Friday, April 30, 2010


Nigger Charlie said...

Denmark Vesey ain't the blackest man on the internet.

HotmfWax said...

At Charlie: What do you look like?

HotmfWax said...

Get in line DV,

They finally got something you need!!

World's first prostate cancer 'vaccine'

Scratch that! :) Just found out you have PROSTATE CANCER IN ORDER TO GET THE VACCINE.

"Called Provenge it works by encouraging the body’s immune system to fight tumors.

Unlike traditional vaccines it is not designed to protect men from developing the cancer but rather help those already in an advanced stage of the disease.

Tests show that it can prolong the life of terminal patients by around four months, one month longer than traditional chemotherapy.
It has now been licensed for use in America but is not yet available in this country, where more than 37,000 men a year in Britain are diagnosed with prostate cancer."


Anonymous said...

OK, just how the HELL did you get a vaccine jab in on this thread? I mean, are you a contortionist?

Anonymous said...


Actually no.

HotmfWax said...

Signs the world is coming to an end! This is what happens when you work for Disney.

Kiely Williams of the Disney's Cheetah Girls (yes the one with Raven Simone) put a new video out called - Spectacular. Listen to her lyrics real good and tell me this, is there no hope for humanity?

If you haven”t already seen the video, you should probably just consult the porn channel, Nothing I could say about it could possibly do it justice.

Here, I’ll copy and paste a few of the song’s lyrics, as excerpted by Necole Bitchie.

“I think he pulled a track out while he was blowing my back out…. I hope you used a rubber, or I’m gonna be in trouble…”

and also

Last I remember I was face down
Ass up, clothes off, broke off, dozed off
Even though I’m not sure of his name
He could get it again if he wanted
Cause the sex was spectacular
The sex was spectacular.

Do you need more proof that the music industry is satanic and want your kids.

check this video out.

Anonymous said...

Satanic? Sure if you believe in that sort of thing.

There's a simpler explanation. Style and looks over substance and musical talent.

Your last sentence said it all:

"check this video out". This little twit has a song out and I haven't heard Jill Scott in a minute.

HotmfWax said...

Again Doc,

Context. Satanic( in this setting) to me, means pure in your face evil.

Reason being is that she just is a couple of years being a big star in Disney's cheetah girls in which a bunch of young females all the way down to age 8 is/was big fan of hers. Do you think 2 years later they are not following up with her? Do you think that the lyrical and visual content is not somehow going across to the younger impressionable females?

I am the last guy to legislate morality, but damm, hollywood/music industry a little discretion please. You can't go from Bambi to Debbie does Dallas in 2 years. -jeeez

Anonymous said...

And again, I say if you believe in that sort of thing.

What does Disney have to do with anything? I can make a case for Disney being "Satanic". If your kids or other little girls are listening to this, that's on their parents. And YES, I know what my kid is listening to, as I sample his iPod often. If he's listening to some bullshit, I make him read the lyrics without the music...then explain why he thinks it's a good song.

But, our host is down with Nicki Minaj, maybe you should ask him what HE thinks about this song, rather than me. I already agreed with you that it was garbage in more ways than one.

that dude said...

This little girls' mother and aunt run her "record label" and career.

Anonymous said...

That Dude,

Wow, so what you are saying is that she REALLY is being her own family!

Anonymous said...

This is interesting. Bad interesting. This society is truly on some satanic ideology. In Islamic traditions, Satan argues that he did not make man do anything, that he only suggested or whispered as to divert blame.

What is so fascinating is that this is how we are being destroyed.

- Physically kill ourselves with food...spiritually as well because we train ourselves for greed and becoming pure consumers. Chuck D said either you're a consumer or a creator. No they don't need bombs or guns to kill you. They need those for brown people "over there" while they kill you using you.

