Research has shown that all meat eaters have worms and a high incidence of parasites in their intestines. This is hardly surprising given the fact that dead flesh (cadaver) is a favorite target for microorganisms of all sorts. A 1996 study by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) showed that nearly 80 percent of ground beef is contaminated with disease-causing microbes. The primary source of these bugs is feces.
A study conducted by the University of Arizona found there are more fecal bacteria in the average kitchen sink than in the average toilet bowl.This would make eating

your food on the toilet seat safer than eating it in the kitchen. The source of this biohazard at home is the meat you buy at the typical grocery store.

The germs and parasites found in meat weaken the immune system and are the source of many diseases. In fact, most food poisonings today are related to meat-eating. During a mass outbreak near Glasgow, 16 out of over 200 infected people died from the consequences of eating E. coli contaminated meat. Frequent outbreaks are reported in Scotland and many other parts of the world. More than half a million Americans, most of them children, have been sickened by mutant fecal bacteria (E. coli) in meat. These germs are the leading cause of kidney failure among children in the United States. This fact alone should prompt every responsible parent to prevent their children from eating flesh foods.
no thanks.
and thanks for turning my stomach right before i eat my curried veggies and brown rice...<3
My son only cares to eat vegetables raw. He will eat cooked string beans and peas, but spinach, carrots etc., he only wants it raw. That's what eventually trained me to eat more vegetables.
My bad cooking probably made him like that.
He was never into meat. That's how I got off the beef for good. Then again, it use to be so heavy in my system it would make me sleepy. He's my blessing.
Pork never was in the equation. Pan sausage use to make my nose bleed back in elementary. Zoinks.
According to blood typing dietary theory, there is no one diet that works for all people and, in fact, some people do better to eat more (quality) meat.
So make sure you don't fall into the conspicuos consumptive pattern of vegetarianism that CNu so aptly pointed out yesterday.
Yeah that is so true; dietary dogma does nothing but turn people off. Human beings need vitamin B12 which is only found in animal tissues. The B12 they found in algae was not true B12 and acted as antagonists...
"dietary dogma does nothing but turn people off." M. Rigmaiden
(when it's the truth and people don't want to hear it ... they call it "dietary dogma")
That's like a crackhead suggesting "Say No To Drugs" is "pharmaceutical dogma".
8 out of 10 Americans are walking around with parasitic worms in their intestines and dropping dead of chronic diseases.
Sticking your head in the sand and waving team flags of Meat Eaters vs Vegetarians is a lame hustle.
This is not a contest between Meat Eaters and Non Meat Eaters.
This is a question of Uninfected Healthy Meat vs. Infected Cloned Factory meat which is 99.9% of the market.
I don't think you get that.
Also, where is the research that shows that the majority of meat eaters have parasites? I've HEARD this before, but never have seen the research. I just got my first colonic irrigation today and she didn't see any parasites come out of me at all! And I figured my colonic irrigation technician would see some if they were there, because other citechs I've spoken to say they've seen them in some patients.
And no, you said MEAT eaters have parasites. You did not distinguish between factory farmed meats and free range meats in your utter condemnation. You say this is the truth, but show it to me. Then explain how many supplements you need each day to counteract the fact that you need B12 but cannot get it from your meatless diet. I am waiting.
"And no, you said MEAT eaters have parasites." M
If 99% of the meat consumed in America is processed factory farmed cloned meat ... MEAT eaters do have parasites.
(Even so-called "Free-Range" chickens are quite processed. Killing a chicken in Arkansas and serving it a Denny's in Atlanta requires a tremendous amount of processing.
Between the time that bird dies and ends up in that Kids Meal ... God knows what is in it.
I eat whole foods.
Complete foods.
Designed by Nature.
Millions of years before I was born.
Not shit slapped together by Monsanto and Meat Making Scientists at Tyson Foods.
Take a 5000iu Vitamin D every time I can't get to the sun.
Get my B12 from blue green algae grown in Hawaii.
Where do you get your micronutrients?
I get my nutrients from whole organic produce and fruits, with meat. I get my medium chain fatty acids from coconut oil, which I feed to my son with his milk and I get my calcium and antifungal and restorative gut bacterial action from raw milk.
You doesn't take into account the millions of Americans who are disgusted with large scale meat operations and go with free range and or local ranch meat. As to where you get your B12, there are two issues that ought to concern you:
1.Aren't algae living beings that you are exploiting for their B12 analogs?
2.Haven't you heard the news? Algae produces B12 analogs which acts as antagonists to the actual vitamin B12 uptake and can be harmful in the long run? I read this on VEGAN SITES!
