conspicuous consumption is a core symptom of dopamine hegemony...,
dopamine hegemony is the antithesis of Black supremacy
the antithesis of Black supremacy is pure deviltry
here's a symptom of Black supremacy
imitation highest form of flattery
conspicuous Blackness?
accept no substitutes...,
But CNu,
What consumption is more conspicuous than obesity?
Submariner said...What consumption is more conspicuous than obesity?
I can agree with the comparison DV except for a couple of qualifiers. One is that the wholesome variety of foods that you justly advocate for are quite expensive.
Not by just a few cents or even one or two dollars. The other is that physical fitness requires a fair degree of leisure. Again a class dependent feature. A striking experience for me was to go back to the hood and see guys my age who were physical hegemons in their youth until they got full-time employment and families.
Denmark Vesey said ...
Yes. Wholesome, natural foods are expensive.
But they are cheaper than cancer.
CNu said ...
The only location in metro KC carrying Chia seeds, for example, is waaaaaay out of the hood and wants $23/lb for those joints...,
Denmark Vesey said ...
How much does a month's supply of the leading diabetes drug Avandia costs?
It was just linked to heart attack deaths. What does that really cost ... per pound?
Submariner said...
A striking experience for me was to go back to the hood and see guys my age who were physical hegemons in their youth until they got full-time employment and families.
Denmark Vesey said ...
Nah Bra Sub. Employment and families did not reduce the physical hegemons of your youth to the physical disappoints of your present. Their Plantation Diets inevitably caught up with them. Just like factory farmed herds of cows, hogs, chickens and now fish are fed a diet they cannot digest ... the Plantation feeds, what is in their institutionalized mind, herds of peasants a diet they cannot digest.
Which is the essence of my of my thesis.
Eating cloned meat IS unsustainable.
Eating Genetically Modified Food IS unsustainable.
Diabetes IS unsustainable.
Half the population on prescription drugs IS unsustainable.
A vaccine full of toxins for every microbe du jour IS unsustainable.
Normalizing homosexuality IS unsustainable.
Outsourcing US Foreign Policy to Israel IS unsustainable.
A man without a woman IS unsustainable.
A man without a pistol is unsustainable.
Man without God is unsustainable.
All things considered Benzes, Brioni and few rounds of golf in the Caribbean are quite reasonable.
Check this out, it was posted by Bro Makheru on the other thread:
Global System of Black Supremacy
Per Media Takeout this medallion costs $500K.
the dudes signal their submission to the devil while the sorority girls signal their submission to __________?
cultural appropriation?
cognitive infiltration?
Did the audience's response signal the former or the latter?
What consumption is more conspicuous than obesity?
just to name a few.
there is no more heinous expression of plantationism than unsustainable conspicuous consumption.
these ZTA girls shamed the devil by the conspicuous discipline and respect that they demonstrated for a hallmark traditional token of creative Black cultural production.
the girls brought hella swagger without the inexcusable weakness of needing to rely on a consumable status crutches in order to make an otherwise weak message resonate.
their message was hella strong and immediately resonated with that audience - making them for a moment the Blackest women to take that stage that day.
interestingly this morning Tom Joyner had to put on blast the AKAs and Deltas who got mad and walked out when the grand prize was awarded to the ZTAs.
I can agree with the comparison DV except for a couple of qualifiers. One is that the wholesome variety of foods that you justly advocate for are quite expensive. Not by just a few cents or even one or two dollars. The other is that physical fitness requires a fair degree of leisure. Again a class dependent feature. A striking experience for me was to go back to the hood and see guys my age who were physical hegemons in their youth until they got full-time employment and families.
The only location in metro KC carrying Chia seeds, for example, is waaaaaay out of the hood and wants $23/lb for those joints...,
Yeah, I checked out the cost of chia seeds too.
Damn son.
Then again, I guess if you're payig that much for food, it's a built-in deterrent to eating a lot.
Kind of like what Dorcas' Daddy was talking about with farm-bred meat.
But then you would have to convince folks to sacrifice, which is always a hard sell.
Telling folks it's good for them is not enough.
In regard to the cost of food and health etc. One major Axiom is being tossed out the window:
Less is more......
When your system is balance you don't need the plantation 3 squares meme. As a matter of fact, 3 squares of any amount of plantation food will make you obese not only because of the "over consumption" of the Plantation food but also because " the shit that is in the food is all poison" and needs to be "stored" away from the organs (as fatty acids-especially if eaten at nights).
