Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Son Don't Forget: 'The Enemy Makes His Camp At The Foot Of Your Baby's Cradle' ... DV Sr.

For years I've been encouraging my boys to read more books. They read well and get excellent grades, but they've never been quite as "bookish" as I'd like them to be. Truth be told, I didn't develop my appetite for reading until I discovered a Jackie Collins paperback in my aunts bathroom when I was about 12. I think it was called Bloodlines. Shiiiiit sex and adventure among the jet set. Fuuug Catcher In The Rye.

I gave me 12 year old a copy of Manchild In the Promised Land last year. He flipped through it. Seemed interested, but didn't finish it. His little brother inherited it and was absolutely amazed by Claude Brown's story. It may have been a little too raw for him, (heroin, sex & violence) but I was happy to see him with his nose buried deep in the culture of 1950's Harlem street life.

But other than that, they've been casual readers when there was nothing else to do, on airplanes, or forced to by me or my wife.

Until last week. All of sudden, we can't get cats to come to the dinner table. Up late at night reading under the blankets with a flashlight. Taking books to school and reading during Language Arts class. Chatting with friends online about the twists and turns of various plot points.

Although a proud smile crept across my face, my radar alarms went off. Uh oh. Anything this good has to have a catch. My wife said she heard big brother talking in his sleep and his little brother was sleeping in his brother's bed because he was having bad dreams. So I decide to investigate what's got these cats mesmerized.

I've should have known. Rick Riordan: The Lightning Thief.

Here we goooo again ... My pops often says "The enemy makes his camp at the foot of your babies cradle". I'm convinced that in this case the enemy is the devil, negative thoughts, things that keep your mind off of God. On the surface, the book is innocent fantasy. But anyone with a trained eye can see the same Satanic parallels that run deep in the Harry Potter series: Children with dead parents overcoming mortal enemies by relying on witchcraft and black magic yada yada yawn. The Orwellian reversal: Evil becomes good. Good becomes Evil.

I knew better than to just take the books from my sons. Overbearing parents can often instigate the opposite reaction from their children and make them run to something out of spite. So I feigned interest and read the books with them. I also turned them on to a few articles like this one which illuminate the Satanic themes consistent with these books rammed down the throats of preteens by the Plantation Publishing industry. CONT=>


submariner said...

Nothing like free will and kids. Another book you may find of interest in case you've never heard is In the Shadow of the Son by Michael Simanga. Read the entire Percy Jackson series to my eight year old and saw the movie with her. Now we're on the 39 Clues. Good stuff.

The R. said...

Where'd they get the book?

Denmark Vesey said...

Suuuub. Shadow of the Son?

Not hip. I'll check it out.

You've read the entire Percy Jackson series? lol. I'm not surprised.

You strike me as Mainstream with a vengeance.

Denmark Vesey said...

The Rrrrrrrrrr!

Maaaaan. Good question.

Every time these cats want a book I find myself at Barnes & Noble dropping $30 & $40.

I'm like go to the Library.

They look at me like I told them to go to a record store and buy an 8 Track tape.

Turns out ...

These Rick Riordan / Harry Potter books are all up in the school library.

10 to 20 copies deep with a waiting list.

The Plantation manages to make available to our children what they want them to read.

Muhfuggas aint never heard of Marcus Garvey or Denmark Vesey but can recite Percy Jackson's family lineage.

submariner said...

Not mainstream but a virtuoso. We also read Leon's Story and Tales of Yoruba Gods and Heroes.

The R. said...

And how they gonna give a little white boy a name like Percy Jackson! I was looking for one of my cousins from down south with diabetes.

Denmark Vesey said...

submariner said...

"Not mainstream but a virtuoso."


Big Ups Sub!

Big Ups!

I like that.

Denmark Vesey said...


Percy Jackson.

Crossed my mind too.

What's next?

A half human half god sorceress named Shaniquella Johnson in a quest to save the world from global demonic warfare by the use of Babylonian mysticism and Wicken chants.

Anonymous said...

Books? Now wait a minute. Are YOU the cat who posted a critique of so-called bookish vs. gun carrying young black men some months ago? (You really need a search function, there are so many contradictions to mine from your site).

And now you are telling us your boys don't read as much as you'd like. Don't they have target practice?

You know I'm joking about the books vs. guns for your boys. I applaud that you stick books in their hands. I wish more parents did that. It's your prerogative as a parent to choose what sort of books they read. I'd never try to persuade you otherwise. I don't agree with you about the Lightening Thief or Harry Potter series, but that's parental style. You do what you think is right for you and yours.

Denmark Vesey said...

uh .... ok.