1.Aren't algae living beings that you are exploiting for their B12 analogs?
Yup. I eat living things.
2.Haven't you heard the news? Algae produces B12 analogs which acts as antagonists to the actual vitamin B12 uptake and can be harmful in the long run? I read this on VEGAN SITES!"
I don't about all that. All I know is what I'm doing works.
Vegan sites?
I don't mess with Vegans.
THE VITAMIN B12 Red Herring
(both of you can be equally deficient)
The subject of vitamin B12 is always debated by the "meaters" vs. vegans, vegetarians or rawwies.:) The supplement companies have many people running to their local health (drug) stores in an effort to make themselves deficiency-free, but DV/Rig- is this a good idea?
DV- even you boy Mike adam got pissed offed by some people fucking with him about the same thing, "Vitamin B12 is made by bacteria! You can get all the B12 you need from non-animal sources. It's a no-brainer (ahem!). But I guess for the journalists who eat a diet of dead meat, processed cheese and homogenized milk, their brains aren't functioning well enough to be able to handle a little nutritional logic in the first place... In the war between the smarts of vegans vs. the smarts of steak eaters, there's simply no competition."
The Real Deal- Vitamin B12 is excreted in the bile and is effectively reabsorbed. This is known as enterohepatic circulation. The amount of B12 excreted in the bile can vary from 1 to 10ug (micrograms) a day. People on diets low in B12, including vegans and some vegetarians, may be obtaining more B12 from reabsorption than from dietary sources.
Reabsorption is the reason it can take over 20 years for a deficiency disease to develop. In comparison, if B12 deficiency is due to a failure in absorption, it can take only three years for a deficiency disease to occur. Since vitamin B12 is recycled in a healthy body, in principle, internal B12 synthesis could fulfil our needs without(but you don't hear though) any B12 being provided in the diet, but there are other factors to be taken into consideration such as whether there is sufficient cobalt, calcium and protein in our diet to ensure a stable vitamin B2 level and the condition of our intestines.
Among the many controversies surrounding vitamin B12, there is the argument that, although Intrinsic Factor is produced in our stomachs and that our intestines are known to produce vitamin B12, the bacteria is produced too low down in the intestines and cannot be absorbed by our bodies. This argument is still hanging around, however, according to Drs it was disproved by research over 20 years ago and is nothing more than an obsolete scientific theory. Indeed, in a 1999 version of 'Human Anatomy and Physiology' by others states quite clearly that we do indeed absorb vitamin B12 through our intestines.
Many people say that the only foods which contain vitamin B12 are animal-derived foods. This also is untrue. No foods naturally contain vitamin B12 - neither animal or plant foods. Vitamin B12 is a microbe - a bacteria - it is produced by microorganisms. Vitamin B12 is the only vitamin that contains a trace element - cobalt - which gives this vitamin its chemical name - cobalamin - which is at the centre of its molecular structure. Humans and all vertebrates require cobalt, although it is assimilated only in the form of vitamin B12.
B12 synthesis is known to occur naturally in the human small intestine (in the ileum), which is the primary site of B12 absorption. As long as gut bacteria have cobalt and certain other nutrients, they produce vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is present in the mouth as well and intestines. Furthermore the active Vitamin B12 coenzymes are found in bacteria in the mouth, around the teeth, in the nasopharynx, around the tonsils and in the tonsilar crypts, in the folds at the base of the tongue, and in the upper bronchial tree. Absorption of the natural B12 coenzymes can take place in the mouth, throat, oesophagus, bronchial tubes and even in the upper small intestines, as well as all along the intestinal tract. This does not involve the complex enzyme mechanism for absorption (Intrinsic Factor) in the small intestine as required by cyanocobalamin. The coenzymes are absorbed by diffusion from mucous membranes.
External B12 coming into the body must be combined with a mucoprotein enzyme named Intrinsic Factor, which is normally present in gastric secretions, to be properly assimilated.
If the Intrinsic Factor is impaired or absent, B12 synthesis will not take place, no matter how much is present in the diet. A B12 deficiency can be caused by antibiotics (from the drugs themselves and contained in milk and meat), alcohol (alcohol damages the liver, so drinkers need more B12) and smoking (and all high temp cooked food is smoky) and stress also raises B12 needs).
There is B12 in any food that contains quantities of the B vitamin complex, but previously they were just not able to assay the amounts. Nowadays, more modern technology has allowed them to discover that there is B12 in those foods rich in the B complex.
