Sunday, May 02, 2010

It Is What It Is


HotmfWax said...

Barry's father is not Barack Sr.

His real father is Frank Marshall Davis. His mom's parents were CIA from Leavenworth Kansas.

End of Story.

Frank and his wife even wrote about the having "relationship" with the underage white female.

Read My fathers Dream -written by Bill Ayers(Frank Marshall homie).

Don't start none -won't be none.

Anonymous said...

Well, I guess Wax is back in form. Good to know you are still kicking around.

chosen said...

is that frank marshall davis on the top right? who is he? the resemblance to obama is striking ...

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

Okay Wax,if that is true and he does have similar features to the guy above...then the whole birther controversy is moot then isn't it?

KonWomyn said...

LOL, Craig Mack could pass for F.M.D's son eaaasssy!

HotmfWax said...

@ Rig,

The birther controversy is not moot, it has- just like every other controversy just been mis-directed and co-opted into another direction that will provide the dis-info needed to make it into another " un winnable" conspiracy like 9-11 or Kennedy Assassination.

for God sake- He was named Barry most of his life and all his records are sealed. Should we not vet his history?


Obama’s controversial mentor Frank Marshall Davis.-

Davis, who is now deceased, was an African American from the Midwest who had worked as a columnist for the Chicago Star, the communist newspaper of Chicago, a city that had one of the largest CPUSA affiliates, and, in fact, hosted the September 1919 convention that launched the American Communist Party.

Though Davis always tried to conceal any communist associations, there is evidence of his membership in CPUSA -- but not much. Among the sources that reveal his membership are Davis himself, notably in a letter he wrote to a friend, published posthumously by his biographer, Professor John Edgar Tidwell. "I have recently joined the Communist party," wrote Davis.

In 1948, Davis just happened to arrive in Hawaii the same time that leaders of the Communist Party in Hawaii -- realizing the limits of national party organs like the Daily Worker and People's Daily World -- established their own weekly newspaper, the Honolulu Record.

In 1949, Davis began writing a regular column for the Record, titled, "Frankly Speaking." This was a key form of agitation work that Davis would do for the party in Hawaii for decades.

A young Barack Obama knew Davis in the latter 1970s, introduced by his maternal grandfather, Stanley Dunham, who, in many ways, saw eye-to-eye with Davis, and saw in Davis a potential role model and father-figure to his grandson. Dunham and Davis were close friends.

Though proud of Davis, and very affectionate toward him, Obama sought to obfuscate the identity of Davis in his book, Dreams from My Father, where he strangely referred to him only as "Frank," conspicuously avoiding his full name. Politically, Obama needed to make Davis anonymous, whereas, personally, he could not avoid acknowledging in his memoirs a man who meant so much to him.

For the record when his Mom left Hawaii for good(Barry was in Jr. High) , it was assumed that she left him with his true father as the Dunham's took Obama (Barry) over to see Frank over on a weekly basis. It was assumed that he was BO's main role model for his 8th grade through high school years was Frank.

Idaho Observer was into this story before BO got elected to the US Senate.

HotmfWax said...


The real story says the " fictitious" Anne was 17 at the time. The London Telegraph in 2008 gave a little insight to the story that no one seemed to talk about.

chosen said...

hot damn hot wax, thanks for the info. i hadn't heard of any of this before!

KonWomyn said...


Which is it you say BO met Davis in the latter 70s, but Telegraph says he was ten?

And that story about the girl happened in 1946.

HotmfWax said...

@ KW,

I did not say he met him in the 70's. FMD was great friends with Stanley (Sr.) before he went to Hawaii. Both communist backgrounds.

"When Ann Dunham moved to Hawaii with her parents in 1960 she was already age 17. Davis had known the Dunhams in Kansas, and Davis would also have had contact with the Dunham before they moved to Hawaii. The Dunhams lived in Seattle, where Ann Dunham attended Mercer Island High School. Davis had been in Seattle doing organizing work for the communist-infiltrated International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU), and that would have placed Davis with Dunham when she was also about 13."

BTW-for giggles -Barry's mom real name is Stanley Anne. :)

To clarify, I said when she(his Mom) left (him in Hawaii) for the final time to go back to Indonesia, he was in Jr. High and the Duhnams started taking him over to see FMD weekly after that. FMD probably knew about Barry from the day he was born.

Second, read the Telegraph Article again-

It says:
"I could not then truthfully deny that this book, which came out in 1968 as a Greenleaf Classic, was mine.” In the introduction to Sex Rebel, Mr Davis (writing as Greene) explains that although he has “changed names and identities…all incidents I have described have been taken from actual experiences”."

Came out in 1968. Came out in 1968.

Denmark Vesey said...

(I can hear my Grandmother as if she were here)

"That little African aint a bit more of that boy's daddy."

Anonymous said...

Oh, well then. If your grandmother said it, we need no further proof. Guess somethings run in the family.

Denmark Vesey said...

"Guess somethings run in the family."


Good looks.


Good sense.

Aversions to monkey virus juice and pork.

So we don't a DNA test cuz.

We aint related.

Anonymous said...

We are obviously not related. You are far to stupid to be on any rung of my family tree.

And well of course, my long departed grandmother would have told your grandmother in no uncertain terms that she was full of shit....but maybe we should leave them out of it, I'm sure they were both sweet, lovable old ladies who had no fear about speaking their mind. Hey maybe they are in the afterlife right now watching us type.

Denmark Vesey said...


Your grandmother would have finished folding my grandmothers clothes, and gone home when she was finished.

Unlike her grandson, she would have stayed in her place.

Anonymous said...

So you are saying your grandmother was as useless and lazy as her grandson, and had an unearned sense of entitlement?

That about right? My grandmother folded clothes, and taught her kids and grandkids to do the same, rather than have servants. Sang and played piano in my grandfathers church on Sundays, and cooked for legion of kids, grandkids and guests. She also raised 9 children, 8 college educated, and one really good-hearted thug. She worked as a nurse at Boston City hospital, and generations of physicians came to pay respects at her funeral.

No, my grandmother needs no defending. She was fearless, like any lioness. She also had a great left hook...especially with purse in her hand.

Soft hands, soft ass, soft mind. All of which you possess. Probably in your genes, so you can't help it...can you?

Denmark Vesey said...

"My grandmother folded clothes, and taught her kids and grandkids to do the same and" DMG

Yeah yeah I know Doc.

I watched the United Negro College Fund commercial.