Thank you for permission D.

But, honestly Bra, if you don't mind ... you are not educated enough to agree or disagree with me regarding the Satanic symbolism within the Harry Potter series.


You are not.

Aint nothing wrong with it.

You are busy prescribing "H1N1" vaccines and other Big Pharma quackery.

But if you read a little deeper the occult indoctrination that is Harry Potter is undeniable.


Bookish vs Gun Carrying?


Again your capacity to misinterpret that which you don't understand is infinite.

You completely missed the meaning of the piece.

It was conformist vs. nonconformist.

It was obedient vs. disobedient.

It was Plantation Negro vs. Not Plantation Negro.

It was external affirmation vs self-affirmation.

It was DMG vs DV.

Anonymous said...

Can't even take a compliment? Do I make you so nervous that you wince and throw up your fists every time I walk around the corner, like some battered child with PTSD? Shook one.

Whatever. I'm glad you are sticking books in front of your boys. Your boys like mine will be more familiar with turning pages and using their own imagination than the unlucky kids whose parents let them turn off their brains with playstation and X-box.

You think Harry Potter is satanism? Fine. I don't care. I don't believe in Satan...or Shaytan or whomever...yada yada yada desert religion beliefs, no bearing on me, etc, etc. Not interested. Despite your peculiarities, I think your kids have a father that cares enough for them to make them think. Don't care about any of the rest.

By the way. Speaking of educated enough...have you actually READ the Harry Potter series, or do you rely on others to tell you it's content?

Anonymous said...

DMG you funny.

You went from dropp'n desert coons to pick'n up witches and warlocks. Aint that on some ol' Marilyn Manson stuff. Disrespecting "shook ones."
This is more your style DMG (Dion Mial G).


Anonymous said...

It was conformist vs. nonconformist.

It was obedient vs. disobedient.

It was Plantation Negro vs. Not Plantation Negro.

It was external affirmation vs self-affirmation.-DV


Denmark Vesey said...

"I don't believe in Satan" DMG



I don't believe in anything.

I simply accept the best available explanation.

Here you go Doc. I like ya man. Let me turn you on to what I consider the 'best available explanation'.

If you have a better explanation ... drop a link:

In The Dying God, The Hidden History of Western Civilization, David Livingstone shows that modern secular culture is really the product of an occult tradition that can be traced back to ancient Babylon through Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Templars, Plato and the Cabalists.

Essentially, this tradition adopted Lucifer as symbol of mankind's rebellion against God.

It enshrined human reason, appetite and will as the ultimate standard of goodness and truth.

It usually defined freedom in terms of destroying the moral and social order. Freedom means dissipation not uplift and empowerment.

The occult's real aim is to empower the elite. Livingstone, who is not "religious" explains:

"The basic principle of most religions is to behave unto others as we wish to be treated....a principle of justice...[In contrast] the occultist...is lured by his vanity to seek a type of knowledge that sets him apart from others, maintaining that it is the preserve of the elite."

Harry Potter is essentially occultist propaganda packaged in a manner designed to appeal to Plantation Negros & Plantation Crackas still eager to assimilate.

Anonymous said...

^^ That's truth.

Fool'n wichu DMG, I had to find a reason to shuv that video in there, but I really had a long sincere post for you but you just seem so oblivious or not caring to the fact that there is a real power structure in place.
That stays in place, not in power by rolling dice, but by manipulation. Call it conspiracy but all you have to do is pick up 'PR! A social history of spin' or 'All Consuming Images.' This is a science. They people get payed to manipulate you while making you think that you ('you' as in everyone) are thinking for yourself. They got a daily planner or rather a millennium planner.

I actually intended this Pimp C interview


Anonymous said...

DV, you people see these measures as extreme. “People forget extremes are about two sides of the continuum.” –Hamza Yusuf

(I kept forgetting to post this book M. Rig that I think you may find interesting. A friend sold me on it and I just ordered it 'Evolution's End: Claiming the Potential of Our Intelligence' by Joseph Chilton Pearce)

People running and screaming in the streets because of a radio broadcast of 'War of the Worlds' and imagery is suppose to be harmless?
'Oh that was then.'
It's always that was then. Every generation thinks they are on it and more sophisticated than the previous generation when in reality, the means to manipulate only become more sophisticated.

The Doc said...

DV, i've read the entire Harry Potter series, and I just don't see it. Honestly, if I got any message from it it's to resist particularly dark magic, or extremism. Voldemort was almost a Satan allegory, and Harry Potter was the young kid trying to overcome his evil. Further, he could not ultimately accomplish his mission without the help of his friends, Ron and Hermione.