"Just when I said, "Where the fuck's the cream?"
Another jerk came out the kitchen with the M-16
He tried to cock it, blast these shots like, rockets
Crushed his collarbone, ripped his arm out the socket
My move for the table was swift, I got my hostage
(The nigga tried to stab you God!) but I dodged it
Niggaz said, "Carlton you's a ill motherfuggah"
And I'm out"
-Carlton Fisk
Mr. Sand Man

-Damn, now they suggest porn to children coming of age. That's some deep ysh. Prince was different because he was never marketed to children. Michael was that family ready entertainer. Stripping the stage of innocence away from children. How does this connect with the food? Children are coming into to puberty quicker. I remember in a newspaper article seeing where girls were reported reaching puberty at age three. That was in 2001. Can't imagine how crazy it is now. It works with the music industry.

Conspiracy theory? Just as much as King's or Malcolm's assassinations.

So when one says, "stop eating that ysh," we say "but that cheap food is all po' folks got." No greed is all we got and that's what we want because it's more comfortable to feed your desires than it is to fight them. These satanic "creators" know this, and will keep supplying us to kill ourselves. Like selling arms to two warring sides. Making a profit while encouraging destruction.

"Give a nigga a trigga and watch him pull it"
-Ice Cube

Genius. They sell you the image of mad scientists or insane power hungrey super villians like Dr. Doom and you think these people exist only in comic books. You are thinking that a person has to be saying lines like,

"They'll all pay for laughing at me" or "I want the world to make me their lord or I'll destroy every living creature by noon tomorrow." You have this image in your head, so when it is submitted that their are people out there that are indeed evil, as we define evil, one will associate those terms with adolescent stories. "It's not real, it can't be real." When our construct of evil people is what isn't real. Just like black people's kryptonite is the KKK. Focus on the KKK, they are the evil because they speak open racism. Our victory is black faces in high places. The Mercedes emblem on a dookie rope.

Anonymous said...

That's some ill info Wax. I have to sit on that for a week or so. I'm traumatized. Our children man. I don't mean my children and your children, I mean the upcoming generations being trained to self-destruct. College kids today are already stupid as fugh. I hate to say that. Their children are going to devolve into what religious atheists claim we come from...apes.

Anonymous said...

H.G. Wells and the time machine comes to mind. He goes so far into the future were man has evolved into mindless cattle for underground dwellers of man devolved into predatory cannibals.

We can imagine some crazy white dude in seclusion named Dahmer preying on homosexual men, but can't imagine someone with power and influence can be just as evil. These people are genius, they just abuse the talent.

HotmfWax said...

@Gee-Chee ,

3 years ago? my wife and friends took some little 12 year old girls to the Cheetah girls concert and it was sold out. They kids were in awe(kind of like the spice girls). You can't tell me that now that the kids are 15 that they forgot who this girl is. This is some sick stuff on any level even if it was put on by Brittney.

Dude you checked out them lyrics?

No if and or buts, this is a new low not only for a black female but any females in general. I have a beautiful 20 year girl and it breaks my heart that this toxin is out there in the world today brah.

This might get the hype, but it crossed the line. You are right some Dr. Evil mugga in a room somewhere creating demonic imagery that is burned into our collective mind.

Put me in a funk that a good looking sista with a decent resume had to go this direction.

Sign of the times. What's Next?

john tanton said...

You R-Gaming niggers have simply got to go. That hissing sound you hear is the lit fuse burning toward a Euro-American explosion.

Anonymous said...


Congratulations...someone has responded to one of your post...



...the "hissing sound/lit fuse" thingy, that is.

Anonymous said...

Gee-Chee, Wax.

The only thing I'm getting from you two is "we are helpless" and "someone else is to blame".

This shit isn't new, and all this handwringing and "oh, lawd it's the end of the world Satan is coming" isn't going to help.

Pretty simple. Be a parent. Turn that shit off. Point out what's wrong with the lyrics....and how stupid it sounds without a beat.

Anonymous said...

Your wrong DMG. You claim that your work as a doctor goes beyond the paycheck. You wouldn't accept if I told you that keeping healthy is nothing new, just make sure your family is healthy.

Stay indoors and worry about your own is an argument that is weak like 7 days. Immorality is nothing new, but strategies and innovations how to market it is. Nobody does those corny azz jingles on commercials anymore. Cornball-azz anti-Communism military films.

