Wednesday, February 10, 2010

And Plantation Enthusiasts Wonder From Where "AIDS" Came -Let's See ... What Could Have Possibly Fugged Up The Immune Systems Of An Entire Generation?

Mahndisa. ^^Do You Get It Yet^^?


Intellectual Insurgent said...

Conspiracy theory DV.

What happened is a bunch of White men got off of ships, and all those poor little Africans just started dying of AIDS. LOL!!

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

DV, you've conflated a couple of important issues. First you've attacked 'plantation folk' for believing that an HIV virion can cause HIV diseases and later AIDS. Then you attack its origins but these are two separate issues.

AIDS is a real disease and HIV's many mechanisms of action are better understood each day but there is ample information on how it hijacks cellular machinery etc.

As to the origins of AIDS, it isn't a stretch to believe it has nefarious origins. A lot of people I've met believe it was genetically engineered. But just because its origins are suspicious doesn't mean that it isn't a threat to ones health.

Denmark Vesey said...

M ...

What you seem to miss, is that the OFFICIAL explanation of AIDS and it's origin IS a "Conspiracy Theory".

It's just been endorsed by the pharmaceutical / media industrial complex (the Plantation).

It has been wrapped in the facade of Science with a capital "S".

This Science functions like a religion. Skeptics of Scientific Proclamations are treated like heretics.

{Peep Lord Christopher Monckton regarding "Anthropogenic Global Warming" and Peter H. Duesberg regarding the HIV / AIDS hypothesis}

Monckton was called every name in the book when he cast doubt on the official science of AGW.

The science of AGW has been proven fraudulent and the head of the IPCC will be lucky to stay out of jail.

Today people still claiming AGW are clowns. (Notice the propaganda was shifted from "Global Warming" to the all-inclusive "Climate Change" soon after real science revealed the earth was cooling, not warming.)

Skeptics are attacked personally, the messenger is crucified and dogma (HIV IS "THE" CAUSE OF AIDS) becomes the order of the day.

Meanwhile under the watch of the medical establishment MILLIONS of people are dying of AIDS & Billion$ is being spent on HIV related drugs THAT DO NOT WORK.

Mahndisa it is a sad day when our best and our brightest, when our few physicists like you, just accept at face value dogma about AIDS ... THAT COULDN'T POSSIBLY BE TOTALLY TRUE.

There are tremendous reasons to doubt the HIV / AIDS hypothesis.

You are not asking ... "Yeah? Well, what are those reasons?"

You are busy calling people like Duesberg ..."douche bags.

Why the loyalty to Pharmaceutical Propaganda?

How do we know the HIV anti-bodies are not the result of Auto Immune Deficiency and NOT the cause of it?

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

You are doing some powerful drugs today again DV. I have absolutely no loyalty to pharmaceutical propaganda whatsoever. Your biggest problem is that you endorse the viewpoints of some for no apparent reason other than to justify your own biases. Apparently someone from the 'plantation' is simply someone with whom you disagree. After all Duesberg has a PhD from a plantation institution and so does the other doctor you cited in the other thread.

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

And YES anyone who actually believes that some 'races' are superior to others is a douchebag and I will never take that back. A person with those types of thought distortions has no business in science, and even if they contribute something great to their field, it doesn't take away the fact that their biased outlook on life likely prevented them from making greater discoveries. Schockley be damned!

hot "mugga funggin and spicy" wax said...


If DV is wrong, Then explain AZT treatment and Gallo test. By the WHO authority, jailtime and fines if you use anything else.

The problem is Everything We Know About AIDS is Wrong (using your Germ Theory Model)

On April 23, 1984, Secretary of Health and Human Services Margaret Heckler and researcher Robert Gallo from the National Cancer Institute held a press conference and announced that Gallo had found the cause of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), the retrovirus HIV. Heckler estimated that a vaccine would be available in just two years. That same day in 1984, Gallo patented the blood test to detect the HIV antibodies.

As a retrovirus researcher, Gallo had previously tried to pin the blame for Alzheimer’s, leukemia and neurological disorders on a retrovirus, all without success. Now AIDS was in his sights.

But Gallo had skipped an important step in the scientific process: his HIV research had never been subjected to peer review, and was not published until after the press conference with Heckler had already conferred legitimacy on it.