And secondly, DMG... did you just reference Mobb Deep's shook ones? Ha! Now that's funny! Either you've been here too long, or you're a little less straight laced than I thought. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Ha.

Anonymous said...

Doc, and Gee-Chee,

I have no idea why you think I wouldn't know Mobb Deep, or like Hip Hop in general. Straight laced? Do you actually believe the stereotype black physician picture that our host paints? What did you two think I listened to? I'm 42, MY generation pretty much CREATED hip hop.

Straight laced, now THAT'S funny. I've hinted, often, that I've never been some fat pimply faced cat that didn't make the football team or never had a date. On the contrary. But if the Conrad Murray picture helps you sleep at night, feel free to imagine me as him.

And don't let the MD or complete sentences fool you. I don't have to front.

Denmark Vesey said...

What's happenin' Doc?

"V, i've read the entire Harry Potter series, and I just don't see it.": The Doc

Let's rap about it.

What's your interpretation of this bit of analysis?

"As the movie begins, Harry Potter is dreaming. A large serpent slithers out of the darkness, and Harry hears the cold, hissing voice of the murderous Voldemort. This evil wizard -- whose body had been decimated during a futile attempt to kill Harry thirteen years earlier -- is instructing his groveling servant Wormtail. Their deadly plot would require Harry's life. "I will not disappoint you, my Lord," Wormtail promises.

This nightmare introduces a major theme of the story: Voldemort is planning his return to a physical body through a blood sacrifice involving the 14-year-old student wizard.

Compared to Voldemort's wicked plans and heartless brutality, Harry's magical training seems downright good. So when the dark scene above is replaced with Ron Weasley's fun-loving home (where Harry and Hermione are finishing up their summer break), all seems well.

Who cares if these friendly folks are all witches and wizards? Here paganism seems normal. Never mind that the supernatural forces they manipulate corresond to those of Satan rather than God. In this enticing setting, the occult realm feels good to the unthinking audience.

Those affirming feelings are important. They help the audience identify with the "good" wizards and -- through the imagination -- participate in the action. When Harry triumphs, the viewers share the exultation. When danger threatens, they feel Harry's anxiety. This emotional bond silences the moral reasoning that should warn Christians that this plot is displeasing to our Lord."

Denmark Vesey said...

DMG said...

"Doc, and Gee-Chee,

I have no idea why you think I wouldn't know Mobb Deep, or like Hip Hop in general."


Calm down MC DMG

A link to a YouTube video don't make you Jigga Man.

It's not a Conrad Murray image that leaves one with the impression you aint Hip Hop.

It's your vigorous embrace of all things Plantation that gives you away.

From your obedient consumption of H1N1 monkey virus juice to your fanatical embrace of the Plantation education system to your refusal to acknowledge the existence of "Sistas".

You might be 42 and "your generation" virtually created rap music ...

but you aint Hip Hop.

At best you R&B.

PM Dawn or some gotdamn body.

Anonymous said...

I remember when there was a surge of political dialog within the hip-hop community in the early 90's. Talk about the CIA leaving shipments of guns in LA or Oakland, can't remember, but also the FBI's war on the poor, investigating NWA etc.

You have shows like the X-Files then later New York Undercover to defuse the unpopularity of authority.

It's no conspiracy that behind Joe Louis bout with Max Schmeling was about image, patriotism, propaganda, symbolic design. That means there are brains figuring it out behind the scenes. Magicians figure out their tricks behind the scennes, off stage. They don't walk the audience through some seminar.

So with a show like the X-Files (which are the Feds), you create shows so far out-there, that it reduces the nature of the FEDs to becoming identified as victims of conspiratorial ideas. You have desensitized the audience to any REAL inquiries about their activities. Got suspicions and you on some conspiracy agenda.

Nobody calls a police detective a conspiracy nut. They investigate all possibilities whether or not the information appears convoluted or obscured.

Denmark Vesey said...

^^ Gaaahtdamn

I'm more impressed with this brother than I am with myself.

"So with a show like the X-Files (which are the Feds)"


The R. said...

"A half human half god sorceress named Shaniquella Johnson in a quest to save the world from global demonic warfare by the use of Babylonian mysticism and Wicken chants."
Thats funny!

Are y'all overthinking this? Remember, the author was a super broke, damn near homeless, mother, and she was trying to write something that she could use to entertain her kids.
I don't think any of it has anything to do with anything but that chick's ability to make money. She's now the richest woman in England. She doesn't give a shit about what y'all are trying to pin on her.

Anonymous said...

Appreciate it DV.

