Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Sustainabiity! Reduce Production! Reuse Toiletpaper! Only 1 Child! Share Bathwater! Get A Vaccination! Save The World! Do What We Tell You!

BTW. Whatever happened to the last hoax ... excuse me. I mean "Pandemic / Global Doomsday Crisis"? The H1N1 Virus? Aint even been in the news the past few days. Where's that Plantation MD when you need to laugh at him?


Anonymous said...

You missing me that much that you have to give a direct shout-out/taunt?

Sorry, you rants are tired, your "experts" have all long ago been debunked, and you are still perseverating over the same shit.

You need a new hustle brah. This here shit is pathetic.

Denmark Vesey said...

LOL. Lighten up Doc.

Miss you? Where you been?

My "experts" (lol).

Funny dude.

Nah Bra.

I just thought you would Man up by now, come back, apologize ... and admit the obvious:

The H1N1 "Pandemic" was more a media event than a real medical emergency.

DV was right.

All that hype you were spinning about young healthy people "dropping dead from acute respiratory failure yada yada" turned out to be quackery.

Come on Doc.

Man up.

Unless you are stilllllll fakin' the funk regarding H1N1.

Anonymous said...

I don't know how many times I have to say this, but there is a disease killing people horribly who shouldn't be dying. Sorry if you aren't entertained by the nightly news with reports of people drowning in their own secretions. Funny, the two young H1N1 patients down the hall aren't laughing, but that's kind of difficult with pulmonary fibrosis, and a tracheostomy.

Again, you aren't ignorant because you don't have the mental capacity. You are ignorant because you choose to be. Willful ignorance is...well just pathetic. Anyway, like I said before, you need a new hustle.

I've grown tired of your site.
Same dubious claims, coming from the same dubious people, with dubious credentials, selling dubious products.

Neither I nor George Clinton can imagine "doobie" (or dubious) in our funk.

Keep your eyes covered, I don't care.

Denmark Vesey said...

Daaaaaaahhhhhc ...

You been saying that every couple of weeks ... for months.

Stop fronting. This is school for you.

You've learned more here than you did in Medical School.

At least be honest about that.

"Funny, the two young H1N1 patients down the hall aren't laughing, but that's kind of difficult with pulmonary fibrosis, and a tracheostomy."



Honestly. How do YOU know ... it's H1N1?

50,000 people die every year from the Flu.

People suffering from the flu is not new.

How do you know these "two young people" suffer from H1N1?

__________________________ ?

Anonymous said...

"Honestly. How do YOU know ... it's H1N1?"

Because I have examined them.

I have tested them.

They all have positive diagnositc rRT-PCR examinations and positive viral cultures, along with known exposure.

I have seen them with blue lips dying in front of me.

NONE have had vaccination against the novel H1N1 virus.

Stop playing dumb. It's really annoying. There is a PCR based examination that identifies the before you try to go dismiss PCR, you might want to remember you were just recently touting it's founder.

Quick lesson:

Influenza A subtype H1N1 expresses hemagglutinin (H) 1, and neuraminidase (N)1 as large proteins on the viral envelope.

There are 16 H and 9 N subtypes known, but only H 1, 2 and 3, and N 1 and 2 are commonly found in humans.

Hemagglutinin mediates binding of the virus to the human target cells and entry of the viral genome. Neuraminidase mediates the release of progeny virus, after the virus has used the target cells molecular machinary to replicate more virus. Tamiflu targets neuraminidase. Each subtype may undergo genetic mutations so that H1N1 from years ago, or hell...last summer may be a slightly different variant and even more virulent species.

"50,000 people die every year from the Flu"

Between 20,000 and 50,000 are estimated to die from flu each year, and like I've mentioned ad nauseum that's a different popululation--old people and very young who have either compromised or immature immune systems.

NOT pregnant or immediately post-partum young women, NOT relatively healthy men in their 30's. NOT relatively healthy women in their 40's. These people walked into the emergency room talking, then within 12 hours were intubated with completely opacified lungs, drowning.

I don't know why I waste my time with you. I keep thinking you'll drop this stupid image and ask just ONE INTELLIGENT question, instead of your usual childish smirking. Because nobody can be as deluded as you come off...right?

But, maybe people like you are too shallow to listen to any voice other than the one that echoes in your own cranial vault.