Tuesday, January 05, 2010

This Meme Alone Could Free More Black People Than The Emancipation Proclamation - DV 4 President


Amarie said...

Cute kid and I agree.

Anonymous said...

Dv, since you preach this message so much why don't you create a second blog with information about how to switch to Organic eating. I'm you sure you and the Mrs, have lots to share. Remember, if you build it they will come.


Denmark Vesey said...

"why don't you create a second blog with information about how to switch to Organic eating." Anonymous

Why give away information people are willing to pay for?


Undercover Black Man said...

Why give away information people are willing to pay for?

Denmark, are you part Jewish? I always suspected...

Anonymous said...

Going organic is not an easy thing. The food is usually more expensive unless you become member of a farmer's local club. But, it is the best decision you can make for your health and your family's. Better tasting, fresher food. You can also consider growing some yourself in your backyard or apartment. You also have to be label conscious, so it is not an easy task. But nothing can be better than pesticide and gmo free food. Not recommended for lazy people though (seriously).

Anonymous said...

...and yes, you're right DV. The only danger of growing your own organic food is that you can free yourself.

Anonymous said...

btw, I was wondering... is this your definition of a sister?


Denmark Vesey said...

Denmark, are you part Jewish? I always suspected... UBM

Yes. I am a Jew.

I told you that before Undercover. My people walked with Moses out of Egypt in 1350 BC.

We were right next to the ancestors of Abe Foxman and Paul Wolfowitz.

Denmark Vesey said...

"Going organic is not an easy thing. The food is usually more expensive unless you become member of a farmer's local club." CA


Organic is expensive.

But it's cheaper than cancer.

Denmark Vesey said...

César André said...

" ...and yes, you're right DV. The only danger of growing your own organic food is that you can free yourself."

Aint it the truth Cesar!?

Dependency on Plantation food makes you ... hell. You know the rest.

Denmark Vesey said...

btw, I was wondering... is this your definition of a sister?


Peeped the video.

I don't know man. Not enough for me to pick up a strong sista vibe.

Little too much testosterone for me. Little close to the "brotha" side with that left hook she keeps throwing.

But I'm open.

What's your take?

Anonymous said...

It sure is. Another thing I get organic is hemp protein for my workouts. I had no idea it was legal here in the US, but they sell it in every vitamin shoppe. The thing is rich in protein, omega 3,6 and 9, fatty acids, 14 grams of fiber per serving. This is the real stuff!!

Anonymous said...

lol, she can punch. Actual box female champion. Grew up in my towm. She is cute and she is rough, uncommon combination, but like you I am open.

Amenta said...

This a sistah!