R. Watch 'Three Days of the Condor' and ask that question. Serious. It's a good movie anyway. Robert Redford. Not about conspiracies but just about the mechanics of the machine.

It's more efficient to contract someone who's ideas already suit your agenda. Back to Joe Louis. Joe Louis didn't work hard at becoming the heavy weight champion because he thought that sometime in the future that he could be Americas answer to Germany's Max. But they still used his talents to endorse their ideas. This is marketing. It's simply marketing.

JNike provided the support system and market for Jordan. Jordan provided the raw materials. Nike could not go out and make another Jordan. Have they yet, with all the Jordans worn by children since 89? Still Nike couldn't make another Jordan. However they found a Jordan and marketed him.

Likewise, this woman didn't have to aspire to flooding the market with histories rooted in satanic rituals. She is a story teller that had her opinions about witch craft being harmless. You are right, you can't make talent or mold someone into something that is intuitive.

Anonymous said...

...however you can contract someone who already has those things layed out in their own philosophies or ideas. It's way more efficient than trying to develop the idea yourself.

Out of all the young Ralph Tresvants, El De Barges who has become the next Michael. Ronald Reagan understood how important Michael was as a proof of America over the USSR. Anyone from that time knew Michael was the biggest media driven name on the planet.

Anonymous said...

You don't go mold and educate some black kid into making records that are mentally destructive. No, you go after some cat that's already a local hit and give him a record deal. That's what scouting is all about. Using the talents that's already there. They don't have to have the bad intentions. They don't have to be in on the gag. All they have to be is the real Mac Coy. What's that Nigerian soccer player (I think he's Nigerian) that EVERYBODY was after him just as a kid. America was trying to get him. Why, because he authenticates Americas philosophies for a paupers fee.

It has always been a practice of civilizations that go to war to send out there best fighters to duke it out first. Depending on who wins and who looses effects the moral of the soldiers. The mind is so amazing. To believe we came from some walking fish turned monkey turned human is just ridiculous.

This is why I teach my son to read imagery and what it says. Is $0.99, why not $1.00? I teach my son to read that. It is an art to push your ideas through your art, that doesn't bash people over the head but rather suggest ideas.

Remember that Common song 'I Use to Love Her'? His concern about the direction of hip-hop. That is just apart of the aesthetics of the art making process. Look at Jim Henson. Even though he was on some subtle gay Bert & Earnie stuff, look at what he did with the idea of the "monster." He made monsters harmless, cute, funny, silly. Where did this idea exist before him? Subtle techniques. So your child is afraid of monsters, just tell them about grover, oscar, cookie monster...imagery has power.

Anonymous said...

Not saying monsters are of concern, but the Illuminati is really about the Rolling Stones song, "Sympathy for the Devil" They see Satan as bringing knowledge with the apple whereas "God" was trying to keep man in ignorance. Witch craft, magic all has it's roots in these things. They want to use the reasoning of "guns don't kill people, people kill people." With that logic you are like, damn, witchcraft can be used for good. The concept of magic and witchcraft is to call upon other forces other than God. That constitutes taking partners to God.

If you DMG'n it, you could care either way. Even though you are actively promoting it (while not caring). The army doesn't need soldiers that can articulate their assignments, they just need soldiers to fire the damn gun. I had three dope dealer friends growing up. Neither one of them dealt dope to hurt the black community or to kill anyone. They slang dope because of the Turkish rope or gucci link that attracted girls.

Big Man said...

Try non-fiction.

I loved sci-fi and fantasy growing up, (My mom and dem' were always telling me to leave that demonic mess alone but I didn't listen), but my brother hated all kinds of books. Couldn't get into the stories like that.

Now he reads more than me.

Turns out, young boys are pre-disposed to read for information. You just have to figure out what information they really want to learn about, use that information to get them hooked on reading, and then use that new addiction to expand their interests.

I've seen it happen all the time.

Your kids like martial arts. Hook them up with some training manuals exploring the history and techniques of Kung-Fu, or maybe some biographies of Joe Louis and Sugar Ray Robinsion and Jack Johnson.

Bet it works better.

Anonymous said...

One can loose their children by setting up obstructions or denying access. I guess it's about respecting their intellectual capacity.

My son likes Star Wars. I break down how George Lucas got rich off of the Jedi concept.

The force: Channeling chi energy
The light saber: Some may see it as some Samurai code concept (it may very well be), I see more of the influence of the tai chi sword concept
The dress code: Semitic aesthetic mixed with European fashions and the monks.
The Jedi order: The Sufi order of mystics

George Lucus was genius in adopting cultures and integrating them into his stories.

