Friday, March 26, 2010

Say Hello To Your New Health Care Provider


Anonymous said...

Hey! Sup' Cyclops?

Kit said...


That's good, Denmark.

DMG said...

...but private insurers (who are profit driven) are different how?

Denmark Vesey said...

^^ lol. Exactly DMG. Exactly.

You may finally be arriving at 1st Base of understanding the Hegelian Head Fake.

DMG said...

I don't believe any of your pseudo-intellectual chatter. Again, you are making statements that have the depth of sidewalk spittle.

How about having a real conversation for a change instead of all of this cryptic nonsense? Don't you tire of this sometimes?

Denmark Vesey said...





Peasant Please.

Go somewhere with your little NPR spoon-fed analysis.

Label a tax-scam "National Health Care" and Plantation Negros who secretly wish to be cared for by the government are ready to buck-dance like it is Jubilee.

You are a cog in a machine Doc.

Trained to stick your finger up men's asses to ... "check" ... for cancer.

Get back to work.

DMG said...

Yes, yes, cog..sure, sure programmed...etc., etc.

For someone supposedly so creative, you sure are boring.

Yes, I have examined the anus and rectal vault by digital rectal exam and have found:

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Prostate Cancer
Rectal Cancer
Anal Cancer
Bony Fragments from a pelvic fracture
Absent sphincter tone indicating cord injury
Hemmorrhoids (internal and external)
Chondoloma Accuminatum (warts)
Rectovaginal Fistula
Anal Fissures
etc., etc.

I believe it's called physical examination. It's necessary. Quit worrying that it will make you spread your butterfly wings and exit the closet.

You'll do that on your own accord when it's time.

Denmark Vesey said...

"Yes, I have examined the anus and rectal vault by digital rectal exam and have found:" DMG

... probably found a few phone numbers too didn't ya Doc?

But please, DMG, regale us with your assessment of the "National Health Care Program" ... and how you are absolutely certain it is a completely altruistic effort void of any corporate or government conspiracy.

Explain why you think this centralized insurance plan is the best option for the American people.

Please share with us why DMG thinks there is no such thing as a New World Order and even questioning the existence of such an entity is "pseudo-intellectual".


Maybe you are right.

DMG said...

I see you are projecting again, so I'll leave you to your fantasy (I'm sure you are by now quite adept at typing with one hand by now...). But before I go, I will answer this:

"But please, DMG, regale us with your assessment of the "National Health Care Program" ... and how you are absolutely certain it is a completely altruistic effort void of any corporate or government conspiracy.

Explain why you think this centralized insurance plan is the best option for the American people."

If you've read anything I've written on the subject you'd already know that I don't think it's the best option. I sent D.Smith a link to an option that I think its better but wasn't considered.

It's the best option that made it through the gauntlet of Congress, the smear campaign of FoxNews and the 24hour news cycle, and the pandering of those up for election this year.

It does prevent people being denied based on pre-existing condition and it makes sure every is able to purchase insurance. Best we can do in this climate.

I think there's much more to be done.

I'll leave the tin-foil hat stuff to you and yours. I've got better things to do than huddle under the covers clutching empty aluminum foil boxes...

Thordaddy said...

"It does prevent people being denied based on pre-existing condition..." -- DMG

And this prevention from denying just means someone else has been denied their own money.

It means a dude can buy a lemon and then take it to ANOTHER dealership for a refund.

The targeted execution of any insurance company is now firmly in the hands of the government. Just send it a slew of pre-existing conditions that they MUST NOW PAY FOR.

Now one asks why, though?

"Progressive" Government, our insurance company.

CNu said...

LaRouche on Healthcare;

LaRouche and his organization have called for the banning of HMOs, and LaRouche has formally endorsed H.R. 676, the Expanded and Improved Medicare for All Act of 2005 or National Health Insurance Act for Single-payer health care.[145]

LaRouche's organization opposed the Obama administration's health care reform proposals, and its comparisons of U.S. President Barack Obama to German dictator Adolf Hitler in 2009 generated controversy. LaRouche called Obama's actions "impeachable," without actually calling for impeachment, due to his support of health insurance reform that LaRouche says is comparable to Hitler's Action T4 euthanasia program.[146] The LaRouche movement has printed pamphlets with a picture on the front showing Obama and Hitler laughing together, and have made posters of Obama wearing a Hitler-style mustache.[147] In Seattle, police have been called twice in response to people who were offended by the posters threatening to tear them apart or to assault the LaRouche supporters holding them.[148]

As town hall meetings on this issue during the summer of 2009 began to attract very large and angry crowds, the comparison of Obama to Hitler began to show up on many signs and banners. The Atlantic wrote that LaRouche supporters "patented the Obama-is-Nazi theme."[149] The Anti-Defamation League issued a report titled, "Lyndon LaRouche, Holocaust Imagery & the Health Care Debate".[150]

Nancy Spannaus, a LaRouche spokeswoman, told the Washington Times that the Obama policy was "a direct copy of the policy Hitler declared in October 1939, when Hitler issued the order for euthanasia against those determined, by a board of medical experts, to have 'lives unworthy to be lived.'" She said that the LaRouche alternative was to "cancel the bailout and HMOs, implement bankruptcy reorganization of the financial system, and return to the Hill-Burton system that made our health care the best in the world."[151]

D.SMITH said...

DMG...I honestly never saw the link you sent me.