Sunday, March 28, 2010

A Plantation Negro Exorcism

fist tap Stylistic MF


Anonymous said...

"There is powuful niggatry at woyk heah." LOL

"In the name of white Jesus and all great white men who have come there after."

"As long as he's black and breath'n, he got nigga in'em."

"I wouldn't zactly call'em people..."

LOL!!! Awww maaaan.

stylisticMF said...

What about the chant, "Get your black ass outta here..."

Anonymous said...

What about the chant, "Get your black ass outta here..."-StylMF

...with belts, ropes and nightsticks...McGruder be kill'n me.

It took a few seconds to get that the Ghost was Ghost Face. I'm assuming that's a reoccurring theme. I see the show every blue moon but I'm impressed with the wit whenever I do.

Ya'll should all get Lynched:

What up my wigger:

Anonymous said...