Anyway, I expose his influences to my son so he understands that everything comes about by a process of recycling pre-existing concepts. I tell him that Masterlock doesn't create new numbers, it only turns them into combinations.

Denmark Vesey said...

"I expose his influences to my son so he understands that everything comes about by a process of recycling pre-existing concepts." Gee


My man.

You a baaaaaad muhfuggah.

Remind me of myself.

Later for DMG.

Great minds.

Anyway. Yeah man that's what I thought Big Man missed about my approach.

I'm not into "denying" anything.

I see these little books of occult symbolism masquerading as cute and harmless "children's literature" as an opportunity.

An opportunity to equip my sons with the tools to process stories / memes like this without allowing their subconscious to be hi-jacked.

Which ... sadly has happened to far too many of our children.

Big Man said...

Gee Chee

Why not just point him to Ecclesiastes if you want to drive that lesson home?


I don't have a problem with denying stuff, sometimes that's the road I need to take.

I'm going to teach my sons to think, just like my parents taught me to think.

I'm going to deny them some things when they're younger and tell them that they can make their own decisions once they are no longer dependent on me for sustenance and succor.

That's my gameplan, every parent has their own.

Anonymous said...

MOTI, Gee-Chee,

You two done stroking each other off with your X-files, illuminati fantasies yet?

No I'm not hip hop. I listen to hip hop, I've grown up on hip hop. There's a difference. I'm not living in a video fantasy world of unattainable luxury, women, and overpriced champagne.

Can you think of anything more ridiculous looking than a 70 year old man wearing Adidas, gold chains, and a backpack, riding the bus, still scribbling lyrics in a notepad STILL trying to get someone to listen to their damn mixtape??

I don't have to fake swagger...like you.

I'm already the real deal. And I've never needed to rhyme to crush you in an argument MOTI. Never, not once.

So, anyway. Back to Harry Potter. It doesn't scare me, because I've already stated that I don't believe in the desert religions boogeyman. I suppose if you do, Harry Potter may be an issue. So that's where we disagree. I mean, you probably would have no problem with your kid reading about say Loki, in a mythology class. Because he's not real to you.

I just choose not to handicap my kid with Judeo-Christian based guilt or fear of an entity that does not exist. Evil is man made...there's not need to blame humanities short comings on some non-existent entity.

Humans are evil because we choose to be, we aren't forced or coerced.

Denmark Vesey said...

"I'm already the real deal. And I've never needed to rhyme to crush you in an argument MOTI. Never, not once." DMG


Now ... THAT ... is cute.

"had to rhynme".

That's funny.

You can't rhyme.

You don't have flow.

You don't understand it, so you attempt to minimize it.

But you feel it.

The Doc said...

"Are y'all overthinking this? Remember, the author was a super broke, damn near homeless, mother, and she was trying to write something that she could use to entertain her kids"

THANK YOU! That's what i'm sayin', magne. J.K. Rowling was a broke chick just writing stories; how was she to know kids would embrace her books like that.

Hell, I include a lot of supernatural ish in the stuff I write, and believe me there's no indoctrination in it, I just think monsters and shit are cool. LOL

I ain't sayin' what you're saying has no merit, cuz I don't know the backstory behind it, but I just don't see it mayne.

The Doc said...

"Likewise, this woman didn't have to aspire to flooding the market with histories rooted in satanic rituals. She is a story teller that had her opinions about witch craft being harmless. You are right, you can't make talent or mold someone into something that is intuitive."

A'ight, point, counterpoint. You got that, homey. I feel this. I can see how they'd push something that supports their agenda.

Denmark Vesey said...

"Remember, the author was a super broke, damn near homeless, mother, and she was trying to write something that she could use to entertain her kids" The R.

Ahhhhh .. whut a cute little story.

Soooo ... sooooo .... PR friendly.

Yeah. And the first thing she writes becomes the LARGEST SELLING BOOK IN PUBLISHING HISTORY.

More "overthinking":

"Harry Potter" refers to the outrageously successful series of books featuring the adventures of fictional character Harry Potter, a young wizard-in-training.

While ostensibly targeted at children (published by Scholastic books) the books were adopted and celebrated by adults around the world.

Sales figures for each book in the series reached into the stratosphere with tens of millions of copies being sold for each title in the series in hardback alone.

Royalties for the author easily exceed a billion dollars and this does not include the lucrative movie rights.

The heavily occult laden stories of Harry Potter and his mates clearly have captured the imaginations of millions of readers worldwide.

The books were rapidly introduced into school curricula throughout the United States (read: shoved down the throats of impressionable captive children.)

