Friday, January 08, 2010

The Plantation MD Says Health Is Not So Much A Function of WHAT We Eat, But How Much We Eat? Any Wonder People Are Dying Like Flies?

DMG said ...
Yes, yes "plantation food" etc, etc. Do you all REALLY think this family became MORBIDLY obese by eating normal size portions? You eat enough of anything, in portions too large without increasing your activity your ass will be just as fat.

36 yo woman 380
41 yo man 340
16 yo girl 350
14 yo boy 308
Entire family wearing C-cup and above bras.

Fork to mouth. Nothing more.

César André said...
It is not a matter of portions or quantities, it is more a matter of quality of food and calories. Do you realize that a double quarter pounder has more calories than a 8oz. sirloin stake with rice and eggs. And half of those calories come from fat. It will clog your veins eventually. Most, if not all packaged and processed foods are high on sodium, refined white flour, refined sugars. A can of processed beans has 450 mg of sodium, and organic can of beans has 15 mg of sodium. You see, same size, same looking thing, very different numbers.


Anonymous said...

Sure you aren't missing me....

Denmark Vesey said...

Doc ... you aint been no where.

Why should I miss you?

Plus, if I had to pay cash money, for you to be here. I'd pay it.

A Black MD still defending Plantation Medicine.

Dude ... you are a memetic goldmine.

Wish I could find a "Climate Scientist" to defend Anthropogenic Global Warming and a NeoCon to defend the Lie of WMD's & The Occupation of Iraq.

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

DV, did you see this article giving a scientific basis as to the dangers of the body scanning equipment? Terahertz fields can produce non linear effects, which can unzip DNA strands! This is insane!

Denmark Vesey said...

Nah Manhndisa I aint see it.

Interesting read though. "How Terahertz Waves Tear Apart DNA"

It's kind of like an article on 'how clocks work'.

Interesting. Just not necessary to know what time it is.

I mean, I didn't really need to read an article on a Physics Blog to know that 'electromagnetic spectrum infrared microwaves' were bad for me.

Just like I don't need to read an article to tell me that squirting live monkey virus juice up my nose isn't good for me.

I'll be glad when some quantum physics magazine publishes an article about what microwave ovens does to your food.

I'll be glad when some microbiology quarterly publishes a paper on what Genetically Modified Food does to the reproductive organs of the people who eat it.

Anonymous said...

The only reason this family got out of control in their eating behaviors is because of lack of education. If the leaders really cared about people's health, wouldn't they create programs in schools to teach people the right way to eat and prevent diseases. Perhaps it is not their responsibility, but our own. If I say I care about myself, wouldn't I educate myself?.

Denmark Vesey said...

leaders really care?

Brother Cesar ... do free men and women actually need "leaders" or "programs in schools" ... to make sure they don't eat a diet that kills them? Has it come to that?

What are they .... goldfish?

Is it our responsibility to save people who don't seem interested in saving themselves?

Is it in our best interest to do so?

If Man takes on the responsibility to save EVERYBODY ... doesn't he by default take on the responsibility to let some people die?

That's the Liberal, Left Wing, Environmental Plantation Hegelian Head Fake.

"We can Save The World! But we gotta let half of ya'll die off to do so."

cut industry
epidemic diabetes
no real cancer prevention
sterilizing agents everywhere ...

That will carbon get down reallllllll low.

Anonymous said...

It is not a matter of portions or quantities, it is more a matter of quality of food and calories. Do you realize that a double quarter pounder has more calories than a 8oz. sirloin stake with rice and eggs. And half of those calories come from fat. It will clog your veins eventually. Most, if not all packaged and processed foods are high on sodium, refined white flour, refined sugars. A can of processed beans has 450 mg of sodium, and organic can of beans has 15 mg of sodium. You see, same size, same looking thing, very different numbers.

Anonymous said...

DV, I do believe it has come to that point, but I don't expect the leaders to do anything about it. Perhaps, those who have this knowledge could share it to those who want to know. But I think it is a responsibility of our own, not to take care of others or save the world, but a responsability to take care of ourselves.