Check this:
9am- Organic Banana and Pear
2pm- Juiced veggies in the Montel Blender(saves everything no throw away pulp.)
5) 4 oz Organic Grass fed Beef from local farm, Greens , beans, Organic brown rice1/2 cup.
that is what I will have today!
Many days I will also fast or skip one.
-Total for the day 7 to 10 bucks?
Drink?(never while I eat.) Non-Chlorinated or non- fluoridated water.
Don't ever drink your Calories.
Again, add that stuff up - it is cheaper than 3 mickey dee's square any day.-
The aforementioned keeps me at very muscular and rip 185. Not Hungry afterwards because it ain't cooked in the micro, so I get all the nutrients my body needs. Body is then satisfied -no hunger pangs.
Workout cost? (Free!!!!)- dude P90x was not lying-take it from a former bodybuilder with a 35,000 dollar gym in his basement which he doesn't use anymore.
(Free) 45 mins 3 x a week of using your body weight will get you prison ripped. Everything else is bullshit.
Last, get out side and walk 3 times a week ... leave the car at home. Walk to church, walk at lunch! sheeeit, walk up your stairs.
It does not cost that much and does not require that much time to live in the light...Excuses are tools in which we use to build monuments of Nothingness. We create them to justify our addiction to "crack(plantation food)" habits.
To eat correct and to be physically fit, you guys need to talk to some poor island jamaicans. They are doing it all day long with very meager resources. Less is more...that is why Bolt said that he ain't training in the US.
You can't transfer the old plantation mindset of eating to the same that is needed for the freedom of healthy living. The entire method of eating potato chips and drinking a gator aid for breakfast is over consumption and also very conspicuous :).
One last advice. Kill the words Breakfast, Lunch and dinner from your mind. Your body will thank you.
'Xplain sumthin to me, DV:
If playing on the greens, having a wife and family and eating healthy n organic are the defining characteristics of conspicuous Blackness and sustainable living, how does that square up with rappers who give props to playas with groupies, one of whom is a father of six kids with different women and all are conspicuous consumers of copious amounts alcohol?
I'll grant that over the lung run the costs of prescription drugs and the morbidity outweigh the cost of the select foods you recommend. But it's not just a matter of lack of discipline. Even you yourself have been known to indulge in drive thru food service as divulged when you took that photo a while back of the uncoventional server.
Like Craig said that stuff you eat isn't even available in the hood. When I was a kid we didn't have a car and walked a mile to the local supermarket to load up our cart. For a single mother of two such food selections even if available was unaffordable.
If you are spending $10 per day on food, you can probably do a raw program. Mine is about $350 per month. Well worth it.
$350 per month for one person to eat?
And you don't get no bacon?
Y'all ninjas is tripping. :)
LOL!*dead* @ Big Man
Unless there's more than food to this programme, gimme that $350 and I'll teach you how to do this on your own. Self-reliance is key to one's health.
Didnt you just post that you spend 7-10 per day? Ingredients, time to prepare, and convenience. Well worth it. Glad I got it to spend, but you're spending it anyway.
There's no such thing as a fat old man.
No that was Wax, I spend less than that, but still eat rite.
No such thing as not having time. Make time. Y'can organise y'self to spend 10mins of every 4 hours of your waking life to make a raw meal.
It's great you have the money to spend, but what happens after the program? Will you still eat as good?
Submariner said...
I'll grant that over the lung run the costs of prescription drugs and the morbidity outweigh the cost of the select foods you recommend.
But it's not just a matter of lack of discipline." Submariner
Actually Sub, I think it has very little to do with discipline.
Implications of asceticism are an old assumption haphazardly attached to people who abstain from an industrialized diet.
I don't think it takes discipline to NOT eat cloned meat.
Actually, I think it requires more discipline to IGNORE the fact that one is eating cloned meat than it takes to turn it down.
This self-policing quality of people I call 'Plantation Enthusiasts' fascinates me.
"Even you yourself have been known to indulge in drive thru food service as divulged when you took that photo a while back of the uncoventional server." Submariner
Green tea .. bra. Green tea. Check the archives. I'm too much into "conspicuous consumption" to consume factory food. Not even factory "salads".
"Like Craig said that stuff you eat isn't even available in the hood. " Sub
Of course it is not.
Which is reason to get out of the hood.
The lack of whole healthy nutritious, Genetically Untampered Food ... IS THE REASON THERE IS A "HOOD".
"When I was a kid we didn't have a car and walked a mile to the local supermarket to load up our cart." Submariner
That was good living.