Movie studios outdid each other in bidding for the movie rights. But who wrote Harry Potter?

J.K. Rowling says she wrote the Harry Potter books. However, there are more critical stories essentially calling into question her authorship of the huge franchise.

At a creative writing seminar in France she was found to have had a very poor familiarity with the characters and stories of her own books when questioned by sincere fans at the workshop.

She then demonstrated a distinctly poor knowledge of any of the fundamentals of creative writing."

CNu said...

New topic, same old sources - without attribution.

Lyndon H. LaRouche doesn't like Harry Potter.

So his kneegrow online must pretend not to like him either.

Unintelligible dribble straight from its source;

This past week, Germany's tabloid Bildzeitung printed some actual news. It reported a Vatican official's warning, that the British cult of "Harry Potter" is a specifically Satanic form of contemporary occultism. The reported argument to that effect stands on its own feet; to be specific, it identifies the current cult of "Harry Potter" devotees as in the same general class of pro-Satanic cults as the "Pokémon" cult.

That, however, is too narrow a view of the threat which "Harry Potter" represents to both those victims who are children, and also adults who regress toward infantile states of mind on account of their own susceptibility to such expressions of the wildly irrationalist occult.

Both "Pokémon" and "Harry Potter" are fresh examples of epidemic forms of mental disease akin to the "Flagellant" cult which rampaged during Europe's Fourteenth Century "New Dark Age," and to the "witchcraft cults" which spread during Europe's Seventeenth Century, as a by-product of the Venice-directed, Habsburg-led horror of religious warfare over the 1511-1648 interval. The recurring spread of such pro-Satanic forms of "New Romanticism" existentialist cults, is typified currently by the impact of the "family values" irrationalism echoed in the alliance between the lunatic "Christian Coalition" and the Gnosticism-riddled "Christian Alliance" in such U.S. states as Virginia today.

The spread of the influence of such forms of deranged occultism, as the existentialism of Nazi Party Nietzschean philosopher Martin Heidegger, Karl Jaspers, Theodor Adorno, Hannah Arendt, Jean-Paul Sartre, Martin Buber, et al., typifies the continuity between the New Romanticism of Immanuel Kant, G.W.F. Hegel, and their followers; the archetypical cultural pessimist Schopenhauer; the rise of the fascist parties of Hitler, Mussolini, and Jabotinsky, and the "New Age" lunacies of "information theory," "artificial intelligence," "Pokémon," and "Harry Potter" today. The assault on Pope John Paul II, from within certain nominal Christian churches, such as "fundamentalist" forms of "family value" cults in Virginia today, typifies the recurring patterns of moral degeneracy which accompany the onset of a period of an onrushing "new dark age" in the history of a culture.

The earlier "Lord of the Rings," and the current mass-mania of "Pokémon," "Harry Potter," and mass-murder by adolescents against fellow-students, are each and all merely typical of the impact of cults fostered by aid of the rise of "family values" cults. Such are the explicit claims made by the promoters of the "Harry Potter" cult today.

Kneegrow online dumbs down this unintelligible chindribble for gullible kneegrow prospects - and voila!!!

Blackest man on the Internet?


Denmark Vesey said...

^^ The Return of The Pork Eatin' Plantation Negro Blog Cop ...^^


Ceeeeee Nuuuuuuuuuuu!

My man!

It's good to see your chubby little face even with your lips poked out.

Your message hasn't changed:

"It Can't Be True Because Lyndon LaRouche Also Said It!
Lyndon LaRouche Killed My Roommate With Invisible Microwaves! His Father Used To Do LaRouches Taxes & He Disappeared One Day While We Were Playing Dungeons & Dragons!"


Nah. for real man.

What up C?

How you been man?

Well I see I still can't get nothing by you.

I was telling Lyndon just the other day on the golf course that we could pull off our master plan ... if it wasn't for this super smart Star Trek fan in Kansas who had figured out our entire game plan and was exposing me on the internet.

He said he should have eliminated you when he eliminated your roommate with his secret Microwave ray gun, developed exclusively for him by talking bacteria.

But anyway.

You busted me again man.

You are right.

Harry Potter is a good wizard. A kind witch.

There is noooo symbolic significance to this half-blood orphan who saves the world from an evil Godlike figure Voldemort by invoking sacred incantations and blood sacrifice.

CNu said...

and you accuse me of trying too hard..,


silly sockpuppet,

if LaRouche or one of his top-line minions didn't say it first - your unoriginal and content-free ass don't say it at all.

you tipped your whole and entire hand upthread though;
Now ... THAT ... is cute.

"had to rhynme".

That's funny.