Billions of dollars poured into research programs and millions of people lined up to have their blood checked; by 2006, 72 million Americans had been tested, with a third of that number tested every year. As its creator, Gallo received a percentage of the cost of each test.

To receive a positive HIV test result was considered a death sentence: you would get AIDS and die a miserable death, sooner or later.

As the years passed, it became apparent that this was not true. Only five percent of the people who tested HIV positive went on to develop AIDS. A vaccine has never been found. And there is now a growing group of scientists who dispute that HIV causes AIDS.

Anyone that challenged the consensus that HIV is the cause of AIDS had their funding dried up and was dismissed as a misguided contrarian by those with careers and billions in funding riding on the view that HIV is the cause of AIDS.

The views of the disidents who dispute the infectious model for AIDS are summarized below.

1) All viruses are harmless after antibody immunity. Disease is caused before the antibodies are created, because it is the antibodies that neutralize the pathogen and enable the host to recover. When people test positive for the antibodies, that means they have developed resistance, ‘immunity’ to the virus. No microbe causes disease only after antibodies have appeared, as HIV is claimed to do by your own rules on Germ Theory. Why develop a vaccine for people who already have the antibodies to the disease? : “there is no virus in AIDS patients, only antibodies.”

2) Retroviruses, which are one type of virus, do not kill T-cells. They do not kill the cell they infect—ever. (AIDS is diagnosed partly by a deficiency of T-cells.)

3) HIV does not infect enough T-cells to cause disease.

4) No retrovirus causes disease and there is no logical reason why they should.

5) Viruses replicate quickly; there is no such thing as a slow virus. If a host cannot mount an immune defense quickly enough, the virus will overwhelm and kill the host in a matter of days or weeks. Yet we are told that HIV can cause up to 30 different diseases ten years after initial infection. None of these diseases are specific to AIDS; all existed prior to the “discovery” of AIDS.

6) HIV is not a new virus. When a virus is new in a population that has never been exposed to it, it explodes exponentially. But this is not what we see with AIDS. The number of AIDS cases hasn’t changed since 1985.

hot "mugga funggin and spicy" wax said...


7) It fails Koch’s Postulates, which require four steps to verify that an infectious agent is the cause of a disease.

1. the agent must be found in all cases of the disease;

2. it must be isolated from the host;

3. it must cause the same disease when injected into a healthy host; and

4. it must then be found growing again in the newly infected host.
HIV fails all of these tests. Although theoretically it can be found and isolated from a host, this is in practice very difficult to do, since the HIV virus is not found in humans; only antibodies to HIV are found.

The history of medicine has many examples of diseases which were assumed to be infectious but later proved not to be. Scurvy is caused by a vitamin C deficiency, Beriberi is caused by a thiamine deficiency, and pellagra is caused by a niacin deficiency. All failed Koch’s postulates and all ultimately proved to be non-infectious dietary deficiencies.

8) AIDS has remained in its original risk groups and has not broken out into the general population. Outside of Africa, 97% of AIDS patients are homosexuals, IV drug users, hemophiliacs and transfusion patients.

9) The US Army tests recruits for HIV and finds the virus evenly divided between men and woman, yet AIDS is 90% a male disease.

10) With other infectious diseases, cases are always seen among the doctors and nurses who work with infected patients—but this has not happened with AIDS. Medical workers are actually less likely to become sick with AIDS than the general population.

11) AIDS behaves differently depending on geography. African AIDS appears to be a completely different disease. In part, this is because in Africa, no HIV test is necessary for diagnosis. A patient is considered to have AIDS if he exhibits three of the 4 symptoms: persistent cough, persistent fever, persistent diarrhea and weight loss. These also happen to be the symptoms of malaria, malnutrition and tuberculosis, but there are no large funding programs for those diseases. If something is called AIDS, money pours in.

12) According to Dr. David Crowe, a tenured Professor in the Center for Molecular Biology of Oral Diseases at the University of Illinois at Chicago, HIV is not transmitted sexually. He quotes a study done in the 90s on seroconversion in couples where one partner was HIV positive and the other HIV negative. Not a single case was found where the HIV negative partner became positive, even after years of unprotected sex.

