Monday, May 03, 2010


Omo Naija said...

Me like!

that dude said...

I love New York.

NEA said...

Simple yet stylish. Love it!

KonWomyn said...

Nah, Magne, she aint 'Black enuff', she's one of them 'light skinneded slim women you like to give props'. And how 'African is her nose', anyway? ; )

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...


Not sure how African her nose is, but I can probably estimate how plastic it is...

She's pretty, yeah...but not classically "African". If we counted how many Europeans were in her family tree, it would probably equal (or exceed) the number of Africans.

But, I say SO DAMN WHAT. She's a beautiful woman, who may or may not have a beautiful personality and mind to go with that body.

john tanton said...

I'd hit it, give her some more good, hard, pecker wood and make her a real winner in the competitive breeding sweepstakes.

KonWomyn said...

Ummm, what is a "classically "African"" look?

KonWomyn said...

Tanton, anutha of the million aliases belonging to one.

john tanton said...

"Ummm, what is a "classically "African"" look?"

Seven Half Store said...

"Bad Habits" Maxwell---what I'd be playin in my ipod walking around soho.

pretty girl.
Don't you love it when someone takes notice and you weren't even trying.

Anonymous said...

Uh oh, religious atheist stories of walking fish into monkey men. That's why monkey virus juice as DV puts it and hog parts are inherent to modern medicine. They introduced the wonders of the pig to the world and the belief that we are upright apes.

Anonymous said...


Stop asking stupid questions. Sorry to be so blunt.

IWonderAsIWander said...

I'm not really feelin' it. A little too light, and I've never been into models like that. Not saying she wouldn't get it - just saying she's not "all that."

Pink said...

Looks good enough, but I've seen better. But then again everyone thinks I'm a hater.