You can't rhyme.

You don't have flow.

You don't understand it, so you attempt to minimize it.

But you feel it.

The real enemy makes his camp precisely where facts, knowledge, and logic end - and undisciplined infantile "feeling" begins.

All of what you parrot here, is rooted in an elderly white supremacist con man's fear.

Your mission is to make credulous kneegrows *feel* that old peculiar ofay's bizarre fears...,

Anonymous said...


I understand it enough to know that your light skinned boy from that afternoon special...what's his name Drake DOES NOT HAVE FLOW. Stand your boy up against Method Man or Rakim.

Anyway, flow is useless in a debate. But, then again...you are proponent of style over substance. Empty words in iambic pentameter. It comes down to this in almost every argument with you.

The occult, much like demons and gods are all in your head. If you want to protect your boys from imaginary monsters, that's fine. You are their daddy.

I just don't think you are going to convince thinking grown folks that there are monsters under their beds.

CNu said...

I just don't think you are going to convince thinking grown folks


C'mon doc, he'll have the chickenheads spouting Livingstonian nonsense in about half a hot minute.

Remember your Chris Rock whenever you square up on LaRooshifer's steez, skeet, skeet, skeet!!!

Anonymous said...

Why not just point him to Ecclesiastes if you want to drive that lesson home?-BM

Naaa, I think Lucas is interested in sources that are a bit more media savvy. It would come off too 700 Club'ish Christian rap.

"Are y'all overthinking this?..."
...THANK YOU! That's what i'm sayin', magne. -Doc

Naw, homie. Somebody over thought Ice Cube & Ice-T becoming Hollywood cops. Somebody over thought the movie 'Black Hawk Down' with a country going into war. Somebody over thought a relationship between the Pentagon and Hollywood. Somebody over thought Blaxploitation movies after Melvin Van Peebles proved there was a black audience to see black movies without Sidney Poitier.

Naw homie, the big bucks gaux to the boys that are paid to over think. I only document it.

You two done stroking each other off with your X-files, illuminati fantasies yet?-DMG

...yet you go pay to see Harry Potter with a pyramid on some paper.

Stand your boy up against Method Man or Rakim.-DMG

This coupon is good for one free street cred.
Signature: ____DMG____

Next time you post something 'bout rap just flash this and your good.

Anonymous said...

"You two done stroking each other off with your X-files, illuminati fantasies yet?-DMG

...yet you go pay to see Harry Potter with a pyramid on some paper."

Of course, the script is much better written than the bullshit written here.

"This coupon is good for one free street cred.
Signature: ____DMG____"

Motherfucker, YOU don't give out so-called "street cred", sit your ass down, before I start paying attention to you again. Just WHO do you think you are? So quick to co-sign whatever your master says. You ever hear of the term sycophant? I know you are lonely, but damn don't be so obvious with your intentions and desires.

The Doc said...

^^Lol, somebody's been reading from CNu's playbook.

Good burn, just sayin'...

Anonymous said...

Hah, I get waaaaay more attention in the real world than a Negro that sits in cold rooms smelling like Lysol will possibly ever get. People listen to me because I have a fan base. People listen to you because you were randomly selected off a roster. Bambaataa ain't been to my home because I'm you, but because I'm me.

Still I have enough humility to know whatever comes to me is from the Creator and not from myself believing some conspiratorial idea of originating from fish and monkeys. So you see, you sea monkey, you need me to co-sign you, because you under the false pretense that when you skip outside of ER and toss Rakim's name around & post a lil Mobb Deep, that DMG will become anything more than a scalpel icon. Stick with what you know which is Lysol 'Citrus Meadows' and randomly selected patients, and I'll keep being an authority on popular culture that forms the world your kids will grow up in.

Anonymous said...

...sucka duck.

Anonymous said...

Come on now Gee-Chee, you know I already beat you to that one. You can't respond with the same insult I hit you with (and used better form, I might add). I'll tell you what. I'll pretend I didn't see that last post. I'll give you a do over.


Anonymous said...

By the way Gee-Chee, you never answered my question as to why you knuckleheads by into the idea that anyone with my level of education would somehow NOT know hip hop? What do you think I had on my headphones when I was pushing electrons around the Krebs Cycle pathway, or when I was spending long ass hours in the anatomy lab trying to find that fucking Thoracic duct?

You are better than that. Quit stereotyping. Oh, yeah...there's probably alot you don't know about me. Just keep on thinking I'm this dude. It'll probably help you sleep better at night.

Remember, I'm here to help you.

Anonymous said...

So, just got around to reading your little rant.

Selected from a roster? You'll have to explain that one.