1) The food when you were a kid ... is QUITE different from the "food" that fills the supermarkets today.
2) Walking. With your family. To get food. Together ... is luxury.
You were rich Brother Sub. You were rich.
"For a single mother of two such food selections even if available was unaffordable." Submariner
OK. Let's say that's true.
Do you have more means than your single mother?
How differently is your daughter eating today than you ate as a child?
It looks like DeeVee's "you can never be too rich or too thin" Jensenist dietary elitism has already died and started to decay on the memetic vine....,
Better head back to the drawing board with that and see if you can figure out some kind of right-sizing/right-pricing of your "solution" for the hood son.
But then, you're not devising or proposing "solutions" as much as entertaining and congratulating yourself at the expense of those who must feed a family of 6 on $350/month, right?
It just now dawned on me that "conspicuous consumption" - as the foundation of one's memetic program - is not only petty and mean, but it's straightforwardly Malthusian as hell too!!!
^^ LOL. That's cute CNu.
It's funny when the cat extolling the virtues of natural food, the immediate health benefits of sunshine and the dangers of cloned meat ... is depicted as 'The Bad Guy'
the dudes rubber stamping mass vaccinations and GMO Food are the bourgeois cultural heroes.
Cuz they don't golf.
Come on CNu.
Look at what your boy is accomplishing here.
We've got a collection of black folks freeing themselves of hundreds of years of dietary bondage, educating each other on the real impact of Genetically Modified Food and the devastation of High Fructose Corn syrup ... and you bending over backwards in desperation to minimize and reduce.
Don't hate.
Now as far as "Food In The Hood" ...
We'll deal with the Hood later.
I'm talking to you EduMahCated Negros with computers and credit cards.
Let's save your fat asses first ... and worry about EVERYBODY in the Hood later.
"It just now dawned on me that "conspicuous consumption" - as the foundation of one's memetic program - is not only petty and mean, but it's straightforwardly Malthusian as hell too!!!"
Like that ain't obvious and interesting that you of all people might use the term Malthusian when speaking about someone else!!!!! Heh! Seriously though, your observation is astute. The majority of Americans cannot spend that type of money on food and if they are poor, the government is paying for their medication so that ain't coming out of their pockets. The truth is that we need to open up our minds about eating and being healthy. I daresay I ain't about to starve myself because I cannot afford to eat but a small portion due to cost.
My husband spent almost three hundred dollars on organic veggies at the supermarket (fruit and veggie stands are open yet). Within two and a half weeks, they are almost gone. That means that this month we will have spent damner six hundred dollars on food. For a family of three plus a dog and we don't feed the dog dog food; we feed her chicken and rice or pasta.
At some point, you realize that this is an incredible mindfuck that is setting up another trap for the middle class to fall into. The catch 22 is that if you eat the shitty plantation diet, you aren't getting any nutrients and will have health problems.
If you eat the organic free range way, you will be hella broke and not be able to eat as much. Obviously the way to get around these issues is to push URBAN and suburban GARDENING. My husband and I grow a garden every summer and keep it until January. We pulled up our tomato plants in December and they were cool at that time! We also do indoor gardening.
My sister lives in Atlanta where they go to the farmers market but veggies are still pretty expensive. I've told her that she can do all of that indoors under fluorescents without a high pressure sodium lamp and get some good kale, lettuce, greens, chives, green onions, not to mention herbs like basil, mint, chamomile and so forth.
The SOLUTION for those of us who aren't rich lies in sharing resources and gardening. If you choose to lecture people about good health but provide no solutions other than your own self righteousness and gloating over your superior diet, then you aren't working to solve the problem.
Every time I meet someone who bitches about the cost of food, I give them the same spiel I gave my sister. Grow green leafy veggies and herbs INDOOR and under fluoresents; it will save lots of money and will ultimately get you healthier.
The cool thing is that the indoor garden can be in soil or hydroponic.
Again, all the excuses for not eating" free" instead of plantation meals is just that, excuses.
Your argument sounds like this. "Hey Wax the price of the tomatoes are to high therefore I am going to eat some "crack " instead!"
Over the top? Hell no, that is the true reality of your decision. It will hurt you in the same way.
Earlier I mentioned the Caribbean islands and wondered out how they do it with no food stamps and less than a third of our salary.