I've peeped your entire worldview.

The downtrodden Negro who overcame the misfortune of blackness and multi-generational servitude to go on to college to become a Plantation MD pushing vaccines and moderate amounts of pork. OK. We get it.

But if you were so enamored with your grandmother, don't you think you would have married a sister like her?

Or did you see college as a way to escape Negrodom all together?

Anonymous said...

Actually, I did marry a woman just like her.

Look in all seriousness. I don't expect you to debate, or even answer my questions. Hell, my points are EMPHASISED when you don't answer...because you are really just a clown with alot of attitude. You haven't shown expertise or even sufficient knowledge of any topic we've ever debated. You won't answer direct questions, you rhyme and gesticulate when cornered. What am I to think of you?

You are my entertainment. My own internet court jester.

Dance monkey.

Big Man said...

Are intelligent people basing paternity on a random picture and internet rumors?

Really. REALLY?

So, I take none of y'all know cats who don't look that much like their daddies?

'Cause I know I do. Just like I know some cats that are the spitting image of their daddies.

As for Obama's records being sealed...

I want y'all to go your local state agency and demand the birth certificate of any random individual. Not the president, anybody.

And then tell me what they give you.

makheru bradley said...

Wax must be the reincarnation of Joseph McCarthy and John Edgar Hoover. He sees communists everywhere.

Denmark Vesey said...

"He sees communists everywhere." MB

If you don't you aint looking.

Peel the "Environmental Movement" back a few layers beyond NPR and Newsweek and see what you have.

Big Man said...

So DV, you got a problem with communists?

HotmfWax said...


"Wax must be the reincarnation of Joseph McCarthy and John Edgar Hoover. He sees communists everywhere."

I really like the McCarthy reference :) but you can keep Hoover. He was just a mid level manager for the "elite".

Again, please watch the movie "Wag the Dog".

I posted this before.

Many people bought into the "con" on McCarthy. McCarthy just luckily peeped the Secretary of State Dean Acheson (the highest ranking "elite" play maker and double agent at the time) playbook. He was a junior senator at the time and got too excited and went after them(elite).

He really got to close and put the "playbook" in danger, therefore he had to be set up , vilified and then taken out. He was an OK cat, nothing to write home about, but definitely not the villain that you read in your history book.

You must also understand that the only system that can work for the elite's one world gov. plan is the hybrid of communism/fascism.

Nixon was promoted by the globalist for his work on China after Watergate. Do your homework follow the path.

Look at the EU. Democracy? Unelected Bureaucrats designing the most Bureaucratic hive system for Europe that you have ever seen without the citizen consent. mmmm

Has in not been said by those calling for one world Gov. that China is the model state?

Check this Makheru, If you really peel away and get to the history of communism like DV said, you will find out that its roots and design came from Zionist international bankers.

End of Story.

KonWomyn said...

Okaaay, McCarthyism 'allowed' the KKK to function and for anti-Communist hysteria to take hold of people's sensibilities up till today.

Paul Robeson, Orson Welles and Richard Wright can hardly be described as the elite.

Who are 'they' saying that China is the model state of a one world order?

Communism & Zionist international bankers? Ummm... you mean the exclusively American definition, rite?

makheru bradley said...

If you really peel away and get to the history of communism like DV said, you will find out that its roots and design came from Zionist international bankers.—Wax

Now we’re getting down to the nitty-gritty. The real issue Big Man is that both DV and Wax are obsessed with Jews and they are exploiting the Henry Ford/Hitlerian line connecting Jews to communism.

Question for DV/Wax. What role did communists play in the Holocaust of Afrikan Enslavement; American Apartheid; colonialism, and neo-colonialism (prior to the latest scramble for Africa)?

Denmark Vesey said...

"Now we’re getting down to the nitty-gritty. The real issue Big Man is that both DV and Wax are obsessed with Jews and they are exploiting the Henry Ford/Hitlerian line connecting Jews to communism." Mak B


They've got you trained Mak.

Communism is as Jewish as the NBA is black.

Does the acknowledgment of a preponderance of African Americans in basketball constitute an "obsession with blacks"?

Of course not.

And you know that.

But you still said it.

Not because you believe it.

But because you've been trained to parrot it.

Or ... you are covering your ass to keep some job.

Either way ... it's a lame hustle.

From Marx to Lenin to Trotsky to Stalin the leaders of communism were as Jewish as were the leaders of the Civil Rights movement.

It. Is. What. It. Is.

The truth aint anti-nothing.

HotmfWax said...


From Obama's number one donor and Elite- Dr. Evil himself:

"George Soros Lauds Chinese Model Of Goverment – Wants Global Governance Under UN Security Council

George Soros
Ireland Staff Writer

China’s economy will be the first to emerge from the financial crisis, and its model will soon take the leading position among the world’s economies, leaving behind the current leader the United States. This forecast was announced on Monday by leading financier George Soros.

According to him, China will play a primary role in the formation of a new model capable of lifting the entire global economic system from the ashes. In addition, Mr Soros said that “China has become the country that receives the greatest benefit from globalization, and has been least affected by the current financial crisis. Soon the country will become a world economic leader, therefore, the world’s dependency on it is not far off.”
The financier also said that at this point the recession is far from over, and those who believe it’s the beginning of stabilization of the world economy are profoundly mistaken.
Soros gave his pessimistic view on the current economic situation during a week-long series of lectures he is giving at Hungarian universities.

“World markets need global governance. Their regulation, which is currently too bogged down, has it’s roots in national sovereignty. We should be adopting a new system of control, which would simultaneously satisfy the interests of all countries. The system can then decide which of the financial organizations become too large and require a division, there must also be new rules to control the movement of capital “, – said Soros.
In addition, he said, the new system should be part of the UN, and especially the Security Council, so that you can also control processes such as global warming and the global nuclear threat. “The creation of this system must be initiated by the United States, but other major countries should enter into it on an equal footing,” – he concluded.

Also, read anything recently about this guy views lately?

-another Obama/Barry advisor.

Is China not a communist country?

Was communism not created by "Zionist" International bankers?

HotmfWax said...


"Now we’re getting down to the nitty-gritty. The real issue Big Man is that both DV and Wax are obsessed with Jews and they are exploiting the Henry Ford/Hitlerian line connecting Jews to communism."

Bra, Chess not Checkers.

I put up the word "Zionist" and not jewish just because I knew you would go down that road.

A whole nation of good "jewish" people are being exploited and pimped in this hustle too.

