Thursday, March 04, 2010

What Really Costs More ... Cheap Food That Gives You Diabetes or Natural Food That Helps Prevent Diabetes?

Kon Womyn said ....
iTire of convincing people to eat right, arguments with hard heads are cool but on the real, iReason with people who are willing to see the sense of a meat free diet. iCant will someone to change it must come from within.

If Americans don't have the sense to stop funding their deaths thru MickeyDees, then maybe there is a link between their addiction and a subliminal desire to die.

Jus' sayin.
Denmark Vesey
said ...
I feel ya Kay Duuub.

I mean even arguing with people about the dangers of cloned meat or the value of natural foods vs. the cheap and affordable costs of denatured foods is quite low-level.

The millions of diseased obese people feeding on cheap food but spending a fortune on "Health Care" is more than enough evidence to those dangers.

The same people wouldn't put cheap gas in their cars if they had to replace the engine every 10,000 miles. Why are they eating cheap food that destroys their organs in less than 10 years?

I coined the term "Plantation Negro" to describe the strange phenomenon of people loyal to a system that is not in their interests. These DMG type cats are actively advocating genetically modified food and drugs despite the enormous death toll. Cats like Big Man determined to play the middle don't realize they are actually on the extreme. Mahndisa is emotional and defensive and picking fights instead of embracing change. The problem is, failure to change when change is necessary, is destructive.

The suggestion that the 'masses couldn't sustain themselves' without denatured food ... while the masses are dying in HOLOCAUST numbers because of denatured food is Orwellian double speak. Strange times.


Anonymous said...


Big Man said...

Says the man who cannot define infidelity as wrong...

Hello pot? Yeah, this kettle

I wanna let you know son, you blacker than a motha...

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

"Mahndisa is emotional and defensive and picking fights instead of embracing change."

What a cheap shot. That is what you do, call me emotional when you are challenged? Yeah just because you've been identified as a loud mouth with no constructive solutions who has shown almost DISDAIN for poorer people,you go for me?? Puleeze!

Tell me how asking you to show us sliding scale or pro bono Naturopaths or homeopaths is hardly combative. I don't advocate factory farmed food. However, I am close enough to actual human beings with financial issues (like MOST AMERICANS) that I can tell you that most people cannot afford to spend a thousand bucks a MONTH on food. Point blank. Avandia? Most diabetics wouldn't pay out of pocket for that; their insurance would. And if they were in the uninsured crowd, they would likely get another med. If you are telling people to take these huge risks with nothing more than a leap of faith, you ought to provide alternatives.

Okay, so what if someone decides NOT to take health insurance and then they get mono and end up with complications like inflammation of the brain. At the end of their stay at the hospital, they'd likely accumulate over one hundred thousand dollars. Can you point us to a foundation that pays for the medical bills of people who REFUSE to insure themselves for ideological reasons? If you cant do that, then you are simply blowing smoke up our asses.

I have a better idea, why don't you start a foundation or donate money to causes that put organic foods in the mouths of the people who likely cannot afford them?

Because if you don't do that, then you are preaching a tired worn out song with nothing to back it up.

Challenge only equals combativeness and emotionalism to a cult leader whose position is being threatened. I thought you were better than that.

Anonymous said...

Our host has nothing better to do than try to loud-talk someone online. If he can get the crowd to start laughing and jawing he drowns out the person he's supposedly "debating", when really he's putting on a clown show.

For instance:

"DMG type cats are actively advocating genetically modified food and drugs despite the enormous death toll."

As though I'm producing PR campaigns pushing people to exclusively eat food that's been "genetically modified" (which to our host means anything that's not overpriced and sold in a specialty store), when I merely refuse to take your word for it.

He tries to whip up the easily led masses into thinking that otherwise healthy people are literally dropping like flies, spoon on floor clutching their throats as "Genetically modified foods" touch their unsuspecting lips. To which t he most appropriate and only response is

Negro please.

You have reached a new level of ignorance.

Anonymous said...

dont ever stop telling people the truth no matter what the negative people say. If they can say what they say; you can say what you say!

Thordaddy said...

Kay-dub, Kay dub...

