stuff because she never trusted artificial sweetners.

CNu said...

lol@D-Bee gassing imps...,

DMG said...

Well Wax,

This is interesting. Is your

James D. Bowen, MD anti-Aspartame crusader the one and the same (let's call him Aspartame-Bowen)

James D. Bowen, MD
Medical Director of MS Institute at Swedish Hospital in Seattle?
(Let's call him Seattle-Bowen)

There is a physician in Washington who has an active license in that state, who was born in 1957 (Seattle-Bowen)

Now, I've been reading a little bit about your guy. He makes mention in 2005 that he studied chemistry 40+ years prior (1965 or so...when Seattle-Bowen would have been 8 years old).

Aspartame-Bowen makes mention of Ontonagon several's apparently his address in Michigan, and it seems he first had his license issued in 1977 (James D. Bowen, MD in Seattle is 20 years old...and would have had to have started medical school at 16) and revoked on 9/17/1992...kind of like what that blog said. This is all freely viewable on a public website of licenses.

So, are your two physicians one in the same? We shall see...

DMG said...

Just looked at your links again. Seems Aspartame-Bowen wrote that second letter from Hawaii in 2007, and the one "20 years before" in Michigan--which fits the revoked medical license from Michigan for a James D. Bowen.

Could it be the same dude? Sure, he could have been a little Dougy Houser, MD and went to med school early. Sure he could have gotten his medical license back in another rise to the level of Medical Director at a prominent hospital...with nary an article written about Aspartame on a PubMed search. It's all possible. But is it plausible?

makheru bradley said...

I wonder if the Detroit police are on aspartame?,8599,1989857,00.html#ixzz0oQk4iIAo

Denmark Vesey said...

"I wonder if the Detroit police are on aspartame?" MB

Might be Mak.

Might be.

The entire country is on some sort of mind altering chemical.

What's your take on this?

White Supremacy?

Rap music?

Lil Wayne did it?

HotmfWax said...


Here are two more searches that ref. Seattle.

click here and here

Both Seattle address.



What are the odds that this COULD BE 2 DIFFERENT PEOPLE and both went to Hopkins and got the same degree?

I dont think so but like you said -stranger things could happen.

Finally, BM's Mom don't have the fancy degree as any of the Doctors and she knew Aspartame was dangerous.




CNu said...

the article reference by wax was written by the nutty, delicensed LHL quack who was waging his heroic nutbattle from a P.O. Box in Hawaii in 2007.

Big Man said...

For giggles.

DMG said...


Seriously man, I think you have the wrong dude. Your guy is from Michigan and was studying Chemistry in the mid 60's.

Just saying you might want to check your sources. Anyway, the point was you were accusing CNu and me of "slander". Now, when one of his own sources proudly claims your boy's license was revoked in 8 states, how have we slandered anyone. Fact is fact. And I don't think Seattle-Bowen, Johns Hopkins alumni is your boy.

DMG said...

..and what is "fancy" about a medical degree, do you say this because it's not attainable to every cat on the street, like say automotive tech school is?

Now if THAT isn't hating, I don't know what is.

makheru bradley said...

What's your take on this?--DV

There were two tragic events. The first was an example of the "psychodynamics of Black self-annihilation."

[Chauncey Louis Owens was charged on May 19 with first-degree murder for allegedly killing Detroit teenager (Jerean Blake, 17) outside an east side party store because he didn’t like the way the youngster looked at him.

The slaying last Friday set off a tragic train of events leading to the fatal shooting of a 7-year-old girl by police officers searching for Owens.]

The second was an example of proto-fascist retaliatory violence.

[Earlier this month, five Detroit police officers were shot, one fatally, while investigating a reported break-in at one of Detroit's many abandoned buildings.]

The shooting of a police officer usually leads to a killing by police officers, the same way the rape of a white woman in Mississippi would lead to a lynching. Any person of the targeted group is guilty. This time it just happened to be 7-year-old Aiyana Stanley-Jones.