Wednesday, March 03, 2010


Submariner said...

Talk about realignment. You would think that NFL executives would be tripping over themselves to acquire this unambiguously exemplary young man who could rival Bill Bradley in the future but instead it's the opposite.

Big Man said...


They are questioning his willingness to be a mindless, disposable drone.

Although some folks would say he's already proven that by becoming a Rhodes Scholar, but I don't agree.

I like that the young brother told the Florida State coaches he didn't care about their stupid team meetings and film sessions, he had bigger fish to fry. Then went out and did his thing.

But, that's exactly the type of behavior that scares the NFL. You mean you're telling people that football isn't all that important, that it's not all about getting paid?

Can't have that.

hot "OTP" wax said...

Global System of Black Supremacy?

"White rappers" dissing a "black president". LOL WTF.

OTP .....

hot "OTP" wax said...

Global System of Black Supremacy?

"White rappers" dissing a "black president". LOL WTF.

OTP .....

hot wax said...

Dickless frogs?

CNN) -- Atrazine, a weed killer widely used in the Midwestern United States and other agricultural areas of the world, can chemically "castrate" male frogs and turn some into females, according to a new study.

New research suggests the herbicide may be a cause of amphibian declines around the globe, said biologists at the University of California-Berkeley, who conducted the study. The findings are being published this week in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Researchers found that long-term exposure to low levels of atrazine -- 2.5 parts per billion of water -- emasculated three-quarters of laboratory frogs and turned one in 10 into females. Scientists believe the pesticide interferes with endocrine hormones, such as estrogen and testosterone.
"The effects of atrazine in the long term have been shown to demasculinize or chemically castrate [frogs], combined with complete feminization of some animals," said lead researcher Tyrone B. Hayes, a biologist and herpetologist at the University of Berkeley.

Denmark Vesey said...

^^ Um hm

Um hm


So ... what does this tell us Bra Wax?

hot wax said...

which one DV ? frog or rappers?

hot wax said...

As you said before DV,

Rap defies the myth of a "Global System of White Supremacy"

However this shit got me in the twilight zone. I grew up in PE when rap was about going after the PTB and saying fuck the establishment.

Now our rappers(except Paris ) won't challenge the fascist shit. In this video, you got folks that look like they worked in my former corporate offices dropping "real lyrics" about a brother (Barry) -that anyone knows is a co-opted puppet and the most shameless disgusting fuck of a liar - and DV I don't hate.

Talk about fucking with my head DV- change the singers to chuck D and the president to Bush and we would be bumpin that shit all night long.

Simple corporate white folks recognizing the power of Rap and using it like it was meant to be used Bra.

Just like the Zeta's puttin right back in your face.

Anonymous said...

OTP? You are going to compare Chuck D and Public (motherfucking) Enemy to some weak ass white kids on YouTube talking Teabagger and birth certificate conspiracy shit using Perfect Pitch software?


Seriously. You going to confuse OTP with Fear of a Black Planet? You think Fight the Power is equivalent to?:

"Fool me once, it happens all the time!
Public education made me dumb, man
Barack Obama done beat me like a drum, man
Thought I was votin for hope, I was votin for a bum, man
I used to be a pie baker
Look into my eyes, all you'll see is pies
I could make a french apple cobbler with a greyerre crust
r-a-double u, fat girls are lovin dude
That was then, nowadays find me on the corner with a Mac 10
I lost my job at the bakery, Obama faked me, so I turned criminal
I'm sellin dr*gs at the terminal"

Man what the hell is wrong with you?

Rap doesn't equal the black struggle. It's a medium invented by us (just like jazz, rock, blues...etc., etc.) that has been co-opted. If that fucks with your head then I don't know what to tell you. Maybe listening to the content of the song rather than the beat is your problem.

As CNu says you deserve to be
HIT IN THE EYE WITH HOT PEE for even daring to make that comparison....but then again that's your M.O. confusing shit for sublime.

Big Man said...


Those lyrics...

Compared to P.E.

That's like Bill Simmons comparing Tiger Woods to Ali.

Man. That's bad son. Just bad.

If don't eff with Obama, more power to you, but you can't be co-signing stuff like that.

That's just unseemly.

KonWomyn said...

If y'think the lyrics are, the video's infinitely worse. The disturbing appeal this has brings to mind something in an article iThink Sub once posted: The Unbearable Whiteness of Emceeing by Harry Allen:
"All of this is about race; about, both in the sense of “with regard to,” and “in a circle around: on every side of” about the power of hip-hop fused with the power of white supremacy."

Denmark Vesey said...

Actually Wax I feel you man.

The analogy of PE's attack on Bush is accurate.

"Public education made me dumb, man
Barack Obama done beat me like a drum, man
Thought I was votin for hope, I was votin for a bum, man"


Public education does make people dumb.

Since Obama has been elected he has played the front man for the Plantation agenda which has actually intensified since the days of Bush.

On the money again.

Don't mind these old cats still who want to pretend PE is sacrosanct.

Rap has evolved far beyond that shit Chuck was poppin 20 Years ago.

These white boys are barking up the right tree.

They just aint got no flow.

Anybody going to to put Obama in lyrical perspective is going to have to flow like a genius.

Be honest.

I can't see nobody doing it other than me.

Maybe Fiddy or Jigga.

But them street cats love the dough more than the truth.