Hurs the rub
U makin' one big flub
This the land of white supremacy
Dem subliminial suicidal cats


They growin' titties...
They ridin' passenger
As they "girl" drive thru the city...
They gettin' snipped snipped
N dressin' real pretty...
Or they layed up on momma's couch
Yellin', gimme uh fitty!!!


That's just u playin' liberally...

Ain't everything under the sun AN AMERICAN...
An essence akin tua Existential Singularity...

Ain't got nuttin' tuh doowiff
Self-annihilation n fadin' tuh obscurity...

Thordaddy said...

Y'all bullshit too much if you think the "black poor" can't eat healthy because of __________.

a. White supremacy
b. Too expensive
c. Not accessible
d. Too ignorant
e. All the above

Ya'll clownin' DV CUZ HE SAY F...

Fugg all that!!! Lol...

And DMG, joinin' theez twisted sisters
Cuz he's down with equality...

Cés said...

More than half of my generation wastes $200 or more every weekend on grey goose vodka, clubs & bitches. But they get $3 dolla' pizzas.

Just a thought!

I wonder if they will give cheap food to their children to still be able to party.

BTW, organic black beans are $1.29 a pound @ wholefoods... hurry up before they go!

Big Man said...

What's the difference between organic black beans and regular black beans?

The lack of pesticides? I'm curious about the organic label because like DMG I have seen numerous information about how that label, along with the "all natural" label is misused.

When the folks here who use "organic" products bought at a supermarket see the word "organic" what does that mean to y'all?

I was at the store the other day and they had regular spices and organic versions of the same spices. I was trying to figure out the difference from the lable, and couldn't really figure it out.

Big Man said...

Nevermind, I looked it up. The Internet is great.

Guide to Organic Food Terms

When you buying organic foods, look for the “USDA Organic” label. Only foods in the categories “100% organic” and “organic” may display the USDA Organic Seal. Other foods with varying levels of organic ingredients may be labeled as follows:

“100% organic” - single ingredient such as a fruit, vegetable, meat, milk and cheese (excludes water and salt).

“Organic” - multiple ingredient foods which are 95 to 100% organic.

“Made with organic ingredients” - 70% of the ingredients are organic. Can appear on the front of package, naming the specific ingredients.

“Contains organic ingredients” - contains less than 70% organic ingredients.

Anonymous said...

Well, you have the USDA definition, but I suspect that may not be what most here are going by? Am I wrong?

Definition of organic?

KonWomyn said...

iHate to burst your bubble, but Americanness, like all identities, is a social, political construction. You are no more a 'real American' than an overweight Biggie Smalls or Gaby Sidibe.

Unless being a 'real American' is some Thordaddy double-speak for something else like a truly free individual; you can't claim realness of self/a Plantation-free self as evidenced by the very nation which enslaves people & breeds fast food joints by the minute.

Based on that faulty, false logic is to be considered, then the subliminally suicidal obese foodies are 'real Americans' and you are not. Guess you need to tuck into some supersize apple pie. Support your country.

Thordaddy said...

Konwomyn aka Exhibit A,

Even if "Americanness" -- which IS NOT EQUAL to an American -- is a social and political construct, SO WHAT?

It still means some are American and some are not.

It still means I'm more American than others.

It still means that some who claim to be American are nothing of the sort.

You're free to live radically autonomous, but ease up on the imperialism inherent within its persistant application.

KonWomyn said...


Imperialism - nah, just some truth for you. America produces these death traps so for someone who eats healthy to say they are a 'real American' based on what they eat is opposite to the unhealthy fast food kultcha that America has created.

Whateva warm fuzzy feeling a group identity gives you as in being a 'real American', be you. Go 'head.

IMO dietary choice is a matter of health, survival and non-conformity to herd behaviour i.e. the anti-American American (or whatever fastfood nation one belongs to).

Hot Wax said...

Definition of Organic...blah, blah, blah ,jeeeez. I can see that everyone is so proud of their current mental prowess and how smart this view is vs. that one.WAKE UP PEOPLE.......THEY ARE TRYING TO KILL YOU!!!!!!!!! As Jay Z said, they are on to next one. DO SOMETHING! Strap up, and ante up. Why is it so hard for people to understand that a priest class off psychopaths and technocrats are trying to get rid of about 6 Billion of us efficiently?

Keep playing people, continue talking and speculating about good GMO and so-so organic. They are already one step ahead.
Nano Foods. Coming to a super market near you ready or not!