HEY !!! I CAN AFFORD MY ORGANIC FOOD to be flown in daily like KT, if I wanted too (pretty stupid if you ask me), therefore if it came to that I would. However I have a friend that is financial challenged and lives on a very low fixed income who eats better that me because he has the" hook up" with the guy who sells live chickens , beef and goats and he knows how to get the veggies from another local guy who grows the stuff right out of his greenhouse. The Korean farmers market probably gives him the free "raw stuff" when restocking the shelves. With his with creativity, tenacity and ingenuity, his food beats my overprice Trader Joe's and Whole Foods Organics any day of the week(Thank God for the reasonable Farmers market). You just got to find a way. Say no to Crack !
If you have been following the economic/winter issues, you would know that the price of food is about to get outrageous and explode in the Spring/ Summer along with some moderate food shortages. For those of you so concern about "easy" you gonna get hurt. Instead of researching alternatives, buying a book about eating wild plants, stocking up and canning your own healthy food now, joining a co-op etc.,etc. We all would rather go to the dollar menu (crack starter kit) at Murder King if the prices start to kick our asses.
Be Drug free at any cost. Make it your most important priority and you will see how relatively easy and satisfying it is.
Just say No! Go Nancy Reagan Go.
Again, all the excuses for not eating" free" instead of plantation meals is just that, excuses.
Your argument sounds like this. "Hey Wax the price of the tomatoes are to high therefore I am going to eat some "crack " instead!"
Over the top? Hell no, that is the true reality of your decision. It will hurt you in the same way.
Earlier I mentioned the Caribbean islands and wondered out how they do it with no food stamps and less than a third of our salary.
HEY !!! I CAN AFFORD MY ORGANIC FOOD to be flown in daily like KT, if I wanted too (pretty stupid if you ask me), therefore if it came to that I would. However I have a friend that is financial challenged and lives on a very low fixed income who eats better that me because he has the" hook up" with the guy who sells live chickens , beef and goats and he knows how to get the veggies from another local guy who grows the stuff right out of his greenhouse. The Korean farmers market probably gives him the free "raw stuff" when restocking the shelves. With his with creativity, tenacity and ingenuity, his food beats my overprice Trader Joe's and Whole Foods Organics any day of the week(Thank God for the reasonable Farmers market). You just got to find a way. Say no to Crack !
If you have been following the economic/winter issues, you would know that the price of food is about to get outrageous and explode in the Spring/ Summer along with some moderate food shortages. For those of you so concern about "easy" you gonna get hurt. Instead of researching alternatives, buying a book about eating wild plants, stocking up and canning your own healthy food now, joining a co-op etc.,etc. We all would rather go to the dollar menu (crack starter kit) at Murder King if the prices start to kick our asses.
Be Drug free at any cost. Make it your most important priority and you will see how relatively easy and satisfying it is.
Just say No! Go Nancy Reagan Go.
@ Ms Rigmaiden - I live in a nice ALL Black area with nice sized lots and nice brick homes.
Everyone is thought to be somewhat well-to-do.
But the odd thing is - we all have fruit trees and/or gardens.
Everyone grows what they enjoy and we end up giving our extras to our neighbors (who may have grown a different crop).
Many of the older ladies still know how to can fruit for the winter.
Most of the residents were from the country so most have access to fresh meat.
Everyone (well, everyone who's lived in the neighborhood for a while - the newbies, that's a different story) hooks everyone else up with their goods.
The gardening is good for getting to know ones neighbors, exercise and some good ole-fashioned sunshine.
Any neighborhood could use the concept to ensure fresh raw foods for all.
- As to the post - The 'Hood Foods' problem is different.
Most of the coner stores cannot afford to throw away old produce so they don't often stock it.
Everything has to last until someone buys it so what's availible are usually pre-packaged long shelf life goods.
Since cheap calories are more common than fresh produce - which would a person choose to fill up on?
The hood problems have more to do with being full, not being worried about healthy.
UBJ, it is great that you live in such an environment. I don't know where you live but kudos to your sense of community. It is really the only way we as a nation will evolve. I was wondering why you felt it necessary to point out that the neighborhood was all Black? Maybe there is a nuance that I am not understanding.
In any event, I agree with what you said. We ought to share with one another. I am extremely shy. But when we have extra food from a barbeque or whatever, the neighbors get some, shyness aside.
^ Oh, some people are always saying that Black people can never work together - that's all.
But after our recent huricanes - everyone Q'd what was in their freezers and everyone ate well for days.
What is often missing is the sense of community.
I would enjoy a response as much as KonWomyn:
'Xplain sumthin to me, DV:
If playing on the greens, having a wife and family and eating healthy n organic are the defining characteristics of conspicuous Blackness and sustainable living, how does that square up with rappers who give props to playas with groupies, one of whom is a father of six kids with different women and all are conspicuous consumers of copious amounts alcohol?
