Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Shut Up And Get Your Fat Scared Conformist Ass Through The Scanner. We've Got Money To Make

The rabid calls for co-ordinated implementation of naked body scanners in airports across the planet, in the wake of the failed underwear bombing, will result in huge profits for the military industrial complex.

The giant defense contractor L-3 Communications is first line, having already landed a $165 million contract for body scanners from the Transportation Security Administration late last week.

The New York based company ranks among the world’s top contractors, with 81% of it’s total revenue being generated from defense spending in 2008 (see image below).

L-3 has supplied command, control, communications, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance systems and products to the Department of Defense, the Department of Homeland Security, and several other U.S. Government intelligence agencies.

Ensayn1 said ...
Backscatter x-ray has been coming for a long time. The Beast will wound itself only to heal itself as we see and have seen before. The "Intenationalist" as David Rockefeller calls himself, often create a situation (the so called Nigerian Christmas day terrorist), the silly public screams for security (security is an superstision...Helen Keller.) The Beast then denies more rights and freedom at the behest of the sheeple. Just follow the money trail, eh?
I wrote on backscatter x-ray back in June '08.


CNu said...

Only a true plantation negro would even think about submitting to terrahertz (Terror Hurts) radiation in order to board an airplane.


ed said...

Can you imagine what will show up on the body scanner screen if a female with fake butt/breast implants pass through?

Amenta said...

Backscatter x-ray has been coming for a long time. The Beast will wound itself only to heal itself as we see and have seen before. The "Intenationalist" as David Rockefeller calls himself, often create a situation (the so called Nigerian Christmas day terrorist), the silly public screams for security (security is an superstision...Helen Keller.) The Beast then denies more rights and freedom at the behest of the sheeple. Just follow the money trail, eh?
I wrote on backscatter x-ray back in June '08.

dirtdevil said...

Peep this kosher game:

Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab’s daddy is a Mossad partner and Israel’s top contact in Nigeria.

Soo...as usual - Israel trains false-flag "Muslim" ops to terrorize the US. This scapegoats "dirty Arabs" as well as justifies building more NW0 infrastructure & invasion of privacy.

It's true. All roads lead to Zion.