"Eating Nanomaterials Could Increase Underlying Risks

The House of Lords' study identified "severe shortfalls" in research into the dangers of nanotechnology in food. Its authors called for funding studies that address the behavior of nanomaterials within the digestive system. Similar recommendations are being made in the U.S., where the majority of research on nanomaterial focuses on it entering the body via inhalation and absorption.

The food industry is very competitive, with thin profit margins. And safety evaluations are very expensive, notes Bernadene Magnuson, senior scientific and regulatory consultant with risk-assessment firm Cantox Health Sciences International. "You need to be pretty sure you've got something that's likely to benefit you and your product in some way before you're going to start launching into safety evaluations," she explains. Magnuson believes that additional studies must be done on chronic exposure to and ingestion of nanomaterials.

One of the few ingestion studies recently completed was a two-year-long examination of nano-titanium dioxide at UCLA, which showed that the compound caused DNA and chromosome damage after lab animals drank large quantities of the particles in their water. "

These mugga fuggas play chess!

Anonymous said...


Who is this ubiquitous, faceless, ageless, ever present, all powerful, responsible for all bad things in your insignificant life "they"?

Thordaddy said...



Thordaddy said...


Just so we're clear...

Your claim is that real Americans don't exist?

KonWomyn said...

Real Americans do exist, but I don't think their culinary preference is the defining mark.

CNu said...

Who is this ubiquitous, faceless, ageless, ever present, all powerful, responsible for all bad things in your insignificant life "they"?

Here you go DMG.

Here's a classic treatise on "They" from one of LaRoosh Noir's pasty upline gurus...., the author even goes so far as to pretend that he's in "negotiations" with them. {and of course, wholesale fodder for the fiddy-page book men hustling credulous masses}

Denmark Vesey said...

" {and of course, wholesale fodder for the fiddy-page book men hustling credulous masses}

Whereas the occult mythology which permeates CNu's NeoNegro Malthusian Bolshevism is derivative of the 300 page book men hustling the myth of Man's descent from Apes and subsequent historical march to apotheosis.

Which is why they need to destroy the world ... so they can save it, and prove to themselves that they are indeed God.

CNu said...

Whereas the occult mythology which permeates CNu's NeoNegro Malthusian Bolshevism is derivative of the 300 page book men hustling the myth of Man's descent from Apes and subsequent historical march to apotheosis.

You've never read a single one of the books contributing to my world view DeeVee.

Not one.

Matter fact, despite our multi-year correspondence brah - you know no more now about what I believe and what I know than you did when I first commented here on the extraordinary influence of "sugar" as a primary catalyst for the european conquest of the "new world" and the trans-atlantic slave trade.

Which is why they need to destroy the world ... so they can save it, and prove to themselves that they are indeed God.

Knowing what my project interests and the scope of my efforts are, you should be thrice ashamed of yourself for even fixing your mouth to try to tell this lie.

Not even for entertainment should you so sloppily miscast me and distort my objectives and my aims.

Thordaddy said...

Matter fact, despite our multi-year correspondence brah - you know no more now about what I believe and what I know than you did when I first commented here on the extraordinary influence of "sugar" as a primary catalyst for the european conquest of the "new world" and the trans-atlantic slave trade.

...despite our multi-year correspondence brah - you know no more now about what I believe and what I know than you did when I first commented here on the extraordinary influence of "sugar" as a primary catalyst for the european conquest of the "new world..."

...brah - you know no more now about what I believe and what I know than you did when I first commented here on the extraordinary influence of "sugar..."


C... N... U???


But radical autonomy.

CNu said...

Real Americans do exist, but I don't think their culinary preference is the defining mark.

KW, in the beginning, the defining mark was sugar, now it appears to have become
high-fructose corn syrup;

A Princeton University research team has demonstrated that all sweeteners are not equal when it comes to weight gain: Rats with access to high-fructose corn syrup gained significantly more weight than those with access to table sugar, even when their overall caloric intake was the same.

In addition to causing significant weight gain in lab animals, long-term consumption of high-fructose corn syrup also led to abnormal increases in body fat, especially in the abdomen, and a rise in circulating blood fats called triglycerides. The researchers say the work sheds light on the factors contributing to obesity trends in the United States.