13) Different risk groups manifest AIDS in a different way. IV drug users get tuberculosis and wasting syndrome, gays get Kaposi’s Sarcoma. Yet these specific diseases also occur in high numbers among members of these risk groups who do not have HIV infection. If an IV drug user has tuberculosis and no HIV antibodies, he is simply diagnosed with tuberculosis. If he has tuberculosis and does have HIV antibodies, he is diagnosed with AIDS. It is this method of defining AIDS that assures a high correlation between HIV infection and the constellation of diseases defined as AIDS.

14) HIV supposedly causes 30 different diseases. All other viruses cause only one disease. “There is no HIV specific disease anywhere.”

hot "mugga funggin and spicy" wax said...

15) AIDS occurs without HIV infection, and 95% of those with HIV infection never get AIDS. Despite all this, it is clear that people are sick and dying. If not HIV, what are they dying from? AIDS is a condition of suppressed immunity, and there are many things that can suppress immunity. One of the worst is the HIV drug AZT, which destroys the bone marrow and which was describes as “the most toxic drug ever licensed for long term consumption in the free world.” Many people who test positive for HIV antibodies are told they must go on these dangerous drugs—even though they are completely healthy.

In a tragic case described by Celia Farber in the March 2006 Harpers magazine, Joyce Ann Hafford, a healthy 33 year old single mother, four months pregnant, was enrolled in an HIV drug trial, put on three anti-HIV drugs in June, and was dead by August 1. Although Hafford felt completely well prior to the drug trial and the drugs immediately made her violently ill, she stayed on them in the belief that she must, at all costs, prevent passing the HIV virus on to her unborn child. Hafford had only one HIV test prior to enrolling in the study, and was never told that pregnancy can cause a false positive HIV test.Duh?? I wondered how she died?

Recreational drug use also suppresses immunity and the gay community has, to some degree, brought their woes upon themselves. He points out that it is common knowledge that toxic foreign substances cause disease: alcohol causes cirrhosis of the liver and smoking causes emphysema. But gay activists typically dismiss it as homophobia to point out that drug use and sexual promiscuity can result in lowered immunity.

Crowe says that gay community leaders essentially had a choice between facing up to promiscuity in the gay population, or to the rampant use of recreational drugs such as inhalant nitrate poppers. They were willing to face up to the promiscuity, but not the drug use.

Because recreational drugs such as heroin, cocaine, speed and poppers suppress immunity, many gay men use large amounts of antibiotics to combat infections. Repeated antibiotic use eventually wears down the immune system.

If a gay man with a depressed immune system develops pneumonia and is found to be HIV positive, he will be diagnosed with AIDS and put on toxic HIV drugs, which will further destroy his immune system and virtually guarantee his eventual death. According to AIDS dissidents such as Crowe and Duesberg, gay community leaders have unwittingly contributed to prolonging the fiction of a viral cause of AIDS, due to their unwillingness to confront and change the behaviors that are destroying the immune systems of gay men. Instead, they have successfully clamored for more research dollars focusing on the infectious model, drawing a disproportionate amount of funding away from other, more prevalent diseases such as cancer and heart disease.

But what about Africa? Surely there are not large numbers of Africans inhaling poppers and overloading their immune systems with antibiotics? Yet we are told that AIDS is decimating Africa, and that Africa is teeming with AIDS orphans who have lost both parents to the disease.

Yes, say the AIDS dissidents, Africans are much sicker now than they were 25 years ago. Colonialism has destroyed traditional societies, and there is rampant malnutrition, malaria, war, poverty and a lack of clean drinking water.

hot "mugga funggin and spicy" wax said...


According to Charles Geshekter, Ph.D., a three-time Fulbright scholar who teaches African history at California State University in Chico, the current explanation for the AIDS epidemic in Africa is based on racist beliefs about African promiscuity. In fact, says Geshekter, the European communities in South Africa are far more promiscuous than the Africans, yet AIDS is practically unknown among the Europeans, who are much richer, well-fed, and have access to clean drinking water.

Also, virtually all HIV testing in Africa is done at pre-natal clinics. Although pregnancy causes high numbers of false positives, statisticians extrapolate from the tiny numbers at the clinics to the continent at large, giving the impression of a vast epidemic. In addition to pregnancy, there are 70 different conditions—including use of cosmetics and skin lighteners—that can cause false positives for the HIV antibody.