NEA said...

"do free men and women actually need "leaders" or "programs in schools" ... to make sure they don't eat a diet that kills them? Has it come to that?

What are they .... goldfish?

Is it our responsibility to save people who don't seem interested in saving themselves?"

Denmark Vesey is school.

I don't know how y'all ain't feelin' that...,

Stop looking for EXCUSES!!

Pink said...

I had the same conversation with one of my friends about whether this family (and others in their situation) are lacking education. I think that their are certain nuances to healthy eating that the average person may not be aware of but when you are frying everything you eat and don't even know how to bake chicken breasts because you have never done it before, as in the last episode, the problem isn't education. The problem is greed and laziness. You don't need to be educated about food to know that fried food is unhealthy. When you are more than 100 lbs overweight your own common sense should tell you that are doing something wrong.

Intellectual Insurgent said...

Thank you Pink.

"Education" didn't get people to quit smoking.

"Education" didn't get people to stop having unprotected sex.

"Education" didn't put McDonald's out of business.

There is nothing education can do to fix poor SELF-ESTEEM and willful ignorance. Because no one with an ounce of DIGNITY would walk out of their house looking like the tubs of lard on this tv show.

Anonymous said...

he problem is greed and laziness. You don't need to be educated about food to know that fried food is unhealthy. When you are more than 100 lbs overweight your own common sense should tell you that are doing something wrong.

When lacking the right tools to improve your life in any way possible you conform to what is given. When your options are minimal because of lack of knowledge you conform. Laziness, I agree; greed? Perhaps. But lack of education on how your body works and why you should eat certain foods is the main problem.

You do need to be educated/informed to know that frying food is unhealthy. When one has the awareness of a 6 year old and cannot take responsibility for his/her own self, someone has to come and educate them. There is perhaps a moral responsibility to educate your own people.

I can't expect common sense from a person that is chemically, mentally and emotionally imbalanced.

Anonymous said...

"Education" didn't get people to quit smoking.

"Education" didn't get people to stop having unprotected sex.

"Education" didn't put McDonald's out of business.

There is nothing education can do to fix poor SELF-ESTEEM and willful ignorance,

Education is not meant to stop people from doing something. Education just gives you more than one option. You choose.

I agree, education can't fix poor self-esteem, perhaps food will.

Thordaddy said...

Let's be real...
It's quality and quantity, 
Maximizing one's blood flow...
Is the line 'tween life n mortality!!!
If the blood flows righteous
Then life enhanced with spirituality...
When one talks of food
In terms of quality and quantities...
He must feel his blood flow
And all its efficiencies...
Inefficiences in the blood flow
Reverberate so heavy that all have to know!!!
Therefore education izza sideshow...
The education in one's no-go
If ya CANT go then ya blood flow
Is on the floor
Killin' it wiff quality and quantity...

Can't figure why ya sore
Why ya booty squirt
Why ya so fat breathin' hurt

Make the blood flow righteous 
Or ya leavin' this earth!!! 

The Doc said...

Oh Dear God, are you kidding me. They got her on national TV to say she wants to walk through the waterpark for exercise, and the first thing they all do when they get there is pig out on fried dough funnel cakes. My cousin told me about this show, and I didn't know what to make of it. But if this is what it is... damn.


The Doc aka Mr. Don't Love Me Like Ya Do.. said...

"I'll be glad when some quantum physics magazine publishes an article about what microwave ovens does to your food."

Yo DV, I been resisting getting a microwave for the longest time for just this reason.

The irony of this is, of course, I know if I did have one i'd actually be able to eat healthier stuff. When I get off work late at night and need a lil sum to eat on b4 I go to sleep and i'm too tired to get over the stove, if I had a microwave i'd nuke me up some rice or a pack of noodles or something light to eat, but instead usually wind up eating chips or snack cakes or suh'n bad for me instead.

.... so i'm pretty close to caving and buying one.

But I just don't trust something that bathes my food in radiation before I eat it. *Sigh* decisions, decisions.