Many Doctors do not believe that a vitamin B12 deficiency is more widespread in vegans or vegetarians - this is probably just another marketing lie! In fact, many so-called studies 'showing vegans deficient' have to be carefully studied themselves - many of them do not prove vegans to be deficient at all! In fact, contrary to meat and dairy industry propaganda, meat-eaters are known to be more likely to have a vitamin B12 deficiency - this has been known since 1959!!
Having said this, you still have to must bear in mind that many vegetarians and vegans still take antibiotics or consume antibiotic-containing foods such as onions, garlic, strong radishes and other foods rich in mustard oil, which are lethal to intestinal flora. The trouble is that once we have damaged our intestinal flora, it is difficult to correct without proper and knowledgeable healthcare and dietary advice. It is of far greater importance to correct intestinal flora problems than to spend our lives relying on so-called supplements. People who have a physical problem because they think they are not getting enough vitamin B12, are in fact often not digesting, absorbing or assimilating their foods properly because of the condition of their gastrointestinal tract. When their intestines are healed, vitamin B12 can be utilized and produced once again
The real problem in so-called B12 deficiency is a failure of digestion and absorption of foods, rather than a deficiency of the vitamin itself. Vitamin B12 coenzymes are found in nuts and seeds as well as in many common greens, fruits, and many vegetables. If we ate 100 grams of green beans, beets, carrots, and peas we would have half of our so-called daily minimum requirement of Vitamin B12 coenzymes providing our digestion and absorption are normal.
From Rodale's The Complete Book of Vitamins, page 236 you will find the following clarification: "As you know, the B complex of vitamins is called a 'complex' because, instead of being one vitamin, it has turned out to be a large number of related vitamins, which appear generally in the same foods."
The greatest cause of malabsorption is commonly a gastrointestinal disorder and this was known by pathologists way back in the l800s.
In this case, one's lifestyle must be assessed and brought into unison with the needs of the living organism.
According to Marieb's 'Human Anatomy and Physiology', vitamin B12 can be destroyed by DV's highly alkaline and DMG's highly acid conditions. This assumes that the B12 in meat would be easily destroyed because the hydrochloric acid in our stomachs during the digestion of meat is highly acidic. This may explain why meat-eaters are just as likely to have a B12 deficiency as vegans - even though their diet contains vitamin B12.
Also, as mentioned earlier, another problem for meat-eaters is that there are normally antiobiotics in meat plus the fact that many meat-eaters destroy their friendly bacteria in their intestines by constant putrefaction and the putrefactive bacteria naturally present in meat will give the body a hard time. So, the damaged intestines may not function well enough to enable adequate vitamin B12 levels to be asborbed.
Another side to the equation is that low serum B12 levels do not necessarily equate to a B12 deficiency necessarily. Just because there is a low level of B12 in the bloodstream, this does not mean that there is a deficiency in the body as a whole, it may well be being utilised by the living cells (such as the central nervous system). More reliable tests appear to be that of homocysteine levels and Methyl Malonic Acid tests.
Commercially, vitamin B12 tablets are made from bacteria and the bacteria is deeply fermented. A B12 supplement or injection may help in the short-term, should the levels fall low, but in the medium to long-term, Most "natural "doctors recommend a B12-deficient person tries to get to the bottom of why they are continually becoming deficient, with the help of a Natural Hygienist.
Food's magic is based on thousands of complex interactions of dozens of different phytochemicals which are difficult to recreate in pills. While 190 solid studies prove that fruit and vegetables benefit, supplements have only a smattering of evidence". Vitamins, minerals, hormones, etc. do not work in isolation, they work symbiotically. They work with other nutrients in order for their work to be carried out. When these highly complex substances are disturbed, their overall effectiveness can be reduced. However, too much of a nutrient is draining on our vital energy as the human (or non-human) organism may have to expel a nutrient overload. Also, it is doubtful whether, even if you do have a B12 deficiency, you have only a B12 deficiency. A healthier diet and living conditions, as well as a fast may be in order.
Bio-Systems Laboratories in Colorado is creating one of the world's most comprehensive computer facilities for soil biology testing. They says that, from extensive tests, plants grown in organically-managed soil make significantly higher levels of usable vitamin B12. It has also been reported that vitamin B12 is present in wild fruits and wild and home-grown plant foods.