I don't play the group Hegelian game.

Zionism to me is not a race, group of people etc., but more of a cult and movement. To me Zionist are mostly European in nature , originating in Bavaria- originally known as "ashkenazi jew" - leaders for hundreds of years of the 3M(military(funding to superpowers), monarchy(British throne-co-opted by Germany), ministry(vatican).

The true "white devils"- ala rothchilds etc. These fugga will sell their babies and mothers to remain in power .

Go deeper and research the majestic 12 etc.

They designed communism( it been one of their best tool ever)...they have control all fiat money world wide for the last 200 years.

they came up with the false concept of Darwinism,
they designed the Hegelian Headfake.

Setting up and hiding behind the anti-semitic con is the greatest "con" ever because they don't really ever gave a frig about a "real jew".

Finally don't forget that the cult of EL(Saturn) that these elite belong too is 100% judaic in spiritual nature.


johnny horton said...

this nigger wax is crazier than a bedbug. sounds like he spent too much time smoking on the mothership with little elijah poole....,

HotmfWax said...

Thanks for the compliment Mike "johnny horton" Fisher.

Crazy "free" dude.

crazy free.

Not aligned to no one and no agenda.

However, I wouldn't hang out with the "zionist" corrupted elijah poole and his boys.

I would rather spent time hanging out with

with John Henrik.

How could I not hang out with a guy who would check you on this



Learn something new Mike.

Michael Fisher said...

Listen, asshole. I'm not "Johnny Horton" and Bro. Clarke was my teacher and friend.

HotmfWax said...

My sincere apologies Mike.

However, I remember reading DV post last week where he said that the guy saying " I love this nigger" was you joking around.

My bad.

Second I am a fan of bro. Henrik myself and letting "Johnny" know that if I was going to hang out with someone it would be John henrik over poole, in a way to get him to open his eyes to what john henrick says about who is a jew.

It was my goal to educate others that they are historical viewpoints about jews and John Henrik was on point.

I did not mean to demean anyone.

HotmfWax said...


this is DV's post that I might have gotten you mixed up with:

" Denmark Vesey said...
Nathan Bedford Forrest said...

"My Lord. Ah DO declare. I LOVE this Negro!"


Mike Fisher.

We know this is you.

The dated colloquialisms give you away.

(Plus I've got your IP address.)"

again sorry for the mix up.

KonWomyn said...

LOL, can't y'all tell simply by the writing who Johnny Horton is? C'mon people its a dead giveaway!

Having a hidden IP address like Johnny's is a bonus clue. Playing alias as the Wizard of the Clan and King James are really just comedy extras.

Anonymous said...

“…misusing the word of God.”-John Henry Clarke

I would’ve ask the brother, “What is the ‘word of God’.” That statement is used in Christian & Islamic theology. For Christians the revelation, for Muslims Jesus himself. Obviously an influence on African-American diction due to Christianity. What I’m saying here is the way he is thinking and the terms he uses in his cosmologies is influenced by the very terms that is the subject of his analysis.

“Islam convinced…?” Were we really a bunch of dumb banana pealing porch monkeys? African rulers were just hoodwinked? Then there is the question of what rulers? This part of the argument comes off as if we were under some all encompassing kingdom that were tricked by a delegation of sly talking Arabs. Who can come in from any country in the world today, and speak the language of American hip-hop and convey a message of the culture better than an American can, thereby convincing us to adopt their views of the world? How realistic is it that? Is that a sound narrative?

Where is this history coming from of the Africans “assuming” taking on a whole other culture will get the “Romans off their backs?” Does that sound like a historical reference? What African kings thought this and said this? How was this deduced? There were animist kings at the same time as Amirs. There were Africans that didn’t completely leave their beliefs and mixed the two. Was he aware of that?

It is his theory he made into a narrative. It’s like reenacting the conversations that took place on the Titanic before hitting the iceberg, you feel me? How does he prove that the Africans were “convinced”? What agent convinced them? There are more complexities in history than what is summed up here. Was bro. Clarke “convinced” by some outside agent into believing in his cosmologies or did he arrive at his own ideas through personal investigation? That is a degrading opinion of ancestry that some mass conversion just took place out of being “convinced.” He is intelligent enough to arrive at sound conclusions but nations of Africans weren’t? The attempt to defuse the insult is by inserting grounds for their actions, which is “the pending threat of the Romans.” That is a really big assertion, especially for someone not pulling from those indigenous people’s own recordings and being self taught. We as blacks have to respect other cultures how they tell their own story. It can’t be proven that they were forced (as many Afrocentrics originally argued) so the only thing left is that the Africans were bamboozeled. I know we can look deeper than that. I’m quit sure he didn’t speak Arabic and didn’t have access to the African histories that are preserved in the Arabic text. If that is the case then he is only forced to obtain many of his sources from outside interpretations from the books of Orientalists. Many of the African animists retained their culture and sent their children to Islamic madresas or schools. Nobody forced them or convinced them to make those decisions. Yet still they lived side by side. What of that non-confrontational part of the story absent of the “divide and conquer narrative?”

Anonymous said...

Everything African doesn’t mean all Africans conceded to it. It’s their prerogative to accept, reject or revise what they saw fit. I’m sure you don’t agree with everything African-American or rather black in our culture. We were not some monochromatic people just like we aren’t today. The threads prove that. Look at the disagreements on Civil Rights, medicine etc. So Clarke is reducing African history to having one theology. We adopted and retained some ideas like any other groups of people. The Arabs were divided into clans themselves. They were animists also.

There were majority Muslim subjects living underneath animist kings and majority animist subjects living under Amirs. Where is the conflict of divide and conquer in that story that some of these Afrocentrics purport? Ofcoarse there were wars even amongst people of similar beliefs. This is a narrative that can’t be substantiated by anyone but those who have preserved their histories in their languages. Naturally, these Afrocentrics refuse to accept the histories by the Arabic speaking Africans themselves based on their argument that they are brainwashed and are partial to their Arab masters. Yet they assign themselves of telling someone else’s history. That’s the same thing they accuse Europeans of doing. The same can be said about Bambaataa, Kool Herc or Flash relating the history of hip-hop that they are partial to their cultural interpretations, as oppose to the history told by some outsider or interpreter i.e Orientalist.

I would have also asked him, “Where have the Arabs ruled over any African kingdoms with the exception of Morocco, which black folks love to claim because of the Moors and their conquest and achievements?”

Anonymous said...

