Thursday, February 25, 2010

Comedy ... Genius

fist tap Bra Wax


Amarie said...

Hilarious and true!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

An inside joke is inside for a reason – usually because only a select few people share the references necessary to decipher it or the background to appreciate where the actual comedy is. In the wrong hands the joke will inevitably be misinterpreted. A profound sense of insider irony allowed Black folks to fling the word nigger around with no – or at least very few – explanations necessary. And nigger was the most inside, the most ironic and complexly encrypted element of both Pryor and Chappelle's humor. But it's virtually impossible for a White person in America to use the word nigger ironically. It would be the equivalent of having an interracial slave revolt – the point being that once White folk get an invitation, well, it ain't really a slave revolt no more. It's no coincidence that both Pryor and Chappelle met career crossroads that entailed traveling to Africa and refusing to use the word nigger in their routines when they returned.

-The Devil and Dave Chappelle
By William Jelani Cobb

Anonymous said...

Richard Pryor
Robin Williams
who are the other two?

Absolute GENIUS....don't turn your back.