Natural Doctors contends that animal and dairy produce is a poor source of Vitamin B12 since they are normally cooked and thereore the vitamin is contained in nutrient-deranged foodstuffs which will inevitably destroy the usability of the vitamin. Studies show that those following a typical animal-based diet require more vitamin B12 than those who do not. This is because the typical diet leads to digestive atrophy. Because B12 is peptide-bound in animal products and must be enzymatically cleaved from the peptide bonds to be absorbed, a weakened gastric acid and gastric enzyme secretions (due to a cooked food diet) causes an inability to efficiently extract vitamin B12 from external food. Nevertheless, raw food vegans can actually get more B12 by reabsorption from bile than they do from external food.
The natural soil microbes and bacteria found on wild plant foods and unwashed garden plants are typically adequate to supply our B12 requirements. The natural microbes in the soil need to be duplicated and to colonise in our digestive tract, without fermentation or putrefaction.
Eat Dirt people!:)
Another point worth considering is that vitamin B12 Recommended Daily Allowances (RDA's) are based upon the average cooked food (meat and two veg), smoking, drinking person. Commercial interests have indeed grossly exaggerated our needs for many nutrients. These studies tell us nothing of the requirements for a healthy vegetarian. It is very difficult to determine precise individual needs of any vitamin or nutrient, and an overload of any vitamin or other nutrient creates an unnecessary burden on our vital domain. Factors such as rate of metabolism, stress, etc. can determine our differing and often changing needs.
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (1998, Volume 48) that only 0.00000035 ounces (1 microgram) of vitamin B12 is required per day. These minimum vitamin requirements may be inadequate to explain the needs of a healthy raw food vegan, for example, who may require less B12 due to an improved gastric ability and a high ability to recycle vitamin B12. (Cooking destroys microbes and a highly sterilised, cooked vegan diet may not provide the intestines with enough good quality flora). Absorption rates of B12 are inevitably higher in healthy individuals than in unhealthy individuals. Studies, based on healthy Indian vegetarian villagers, showed that none of them exhibited symptoms of B12 deficiency, despite levels of .3-.5 micrograms of B12.
Vitamin B12 deficiency is typically caused by lack of absorption in the intestinal tract rather than a lack of this vitamin in the diet. People have lived in such a sterile, antiseptic environment for so long that these necessary symbiotic organisms have been less than present in our diet. They argue that by ingesting soil-born organisms you can maintain an enormous reservoir of uncoded antibodies ready to transform specific pathogens, the way nature intended - again by eating a little dirt!
If a person is healthy and on a healthy vegan, high-percentage raw food diet and does not habitually over-eat, wrongly combine their foods and abuse their bodies generally, and is able to obtain quality produce and utilise fasting quite regularly I would suggest that it is unlikely that they will develop B12 deficiency symptoms providing their intestinal flora was not previously deranged. Vitamin B12 deficiency is usually symptomatic of a larger problem i.e. poor intestinal flora, poor absorption, gastric disorders , etc. and can also be attrributed to a lack of sunlight. (Nice DV) There are indeed many factors involved here since adequate B12 levels, as mentioned, are dependent upon sufficient calcium, vitamin B12, zinc, cobalt, protein, etc.
Just because a wild fruit or organic plant food contains only a small amount, this does not mean it is deficient. It may just be because we only need a small amount anyhow. The pill pushers are quick to say that our soil is deficient, but according to Diamond and others, if a seed does not receive the elements it needs IT WILL NOT GROW (OR WILL GROW POORLY ). Also, plants obtain nutrients from other sources in greater amounts: the sun, water and the air. Plants actually obtain only about 1% of nutrients from the soil.
If you do develop a B12 deficiency, certain urgent dietary adjustments may need to be made, and there is a possibility that fasting is in order. In any case, on switching to a healthier diet, be it vegetarian, vegan or raw food (for optimum health), you should go back to nature as much as possible and pay little attention to germ phobics who advise us to scrub our vegetables and fruits. Buy organic and eat home-grown or wild foods and do not clean them too scrupulously! Also it is important to ensure adequate nuts and seeds in the diet.
The Meat/protein (Frazier)-thesis vs the Veggies/carbs(Ali)anti-thesis Hegelian Headfake fight meme is sometime so loud on this blog, that we sometimes miss the unspoken Fats/Natural and Wild ( Don King- the Real Money Maker) -Synthesis in this battle.
But you don't Hear me though.
The answers may have been overlooked.
Can we talk about the early natural Eskimos?
Too much lean protein fucked them up real bad in several medical test along with the fact that they did not eat as much protein(especially cooked (worthless to them sometimes) )as we have assumed- matter of fact they also had some of the best Vitamin and mineral profiles including Vitamin C!, Wow! How did they achieve that with little carbs or any veggies in their diet, yet they were somehow tested and found to be some of the healthiest humans who could also survive most extreme conditions.