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

Interestingly enough, my husband and I haven't used a microwave at our home for almost three years. We finally got rid of its space above our stove and replaced it with a fan.

The Russians and Nazis experimented with microwave technology as early as a hundred years ago. The Russians found that it fundamentally changed the structure of the food in harmful ways to the human body so they abandoned its use for cooking food. I don't know how many Russians use microwaves nowadays, however.

I don't like the way they make french fries soggy and screw up the texture of my food. Even deeper, the microwave distorts the flavor. We use a steamer to heat up food or the oven. The food tastes better and makes you be patient too!

Thordaddy said...

The insidiousness of this program lies in the fact that it is attempting to normalize the obese lifestyle. This show falls quite in line with the liberal orthodoxy which presses us to accept today what they say we will accept tomorrow anyway.

This family's obesity is its essence. It is the thing we will most remember, but will be compelled to entirely forget.

And yet, with the attempt to "tolerate" this lifestyle is still the desire to know why. Why is this family eating itself to death... All of them?

And as sure as the sun will rise, black mainstream opinion has a certain culprit in mind. It takes many different forms, racism or plantation food, but the hand the feeds and fattens and kills is the white man's hand.

And so ultimately this show is just one more in a long line of shows pushing the liberal orthodoxy and destroying all ideological opponents.

Anonymous said...

It is absolutley about portions. Of course quality of food is important, but if your portions of "quality food" are excessive, you WILL STILL GET FAT.

It takes about an ADDITIONAL 3500 kCals to add one pound above and beyond what you utilize for basic bodily maintenance and daily activity.

Either these folks are consuming too much, moving their bodies too little, or a combination of both.

Big Mac or 8oz. sirloin with fresh vegetables etc. isn't going to make a difference if they are consuming three or four portions per sitting, and not getting off their (literally) fat asses and moving around.

High salt and fat diets will contribute to hypertension and atheroschlerosis.

It's very easy to blame their morbid obesity on some invisible force as though this family is stuck in some hamster cage being forced to eat like gluttons. Those parents CHOSE everything they put in their mouths and the mouths of their children. It's not just ignorance it's choice.

I don't have a problem with your mango salads or whatever, I think it's great you choose to eat things you enjoy that have a health benefit.

My problem with you is attempting to say that being healthy REQUIRES eating $16/lbs salt, and paying $60 for 5 loaves of bread. That is an unattainable and unsustainable goal for the majority of people on this planet. What you are preaching is "you can either afford to eat like MOTI, or just give up and die fat".

Our host out of one side of this mouth says these folks aren't goldfish, but out of the other suggests that some invisible force is at fault these folks are fat and unhealthy.

I know plenty of people smart enough to know better but choose stupidity...our host is one of these people. But really, what would you expect of a narcissistic clown who feeds on low-information websites and conspiracy like it's the finest of Pakistani pink salt?

Intellectual Insurgent said...

My problem with you is attempting to say that being healthy REQUIRES eating $16/lbs salt, and paying $60 for 5 loaves of bread.

No one has ever said that Doc. EVER.

You have become the master at dismissing arguments that no one makes in order to feel smug and smart, but you consistently ignore the operative point.

If someone eats huge portions of broccoli and lentils, they are not going to have the health problems that this family has. Period.

Anonymous said...

It is absolutely about portions. Of course quality of food is important, but if your portions of "quality food" are excessive, you WILL STILL GET FAT.

Of course, excessive is not part of a healthy balanced diet. But how would you know that? I assure you excessive green leaves and vegetables won't get your veins clogged. But again, how would you know that?

It's very easy to blame their morbid obesity on some invisible force as though this family is stuck in some hamster cage being forced to eat like gluttons. Those parents CHOSE everything they put in their mouths and the mouths of their children. It's not just ignorance it's choice.

Ignorance is a choice. In this case is mixed with a little irresponsibility, carelessness and mental disability. Some choose to eat unhealthy, knowing the consequences. Other choose just to be ignorant. The consequences are the same.

