Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Global System of Black Supremacy


Anonymous said...

Hello everyone! I do not know where to start but hope this place will be useful for me.
I will be glad to get any assistance at the start.
Thanks in advance and good luck! :)

KonWomyn said...

Welcome. Start by giving y'self a name. Make up something so pple can identify you out of the pack of anons.

Constructive Feedback said...

Brother DV:

All along I had figured that when the brothers who are in the various frats and were sweet on the White girls that they were telling them about the "Fraternity Handshake".

Who knew that those late night hookups also included STEP PRACTICE??

You know the Sista Girl Sorors are PISSED. Now they have competition from White girls in yet another formerly exclusive domain.

Gotta love it!!

Anonymous said...

So this is really black dance eh? Who's feeding off who's memes?

The R. said...

Good for them!!! It takes a lot of time and hard hard work to put together a great step show.
If they won, then they deserved to win.

Anonymous said...

Thought they looked a bit pale, but until I played the video I figured it was just the lighting. Interesting. Competition is competition. Congrats, it looked like they were truly into it.

Big Man had some comments a few months ago about white valedictorians at predominantly black schools. What do you think BM?

Sasha said...


CNu said...

uh..., apparently the ZTA's have been imbibing deeply for a minute or two.

learn something new err day....,

hot "went to bed" wax said...

CNu -

Coke gave into the AKA's complaint and made them co- winners. It is now a tie! :)

CNu said...

becky phi becky got robbed!!!!

chosen said...

becky phi becky!! this is priceless, I'm CLOWNING my frat/sorority friends as we speak