Well bingo! you got ..Carbs.. Protein ... What is left?
You wanna hear the story? :)
Hint-check the premise:
There are no essential foods—only essential nutrients. And humans can get those nutrients from diverse and eye-opening sources.
ps- they use to live to be ripe old ages until we brought them the western supermarkets and gave them Tang and shit like that! :)
From Dr. Mercola
Scientists are beginning to acknowledge that diet plays a major role in chronic disease, and may even be responsible for one-third of cancers. However, everyone needs a unique diet because its influence depends on an individual's genetic makeup. And, eating a diet that is particularly wrong for your genetic makeup can cause gene expressions that promote chronic illness. On the other hand, eating an "intelligent" diet that balances your system can prevent such illnesses from occurring.
Under this premise, one person may thrive on a diet of primarily salmon, spinach and olive oil while another may do well on red meat, peanut butter and cheeses.
@ II - Yeah...
But if anyone tries to identify which diet suits whom (even breaking it down to racial tendencies), everyone cries foul or assumes some sort of scientific descrimination.
IMOHP - Some dietary practices should carry warning labels like the ones on medications - some have a negative effect based on race, gender or age.
Under this premise, one person may thrive on a diet of primarily salmon, spinach and olive oil while another may do well on red meat, peanut butter and cheeses.
interesting ...
are there people who thrive on a diet of primarily farm fed salmon, cloned red meat and Genetically Modified peanuts?
The germs and parasites found in meat weaken the immune system and are the source of many diseases.
Germs don't cause diseases!!!
I thought you knew...
are there people who thrive on a diet of primarily farm fed salmon, cloned red meat and Genetically Modified peanuts?
I've never met one. LOL!!
But, again, the conversation keeps returning to the false dichotomy of meat v. no meat when that is not the point. Factory v. God is the real distinction that Wax, in his lengthy treatises, seems to miss.
"But, again, the conversation keeps returning to the false dichotomy of meat v. no meat when that is not the point. Factory v. God is the real distinction that Wax, in his lengthy treatises, seems to miss."
Trying to understand what you got from my treatises.
I am the one having fun at the "meaters/protein" fighting the "vegans/carbos" battles and having a good time about it by interjecting the fatters (Eskimos) into the Ganme.I think that if you read my stance in the past , it has been "that it is not what you injest but the poisons that are produced (factory) into it." I also had a great time playing with Rig and DV aabout the B12 issues by saying that it was not "a being vegan or meater" issue.
I eat all 3 and just want mine to be pure as hell (from nature and untouched by man- even a fan of raw meat). I am the biggest anti-factory guy out here - therefore help me understand how I came across in my communication as missing that point.
Help me out Ill nanna.:)
Unfortunately you were the only one having fun HW because all I saw was some cutting and pasting from the same old sites regarding B12. Incidentally I don't believe what you copied and pasted at all.
If they've found that B12 analogs are manufactured in plants and that the analogs can interfere with the uptake of nutrients, particularly B12 then I go to animal sources to get my B12. Ghandi said that anyone who recommended veganism to the peoples of India was an ENEMY to the peoples of India. This is because when he went vegan, he got crippled in time and had to add goats milk to his diet.
Ultimately II is speaking the most reasonable about this. My husband and Mother are more veg centered than me but I am more meat and veg oriented, always have been.
DV blanket condemns all meat eaters then when called on it fronts like he was only talking about farmed meat. Puleeze. We all can agree that Big Food meat is not the best for health. However, there is not a shred of evidence that shows MOST meat eaters have parasites; especially since parasites tend to be killed by high temperatures of cooking.
"DV blanket condemns all meat eaters then when called on it fronts like he was only talking about farmed meat. Puleeze." M. Rigmaiden
Mahndisa needs to reduce the discourse to a "meat eaters" vs. "vegan" cliche because it allows her to escape the reality of consuming cloned artificial animals.
That was just un-cool and pure distortion of what the facts are. If I say it, Its without resources( I'm wrong), If I link it (all 40 pages?(no)-thats wrong) - its to much and/or author is suspect. etc., etc.
I was laughing so hard and having fun because the discussion of B-12 (between you and DV in Vegan vs "meaters") was irrelevant and a straight up "red herring" in deciding the merits to being a vegan or not. I took no side and just brought out the "up to date truth" about a very complex group of nutrients (the B vitamins groups).
