Wednesday, April 07, 2010

The Crucifixion of A Plantation Negro - Tiger Woods Continues To Get Bad Advice - Needs To Talk To Denmark Vesey


Kit (Keep It Trill) said...

I didn't watch the video, but I do wish he'd stop apologizing and shut up. It's not like he was have sex on the golf course during a tournament.

KonWomyn said...
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KonWomyn said...

Not a crucifixion, but a re-branding from the grave of Brand Tiger - the black n white, soft touches, Earl Woods' voice, EVERYTHING to restore the Tiger image. Why did Tiger allow for a fake/real recording of his father's voice to be used? Is nothing sacred?

Is this ad fighting fire with fire? It'd be worth contrasting that ad with the Joslyn James billboard. Tiger's jumpoffs are a bunch cheap and vile golddiggers - no matter how addicted he was to sex he could have done BETTER! Now it's costing him E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G to fix this mess - including his soul.

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable...his deceased father...for Nike on top of that. He's only a jig short of replacing his father's tombstone with a Nike crucifix.

Anonymous said...

Here's a response I picked up from critics entrenched in the world of advertising (no, not from the agency that produced it):

"This spot is flawless because for once in advertising it is all about you. It is about your judgement, your opinion and your thoughts your anger, your fears. Tiger comes back and puts himself and the allegations, the accusals, the public eye (that has become more subversively detrimental than anything George Orwell or his vision of Big Brother could ever be) are all laid bare. The commercial is so raw, so defined and so left completely up to the audiences imagination. We see Tiger unflinchingly splayed wide open as both fallen angel and deliberate demon. Then as if that visage alone was not enough to unearth diametric oppositions of your psyche, you hear the very voice of Tiger's god, his father Earl Woods. That sweet fatherly voice asking benign questions that in the horrid glow of recent events offer condemnation and salvation. I don't know if this spot required more guts or ego for woods to pull off. That's what I like about it. Also, what does it require us as viewers and ultimate deciders of Tiger's fare in this mire, we give the final thumbs up or down in this modern day emotional and psychological colosseum media has become. We are asked to judge, reprimand, rebuke, reprove -- or -- exonerate, excuse, exculpate.

As we no longer represent the crestfallen Christians in this arena, we now hold the power of Caesar. To slaughter with a press of the remote, a click of the mouse or a rebuff of a brand.

P.S. Advertising at its best doesn't seek to lead opinion. It should understand the 'physics' of human behavior and seek not to control but to surf the wave of comport. "


HotmfWax said...

DV, 144 days from the day of the "event" to him "teeing off" today?


This black and white fallen angel commercial with his Dad's voice?


The fact that he hit the ball at exactly 1:44 (yeah I watched)?


These occulted technocrats got game! I don't believe in nothing on this large of a stage has not been scripted.

I mean this unbelievable media obsession with TW and his situation this week....

Tail wagging the Dog, DV.Tail wagging the Dog.

It just got too much double or triple meanings. The whole thing is starting to remind me of an episode of lost.

Finally, I go back to Tavistock (Culture Creation) in London and remember the efficacy of the formula that I shared with you . VERY FEW THINGS HAPPENS RANDOMLY. Most things are planned and orchestrated to the T(Can you say Rosa Parks :)), however we are too invested (all in) to back up and say "dude you telling me an old white guy in a lab in the 50's at Tavistock came up with the word "cool" to be used in the 60's by hippies and blacks???"

Well then......

2 Porn Stars and waitresses?

I stopped buying at that point!

Somebody has written this Bra.

I hate when I can't see the entire playing field DV(can't identify the game) and BTW, if it is on TV 24/7, It is game and programming.

Therefore I am more interested in trying to figure out in regards to the TW situation, what game are we playing and how long and why are we being manipulated?

Culturally, did they kill our hero of virtue? Are we now telling the "young ens" that they are no more "Henry Makow" type males left in the world?

I don't know DV, but trust me that some major programming is going on here via our sub conscious and it ain't over.

KonWomyn said...

Peep this, this is really what Tiger's thinking, Lol.

makheru bradley said...

Add Tiki Barber to the growing list.

HMD's--Hoes of Mass Destruction strike again.

The base of the path rules.