Monday, April 19, 2010

Not That I'm Keeping Score But It's DV 22 Plantation Negros 0


HotmfWax said...

DMG, Please Explain?

Anonymous said...

Explain what? Have we not gone over correlation and causation ad nauseum? Have there not been BILLIONS of Seasonal flu vaccinations given over the last 20 or so years?

Her twin sister and brother apparently didn't die...nor did the millions of other children that age. Explain what else happened in the 12 hours since the childs death. Was she left to sleep on her belly and smothered on a blanket? Was she left to sleep on her back and aspirated vomit? Did she already have a flu related illness (takes awhile for vaccines to kick in you know)...and perhaps died of acute respiratory failure? Did she have an undiagnosed congenital abnormality? So...what was her cause of death anyway? Wait, you don't you? Because the story didn't really say.

Please explain why you are trying to waste my time with yet ANOTHER flu vaccine related post, before you start waving this one incident around as an indictment of vaccinations. Can you not give it a rest?