I have heard the vegan conversion fight all my life and it always ends in B12 (which was to say DV-Rig,"it not the deal breaker you think it is" )- you could possible go to your backyard pond and/or garden (eat dirt) and take care of that issues. Remind of a debate about probiotics)
Like I said "Red Herring"
Later(in another post) I even brought up the Eskimo's eating a diet of mostly fat(70%) to say that the carb vs. protein battle might be overdone and no one took the bait.
However,( by your words) you keep on using the same "old "sites bullshit routine with me because it may destroy a couple of your old memes and( maybe some of DV's too) when it comes to B-12(I don't believe you can get it in the right form via supplements).
If I am wrong point out where and attack the content and not me. (Go ahead and pull out the degree thing again..)
Rig, Not reading and disregarding will not eliminate the facts that cooking (and pasteurizing) V B-12, will have major effect on it just like a microwave will have on derogatory effect on your food.
Rig that is not old.
Did you read anything above about V B-12 regarding
Reabsorption -
B12 synthesis-
Why meat-eaters are just as likely to have a B12 deficiency as vegans -
Absorption vitamin B12 through our intestines-
No foods naturally contain vitamin B12 - neither animal or plant foods. Vitamin B12 is a microbe - a bacteria. it is produced by microorganisms-
Intrinsic Factor-
Supplementing -
My only goal was just to say in the war of vegan vs meater, B-12 needs to be tossed out. i did not choose sides , but you still get joy in painting me in a different light as always.
One more - you said " Incidentally I don't believe what you copied and pasted at all."
Give me 3 little things that I was wrong on in regards to B12 please.
Can "Eskimos" be called with the correct name please.
Interesting stuff, have you looked into what diet suits you best? Or know someone eating that way?
The blood type diet is a diet advocated by Peter D'Adamo, a naturopathic physician, and outlined in his book Eat Right 4 Your Type. D'Adamo's claim is that ABO blood type is the most important factor in determining a healthy diet, and he promotes distinct diets for people with O, A, B, and AB blood types.
1.Foremost, Dr. D’Adamo does not provide any scientific or experimental evidence to validate his recommendations about blood type diet. Rather, the physician seems to rely upon some complicated assumptions and unproven theories such as the theory of lectins. Lectins are a group of glycoproteins that are present in foods. According to food for blood type theory, each blood type differs in its abilities to digest or assimilate these lectins. This means lectins that are good for one blood type might be harmful for others. If unrelated lectins enter the blood stream, they tend to attach to the red blood cells causing their clumping or agglutination. If such agglutination occurs inside the organ, it can evoke an inflammatory response and can even result in serious tissue injury. However, as per the available literature, lectins interact equally with all the blood type antigens. Furthermore, lectins are destroyed easily either during the process of cooking or when they interact with the acidic environment present inside the stomach.
2.According to Dr. D’Adamo, blood type of an individual even affects the secretion of digestive juices and other enzymes inside the stomach and intestine. For example, digestive system in type O individuals contains increased concentration of hydrochloric acid inside the stomach. Similarly, the concentration of enzymes is higher in these individuals. On the other hand, individuals with type AB blood contain an extremely sensitive digestive system with alarmingly low levels of acid and other digestive juices. Again, there exists no scientific rationale behind any of these observations.
3.According to some prominent physicians, people following a food for blood type diet might experience nutritional disorders. The reason is these people get depleted of some important supplements, vitamins, and minerals. For example, dairy and poultry products must be completely avoided by Type O individuals. This results in depletion of calcium and other vital elements inside the body causing conditions such as osteoporosis. On the contrary, Type A individuals entirely rely upon vegetables and fruits. Such persons can experience debilitating muscles. In addition, in persons following Type O diet, cardiologists even predict a greater incidence of cardiovascular diseases due to excessive consumption of red meat.
4.Another contradiction about food for blood type theory is the confusion when it comes to diet recommendations made for individuals with blood type AB. According to Dr. D’Adamo, type AB is one of the rarest blood groups present in only 5% of individuals. These individuals have an extremely sensitive digestive system and should consume a combination of diet pattern followed by type A and type B individuals. Interestingly, diet of type A individuals is strictly vegetarian, while type B individuals can consume lean meat, poultry and dairy products in moderate quantities.
5.Food for blood type theory includes a large number of exceptions and exclusions in terms of foods that can be consumed. Dr. D’Adamo has divided foods into 16 different categories that are again categorized into beneficial, neutral and foods to be avoided. All this entire classification makes it difficult for an individual to remember and follow the specific blood type diet chart, particularly when one is attending social events or going out to a restaurant.
In addition, Dr. D’Adamo even recommends a number of nutritional supplements to maintain a balanced diet.