I would enjoy a response as much as KonWomyn:
'Xplain sumthin to me, DV:
If playing on the greens, having a wife and family and eating healthy n organic are the defining characteristics of conspicuous Blackness and sustainable living,
(says who?)
how does that square up with rappers who give props to playas with groupies, one of whom is a father of six kids with different women and all are conspicuous consumers of copious amounts alcohol?
(? ... I don't see how it squares up or conflicts. I'm lost on this one Kay Duuub and Anonymous.
Run it by me again.)
DV: says who?...says your memes, Mayne:
"Eating cloned meat IS unsustainable.
Eating Genetically Modified Food IS unsustainable.
Diabetes IS unsustainable."
In other words eating organic and eating healthy IS sustainble.
Getting exercise IS sustainable.
"A man without A WOMAN is unsustainable"
OR: Get A Chick - If 1 million brothas married 1 million sisters Black people would be the Most Powerful People on the Planet.
So that means having A WOMAN IS sustainable. Marriage, as a union ordained by God, IS sustainable.
...1 million brothas marrying 1 million sistas would also be a sign of Conspicous Blackness - no?
Hence my kwestin, how. does. that. square. up. with. Diddy & co getting paid as poster-boys of a meme on consumption, given that:
1.These are rappers who give props to playas with groupies, one of whom is a father of six kids with different women.
2. These are all conspicuous consumers of copious amounts of alcohol and that visual is also riding alongside a fat woman with a bowl of tortillas. (To which DV rightly says is a cause of disease...but isn't excessive alcohol consumption?)
When a golf and sunshine loving, natural food eating, married, father of 3 Denmark Vesey is pictured under the title Conspicous Blackness versus Diddy, Nelly & Jiga in this *specific* context of what IS/IS NOT sustainable - whatchu sayin'?
What the f*#@ is a meme? LOL
This hurr, some LEGENDARY ducking, dodging, and subject-changing....,
"What the f*#@ is a meme? LOLThe R. said... The R.
Da R!
Meme = "a contagious idea".
Or why Plantation Negros still think pork is a Come Up.
"...1 million brothas marrying 1 million sistas would also be a sign of Conspicous Blackness - no?" DW
ok ...
"Hence my kwestin, how. does. that. square. up. with. Diddy & co getting paid as poster-boys of a meme on consumption, given that:" KW
Who says it squares up?
Who says it dosn't?
The juxtaposition of Diddy et al with CNu's 'Holier Negro Than Thou' treatise on "Conspicuous Consumption" ... speaks for itself.
Uhmm...This isn't 'who says', I'm asking Y.O.U whether it does or does not square up i.e. is it consistent with the Get A Chick campaign?
This is not abt Nulan...It's abt Y.O.U and your treatise on a fat chick with tortilla's being symbolic of conspicous consumption and you standing in the sunshine as symbolic of conspicous Blackness. Are Ciroc & baby mamas symbolic of conspicous Blackness or not?
shaming the devil daily.
CNu is CHOICH!!!
for denmarkvesey....,
Uhmm...This isn't 'who says', I'm asking Y.O.U whether it does or does not square up i.e. is it consistent with the Get A Chick campaign?" KW
"This is not abt Nulan...It's abt Y.O.U and your treatise on a fat chick with tortilla's being symbolic of conspicous consumption" KW
Not "symbolic" of conspicuous consumption.
A "juxtaposition" of the Plantation Negro presumptions about conspicuous consumption.
The question was asked: "What consumption is more conspicuous than obesity".
It was never answered.
"and you standing in the sunshine as symbolic of conspicous Blackness."
"Are Ciroc & baby mamas symbolic of conspicous Blackness or not?" KW
I am.
The question was asked: "What consumption is more conspicuous than obesity".
It was never answered.
deevee lyin....,
He got his answer in choich, waaaay upthread;
just to name a few.
there is no more heinous expression of plantationism than unsustainable conspicuous consumption.
these ZTA girls shamed the devil by the conspicuous discipline and respect that they demonstrated for a hallmark traditional token of creative Black cultural production.
the girls brought hella swagger without the inexcusable weakness of needing to rely on a consumable status crutches in order to make an otherwise weak message resonate.
their message was hella strong and immediately resonated with that audience - making them for a moment the Blackest women to take that stage that day.
got put on front street so tough he not only had to click the link, but then repost the video as an example of the GSBS....,
You answered KW with a simple yes or no, but if it is so black and white why this title and why these responses...