Also the issue of slavery is long and complex. Another convo. The term is loaded. There are other layers. The African slave trade in the Americas has it's unique history and shouldn't be confused with the slave system in Africa. This is the argument used against black folks whenever they open their mouths about slavery. Slavery is not the same and is not interpreted the same.

KonWomyn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
KonWomyn said...

"The African slave trade in the Americas has it's unique history and shouldn't be confused with the slave system in Africa." Gee Chee

I had to present a paper related that very subject ten days ago.

One of the professors was like bigup bigup during the presentation - threw me off course for a sec, laughed then regained composure and ran with his endorsement and did my thang.

HotmfWax said...


What is your take on Brother Clarke views on Jews and their history (1st video)?

Are you saying he is against Islam role in Africa?

His views on christianity?

I personally like the fact that he doesn't try to sell you on any of the above religions and presented a view of history that shows exploitation of Africa by all of the above .

His views on the history of Jewish History (1-4 video ) and the European link (is my favorite) was what I was trying to throw at makheru's view that DV and I might be anti semitic. I think that he is on point.

That is where I was really going last night.

However, I also really liked the fact that he called out farrakhan on Libya's help to NOI.

I read your post above and respect your opinion greatly, therefore I am trying to get a final summary of your thoughts on Clarke.

thanks in advance Gee.

Denmark Vesey said...

"So DV, you got a problem with communists?" Big Man


I have a problem calling them "environmentalists".

I have a problem calling them "the NAACP".

I have a problem with a single unelected global government.

"Communism" aint nothing but another plantation with a different master.

Communists are the reason that after 90 years of a "civil rights movement" all Negros have to show for it is some outdated legislation and a United Negro College fund begging for handouts to send Negros to schools they can't afford ... to get an education that keeps them weak and dependent on a bankrupt government.

So ... Big Man. What's your take on "communists"?


Let me guess.

"There's somethings about them you like, and somethings you can do without ... it's neither extreme or ... a mixed economy makes the best sense".

makheru bradley said...

DV, until proven otherwise, I say you’re obsessed with Jews.

Obviously I have not read everything you’ve written, but in the short period of time I’ve spent reading your blog, I’ve never once seen you mention the religious affiliation of the people who started the Trans-Atlantic enslavement of Afrikans, capitalism, imperialism, colonialism or apartheid. All of these systems have had a far more devastating impact on Afrikan people over the past 500 years than communism.
What is the significance of the religious affiliation of the people who started communism, compared to these other systems?

From Marx to Lenin to Trotsky to Stalin the leaders of communism were as Jewish as were the leaders of the Civil Rights movement.—DV

Dood, you’re obsession has gotten the best of you. Karl “Religion is the opiate of the masses” Marx was born into a Jewish family who converted to Christianity. Marx later became an atheist.

Communism begins where atheism begins…”—Karl Marx
Lenin’s Jewish grandfather converted to Russian Orthodoxy into which Lenin was born and raised. Stalin was born into Georgian Orthodoxy. After seizing control of the USSR, Stalin had Jews purged from the Communist Party, and he had Trotsky assassinated.

So brah man, you need to clarify what you mean when you say “the leaders of communism were Jewish.” Clearly you’re not saying that they practiced Judaism.

As for, “as were the leaders of the Civil Rights movement,” that statement is so “obsession-driven,” it’s not worthy of comment.

Anonymous said...

What is your take on Brother Clarke views on Jews and their history (1st video)?-Wax

I understand the general argument about the word "Jew" and the point of entry of the Europeans into Judaism. I have very limited understandings about those histories.

As for the Afro-Asiatic traditions, I've come to learn from brothers that are versed in other languages that at times historians locked into one language, tend to draw conclusions before gaining access to histories contained within the text of the very people they assert knowledge of.

Bro. Clarke is well read, but as was told to a brother that studied over seas, "Do not take from cold black ink but from warm red blood."

Meaning that books alone cannot always contextualize information. That said, Clarke touching on the African & Arab relationship is from a traditional understanding of how the Romans and Greeks identified people who were non-Roman or non-Greek.

Example: In Islamic tradition Prophet Muhammad (saaw) "was sent to the red & the black." Arabic scholars explain that to mean he was sent to the non-Arab (red) & the Arabs (black) or rather the entirety of humanity. The world doesn't use the same color chart as we do. In classic Arabic literature when white is used to describe someone, it is not used as we use it. Arabs do not neccessarily use colors that are for inanimate objects that they use for humans. White here is used to describe having a clear or a consistency in the complexion, not meaning white as light. Red was used when signifying Europeans. So if an English speaking person reads an English translation from Arabic, that person can get all jacked up. So our intelligence agencies understand when they report on the news about Arabs and Africans in Africa, to the American public that we will interpret that according to our Western constructs. Our defining terms do the propaganda for them. This is were Bro. Clarke's statements of (historical) Arab people and black people get start coming from Greek constructs. I understand his intention but you can only understand so much when your are understanding is a perspective that lacks linguistic scholarship.

The description of Prophet Muhammad's (saaw) skin was not extremely light or extremely dark in Arabic traditions. The Arabic word for being very dark is Adam. And Prophet Adam is described as the culmination of an angle gathering the top soil from the world over (in Islamic tradition). So within the cosmologies of the culture, "black" is deeply rooted.

Historically, the wording in the letter that Prophet Muhammad (saaw) sent to the Roman ruler was for them to accept Islam. That it was an obligation upon them. The letter he sent to the Abyssinian king (today that king would be Sudanese because the area the king was in, is present day Sudan) was an invitation to Islam without any compulsion. It acknowledged the sovereignty of the Ethiopian people. Unlike the demand sent to the Romans. A difference. So because Bro. Clarke is not a linguistic scholar, he will miss a huge element of human history because some of his sources are contingent upon European translations and crucial histories that may give a measure of weight to ones perspective. An Orientalist could care less about the term "black" meaning majestic in Arabic as oppose to meaning "wicked" in English. So if he translate "white" and you read it according to your cultural parameters, one has taken the cold black ink over the warm red blood.

HotmfWax said...

I get your point Gee-Chee about the "cold black ink".

It is cool that you brought it up because it work the same way for English also. English has a strong Germanic base and root. Your Adam reference just clicked from a letter I just got from Dr. Yaffa Bey about the true meaning of words. Her email was called:

"Real Definitions to Blow Your Mind Words on this Page are words you THOUGHT you knew, but didn't!"