It is easy for DV to distort my position and ignore everything I've said only picking and choosing things out of context. This has never been a meat eater versus vegan argument for me at all. You have preached at the dangers of eating meat, then bring up factory meat.
I completely agree that factory farmed meat is not good. But free range meats are not bad at all and necessary for many human beings to consume. And I've said that before.
The problem I have is that you usually don't make distinctions in your condemnations and leave one to believe that you are condemning all meat eaters; even ones who eat 'safe' meats. You also seem to believe that one diet is the only righteous diet a human being can eat; condemning others for cooking their food and so forth. So I've asked what can you do if you have oral allergy syndrome. No answer because the answer would prove that raw vegan eating is not appropriate for everybody; just as eating red meat isn't appropriate for everyone.
The majority of Americans are concerned about eating chemically laden cloned meats, and state legislatures at the behest of their constituents have put measures on the box that have passed only to have them vetoed by governors e.g. CALIFORNIA. I sent letters to my Senators about this issue so believe in taking action. What about you?
KW, my Dad is in really good health and lives well off of fresh meats, some dairy and lots of dried fruit, seeds and nuts. Although some people think that eat right for blood type is junk science, there are some who have had good results with it and find the recommendations helpful.
HW, you suffer from delusions of grandeur, an inflated self image and sense of importance, which is too bad. You haven't shown me anything I haven't seen before. Even deeper, I am not convinced that much of what you say has merit.
"HW, you suffer from delusions of grandeur, an inflated self image and sense of importance, which is too bad. You haven't shown me anything I haven't seen before. Even deeper, I am not convinced that much of what you say has merit."
WTF? Another ad hominem attack?
Rig, seriously, stop projecting! Your statement above reflects your fears(ego), not mine. (inflated self image?, sense of importance? - if you only knew).
I am looking back at all my posts right now for Ali- type statements. :)-
I am just an Avatar for God sakes.
No comments back on cooking (denaturing) effects of V B 12 in order to show that meat eaters could be more deficient etc., etc.. Just, I suck and anything I say has no merit.... amazing.
Wow! That was weak.
Since you brought up Gandhi. Right back at you Rig.
"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win."
-- Mahatma Gandhi
I have walked away from the patterns of your comments with the impression you are anti-meat as a rule. If I am mistaken, I apologize.
Interesting stuff, have you looked into what diet suits you best? Or know someone eating that way?
The stuff about my blood type that I have read conformed with the food preferences I already have.
More interesting, however, are my two friends who are AB+, and both of whom have suffered with digestive issues for their entire lives. Each separately went to naturopath doctors and were told to modify their diets to conform to the AB blood type, which also required them to start taking digestive enzymes (apparently AB types don't produce enough) and each has considerably improved health.
I was speaking to one of my aunts who is an MD and has been on IBS meds for over 20 years about the theory and asked her what her type is. She said AB-. I mentioned my two friends and recommended that she start on digestive enzymes. Not sure if she did, but it is quite interesting that the AB types I know all have similar digestive/intestinal problems.
"The problem I have is that you usually don't make distinctions in your condemnations and leave one to believe that you are condemning all meat eaters; even ones who eat 'safe' meats. You also seem to believe that one diet is the only righteous diet a human being can eat;MR
Wrong, wrong and wrong.
The rest is a projection.
I haven't really said anything about meat.
Just posted a few movies, pictures and 'little known facts'.
Mandisa ... by even calling cloned meat ... "cloned meat" ... one is characterized as "condemning meat".
Intestinal parasites are an epidemic, yet even mentioning their existence and correlation with degenerative disease is taboo.
The animals are so pumped full of hormones even calling these mutants "cows, "pigs" & "Chickens" is nothing more than nostalgia.
For these little creatures are something other. They are life created by man, not by God.
I aint telling you to eat it or not to eat it.
I'm just calling it what it is.
Stop projecting all that "vegan" propaganda on me. I shoot rabbits for fun.
No problem II,
I am just a fan of "raw" which in my mind means untouched, unprocessed, and relatively new ( wether it is wild game/meat/fish etc. or fruits / plants). I love meats and fish and try to keep it (braise) as raw as possible and try to never buy it from super markets ( Currently weaning my family off of Trader Joes and Whole food(they are going be co-opted soon therefore-I am seeking out real local growers and farmers). As I joked about in earlier version of my post, the mugga fuggin PTB and their futurists wants everyone to be a vegan and that is the irony of this conversation. Therefore for the record , the term "vegan " don't assimilate well with me because I find the current vegan style "soy" lifestyle to be mooby.:)
I love anything that is not commercialize and I am currently studying Foraging with "wild-man" Steve Brill on how to survive by eating wild foods( u never know:)) .
