Monday, March 15, 2010

The Notorious P.R.E.C.I.O.U.S.

fist tap Kay Duub


Anonymous said...

...sorry, that shit was funny.

uglyblackjohn said...

Is it meant as an insult to Gabby or towards Biggie?

Anonymous said...

i have a crazy sense of humor, i do...and while i did uncomfortably snicker at certain points... this was a really inappropriate joke, especially when he said "you gone eat this...precious" and it would have served Jaime right if one of those deep-voiced-cackling-"men" in the back would have quit laughing and stood on some type of prinicipal and told Jaime to get out instead of obliging that sheer ignorance

Anonymous said...

I stopped by the video store to find that Black Dynamite and saw an entire section of this movie was rented out.

Anonymous said...

I mean 'Precious' was rented out.