She broke down these words from the Germanic roots using the following:

The 1976 edition of
Random House College Dictionary
*Unless otherwise stated*

**Adam – is word #120 in The Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible

Word #120 is defined as "ruddy" i.e. a human being; an individual, or the species mankind, a low man, a mean person, of low degree! It is from word #119 in the same book. Word #119 says that the word Adam means to show blood in the face, to get flush, or turn rosy red, to be made red, or ruddy! When I read this it becomes very clear to me that melanated and copper colored people are NOT human beings, because the phrase "human being" means ruddy! Copper colored races of people do NOT get flush, or turn rosy, because we are NOT ruddy! Therefore, we CANNOT possibly be from Adam, human beings, nor the species mankind. Adam is a species of persons that is totally different from us. Also know that, Adam IS Edom! (see Jacob)

*African - It is true that among the Founding Fathers, the word, "African" was a synonym for slave, and "Indian," or "Red Indian" NEARLY synonymous with "savage." (Hidden Cities by Roger G. Kennedy, 1994.) Let me also point out that anything considered Africa, or African, is that which used to be Ancient Carthage and any of her holdings. Remember, the Carthaginian Commander, Hannibal Barca Bey, was a military genius. Barca (also spelled Barqa, Baraq, Barak, etc.) means lightning. It should be stated that Mr. Kennedy previously worked at the Smithsonian Institute, but had a change of heart. For those of you that do not know, the Smithsonian Institute (along with the Vatican) is one of the many entities responsible for keeping the truth about so-called African Americans' (along with other so-called Black peoples of Earth) and their true identity/history buried away from them and the rest of the world. (see Savage)

American – The aboriginals, or copper colored races found here by the Europeans. "1849, 1854, 1859, editions of Noah Webster's Dictionary"

I reduced the word into components and defined it further as follows: Am + Eric + an - Am means "be"; "be" is the same as the word "essence"; the word "essence" is from the root word "ess(e)" which means "to be". The word "Eric(a)" is the same as the word "ericaceous" which means the woods, forest, and heath. This is one reason why the Europeans called our people heathens. The suffix, "an" is found in the dictionary with a hyphen in front of it like this "-an" and it means adhering to, belonging to, and connected with. The word Eric(a) is defined in name books to mean ruler, always ruler, and ruler forever. These are the same name books that people use to find names to name their children.

That is just a couple of the A's.

HotmfWax said...

BTW, Her Definition for Black blew my mind a little:

Black - blac, and blaec, pale, wan, blacian, blaecan, to become pale; to turn white; to bleach; also to lighten; bleak. (These all came from the 1849, 1854, and 1859 editions of the "Noah Webster's Dictionary".) With regard to the word "black" this dictionary goes on to say the following: "It is remarkable that black, bleak, and bleach are all radically one word. The primary sense seems to be pale, wan, or sallow, from which has proceeded the present variety of significations." This statement is quoted exactly as it is written in Webster's including the italics. I added the bold and the underline. After this statement, the dictionary begins to give a list of the "present variety of significations" - such as "the color of night," etcetera. One spelling variation that the dictionary does not give for the words "black, bleak, and bleach, is the word BLAKE. Blake also means black, bleach, bleak, and pale!

also Jew:

*Jew - A contraction of "JUDAS" or Judah. A Hebrew, or Israelite. (Webster's American Dictionary of the English Language, 1828 edition) This doesn't appear to be much, but it is AN AMAZING FIND! Prior to acquiring this dictionary, I had only seen that Jew was a contraction for Judah. Imagine my excitement when I saw for the FIRST TIME EVER that the term "Jew" is a contraction for "Judas." (That is why I put it in bold quotes.) To comprehend the significance of the word Jew, as Judas, one must see the definition for "JUDAS" below.

*Judas - a person TREACHEROUS ENOUGH TO BETRAY A FRIEND; traitor; (of an animal) used as a decoy TO LEAD OTHER ANIMALS TO SLAUGHTER. (Random House College Dictionary, 1976 edition) [The Strong's Exhaustive Concordance expands the word Judas even further.] It is Greek word #2455 and leads you to Hebrew word #3063 "celebrated," which goes to Hebrew word #3034 and literally means "to use". It goes from there to #3027, which means hand, pain, sore, custody, debt, ordinances, and force. The Concordance also indicates that Judas also means to throw a stone/arrow at; to cast out; to make confess. [These are only a few meanings amongst contradictory others.] Judas meaning "celebrated," which in the Concordance's Hebrew Dictionary, as word #7673, means to fail; to repose; to desist; cause, or make to cease; suffer to be lacking; put down; rid; take away. [It boils down to "interrupting and causing to set".] Word #2287 means to move in a circle; keep, hold; reel to and fro. [Isn't Satan (adversary) moving to and fro the Earth?] Word #1984 means to be clear originally of sound, but USUALLY OF COLOR; [Clear-colored people are NOT you!] To be foolish; be feign self. [Personally, I have NEVER seen such foul definitions of the word "celebrated," - which is what Judas and Judah mean.] Judas/Jew also mean Jude. According to the Christian Bible, Book of Jude chapter 1, "Jude" was supposed to be the SERVANT of Jesus Christ. Not the ruler! Judas' surname was Iscariot. (See Iscariot)

Let me know if you want the entire list, it is pretty eye opening.

HotmfWax said...

Finally, sleep on these Gee Chee;(you started it :))

Deuce - DEVIL! (I was shocked to learn that deus means god and means deuce which is the devil! My people have been DEUCED into the worship [war-ship and whore-ship] of DEUS/GOD! Look below at DEUCED! This is what the Christian Crusades were ALL about! Remember, the cry of the crusaders was "Deus Vult," which is a GERMAN cry that means "God wills it!" Now, our people believe in God! God is Deus! Deus is Deuce! Deuce is the Devil! Do you realize now that we should NOT be praying to God! God, like Adam, is NOT who, nor what, you initially thought!

Deuced - Damned; confounded. (In case you don't know, the word confounded means confused, perplexed, damned, defeated, and OVERTHROWN!) The pilgrims came to America to destroy, damn, and OVERTHROW our people! You may wonder what they came to overthrow us from. Well, that is an Article that I have to put together and blow your mind even further with.