Man Wax,
You ain't lyin'! I too am convinced that the current fashion trend toward vegetarianism and veganism is a marketing tool to increase the consumption of soy, 99% of which is as poisonous as the factory cloned meat.
And weaning off Trader Joes and Whole Foods is a must. Since both companies are willing to lie about the pasteurized/irradiated almonds they market as raw, they have to go.
Have you tried Organic Pastures?
"Mandisa ... by even calling cloned meat ... "cloned meat" ... one is characterized as "condemning meat".
Intestinal parasites are an epidemic, yet even mentioning their existence and correlation with degenerative disease is taboo.
The animals are so pumped full of hormones even calling these mutants "cows, "pigs" & "Chickens" is nothing more than nostalgia.
For these little creatures are something other. They are life created by man, not by God.
I aint telling you to eat it or not to eat it.
I'm just calling it what it is.
Stop projecting all that "vegan" propaganda on me. I shoot rabbits for fun."
No, what you have done is hold Karyn Calabrese (a raw foodist) up as a hero on your sidebar, you've talked badly about people who consume MEAT period, you make blatant claims about parasites that you cannot back up with any modicum of fact and then say I'm projecting what exactly? You cannot justify what you have said so you obfuscate the discussion. Like I said before, big farmed food is a no no. But that's been established, you aren't addressing the other issues I've brought up because you likely cannot.
As to HW, the last comment you submitted and your Ghandi quote shows that you believe you are some sort of prophet. Good luck with that. We really don't have anything to talk about because of your delusions. So I'll leave you alone and you can leave me alone too.
"No, what you have done is hold Karyn Calabrese (a raw foodist) up as a hero on your sidebar," M
Wrong. Again.
I hold Karyn Calabrese up as a beautiful black woman.
The fact that she is 60 and looks better and is in better shape than most women in their 30's .. again ... SPEAKS FOR ITSELF.
"you make blatant claims about parasites that you cannot back up with any modicum of fact" Mahndisa
"Blatant claims"?
Like what? That they exist? That processed meat is full of parasites? That people who eat and handle processed meat are more likely to have parasites than people who do not?
OK ... Mahndisa. You got me. I have failed to provide evidence of that which is SELF EVIDENT.
"But that's been established, you aren't addressing the other issues I've brought up because you likely cannot." Mahndisa
What? The B12 Bullshit Myth?
Hot Wax provided you an EDUCATION.
Instead of being stubborn for the sake of being stubborn Sista Mahndisa ... you need to thank both of us.
Larooshifer and his "imps du jour" are more evasive than a klavern of kneegrow konservatives....,
Do you really shoot rabbits for fun? That's cold.
Thank you for the heads up on Organic Pastures. I promise you that down here in the South we are being showed news report every other night of Swat Teams busting in on Raw milk folks in tactical gear(wearing black boots, lots of weapons and shit) kicking over milk bottles. They have made folks think that Raw milk is more dangerous that drugs(LOL!). If I place an order with OP I might have to use a fake address in order to stop them from running up in my joint! :)
Please post a link corroborating a single instance of one of these SWAT team raids.
Larooshifer and his "imps du jour" are more evasive than a klavern of kneegrow konservatives....,
Notice DudeW/Tits and the Pork Eating Clique don't even bother to extol the virtues of cloned, genetically modified meat anymore ... they just play "victim".
"You are making fun of meat eating people DV!! Bad DV! Bad! What about people in the hood who can't AFFORD anything except PORK and 99 Cent McNuggets?!? What about the Pooooor DV!!? You and your ConSpicUous Consumption!!"
four hours of mentation and that's all you got?!?!?!
is it any wonder that even your imp quality is shot all to hell?
I'm sorry CNu?
What You Say?
You can raise a cloned pig on 2,000 Watts Per Day how?
muhphuggah be swole as hell on the horseshit
clean as a whistle on the hogwash
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"...'dietary dogma does nothing but turn people off.' M. Rigmaiden
(when it's the truth and people don't want to hear it ... they call it "dietary dogma")
That's like a crackhead suggesting "Say No To Drugs" is "pharmaceutical dogma".
Thank you to Denmark Vesey for clarifying why people "relabel" for emotional appeal when they can't factually refute evidence.
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." - Arthur Schoepenhauer
And by the way...the B-12 "issue" isn't an issue when one considers that flax seeds provide the kind and quantity of nutrients those ascribing to a plant-based diet are supposedly missing.
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