Nas also has to pay 90% of Kelis’ legal fees in the amount of $155,787.28. [How them YouKnowWho's get more than his wife?] Lastly, Nas has to pay $48,549.83 to cover Kelis’ accounting expenses."
O. Mahogany said...

Now obviously they loved each other dearly at some point. But from the reports, (and the videos lol)and the music I gather things have gotten ugly. Separation hurts. But divorce leaves one hell of a sting. I'm sure just filling out the papers must be a tremendous feat. I'm not saying couples shouldn't get married. Many people still REQUIRE this arrangement.We find comfort in it.
But think on this....
Isn't the present form "wife" and "husband" a direct descendant of a very ancient, male dominated European source of control politically and socially.
I think wedding ceremonies are beautiful. It's tribal, it's tradition in every culture, it's a joyous occasion.
I'm not too sure how I'll feel about registering my love???
If the man I love asks will I get married? Do I really have a choice?
Marriage is just another program.
The lie is that we cant live together forever with children without going to court, changing HER last name, filing joint taxes, or just TRUSTING that the person we choose to spend our life with will not leave us high and dry if we decide we simply cannot move forward together.
Either Nasty Nas is REALLY loooted up, or he did some really foul shit. The judge hit his ass with a billionaire's judgement. He really pissed somebody off, AND he didn't get the right lawyer to fend that shit off.
Hope it was good! Bet it was.
Uh.. they listened to Nas music...
I don't know fellas.
This doesn't seem like a Nas phenomenon.
This seems like a systemic problem.
The legal system has been hijacked.
Lawyers are functioning like vultures preying on broken families.
Think about it ... if the legal system gets 1/3 of the assets of broken marriages ... isn't it in their interest (judges, attorneys, counselors etc.) to encourage break ups?
I don't know mannnnn ...
I aint built like that.
I'm more likely to set my money on fire before I get fucked over by some dike Divorce attorney and a pussy whipped judge with a grudge.
My milkshake brings all the boys, to the yard
and they're like
it's beta than yours.
Damn right,
it$ beta than yours.
I can treat him
but I have ta chaaarge
Warm it up
Nasiiir is payin
He did get a bad attorney and got took to the cleaners. I feel for him. I also feel for his children.
Okay fellaz...if he had not married Ms. Milkshake and they just lived together like sayyyyy..
Oprah and Stedman
Halle and Gabriel Aubry
Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradis
things might've turned out a little different. Common law marriages are not recognized in all states. Common law divorces are rare and difficult to get in court.
(only 9 states legally recognize common-law :Alabama, DC, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Texas, SC,Oklahoma, Oklahoma, RI WATCH OUT lol)
So can we not keep our family together without legal institution?
Would it hurt so much to break that tradition?
(tickled that I keep commenting on the lovey-dovey stuff ;)
Single motherhood and independent females...
The most nonexistent of phenomena.
When Nas and Kelis where dating I thought "I don't see it" "I dont get it" "Wont last" but that's only because I thought on a superficial level that the two weren't compatible.
Now obviously they loved each other dearly at some point. But from the reports, (and the videos lol)and the music I gather things have gotten ugly. Separation hurts. But divorce leaves one hell of a sting. I'm sure just filling out the papers must be a tremendous feat. I'm not saying couples shouldn't get married. Many people still REQUIRE this arrangement.We find comfort in it.
But think on this....
Isn't the present form "wife" and "husband" a direct descendant of a very ancient, male dominated European source of control politically and socially.
I think wedding ceremonies are beautiful. It's tribal, it's tradition in every culture, it's a joyous occasion.
I'm not too sure how I'll feel about registering my love???
If the man I love asks will I get married?
Do I really have a choice?
Marriage is just another program.
The lie is that we cant live together forever with children without going to court, changing HER last name, filing joint taxes, or just TRUSTING that the person we choose to spend our life with will not leave us high and dry if we decide we simply cannot move forward together.
You don't mean men and women shouldn't get married...
You mean men and women shouldn't sign contracts with the state that says that a third-party bureaucrat will automatically mandate a settlement if contract is breached.
yesssss. Hahaha. Marriage is a legal term as well least we forget.
"You mean men and women shouldn't sign contracts with the state that says that a third-party bureaucrat will automatically mandate a settlement if contract is breached." -Thor
Now doesn't that sound romantic.
Well.... those of us who remain married until the end may say whether to marry or not to marry is of no consequence.
I simply think that on a basic level NO ONE who hasn't a part in bringing two people together should profit from or make decisions that affect their livelihood.
I HEART African Weddings.
I HEART ceremonies, the joining of two families, maybe taking a cow or two for familial inheritance (lol or cash for modern day purposes), music, dancing, food,celebrations of love and going home to consummate the marriage.
And IF we don't work out we walk away with DIGNITY. We come back when we are able to speak and we settle agreements within the "village".
This is some bullshit. I can't believe anyone has to fork over "spousal support" to a broad that was rollin' around on a counter in panties talkin' about her "milkshake."
Nas was slippin. Nas is a weed-head who is better off at home reading a book and writing rhymes than he is out trying to keep up with a fast chick like Kelis. Nas need to get himself one of them scarf-wearing chicks who eats nothing but nuts and berries and shit.
"Nas is a weed-head who is better off at home reading a book and writing rhymes than he is out trying to keep up with a fast chick like Kelis."IWAW
Show you right! It should be a lesson to fellow 420ers; always keep your affairs in order lest they bite you in the ass.
In Amsterdam this one cafe owner had a memory not worth one damn but he took copious notes. Good on him.Sounds like Nas should have had some hidden accounts and better legal reps.
Maybe the solution is that husbands and wives should suck it up and work harder on preserving their family unit.
Shiiiiiiiiiiiit! Marriage is hard! DV, me, and anyone else that is married can attest to that, but I can't even imagine the sting of breaking it up.
As my parents celebrated their 50th last December, I looked at them with a tear because I know how many times they coulda easily called it quits. They didn't get along for quite a while, but didn't give up. They made it through the abyss, even when the kids thought they'd be happier apart.
I think about that on the days that I hate my wife and the days that she hates me. Then I think that it aint always that way and the next minute, hour or day gets better.
Shit aint easy, but it's well worth it in the long run. Don't be a quitter.
there are too many intellectuals on this site not to see thier is more to this story. for one thing its discouraging black people from getting into relationships and for two, the legal system; the same one that locks blacks up for more time than whites for having crack vs cocaine which FYI are both the same drug...i know this looks bad, it does to me too (im not gonna lie) but im not gonna see the obvious message im gonna read between the lines, all my intellect and lack of trust for the media tells me something is definetly fishy with the high publication and attention this story is getting
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