Thursday, April 29, 2010

Farrakhan Still On That "LaRouchian" Kick


Amenta said...

"The poor have been made into slaves by those who teach lies...There are five percent that know God and when you know God you have a duty to teach what you know to those who do not know. Then those of us who are in pursuit of that duty have ten percent, the rich, the blood suckers of the poor, the slave makers of the poor, they hate the five percent. They have control over eighty five percent, so they turn the eighty five percent against the Rightoues Teachers...Because the leaders who are the blood suckers of the poor have control over the minds of the masses..."

cadeveo said...

"All of your knowledge of economics is worthless if you don't know the root of this thing."

That's true enough and the call to go to the library and educate oneself is great. Some Poor Righteous LeVar Burton isht: "Don't believe me..." read the book. That should be the message of every teacher. Unfortunately, most won't read the books, they'll just go on the authority of the person saying it so long as they trust and believe in that person, whether it's GWBush, Obama, their Aunt Ty or Louis Farrakhan. It's the same in the so-called Underground as in the MSM.

I'll say it again. When Farrakhan says something that's true and that I can verify (like the history of the Federal Reserve Act, etc.), I'll co-sign it, but I don't co-sign the man because I've also gone to the library and read about the man, too. If I co-sign the man, then I am vulnerable to create an attachment to co-signing everything he says, without question.

Unfortunately, you didn't post whatever connection he sees between IRS, FBI, Federal Reserve and, the more controversial one...the Anti-defamation League being established in the same year.

I'm always on the look out for the "Yes Frame", so until I know for myself from various sources, I'm not going to say "yes" to that last part of what he says.

Denmark Vesey said...

" If I co-sign the man, then I am vulnerable to create an attachment to co-signing everything he says, without question." Cadeveo

Ummm ...


If you don't "co-sign the man", are you vulnerable to create a detachment to cosigning anything he says ... even if it is the observable truth?

I ask because that sword cuts both ways.

Agents of misinformation who wish to discredit a meme can simply focus on discrediting the messenger to corral the meme.

That said.

When it comes to the The Minister Louis Farrakhan ... what is there not to like?

That brother authored a meme and 1 MILLION BLACK MEN assembled in Washington DC.

All them square punk ass Civil Rights Negro Congressman / Corporate / Amateur Technocrat Harold Ford John Lewis NAACP Asking For A Hand Affirmative Action muhfuggas are very believable.

They just don't have say shit to say.

cadeveo said...

Absolutely, it does cut both ways. But isn't that what has happened in actuality? The meme has been corralled to a certain extent precisely because it has been so easy to discredit the messenger given his past and the fact that he doesn't consistently address that past. (Again, you can't go on the MSM and claim regret about your words helping to create the conditions for Malcolm's assassination and then go back to your temples and tell the faithful that Malcolm was your traitor and the nation had the right to deal with him any way they wanted, one plausible interpretation of which is, "I'm not sorry Malcolm was killed because he was a traitor to the One True Truth of the NOI." His past also includes questionably cozying up to dictators.)