Ever since black culture took white and black youth to support BLACK POWER struggles they saw there is something in the black brand. Hijack it DMG. Subtle seduction. When you dismiss it DMG you reduce it to simply being informed. History and facts is on the shelf collecting dust. People have access to info more than ever and are dumb as donkey ysh. People want to be spoon fed info. Media does that. We don't watch tv but once my ten year old son asked me why does the news have music and special effects. I was proud that he could since some disturbance in how information is filtered. I'm raising this little boy to out think Eward Bernays.

You can't sit passively and just have some "Say No to Drugs" one on one. You have to teach how to be a creator. How to influence so they can peep game. Nobody likes getting played. You teach people that they're getting played, and create an atmosphere that they are of a category of those that get bitched-out. "Ass out like gay runaways"

If you see through the smoke screen, they want you to just care for you and your family. If you drink the kool-aid, radical autonomize your ysh, as Thordaddy would say, and spread the word. You can't just worry about yourself. Stop being an MD then.

Anonymous said...

You have to identify the symptoms DMG I thought modern medicine agreed with that much of traditional medicine. I don't blame evil dudes for acting out there destinies, but I'll call it out. I react. I want to see people informed. I use this as a terminal for ideas. Some things I already know, some things I knew and hadn't figured out how to detonate the ideas, and some things I had know clue. But I peep you dropping facts on hospital staff like you had it all worked out.

Anonymous said...

...and if you read through my post, you'll know that some people can't spell.

Anonymous said...


What's your job? I'd like to know so I can use it as an epithet out of context, like you do with my being a physician.

Just what the fuck exactly are you babbling on about? How exactly does my having an MD have ANYTHING to do with telling your kid that this girls music isn't for her? You are good with tangents, why don't you get on that.

Keeping healthy is nothing new. Also pushing snake-oil is also not new. Scamming the sick and desperate is pretty old, too. Should I continue?

About all that other stuff, sorry, you got a bit wordy/preachy so I skipped over it...wasn't important was it?

Why are you guys blaming everyone but the parents of these kids who listen to this shit? Tired of helpless parents, blaming society, the government, the media, the devil, peer pressure, teachers, etc. Handle your business. If you gotta kick your kids door in and make inspections do so. My boy understands he doesn't own the underwear on his ass, and that there is nothing in his room that needs to be private from his parents eyes. No, we don't snoop behind his back. I'll look through his stuff while he's standing there if I need to. If he doesn't have anything to be embarrassed about he doesn't have to worry.

"You can't sit passively and just have some "Say No to Drugs" one on one."

You assume alot. I suggest you get the image of the one dimensional TV doctor out of your mind.

Have you learned nothing from the asswhoopings I've daily administered to you and your second team flying monkeys here over the months?

And lastly just who the hell is this "they" to whom you are constantly referring?

If you are stupid enough to give your kids money to buy trash unsupervised then YOU are THEY.

HotmfWax said...


Based on your comment above, could ANY of this be true?

Is Hip-Hop Being Used Against Black People By Racist Executives?

Just Asking?

"Keeping healthy is nothing new. Also pushing snake-oil is also not new. Scamming the sick and desperate is pretty old, too. Should I continue?"

Yeah, I feel you here. Kinda like repackaging 2009 h1n1unsold and unused vaccine into future 2010-2011 "seasonal flu vaccine" when it ain't providing no benefit. I feel you on this scam man. (Sorry Doc- I just playin with you man. and no I can't let it go. :))

Anonymous said...

I'm not going to lower myself by responding to your adolescent insults, you un-evolved porch monkey soft-shoe'n jig.

I told your Bojangles/Slappy White ass what I do before, you white gloves/hand waving chimpanzee.

Anonymous said...

Stupid backwards walking fish story logic. Monkey men mythologies and you criticize people for believing in a Creator but you can't accept that everything around you did not make itself you arrogant Lysol scented Dr. Mamuwalde Kool Moe D shade wearing Sambo.

HotmfWax said...


"And lastly just who the hell is this "they" to whom you are constantly referring?"-

I don't wan't to burst anyone's bubble but our culture is created (It does not happen by chance.)

Gee-Chee is doing the right thing by saying we got to call it out.Only weapon we got.