Deus - God, Zeus, Deva. (You need to know that when I look up a word, I always start in the brackets. I also look at the brackets and definitions of EVERY SINGLE WORD ABOVE AND BELOW THE WORD, IF THOSE WORDS LOOK, OR SOUND, EVEN REMOTELY LIKE THE INITIAL WORD I start out defining! So, I looked above DEUS at the word DEUCE, because they sound the same. Well there it was in the brackets! DEUS IS EXACTLY THE SAME AS DEUCE! See DEUCE ABOVE!)

***Devil - to calumniate. {FYI, calumniate means to accuse, or charge one falsely and knowingly with some crime; to slander or injure the reputation of another}; one without light; dia (deity) and bhal (air) [god of the air]. (Webster's American Dictionary of the English Language, 1828 edition) Of course, there are the usual concepts of the Devil e.g. fallen angel, etc. (see angel, deuced, & demon)

Devote - set apart, or dedicate by a solemn, or formal act; CONSECRATE; TO COMMIT TO EVIL, OR DESTRUCTION; DOOM! I figured out that this is what the pilgrims really came to America to do to the dark skinned remnant seed of the Noble race that walked the Earth during the Golden Age of Heroes that walked the Earth long before the pale religions of civilization infected humanity. Melanated people are humanity (human-not-I). I suggest that you SEE CONSECRATE!

and God.

*God - gud, gott, guth, goth. (I put the bold. To know God, you MUST see the definition of goth!)

*Goth - One of an ancient and distinguished tribe or nation, which inhabited Scandinavia, now Sweden, and Norway, whose language is now retained in those countries, and a large portion of it is found in England. One rude or uncivilized; a barbarian. (American Dictionary of the English Language, 1828 edition) [Remember rude is another word for ruddy and/or crude. For those that are geographically challenged (like me), check out this crystal clear BOMBSHELL of a definition from the Random House College Dictionary, 1976 edition.] Goth - a member of a TEUTONIC people who, in the 3rd to 5th centuries, invaded and settled in parts of the Roman Empire. A rude person, a barbarian; Goth-people. [If you still don't get it, then let me slap you upside your head with the definition of Teutonic.] Teutonic means GERMAN; noting or pertaining to the Northern European stock that includes the German, Scandinavian, British, and related peoples. [If that definition didn't do it for you, then here is Teutonic from Webster's American Dictionary of the English Language, 1828.] Teutonic means pertaining to a people of Germany, or their language; as a noun, the language of the Teutons, the parent of the German, Dutch, and Anglo Saxon or Native English. [If you are at this website, then you probably already knew that the word God means German; however, there is nothing like seeing it in writing. In God we Trust, means in Germans we Trust. Do you trust Nazis? So, prayers to God, go to Germans. Moreover, prayers to the Father, go to their father, the Pope of Rome, because he is their head Pharisee. (see Pharisee)]


Anonymous said...

See, you got me thinking 'bout Black Dot...the Jay-Z and Nas ritual?

Anonymous said...

That warm red blood :^0

Anonymous said...

Wrong one.

HotmfWax said...

Thank whoever for Gee-Chee :).

Nice video.

Damm, to think that there are other brothers that are so far remove from the plantation that they know about "the Rabbit Hole" (anything from the pineal gland, melanin, meditation, consciousness, energy, chakras, the elite's occult meme and how it is being used(really stolen from the egyptians) etc., etc.) is just so refreshing, that it makes me know that it is going be all right.

Keep on sending me that stuff, I can't get enough.

Definitely a FREEMAN.

Anonymous said...

Wax, Gee-Chee.

Please tell me you two aren't serious. Those were probably the MOST ridiculous posts that I've seen here or on any other blog.

Strange that there is a Voltaire quote right here------------>

"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities"

What's more absurd than what you two are currently jabbering on about?

Anonymous said...

^^^I know right. Come on DMG, we all believe in some things that can be pretty far reaching, like believing we are evolved monkeys (that are former fish seeking dry land to escape aquatic predators) or the many wonders of vaccines despite a history of "Medical Apartheid." Crack that book open and wonder why people distrust the institutions you trust.

I was introduced to this by a friend who works in the University. His students put him on to this. We began to wonder about this fascination that is gaining momentum in these circles. It is intriguing that these college students that have no concerned for any form of social consciousness, especially being removed from popular media outlets, yet they are so intrigued by this information. So my friend and I have been brain storming.

When I was younger, I remember being dumb founded by white dudes that enjoyed the concept of satanic messages that were found at the end of a record when played backwards. So what is taking place now when cultures are becoming even more homogenized than ever with 75% of hip-hop music being sold to white youth. Don't go to sleep yet DMG.

I don't understand why Jay-Z and Nas would have a need to publicaly play out a ritual (if it is true), but I can understand how it would work as an alternative marketing technique as oppose to someone having been shot or going to jail in attempts to gain street cred (or printing out street cred coupons at the nurse's station).

Prince was always good at being ambiguous with his music. Avoiding interviews in the process. Leaving his audience perplexed about his sexuality or belief in God. The mystique along with his musical genius secured an invested fan base. Probing and conjecturing about is imagery. It's like you DMG, you question why people are surprised about your interest in hip-hop. Between some of your views that may not have been a neat fit with that of a "hip-hop head" and DV's description of you with imagery and caps, your image found it's own place. So when you talk about it, you come off like that character “2'fer” from 30 Rock. That is how powerful imagery works.

Anonymous said...

Back to the satanic records. We know they were influencial. Not only that, but the content. How women were marketed. A friend of mine that was into skate boarding and punk and metal back in the day recalls white dudes dropouts that were into that culture…noticing women where the half naked vixens for music videos then. Ours are more noticeable because of the big booty aesthetic, and media is quicker to demonize when coming from our side. I thought that was an interesting observation.

So now I see R&B artist today talking about suicide or inserting illuminati symbolism, and reducing the market to pure raw materialism. Will there be absolutely NO influence on the populace of that are exposed daily with their only break is Wii and X-Box or in your case Harry Potter? Do you think the brain captures all of this imagery without any subconscious effects taking place?

Anonymous said...

Medical Apartheid

Big Man said...


I have no love for communism or communist.

Rather, no more love than I have for any other human beings trying to great a government.

I prefer living in America under our current system, whatever you want to call it.

If other cats want to live somewhere else, under something else, that's their business.

But, explain this to me.

You said:

I have a problem with a single unelected global government.

"Communism" aint nothing but another plantation with a different master.

If it's all a plantation, why the focus on a single unelected global government?

Do you think an elected global government would be better?

Or that the system we have today, with many different elected governments being run by a shadow unelected government is preferable?