“After 25 years of a so-called epidemic, with unlimited amounts of money being spent, there is absolutely nothing to show for it,” says Geshekter. He posits that there is not supposed to be an end to the AIDS epidemic in Africa – it is just supposed to keep going. “To ask hard questions threatens the livelihood of the thousands of AIDS researchers, as well as the journalists who have won Pulitzer Prizes for conforming to the received wisdom about AIDS in Africa,” says Geshekter.

Geshekter says that humanitarian groups have a strong incentive to hide the truth about AIDS in Africa. “All the people with money in Africa are those in AIDS programs.” He goes on to explain that there is little money for organizations helping Africans build wells and improve their nutrition and sanitation—but billions upon billions poured into programs to fight AIDS. As for journalists, Geshekter states baldly that those who report the truth about AIDS lose their jobs, while massive research organizations would shrivel up and die if it became known that HIV does not cause AIDS.

The pharmaceutical companies would be wiped out by lawsuits from the survivors of the millions of people who have died after taking toxic HIV drugs, if the truth were to come out. It seems that everyone is making money from the AIDS epidemic – all at the expense of those who suffer and die from the constellation of diseases, many of them pharmaceutically induced, we call AIDS.

In 1990, Neville Hodgkinson, then medical and science correspondent of the London Sunday Times, wrote: “If HIV does not cause AIDS, then we will have witnessed the biggest medical and scientific blunder of this century.”

Eighteen years later, it seems all but certain that Hodgkinson was right.

Ahhh, yeah he was right, but it was not a blunder. Its called Eugenics. Rigmaiden, it is so clear as day that something is not right in the AIDS history and I have no skin in the game in trying to convert your viewpoints on AIDS to mine, DV's or anyone else. However, I am amazed at the vigor in which everyone fights for their "destroyer's " viewpoint without taking a pause and say "let me explore".

At the end of the day, have we loss the lesson of Tuskegee Experiment?


Denmark Vesey said...


Come on Magne.

You just arguing for the sake of arguing now.

I aint "endorsing" anybody.

I'm giving credit where credit is due. Which is something you should try.

If the Imperial Wizard of The Ku Klux Klan pointed out inconsistencies in the HIV / AIDS Hypothesis ... I'd give it up to him too.

The UTTER FAILURE of AIDS Policy to date is why I give the dissenters the Benefit of The Doubt.

Why you ask them to prove a negative instead of asking the Plantation to prove a positive ... HIV is "THE" Cause of AIDS is anathema.

KonWomyn said...

Hot Wax,

HW said:
"HIV does not infect enough T-cells to cause disease."

What happens when there is a combination of HIV1 and HHV6 or HHV8 present in someone diagnosed as HIV+?

HW said:
"No retrovirus causes disease and there is no logical reason why they should"

So what causes chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) or feline leukimia in cats - and what is the FeLV virus carried by if not by RNA as y'say?

hot "mugga funggin and spicy" wax said...

@Kon "what causes chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) or feline leukimia in cats - and what is the FeLV virus carried by if not by RNA as y'say?"

If you saw many of the previous post ; I am on the side of belief that viruses are no more than particles (microbes) and that they are the effect and not the cause of many diseases, however I will speak the language and play along ....Do you remember Gallo( the co-discoverer of HIV) and his relationship with Special Virus Cancer Program (1964-1977)? What the hell is up with "cat Aids" (history before we go there.)

Have you ever heard of SVCP?The SVCP began in 1964 as a government-funded program of the National Cancer Institute (NCI) in Bethesda, Maryland. Originally designed to study leukemia, the program was soon enlarged to study all forms of cancer. The scope of the program was international and included scientists from Japan, Sweden, Italy, the Netherlands, Israel, and Africa. The mission of the SVCP was to collect various human and animal cancers from around the world and to grow large amounts of cancer-causing viruses. As a result, thousands of liters of dangerous man-made viruses were adapted to human cells and shipped around the world to various laboratories. The annual reports of the SVCP contain proof that species jumping of animal viruses was a common occurrence in labs a decade before AIDS.