Since this is school I will help you "call it out " in 2 parts:

Tavistock-Brah these guys created, the beatles, the word"cool" and "peace" and hippie movement in a lab in the 50's.
they are still doing today's culture creation.
check it out.


Alan what will spell out the History of "THEY". and their makeup.

stephanie grace said...

and to think I was forced to apologize just for writing about how these zip coons inherit their low IQs.

Anonymous said...

Embrace your dark pigment origins.

Big Man said...

I think it's a little immature to pretend that the outside world doesn't have an effect on our children.

Hell, this British study says just that.

I know I was raised with some strict, serious parents. They, like DMG, didn't believe in privacy; my brother and I didn't have a door on our room until I had hair on my nuts.

That said, they couldn't stop the influence of popular culture. Besides, they weren't even aware of all the stuff a child could get into. They worked hard, got us involved in sports and stressed education, but there were still countless times where we did crazy stuff we had no business doing.

Like burglarizing a church. Or cutting a girl with a knife. Or shoplifting in elementary school.

I can't blame all that on society and its messages, but I definitely think there was a war for my brain between popular culture and my parents.

So, while I agree with DMG that people's parents have to stay vigilant and active, I see what GeeChee is saying about the power of seductive and insidious messages.

I mean, honestly, y'all aren't even disagreeing. Gee Chee agrees that parents have to be proactive, after all he said his son doesn't even watch television, he just wants to make the point that there are messages being pushed by people who don't have the best interest of our children in mind.

DMG agrees that the popular media has negative messages, but believes they can be avoided if parents do their job.

Neither viepoint is exclusionary of the other. Honestly, there are people who want our children to be certain types of adults, who purchase certain types of products and view the world in a particular way, hell Arizona just passed a bill outlawing ethnic studies to insure that only one version of history gets told and explored in schools.

Parents are the first line of defense. We teach our kids how to think, we teach them how to spot BS and we protect them from the most nefarious items.

Anonymous said...

"Yeah, I feel you here. Kinda like repackaging 2009 h1n1unsold and unused vaccine into future 2010-2011 "seasonal flu vaccine" when it ain't providing no benefit. I feel you on this scam man. (Sorry Doc- I just playin with you man. and no I can't let it go. :))"

So what's the definition of a person who knowingly continues to cling to falsehoods after they have been thoroughly debunked?

Look Gee-Chee, I have nothing against Sewage Treatment Plant apprentice's. Lord knows I can stop up a toilet, and I just thank you for the job that you do, so I'll try HARD not toss anymore shit (no pun intended) your way.

By the way Gee-Chee...which creator myth is true and which are bunk? Tell me why the latter aren't true.


Maybe you should get back in your bunker until someone calls for you eh? YOU my friend give FAR too much credit to long dead white men. If these are your beliefs, you truly ARE the shivering caricature in those old racist movies and cartoons of the wide-eyed jiggaboo afraid of his own shadow and any white man who crosses his path. Quit huddling behind your your deadbolted door.

Big Man, nobody is pretending outside influences don't exist. I know far too well. My son and I listen to alot of the same music. I programmed his first MP3 player, and the boy gets a steady stream of underground hip hop from his "Uncle" in the industry...and my man knows what not to send to my 12 year old. I see it as a battle to distinguish the sublime from the vulgar.

Also, I'm really trying to get these two tin foil wearers to stop with their fatalist thinking.

If they don't, their mind becomes their overlord, and then there truly is no escape.

Big Man said...


That's why I said you and Gee Chee have more in common on this topic than you realize.

I mean, what's the purpose of these outside influences?

You reject many of the theories advocated by Gee Chee and Wax, and I understand that.

But, I don't think you reject the idea that there are certain ideas being pushed and certain goals being sought. Honestly, DV, Wax and Gee Chee have their theories, and I'm quite familiar with them.

What about yours?

Do you think there is a reason why hip-hop has taken the path it's taken? Do you think it's strictly because of the corrupting influences of money and greed in every enterprise, or do you see something else?

Gee Chee and Wax propose that folks have co-opted certain art forms to push particular messages in an effort to create a certain type of citizen.

Now, given the past uses of propaganda in music, movies and other art forms, I wonder how you can write this off so easily.