Title: "Tiger, If You Had Married A Sista You Wouldn't Be Up There By Your Damn Self."
response from M. Rigmaiden, "You don't serially cheat on your soulmate because there is no need whatsoever to do so. None."
DV's response , "Happens everyday."
"Or ...
Maybe ...
Young, rich, relatively handsome men tend to have more than one partner sexually anyway.
Always actually.
With a few notable exceptions.
Maybe this concept of "cheating" needs to be reexamined.
Male sexual fidelity is an accomplishment, not a given.
It involves a man overcoming his will. "
Aren't these clear examples of Man without God and Man without Woman? Yet, you seem to be blatantly condoning and abetting this self-serving Behaviour.
-A fact that many fail to realize is though it is a man and a woman that make the commitment to be married, they are joined in that commitment, bound in that covenant relationship, by God.
A woman should NOT stand by her man who has serially maintained relations for YEARS with 19 women after making a covenant with God. Tiger Woods did not falter on one occassion ONLY and he most obviously DID NOTacknowledge his sin to God, to his wife and family until he was CAUGHT. Tiger Woods was without God, is he now, I don't know...but how could you push your propaganda of how if his wife had been that of color she would be standing by his infantile, narcissistic, self-fulfilling, ungrateful, faithless self? Aren't you belittling women of color for stating such a silly meme?
...and by the way Hillary Clinton who is most definitely WHITE stood by Bill, whom like Mr Woods LIED about having sexual relations.
...and Eliot Spitzer's wife, after having sex with prostitutes???
Kudos to Jenny Sanford who did NOT stand by her man who BEGGED to see his mistress again. Wonder how his sons will view women in the years to come?
Tiger Woods was by no means ready for MARRIAGE and for those who say Elin knew of his ways before...
well, don't you marry with the trust that this person, this MAN, who has proposed to you (without manipulation or force,) has proposed because he has CHOSEN to be FAITHFUL, to have YOU and only YOU and make that covenant with God and you?
-response from M. Rigmaiden, "You don't serially cheat on your soulmate because there is no need whatsoever to do so. None."
DV's response , "Happens everyday."
"Or ...
Maybe ...
Young, rich, relatively handsome men tend to have more than one partner sexually anyway.
Always actually.
With a few notable exceptions.
Maybe this concept of "cheating" needs to be reexamined.
Male sexual fidelity is an accomplishment, not a given.
It involves a man overcoming his will. "
First of all I would love to see the stats on these men who marry and have 19+ mistresses whom they maintain relationships with and not just have sex with.
Second, this response is in regards to TIGER WOODS, who is MARRIED and just because he is young, rich and boyish looking does not mean he has sex AND maintains relationships outside of his marriage.
He made a VOW and by your belief system , He is in violation because he has women and not a WOMAN and he most certainly does not believe in GOD.
"Aren't these clear examples of Man without God and Man without Woman?
Yet, you seem to be blatantly condoning and abetting this self-serving Behaviour."
I am not condoning it.
I am acknowledging it.
"A woman should NOT stand by her man who has serially maintained relations for YEARS with 19 women after making a covenant with God."
Happens everyday.
"Tiger Woods did not falter on one occassion ONLY and he most obviously DID NOTacknowledge his sin to God, to his wife and family until he was CAUGHT. Tiger Woods was without God, is he now, I don't know..."
Cast the first stone
" ... but how could you push your propaganda of how if his wife had been that of color she would be standing by his infantile, narcissistic, self-fulfilling, ungrateful, faithless self? Aren't you belittling women of color for stating such a silly meme?"
Women of color?
I don't what that is.
Ask a Sista if she feels "belittled" by Denmark Vesey.
(She might tell you to Get A Chick.)
"First of all I would love to see the stats on these men who marry and have 19+ mistresses whom they maintain relationships with and not just have sex with.
Second, this response is in regards to TIGER WOODS, who is MARRIED and just because he is young, rich and boyish looking does not mean he has sex AND maintains relationships outside of his marriage.
He made a VOW and by your belief system , He is in violation because he has women and not a WOMAN and he most certainly does not believe in GOD."
Cast the first stone
"Women of color?
I don't what that is.
Ask a Sista if she feels "belittled" by Denmark Vesey.
(She might tell you to Get A Chick.)" DV
hmmmm... so what is a sista then?
a woman with no self esteem and no self respect who puts up with a cheating husband and stand by him when he clearly disrespects her?
explain that one Mr Vesey.
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