The SVCP gathered together the nation's top virologists, biochemists, immunologists, molecular biologists, and epidemiologists, to determine the role of viruses and retroviruses in the production of human cancer. Many of the most prestigious medical institutions were involved in this program.Connected with the SVCP were the most famous future American AIDS scientists, such as Robert Gallo (the co-discoverer of HIV), Max Essex of "cat AIDS" fame. Gallo and Essex were also the first to promote the widely accepted African green monkey theory of AIDS. This theory was proven erroneous as far back as 1988, but was heavily circulated among AIDS educators and the media until the theory was superceded by the chimp theory in the late 1990s.
Also joining forces with the SVCP at the NCI were the military's biological warfare researchers. On October 18, 1971, President Richard Nixon announced that the army's biowarfare laboratories at nearby Fort Detrick, Maryland, would be converted to cancer research. As part of Nixon's so-called War on Cancer, the military biowarfare unit was retitled the new Frederick Cancer Research Center, and Litton Bionetics was named as the military's prime contractor for this project.

According to the 1971 SVPC annual report, the primary task of the now jointly connected National Cancer Institute-Frederick Cancer Research Center was "the large scale production of oncogenic (cancer-causing) and suspected oncogenic viruses to meet research needs on a continuing basis." Special attention was given to primate viruses (the alleged African source of HIV) and "the successful propagation of significant amounts of human candidate viruses." Candidate viruses were animal or human viruses that might cause human cancers.

For these experiments a steady supply of research animals (monkeys, chimpanzees, mice, and cats) was necessary; and multiple breeding colonies were established for the SVCP. Primates were shipped in from West Africa and Asia for experimentation; and virus-infected animals were shipped out to various labs worldwide.
In order to induce primates and other research animals to acquire cancer, their immune system was deliberately suppressed by drugs, radiation, or cancer-causing chemicals or substances. The thymus gland and/or the spleen were removed, and viruses were injected into newborn animals or into the womb of pregnant animals. Some animals were injected with malaria to keep them chronically sick and immunodepressed.

KonWomyn said...

Hot Wax,

That's all informative and stuff. Most of it I've read or seen in docus, but it doesn't answer my question on retroviruses:

So what causes chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) or feline leukimia in cats - and what is the FeLV virus carried by if not by RNA as y'say?

Or did I miss the answer somewhere in the script?

hot "mugga funggin and spicy" wax said...

@ Kon

Walla! The creation of feline leukemia and "cat AIDS" was accomplished by claiming the transfer of HIV-like cat retroviruses i. All hail Myron (Max) Essex, who later went on to become a famous AIDS researcher. All this man-made creation of AIDS in laboratory animals directly preceded the "mysterious" 1979 introduction of HIV into gay men, the most hated minority in America.

So there you go. Gallo and his boys were phucking those cats up with the Kitchen Sink! ((((((In order to induce primates and other research animals to acquire cancer, their immune system was deliberately suppressed by drugs, radiation, or cancer-causing chemicals or substances. The thymus gland and/or the spleen were removed, and viruses were injected into newborn animals or into the womb of pregnant animals. Some animals were injected with malaria to keep them chronically sick and immunodepressed)))))

From his note:
Recorded in the 1971 SVCP report (NIH-71-2025), Gallo's project notes state:

"Inasmuch as tests for the biological activity of candidate human viruses will not be tested in the human species, it is imperative that another system be developed for these determinations, and subsequently for the evaluation of vaccines or other measures of control. The close phylogenetic relationship of the lower primates to man justifies utilization of these animals for these purposes."

Researchers at Bionetics injected human and animal cancer material into various species of monkeys to determine the cancer effect. Newborn and irradiated monkeys were injected with blood ("using multiple sites and volumes as large as possible") taken from various forms of human leukemia. In other studies, tissue cultures infected with various animal viruses were inoculated into primates. How many "new" and "emerging" viruses were created and adapted to human tissue and to various primates is not known. Some primates were released back into the wild carrying lab viruses with them. The possible spread of these lab viruses to other animals in the wild has been ignored by scientists searching for the origin of HIV and its close relatives in African animals.