So only me.

hot wax said...


But them street cats love the dough more than the truth.

You right on bro-

Big Man,I go back the "content" - Any blind man can see that these folks are lyrically challenge and halfway making it thru rhythm wise. But what I was trying to pick up is- here a bunch of corporate geeks who were Obama fans that felt that they got burned enough to call him out "FOOL ME ONCE....."

THEY WENT AT IT ABOUT THE IRAQ WAR, the stimulus money, destroying his records, spending money for abortion all around the word etc., etc., in auto tune :)

I will buy any rappers lyrics that would come out with my favorite beat which is the "truth". Check out Paris people.

I got news for you, the brothers are getting burned worse (you been to detroit lately) by Obama's bait and switch moves but all I hear on the radio is " my president is black, my cadillac is white".

DMG, BM, -Nobody can hold a candle to PE. Shockley is the bomb. The reference to this video was the "political attack" to say -hey you lying sack of shit, I bought your bullshit and now look what you done.(PE in my mind was all about the attack of the Gov. I know Griff. ) The irony was I came up with black rappers attacking(with truth) a white prez and 30 years later I am watching this shit the reverse(with Truth).

thats what fucking me up. No black outrage.

Nobody to say like Ali "why in the fuck am I halfway around the world still fucking people like me up." "Bitch I voted for you just for that reason - i wanted out of Iraq."

BM, DNG- of course they will never have the skills that we have ,ergo the "?" mark. However heart? Geeky 30 something white people that was his fanbase (that I always saw as week) pissed off enough to get some rap shit on youtube-go on with your bad self.

Ain't that a bitch.

" Whatever happen to the "hope" boy?" OTP

Anonymous said...

MOTI will twist and turn in any direction to disagree with me.

That, son, was one of your greatest bitch moves on record.

Comparing the sublime (Public Enemy)
to complete shit (whatever those corny frauds are called who were spewing OTP shit).

NEGRO PLEASE. You have irrevocably played yourself.


On ANY level there is no comparison.

Not Lyrics

Not Delivery

Not even the TOPIC of political attack. Are you going to try to compare the two as black rapper attacks white president and white rapper attacks black president...because it's not that simple.

It wasn't even accurate. He blames Obama for losing his job at the bakery and having to sell drugs (like this pasty patsy is on anybodies corner with a MAC 10...).

Obama has been in office 13 months, and prior to this white men have been in Office 233 YEARS.

Whatever, simple minds will find simple comparisons.

Denmark Vesey said...

Plantation Negro MD ...

Change the subject?

Batty boy I invented the subject.

You cannot see beyond simple minded race contests like:

Public Enemy vs. White Rappers


Barack Obama vs. 233 years of White Presidents.

It's not a Rap Contest Jigga Boo. It's political commentary.

Graduate beyond the obvious for 5 minutes.

Your typical low-level Plantation Negro thinking is an example of what is retarding the political development of black people in this country.

It's also an example of why your patients are so sick.

CNu said...

That, son, was one of your greatest bitch moves on record.

NEGRO PLEASE. You have irrevocably played yourself.


dood, Larooshifer better than this.

but check it - shortly after you, FEK, Sub, and I - took him to the woodshed a couple times, the head office sent him all these imps - and shit has gone steeply downhill ever since.

Denmark Vesey said...

^^ Uh Oh. LOL

This part always cracks me up.

Plantation Negros grab the pompoms to gas each other up to do what they can't do.

Rollin' their eyes at Denmark Vesey.
Suckin' their teeth. Bitch and Moan.

Aight aight. Let me entertain myself...

Pigeons fly in flocks
The eagle flies alone

Hyenas run in packs
The Lion stands on his own

Sittin' on the thrown ... DV slaps chrome to the dome of Jigga Boos who got an 'A' in science ... but feed their babies clones ... corrupted genomes ... and genetically modified chromosomes.

Come on Homes. You Porkenstein Negros need to phone home.

Even Chuck D is a Vegan. It aint too late to atone.

Put down the diseased chicken bones.

On the next PE album he will tell you your diet is the nutritional equivalent of a subprime loan.

Anonymous said...

Change the subject? Really? You are the absolute King of misdirection...especially when someone has pulled your skirt up to reveal that you don't measure up.

Don't get all huffy...that just increases your bitchiness.

Change the you've gone from comparing P.E. to whatever weak ass white kids someone posted from YouTube, to talking about diet. Do you even READ the stuff you write before you hit "Publish Comment"??

And you haven't invented anything since your last bowel movement (and even that's questionable).

I'm talking about sublime vs profane, while you are elevating some random bullshit to same level of social commentary written by visionaries like Public Enemy.

You know damn well that had nothing to do with race, Beezlebubba. Classic misdirection. You are trying to put everyone on an even playing field even when they don't deserve it.

You said it. It's written just above these posts. I don't question your blackness. No...I question your intelligence and sanity.

You are clearly the dumbest motherfucker in this joint, and it's sad that it's your own house. I feel bad coming in here beating you like you stole something on a daily basis.

You have no shame...or perhaps you just enjoy being spanked. Hey, whatever gets you off...

I know you don't have anything else to say and you are feeling that pang of embarrassment since you are rhyming again. You do that when you are nervous. And that shit is weak anyway. Move your punk ass on.

What you need to do is go out to your back yard and bring me back a switch...