Why are you singling communism out, when the same issues you have with communism are ALREADY occuring without it?

Just curious.

Denmark Vesey said...

"I prefer living in America under our current system, whatever you want to call it." Big Man

Well that's just the point Big Man.

That's what I'm trying to get you to appreciate.

You live in a communist system.

The communists won the Cold War.

They just changed their names to everything from the NAACP to NeoCons to Carbon Tax advocates.

They pulled a switcheroo.

How long before black folks dependent on government jobs, government food and government health "care" with their children in government schools getting force fed Harry Potter, and celebrating Halloween instead of Easter realize this is EXACTLY what the communists wanted 50 years ago.

Can you believe there are still black folks running around thinking the "Civil Rights Movement" had a damn thing to do with black people?

Bolshevik pawns.

KonWomyn said...

"I have no love for communism or communist." Big Man

Aint nuffin wrong with communism, its been perverted by capitalist fears and some revolutionaries-turned-despots.

"You live in a communist system." DV

Not so, America is an oligarchist free market system - capitalist demoncracy in full effezekkk.

Denmark Vesey said...

"You live in a communist system." DV

"Not so, America is an oligarchist free market system - capitalist demoncracy in full effezekkk." KW

America, Europe, Asia, Latin America, Africa.

Doesn't matter.

One And The Same.

Same banks.

Privatized profits.

Socialized debt.


Perpetual war.

Kay Dub. Let's do the math.



Corporate Fascism which combines the worst features of both systems.

Privatized Profits + Socialized Debt

The new system is a hybrid of all the isms. The State is Big Daddy. The savior ... the righter of wrongs ... the dispenser of justice ... the wager of war ... the dispenser of health ... The Secular God.

The State as God.






Call them communists if you wish. They run the banks, the military, the prisons and apparently even the NAACP.

Anonymous said...

[Gee-Chee current status]
Loung'n in the back of classroom scribbl'n cheat notes on my palm

HotmfWax said...



"Doesn't matter.

One And The Same.

Same banks.

Privatized profits.

Socialized debt.


Perpetual war.

Kay Dub. Let's do the math.



Corporate Fascism which combines the worst features of both systems.

Privatized Profits + Socialized Debt"

Pinned that stuff on the right side of your blog DV.

Pin it!!

That last post is why I come here. Never been said any better.

What is it about the people who controls the entire central world banking system(banksters) that the plantation don't get?

Faking a ponzi scheme with monopoly money for the last two centuries, creating the problem, reaction, solution meme that you mentioned above in order to control. Why is it so hard for people to see the invisible hand?

Bra, the axis of evil were countries that failed to sign up into the "Central Banking" system. The plantation never studied derivatives,CBOs, the Bank of International Settlements, IMF, etc., etc., and how they all work in the worldwide "con" game that will eventually put us into that communist "beehive" city pretty soon. THAT IS WHAT USURY WAS DESIGNED TO DO! OWN EVERYTHING.


For example Obama/Barry appointing those "czars" who take their instruction not from him but rather those multi-nationalist "elite" banksters scumbags.



But somehow we think that we are different and free.

Well said DV. Well said.

KonWomyn said...

Communism" DV

***big red ring around this with kwestin mark***

Clearly we're not talking abt the same idea of Communism. Clearly, it is not the State owning the means of production, so maybe it has something to do with collectivism at the level of the people. But as we're talking abt capitalist society then that would be corporatism - populist corporatism, at the level of the people within a very specific temporal and political context of American or global fascism.

It is not communism. And no, I'm not arguing, I don't do perversions. To me the kind of communism, I co-sign on is communalism as channelled by Amilcar Cabral, Patrice Lumumba et al.

Anonymous said...

Wax is the school librarian. What happened to "role the tape?"
That ysh used to kill me.

Anonymous said...

I mean "roll"

Big Man said...

You're playing fast and loose with definitions again.

I should have known better.

This is like the "sista" and "black" discussions.

I respect a man's right to define his own world, but I'll be damned if I let him define mine.

We already established that for black folks the Civil Rights movement was about getting access to the rights they were paying for with their taxes. That's the bottom line.

If communism, or whatever is already in full effect, then why are certain folks doing their best Chicken Little impression trying to convince us that the sky is falling and the NWO's single world government is going to ruin the world.

If it's already in effect, then why you keep telling me to pay attention to the warning signs of the impending doom.

The doom is already here, right?

Just doesn't make sense. Either we in the midst, or we're not.

America is not a communist country. There are no truly communist countries on the planet.

There are countries with varying degress of taxation and freedom. Nothing is purely communist or capitalist.

HotmfWax said...

Rolling Tape Gee-Chee! :)

Communist New World Order?

HotmfWax said...

For all you none believers and middlemen -

Accept these Truths:

Because of the "under the table union" between our government and the corporate international banking system we are are no longer sovereign individuals with unalienable or inalienable rights... We only have the appearance of it(Please read the executive order #11647 that President Richard Nixon issued on February 14, 1972).

The Marxist/Communist/Fascist rhetoric and thinking has penetrated every single facet of our society today, from the Universities to the media.

Islamic terrorism is explained as caused by "poverty, oppression and marginalization," this is a classic, Marxist interpretation.

The entire world is now looking at a financial tsunami. Many nations, including America, are ripe for Socialism - Marxism - Fascism - and yes, Communism "without firing a shot."

It's important that the American people understand what they are supporting.

There is a strong movement in America today to replace the current system with political socialism and a collective bargaining system in which the central federal government collects an increasing amount of private resources, grabs responsibility of deciding everyone's worth, and provides the government sanctioned benefits demanded by the people, (like heath care) and they are doing it under the banner or Nationalization.

Today their tactics are more subtle, but in many ways more devious, because they fly below most people's radar. Their methods have been adjusted to win the hearts and minds of the people, who would then demand an ever increasing socialist government responsible for caring for its people's daily needs.

Socialism is becoming increasingly popular with the American Populous while the end result will be communism and world domination.

Public demand for government services grows evermore popular as they are fed government grants, services, and rebate checks...

The government controls most of America's wealth, but that isn't enough, they continue to desire more power and control and the tactics used to promote communism and socialism have greatly changed since the days of Khrushchev, but the results are still the same - domination and control of you and your family...


HotmfWax said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
HotmfWax said...

From a speech in 1964-

"It is perfectly obvious from the left-wing liberal press and from the left-wing law journals that what the court is saying behind all the jargon is that they don't like our form of government.