Cats were also bred for leukemia and sarcoma cancer studies. Germ free colonies of inbred mice were established. Mouse cancer viruses were manipulated to produce resistant and non-resistant strains. These adapted viruses would be employed in the 1980s in human gene replacement experiments. Such experiments utilized a weakened strain of the mouse leukemia virus to infect and "taxi-in" the missing genes to genetically-defective human beings.

The end of the SVCP and the birth of AIDS

By 1977 the SVCP came to an inglorious end. According to Gallo, "Scientifically, the problem was that no one could supply clear evidence of any kind of human tumor virus, not even a DNA virus, and most researchers refused to concede that viruses played any role in human cancers. Politically, the Virus Cancer Program was vulnerable because it attracted a great deal of money and attention and had failed to produce dramatic, visible results."

Despite all this, the SVCP was the birthplace of genetic engineering, molecular biology, and the human genome project. More than any other program it built up the field of animal retrovirology, which led to the vital understanding of cancer and immunosuppressive retroviruses in humans. As the SVCP was winding down, thousands of gay men were signing up as guinea pigs in government-sponsored hepatitis B vaccine experiments in New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. These same cities would soon become the three primary epicenters for the new "gay-related immune deficiency syndrome," later known as AIDS.

Stop using their paradigm, we are dealing with demons and because of our fears we will keep on manifesting them. Choose to not play.

Anonymous said...

Just a side note, not disagreeing.

Western scientists historically have propagated racial superiority by means of "objective discourse." But the science community (not science itself) like anything else should not be thought as some sort of 'home base' from human failings. The fair, stoic, Vulcan-like scientist unaffected by debauchery. Nope.

This is why the everyday cat intuitively trusts information upon hearing the preceding phrase "Scientists say..." Don't even give you a name, that's how pimp'n the PR has become for the science community.

I agree it is problematic to have those in authority with such degenerate ideas, and some equally argue a decomposing legacy of MLK's significance due to his exploits with other women (or rather one woman). Just saying that is an arguement some assert.

That is the world we live in and I'm hate'n on the science field for the underlying myth they are somehow exempt.

I'm in contemporary arts and I haven't met ONE person outside of that field that hasn't automatically viewed me as sensitive, socially & culturally acute and aware etc. We are probably one of the few that can be dead broke living on friends couches and still pull girls because we are excused by our "passions for our work." Other artists look at one another and are like, "nigga pleeze."

"Don't wear a curl but I still pull girls"

-D-Nice (what was that line about)

Just saying that, to say we think of scientists in one way, while they continue to think of themselves as the human beings that they are, but will gladly accept those preconcieved notions. So one can argue that people with particular moral short comings have no business in these fields that may obstruct our Utopian perceptions of the world and it's contents.

The solution is exercising that they too are subject to the policeman taking bribes (Main Source: Snake Eyes), the boxer taking a fall, Presidents and professional athletes honoring their sponsorship.

Anonymous said...

Not nitpicking just noting the language that surrounds the science community.

Anonymous said...

"Notice the propaganda was shifted from "Global Warming" to the all-inclusive "Climate Change" soon after real science revealed the earth was cooling, not warming."

Really? Climate Change. Haven't payed attention to that. Wait till I get my business together like them boys, I'll have everybody under my control (diabolical exclamation mark)

KonWomyn said...

Hot Wax,
Thanks, I will respond later, I've got a project mtg to get to.

Anonymous said...

Geez Wax,

You have alot to say about HIV/AIDS. It's a shame you are so off base.

"Dr. David Crowe, a tenured Professor in the Center for Molecular Biology of Oral Diseases at the University of Illinois at Chicago"

Are you sure you are quoting the correct David Crowe? The AIDS denier David Crowe is a Canadian journalist, this one doesn't do AIDS research. I think you may have confused the two, as I would have DEFINITELY heard about this guy before having done research there myself. The only AIDS denier that I know of at UIC is Andrew Maniotis who misrepresented himself as a tenured professor when he was really not even on faculty.

Unfortunately we've been over all that stuff just a few weeks ago.

Come on man. If you really want to go after AIDS, mercury and the other conspiracy theory staples, maybe you should actually read the PUBLISHED literature first and attack the published facts first. Otherwise it's just rehash of a bunch of non-scientists. Duesberg included.