Sunday, February 21, 2010

"The ideas being milled here are not new nor revolutionary. It's a deep seated angst and fear of modernity..." Submariner


Anonymous said...

That kid looks evil! Those eyes look very demonic.

Anonymous said...

Well, she is possessed thanks to her parents. What do you expect?

hot "torpedo " wax said...

I am afraid of Americans.

trent reznor

Anonymous said...

"...he elaborated by saying the company "USED FAKE SCIENTIFIC DATA" submitted to government regulatory agencies to get commercial approvals for its products in India."

Why is the concept of scientists receiving a steady paycheck so difficult for the people of Earth to process?

hot wax said...

Hey DMG is at a conference "snowboarding" and getting a paycheck for it. Maybe he can answer why they do it..:).

BTW, Gee-Chee We were the original migration of Jamaicans to Houston. In 1975 my parents started a small community in Baytown Texas-thank you exxon and Brown and Root for the slavery move to Babylon. Every week 5 more would show up. We had no idea that the KKK was in pasadena...fuck us up.

DMG said...

Why is it you only believe government sources when they find something negative?

Very selective...

Whatever snowboard is waxed, lift tickets bought, the boy is finally asleep, so excited about going boarding for the first time on his new board.

So...what I'm saying is you all are dead to me for a few days. Enjoy my silence, while you have the chance.

And by the way...I'm getting a paycheck for it because quite frankly I earned it, presenting 5 posters and two PowerPoint presentations.

When you have something original and verifiable to present to the world, maybe you'll have the opportunity to "get a paycheck" while snowboarding...but perhaps you shouldn't run out and buy a snowboard just yet.

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

If you are published, why not supply a link to some of your papers DMG. To protect your anonymity you could reference one paper where you were a co-author. Presenting posters and seeing them is fun and illuminating. Have fun with your child.

submariner said...


Denmark Vesey said...

Scientific Dictatorship

The Doc said...

Ba dump bump.

DMG said...


Why would I post links to my publications here out of context? If we happen to have a discussion regarding a topic for which I've done research maybe I will post.

Or perhaps I already have?