Thursday, January 28, 2010

Malcolm's Lee Harvey Oswald?

fist tap The DOC
NEW YORK — The only man ever to admit involvement in the assassination of Malcolm X was freed on parole Tuesday, 45 years after he helped gun down the civil rights leader.

Thomas Hagan was the last man still serving time in the 1965 killing, part of the skein of violence that wound through the cultural and political upheaval of the 1960s. He was freed from a Manhattan prison where he spent two days a week under a work-release program.

Hagan, 69, has repeatedly expressed sorrow for being one of the gunmen who fired on Malcolm X, killing one of the civil rights era's most polarizing and compelling figures. One of the groups dedicated to Malcolm X's memory condemned Hagan's parole.

Hagan declined to comment after his release.

"I really haven't had any time to gather my thoughts on anything," he told The Associated Press by telephone.


Pink said...

They should lock his ass back up just for saying he hadn't had time to gather his thoughts! I guess 2 days a week imprisonment wasn't enough...

DMG said...

The dudes essentially be OUT of prison since 1992. I don't see why this is news now.

makheru bradley said...

If Hagan has an ounce of decency and true contrition he will tell his story. His story isn't the whole story, but he surely knows who his co-conspirators in the Audubon were. In fact, he named them in a Tony Brown interview back in the 1990s, calling the names of the other men who fired their guns into Malcolm. Brown bleeped out their names.

[The Smoking Gun: The Malcolm X Files, reveals that an FBI report, dated February 22, 1965, states Malcolm X had ten bullet wounds in his chest, thigh and ankle, plus four bullet creases in the chest and thigh. This autopsy located one nine millimeter slug, one forty five caliber slug and several shotgun pellets in his body. Both blasts from the shotgun had torn through Malcolm Xs heart and aorta.

Police were only able to find the sawed-off, 12 gauge shotgun and over 30 casings from a .45 pistol and a 9 millimeter automatic, possibly a Luger. The .45 caliber pistol was turned in later by one of the bodyguards... The Luger was never found.

The initial report made by the NYC police, and local newspapers, stated that two men were arrested and taken to the police station. Later, that report disappeared and was vehemently denied to exist by the police who stated that Talmadge Hayer was the only person brought in.

During the trial, Hayer confessed to having fired shots from the .45 into Malcolms body, yet he testified that Butler and Johnson were not present at the assassination and were not involved in the shooting.

Supposedly, the first police report also stated that five men were involved in the assassination. That reported statement, somehow disappeared from the record. Only the three men, Hayer, Butler and Johnson, were accused, tried and convicted. It is still widely believed that Talmadge Hayer, with four other men, actively took part in the assassination of Malcolm X. Those four suspected assassins still remain unknown to this day.]

[When the first uniformed police arrived outside of the Audubon Ballroom after the shooting, two men were reportedly rescued from the crowd that had chased them from the building. The cops apparently, according to the New York Herald Tribune early morning edition (Monday, February 22, 1965) saw two men being beaten by a large crowd outside of the ballroom, and pulled them away to safety. Quickly placing them under arrest, they took the two men away. One of the men was later convicted for his part in the slaying, but the other man had disappeared from the press accounts by that evening. No more was heard about this mystery suspect at all throughout the whole subsequent trial (Breitman, Porter and Smith, p. 52).]

The disappearing second suspect was obviously someone employed by a law enforcement agency. Otherwise how could he disappear after he was arrested.

See also:

Pink said...

I would like to hear his story too. Who coerced him, who else was involved, why he went along with it. But hopefully he can tell it without receiving a dime.

Denmark Vesey said...

Are you sure about this Brother Mac?

This isn't a ... "conspiracy theory" is it?

cadeveo said...

I bugged out when I found out where Hagan was living. I walk past the Lincoln Correctional Facility every day on the way to work.

Hagan IS the Lee Harvey Oswald of this case in the sense that, since his release, he has been conveniently referred to as the assassin in certain news reports, as if he was the only one. There were others, just not the ones that were arrested and charged with him. (Hagan himself repeatedly pointed that out in prison, that the other two men arrested for the crime had nothing to do with it. The other members true members of the murder team were never apprehended.)

Hagan ISN'T the Lee Harvey Oswald in the sense that he wasn't immediately assassinated to keep him quiet about the plot. Why do you suppose that was? I think because in this case Hagan had not immediate ties to intelligence agencies,FBI or U.S. military (unlike Lee Harvey Oswald). Also, it was very easy for the MSM to disseminate and white America to accept that this murder was just due to internal power struggles and squabbling among those "crazy Black Muslims." Unfortunately, the Nation played right into the intelligence agencies' hands on this one, making it far too easy to pin all of the blame on them.

Anonymous said...

he looks like a weak a$$hole in his pic. if he had an ounce of "manhood"in his body he'd let this story rest in peace with the truth being told. and if you are reading this now and your to frightened and/or brain washed to tell the least you can do is allow someone to hypnotize the truth from you or write the truth down and let someone "find" it when you pass

makheru bradley said...

Are you sure about this Brother Mac?-- DV

Am I sure about what DV?

This isn't a ... "conspiracy theory" is it?-- DV

Are you referring to the assassination itself, or the info I posted?

Why is it that 45 years after Malcolm's assassination the Feds refuse to declassify tens of thousands of pages of "intelligence" they collected on Malcolm? What are they afraid of?

Anonymous said...

It's a conspiracy theory bra. A very accurate, and truthful conspiracy theory. Some conspiracy theories are easier resolved than others. Some dollars are more difficult to earn than others, that's all. Don't get shook off the word.

Anonymous said...

People were already saying the government assassinated Malcolm before that much info was even made public. Why? Because it's apart of our landscape.

To think otherwise is to be naive. We're not surprised to read about a car bombing in Irag, but we're appalled that someone would suggest that we have agencies that stage that sort of thing all the time.

If Obama hadn't won, I bet the same Negroes that identify criticism of Obama as being with the Illuminati agenda as conspiracy theory, these same Negroes from the dj booth to the pulpit, would have been on the frontline talking about conspiracies of a fixed election.

that dude said...

could the government conspired to kill Malcolm? Yes.

But you know what's scary? Maybe they didn't. Maybe it was just crab niggas.