For example, I find it curious that we hear critiques of rappers as invdividual entities corrupting our youth from all types of politicians and other folks, but we rarely hear the same level of critique directed at the record companies selling the garbage to kids. Or at the radio stations pumping the garbage on our publicly owned airwaves?

Just seems weird.

You used to hear folks constantly talking about banning

Anonymous said...

Big Man,

Of course you are right about hip hop for instance. Of course the biggest "jigaboos" (if I may steal an racial epithet from our host) are presented to the public. The more outlandish and stereotypical the offense, but that's why Dirty South has been so hot. The lyrics aren't complex, the flows not complex, and little college white girls can get all wet over it...without ever actually having to touch them "niggras". When marketing to the masses, you don't need to be the best or the most talented. That's known. So yeah, sure I understand that part. I don't have to purchase it, allow it to be purchased, streamed or otherwise enter my home. If I hear my kid uttering " can buy whateva you like..." he'll hear from me.

I draw the line at "evil conspiracy to take the souls of kids". A CEO doesn't give a shit about a soul, he wants daddies wallet. And sucker parents who have never learned the foot-in-ass maneuver will fall for this.

I don't believe in Illuminati type figures churning out LiL Wayne albums in some mansion. It's just another form of supernatural being to blame or praise for all things bad or good. These beliefs allow you to seed control of your life. "Gods will", "Men in High places control everything...that's why I can't get ahead", "doctors putting stuff in medicine for mind control"...etc, etc.

Not buying it.

HotmfWax said...


"So what's the definition of a person who knowingly continues to cling to falsehoods after they have been thoroughly debunked?"

You got to cut it out man.

You are a good dude, but you are brainwashed in the "virtues" of competition.



Replay and review the threads for yourself.

I will do it for you.

I played a video for everyone about unused and 2009 H1n1 being put back into to circulation for the upcoming fall 2010 seasonal flu.

You attacked me-call me liar, tin foil, conspiracy, nut etc.SAID I AM MAKING IT UP.following some off the wall stuff.

Even Gee Chee pop in and said damm DMG , by the way you came at me , he was expecting goat horns in the video. Not a dude talking.

Then I said to you- Here is your MSM copy to show you that it was real. CNN- Gupta. Instead of saying wow I am sorry, you played it off for a couple of days.

Then , I asked you BTW, is it right, ethical, blah, blah cause I don't want you to forget it.

And you quickly slide it off to the side.

To this day you have not addressed anything about it but above you are woofing about debunking me or it? WTF?

Com on Brah. Some of us can go back and re-read.

I am sure that ray charles could figure it out.

JUST ANSWER THE QUESTIONS about the ethics of it please.

Second and even more weaker.

"Maybe you should get back in your bunker until someone calls for you eh? YOU my friend give FAR too much credit to long dead white men. If these are your beliefs, you truly ARE the shivering caricature in those old racist movies and cartoons of the wide-eyed jiggaboo afraid of his own shadow and any white man who crosses his path. Quit huddling behind your your deadbolted door."

Showing you history about how it works and then linking it to people and groups of today when you ask about "who is they", does now show cowardice. Cowardice to me is blind denial that something ain't right and some people ain't right in the world and not brave enough to admit it. What if this was North Korea?

That is low by trying to portray us as "we is scarded" brothers.

No Doc, I enjoy calling them out and unlike you I believe in God and don't embrace fear. I only embrace love. but without understanding god you can not comprehend that statement.

Me calling out what is F-up on towards the humanity that I love, does not correlate to " I is scared". If" I is scared", I would not even be out here calling out these bastard and getting my character twisted by your desire to "win" some fictitious prize via battling.

Chill on the attack man. I see no benefits in childish battles and just really enjoy other viewpoints without insults.


Anonymous said...

Nothing to do with winning. You keep bringing up the subject. If you don't want to be called out, sit down. I've already explained it to you more times than I have patience for.

And what's this "played it off for a few days" stuff? Do you seriously think I'm sitting here waiting for your every word? Sometimes I'll answer quickly, but like I said most of the time I just ignore your posts...because no offense, but you talk WAY too much...and that's coming from me, and I KNOW I write alot.