Bambaataa's been to your home?

And? What...did he lace you with some sort of Hip Hop magic? Or (more likely) did you...well, you know "help him out" like a good backstage groupie?

Fanbase? Says you. Alot of people SAY they are nice, "...when even they family got a tape and they won't open the shit".

Authority? On what? On hip hop. Well that's great. There are LEGIONS of backpack rocking dudes who can claim that. When we are talking about the intricacies of this rap battle or that, and who has the "best flow" (which is all a matter of taste anyway), I'll give you a call.

"...stick with what you know"

Actually I do. I just happen to know alot. Unlike you, and your team of wannabe naturopathic "doctors". You fools are continually broaching subjects of which you have NO foundation.

Music, on the other hand, is entertainment. I can LIKE and post anything I want. I could give a shit about anything else my artist of choice, says does or believes. I don't care.

Authority. You are like those cats who know EVERYTHING about football, but never strapped on the pads and played in a real game. There's a word for that...

And guess what. It wouldn't take much for me to become an "authority" on hip hop. How about the other way around? You think you could do what I do? If so, I invite you to try.

Gee-Chee, I'm sure you'd like to believe that I'm one dimensional, have no life experience, or interests outside of surgery. That would make you feel better, I'm sure. But, I'm much more than a scalpel icon.

If you want to test me, come on.

Anonymous said...

I got that 'knob slob' video reference the first time DMG. You need confirmation you tagged it properly for a second time? Confirmed. I got the video. Not into 'fart jokes', but I got it.

Now stop throwing around your authority on your shift and get off the head nurses computer. Get back to your patient you had waiting for an hour because "pulling patient's records" is only code for "what Gee-Chee got to say this time", before they realize your lil license on the wall is actually a high school perfect attendance certificate.

Anonymous said...

Stop trying to get another street cred coupon out of me DMG. It's pretend. You can't really use that in the real world. Them boys down in lab will look at you cockeyed.

Anyway, I know you ran off about 50 copies...yelling at the head nurse about not replacing the ink cartridge. Shame.

Anonymous said...

“If you want to test me, come on.

My rhymes are mine
Off beat, then come back on time
Vaccinate my mind
While you on a new conspiracy find
Who’s next in line
Brrr, stick 'em, ha-ha-ha, stick ' em
like my finger in sweaty men’s behinds
Nothing’s wrong with pork rinds
So long as you don’t eat’em all the time”-DMG

I don’t know DMG. I think you got me. Respect, respect.

Anonymous said...

"You need confirmation you tagged it properly for a second time? "

Actually, I just liked it so much thought I'd give you another shot at it.

Actually, they aren't called head nurses anymore (you don't need me to post that video a third time do you). But I like the attempt at comeback.

Maybe you should talk to Mahndisa about how questions of my education affect me. (A hint: I could give a fuck less what you believe, or don't believe...).

Who said you were licensed to vent "street credit"?

Gee-Chee, for all I know you are a pasty faced white teenager with a black music obsession, trying to bring back Criss-Cross.

I asked for a test. You give me empty words that rhyme. What, am I supposed to some how be so amazed at pork rinds/all the time, that I'll just become speechless and give up the ghost. Try harder.

Anonymous said...

I asked for a test. -DMG

Actually DMG I said authority on popular culture. I never claimed to memorize hip-hop's time line. The lessons are not in memorizing statistics. What's the significance of that with Wikipedia at your finger tips. However, hip-hop ofcoarse is apart of, if not THE landscape of contemporary culture.

Don't you feel a little strange practically begging for some test? You don't need Gee-Chee's blessings to put this all behind you. You don't have to prove anything to Gee-Chee. Who you going to brag to about Gee-Chee certifying you? They don't know me at the nurse's station.

I'll match you quote for quote though.

Anonymous said...

"Actually DMG I said authority on popular culture."

So...you sit on your ass flipping through useless TV stations. Fabulous. Exactly what we need in society. Your contribution to humanity is vital. Keep up the good work. Without your input, where oh, where would we be as a species without knowing who does and does not have a sex-tape, and which hip hop "artist" is going to jail next.

By the way...other than you, who certifies one as an authority on pop-culture? Number of blog hits? They vote you in on some magazine poll?

Seriously, I'm curious.

CNu said...

People listen to me because I have a fan base.

People listen to me because I have a fan base.

People listen to me because I have a fan base.

People listen to me because I have a fan base.

People listen to me because I have a fan base.

People listen to me because I have a fan base.

People listen to me because I have a fan base.

People listen to me because I have a fan base.

so does Bishop Eddie Long....,