They think they can establish a better one. In order to do so it is necessary that they overthrow our existing form, destroy the democratic institutions created by the people, change the outlook, religion, and philosophy, and bring the whole area of human thought, aspiration, action and organization, under the absolute control of the court. Their decisions reveal this to be the goal of the liberal element on the court which is in a majority at present.

It has reached the point where one may no longer look to judicial decisions to determine what the court may do. However, it is possible to predict with accuracy the nature of the opinions to be rendered. One may find the answer in the Communist Manifesto.

The Communists are dedicated to the overthrow of our form of government. They are dedicated to the destruction of the concept of private property. They are dedicated to the object of destroying religion as the basis of moral and ethical values.

The Communists are determined that all natural resources shall be controlled by the central government, that all productive capacity of the nation shall be under the control of the central government, that the political sovereignty of the people shall be destroyed as an incident to control of local schools. It is their objective to capture the minds of our youth in order to indoctrinate them in what to think and not how to think.

I do not call the members of the United States Supreme Court Communists. But I do say, and I submit for your judgment the fact that every single decision of the court in the past ten years which related in any way to each of these objectives has been decided against freedom and in favor of tyranny.

A politician must stand on his record. Let the Court stand on its record.

The record reveals, for the past number of years, that the chief, if not the only beneficiaries of the present Court's rulings, have been duly and lawfully convicted criminals, Communists, atheists.

You can't convict a Communist in our Federal court system.

Neither can you convict one of being a Communist in Russia, China, or Cuba. The point is that the United States Supreme Court refuses to recognize the Communist conspiracy and their intent to "bury us."

The Federal court rules that your children shall not be permitted to read the bible in our public school systems.

Federal courts will not convict a "demonstrator" invading and destroying private property. But the Federal courts rule you cannot say a simple "God is great, God is good, we thank Thee for our food," in kindergartens supported by public funds.

Now, let us examine the manner in which the Court has continuously chipped away at the concept of private property.

It is contended by the left-wing liberals that private property is merely a legal fiction. That one has no inherent right to own and possess property. The courts have restricted and limited the right of acquisition of property in life and have decreed its disposition in death and have ruthlessly set aside the wills of the dead in order to attain social ends decreed by the court. The court has substituted its judgment for that of the testator based on social theory."

They assert the right to convert a private place of business into a public place of business without the consent of the owner and without compensation to him.

One justice asserts that the mere licensing of a business by the state is sufficient to convert it into control by the Federal judiciary as to its use and disposition.

Another asserts that the guarantees of equal protection and due process of law cannot be extended to a corporation.

We have witnessed the sanction by the courts of confiscatory taxation.

- G. Corley. :)-another villain

Big Man said...

Because of the "under the table union" between our government and the corporate international banking system we are are no longer sovereign individuals with unalienable or inalienable rights... We only have the appearance of it.

Didn't we already cover this?

When were people, in your estimation, sovereign individuals with unalienable or inalienable rights?

How can you point to a federal order by Richard Nixon as proof of taking away rights, and then on a different thread rail about how legislation and the federal government have no real power?

This is illogical. Either they have power, or they don't.

If they do, then their laws means something.

If they don't, then they can't take away rights.

You can't have it both ways and be logical.

KonWomyn said...

"The government controls most of America's wealth" Wax

That is untrue. The wealth and debt of America is in the hands of the private elite and China, Japan, Oil Exporters, the UK, Brazil etc. The govt is indebted to these bodies rather than the controller of US wealth.

"There is a strong movement in America today to replace the current system with political socialism and a collective bargaining system in which the central federal government collects an increasing amount of private resources" Wax

How are these private resources to be collected? And for what purpose?

Is it not that govt is becoming more corporatized and the current idea of the State is dying? IMO we're moving shifting towards the era of the post-hegemonic state bec of the financial collapse and America falling behind in the race to arms.

Domestically corporate hegemons will come out of their closets to run tings as outsourced by govt. Internationally, the military dominance of America has created stonger resistance: watch China, Iran and Russia shape military relations of the future.

IMO, an American-centred one world order is not it, its between the hands of the emerging powers & supranational/post-state unions that the battle for power will be concentrated.

Big Man said...

KW said:

Domestically corporate hegemons will come out of their closets to run tings as outsourced by govt.

I touched on a manifestation of this on my blog. New York Police were using the New York Police foundation, a non-profit created by the police and their supporters, to organize private tours and activities for the wealthy as a fundraising tool.

These folks were buying even MORE access to the police than they normally get because of their wealth.

I think that what is more likely to happen is that the wealth are going to increasingly move to private enclaves with private services they pay for in part, but which also are subsidized by tax dollars. I see it in the charter school movement, in the gated community movement and, now, with law enforcement. Just like we have concierge doctors, we may one day have concierge police.

Why not?

Anonymous said...

In the words of Wax, "Roll the tape!!!"

Anonymous said...

The focus is race but there are some views articulated that have been shared here

HotmfWax said...


"That is untrue. The wealth and debt of America is in the hands of the private elite and China, Japan, Oil Exporters, the UK, Brazil etc. The govt is indebted to these bodies rather than the controller of US wealth.

"There is a strong movement in America today to replace the current system with political socialism and a collective bargaining system in which the central federal government collects an increasing amount of private resources" Wax"

The magic word is "control". The elite is invisible. they control the gov. and then steal the wealth.

the gov. controls us via taxes, laws, fake fiat currency, and fake federal reserve.

The elite and china did not pull off the fake stimulus and bailout.

that was our gov.

that is "control".

-semantics :)

KonWomyn said...


That's all done in the interests of those who run the show. The bailout was not some gift from Big Brother to the Bankers, behind the scenes some capitalist oligarchs called the shots. The govt is but an employee of the elite.

KonWomyn said...

Big Man

Its always worked that way; the rise of the modern criminal justice system was in part to protect the interests of the new capitalist class and again this continues to repeat itself - same politrix, different time and space.

IMO the corporatist communities, like gated communities as y'said, are a sign of the times, we are in the age of the post-nation state. The private security sector is another sign: Truthout says there are 1.5 more people working in pvt security than in the police force. 1 000 000 people outsourced at present and this figure will rise post-recession, same as with the army, more private contracting to in the belief of saving money and trying desperately to maintain the illusion of superpower status...All this to say the corporates run things - corporate fascism operates as fascist corporatism at the level of the state.


Big Man said...


You ever read Randall Robinson's "The Reckoning"?

It's a decent read.