You are going on and on about ethics when I've already told you nobody is RECYCLING OLD VACCINES...more than once. (Again, tell me what one is called who continues to knowingly cling to falsehoods?) They are using the same STRAIN which is pretty standard procedure for next years flu shot. You are so concerned about conspiracy that you didn't take the time to DO YOUR FUCKING HOMEWORK before you opening your lips. Then have a nerve to try to call me out?

Wax, I tolerate your stuff, because it's sometimes fun to mess with you, and I generally think you are misguided, but harmless to everyone but yourself. But sometimes you just become an annoyance trying to see shadows and spooks where there are none, while continually pulling my coattail. Sometimes you'll get a pat on the head, other times you'll get a backhand.

Give. It. A. Rest. I've answered your questions.

You done now?

Thordaddy said...

Child liberation...
Child liberation...
Child liberation...

Disney was co-opted long ago by radical homosexuals and has followed accordingly in seeking to liberate children from parents, introduce them into the village and allow sexual deviants MAXIMUM sexual autonomy.

Big Man said...


Imma leave the main course along to get on this tangent.

You northern cats quick to lump all Southern rap in one category really need to remove your heads from your butts.

Bottom line, I'll put the South's best and brightest against ANY region.

Do we have knuckleheads, no doubt. But, I find that Northern cats like to ignore their knuckleheads and focus on ours now that the South has the spotlight.

And I don't even listen to rap anymore, just saying it's obvious hypocrisy.

When you had Jadakiss and Styles P and the like running around talking about unproductive nonsense, nobody was complaining that rap was dead.

Just 'cause Gucci Mane and Flocka whatever, have taken up the torch, now these northern cats wanna get salty.

I mean, TI and Wayne are a lot of things, but they ain't wack on the mike when it's time to spit.

Tell me who you roll with DMG, and tell me if they've every written songs about tricking to girls, or indiscriminate sex?

Anonymous said...

Thank you Big Man. I'm not the biggest Wayne fan, but if Wayne was from the East, they would make him into some rap-god. I can't tell you how many NY hearts I dun broke when I remind them that their favorite DJ Premier that they give legendary East coast status to, is from Texas. That's because they set tripp'n.

Big Man said...

No doubt Gee Chee.

I was never a huge fan of Wayne, even when he was with the Hot Boys, but I always knew he was going to have the most success from Cash Money cause he obviously was intelligent. All you had to do was listen to dude's lyrics back when he was 16-years old to know that he had a decent brain. I just felt, and I was right, that his life experiences would be limited by his early fame, and thus his subject matter would never expand. It didn't, but folks still liked the way he talked about getting high, getting money and smashing broads.

Bottom line, that's what 90 percent of rap has been about since it got started. I mean, you had cats talking about conscious stuff at times, but rap was always about smashing chicks, getting money and bragging about how nice you are. This is nothing new. The industry is just saturated with it, and rap, like every thing else in the world, is more willing to bluntly discuss things that used to be discussed more discreetly.

Instead of saying "sick your duck", they are just talking about running trains in broad daylight. Look at our total culture and it's really no surprise.

Oh, and props on calling out cats talking about they are "representing the streets." (That's actually a popular phrase among northern cats.)

One, nobody is ignorant about what's happening the hood. That time is over. Two, rappers aren't trying to keep it "street", most of them are trying to actively avoiding the street in an effort to make as much money as possible before people recognize they are frauds.

Anonymous said...

Big Man,

Now don't get me wrong (you brought up geographical differences), there are plenty of fools all over the country. But the ones who stand out as the most clownish by far are from the South. I'm in the South now, sometimes it seems I need to what around with a translator.

How about we first just compare lyrics side by side?

No beats, no perfect pitch, no grills, no video girls. Just plain content.

Then next we can take a page out of Spike Lee's film Bamboozled to see how Gucci Mane compares to the minstrel shows of yesteryear.

You down?

HotmfWax said...

Yeah, But does any of these boys carry a murse? :)

Gee- doesn't the brother speaking sound like he is smoking a joint? :)

And you thought I was homophobic.

Denmark Vesey said...

"I just felt, and I was right, that his life experiences would be limited by his early fame, and thus his subject matter would never expand" Big Man.

That's bullshit.

Wayne's lyrics have expanded beyond just about any other lyrics coming out of black America.

Except for those one encounters at DenmarkVesey.Net

Told you before Big Man.

Just because you don't see it, doesn't mean it is there.

I submit Waynes lyrics have already transcended your worldview.

The boy is the embodiment of relevance.

You should listen to Wayne a little more carefully and browse the archives here before you say something like that.

Denmark Vesey said...



That's some funny shit man!!!!


Aghhhhhhhhh I Love It.

"Look at these niggers yo! They some fuckin' ho's! Reverse roles and shit! Carrying purses! This the shit Tupac warned us about!"


Ahhhhh man!

Anonymous said...

Maaaan, Wax...there is this gay artist that told me and some other artists that Kanye got him to do some interior design for him. Now this dude makes like 300gs a piece. I'm talking an art piece. In the art world, if you are black, the gay dudes make loot like that. If you aren't gay and you are black, you make that kind of loot if you are over 60 years of age. Seems like that's when they finally recognize you. Explain that if you understand the link. Is it because there is no black threat present?

The rest of us are like between 10gs and 60gs a pop.

Big Man said...


You're welcome to see whatever you like in Wayne's lyrics.

You'll never convince me to accept YOUR reality as THE reality.

You think Wayne is some next level ish, that's just fine, doesn't bother me at all.

I see a dude that could have dicussed far more than his own greatness, his proclivity for banging chicks and how high he can get. Dude could have talked about stuff that needed talking about, in my opinion. He didn't, he talked about what everybody else was talking about, just in a somewhat more creative way.

Give me Three Stacks before Lil Wayne eight days a week.


Who you wanna compare? I already said Gucci Mane is trash, so he's out. But, if you wanna post some Scarface, Goodie Mob, Outkast, UGK and the like compared to whoever you rolling with up North, I'm sure that Gee Chee and I can oblige.

However, I will submit that it's ridiculous to listen to rap, or compare rap, sans the beat.

The beat is just as much a part of a song as the lyrics. The ability to skillfully ride a beat, and bend it to your will is something special, and it's one of the amazing things about rap.

If it was just about the lyrics, it would be fairly bland and predictable poetry or spoken word.

Big Man said...

Oh, and DV. I told you before I'm well acquainted with Wayne's lyrics.

Before I got off the rap train, I had listened to pretty everything dude put out. Not just hte studio albums, but the assorted mixtapes and guest appearances.

I stand by my assertions.

HotmfWax said...


I see your love for Lil' Wayne and from what I can tell you understand the big picture and the fact that the Music Industry has been co-opted and by the dark and evil forces.(Whatever it means to everyone-negative energy). Check out 4:40 on, in this video.

Matter of fact you got to check out the whole series.

It's IlluminatinG. 1-10

I choose to opt out on anything to do with the Industry.

BTW, Who the hell is rain man?

HotmfWax said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
HotmfWax said...

Blackest Poet out here.

Don't believe the hype.


God is with you Brah.

Anonymous said...

Big Man,

I'm talking about content....not entertainment. A beat is just the sauce, not the meat. BBQ sauce on roadkill does not a sparerib make (organically made sauce, and hormone free beef)

Big Man said...


Honestly, I don't know if I would find most rap profound if it wasn't for the rhyming and the beat.

It's not like the concepts are things I had never thought about before. For me, it's more of an affirmation of what I mostly knew, just said more creatively than I could ever put it. And the beat matters because riding the beat, and selecting good beats, is what separates the outstanding from the mundane.

Now, I understand your complaint about beats providing cover for wack rappers, but hey that's been the case for a while.

Gee-Chee probably knows the answer off the top of his head isn't there like a classic album where the lyrics are straight TRASH but the beats for the entire album are so amazing that folks still list it in the pantheon. I think it might have been an album produced by Premier, but I can't remember for sure. The group had weird name and only did one serious album.

Big Man said...

Oh, I wouldn't call the beat the "sauce."

More like the seasonings.

Without the right seasonings, all you have is a drab piece of flesh.