My problem with you is attempting to say that being healthy REQUIRES eating $16/lbs salt, and paying $60 for 5 loaves of bread. That is an unattainable and unsustainable goal for the majority of people on this planet. What you are preaching is "you can either afford to eat like MOTI, or just give up and die fat".

Being healthy is another subject. Eating healthy means eating a balanced diet. I prefer eating organic, that is healthy to me. A little more expensive. But disease is even more. For me fresh organic food is a basic human right. But that is just a little far from reality. The reality is that the poor, uneducated, ignorant eat whatever they throw out to them. Better food for more people would be more reachable if people demanded it.

Our host out of one side of this mouth says these folks aren't goldfish, but out of the other suggests that some invisible force is at fault these folks are fat and unhealthy.

Ignorance, yes. The invisible force. Can you see it?

Anonymous said...


Actually broccoli is known as a "goitrogen" and in excess amounts has a similar effect on thyroid hormones as the drug propylthiouracil essentially inducing hypothyroidism--leading to slow mentation, and weight gain. Come on II...why do you want to always try to test me? You know I always have something for you.

ALL things in moderation.


Perhaps you've never heard of hemochromatosis...but that's another spinach talk for another time.

But you also know that eating only green leaves and other vegetables is not a balanced diet. If you want to discuss being a strict Vegan we can do that, but I don't think that's your aim.

This is a family who consume food like gluttons. I don't care if they are eating only the best stuff from whatever organic store you choose. They will eat until they are satiated.

"Ignorance is a choice. In this case is mixed with a little irresponsibility, carelessness and mental disability. Some choose to eat unhealthy, knowing the consequences. Other choose just to be ignorant. The consequences are the same"

There are plenty of people who know better and have all of the information at their fingertips but are STILL morbidly obese. And a BMI of 60 doesn't count as being a "little careless".

"The reality is that the poor, uneducated, ignorant eat whatever they throw out to them."

Our ancestors ate whatever was available too. Didn't matter how long that giraffe was sitting out in the sun...difference was if you wanted to eat you had to get off your ass and go chase your food. Sedentary life style combined with an overabundance of food= obese population. Education is fine, I applaud teaching good habits, however it comes down to how many times your fork goes from plate to mouth in a day. Every public school, and college I've been to has offered a course on good eating habits.

I won't judge the character of these people, they are probably nice folks, but their behavior is horrible.

Clear case of lack of portion control and leading a sedentary lifestye.

Denmark Vesey said...

"Our ancestors ate whatever was available too."


Our ancestors exercised tremendous discrimination regarding what they ate.

At least mine did.

Judging by the product of what they produced.

You Plantation Negros have been Plantation Negros for so long you cannot even imagine an existence that included great refinement.

The Plantation has succeeded in making you self-identify as a low eating slave.

What people eat is a reflection of what they think of themselves.

What people eat is a reflection of what they think of themselves.

What people eat is a reflection of what they think of themselves.

I've got an overinflated ego. So I eat organic living foods.

And as you know, I've got a smooth cocoa butta complexion. So I only rub natural Shaa butter from Mali on the skin.

No petroleum products from Johnson & Johnson for the Blackest Man On The Internet.


In order to change what people eat, you have to change the way the people see themselves.

Global System of Black Supremacy. (My memes intersect)

Even you nerds feel me.

Anonymous said...

"At least mine did.

Judging by the product of what they produced."

Apparently they were fond of eating much of the same stuff baby elephants eat.

Intellectual Insurgent said...

No petroleum products from Johnson & Johnson for the Blackest Man On The Internet.

Funny. This is the only point on which my M.D. Pediatrician sister will back me up. I was telling a soon-to-be-mom that the only place she should put Johnson & Johnson products is in the garbage can. My sister, who rolls her eyes at all my other parental suggestions, said "she's right. Those products cause eczema, rashes, irritation and other skin problems in children."

And then My M.D. Sis conceded that she started using the all natural products I recommended to her and they have done wonders for her skin. :-)

Anonymous said...

But you also know that eating only green leaves and other vegetables is not a balanced diet. If you want to discuss being a strict Vegan we can do that, but I don't think that's your aim.

I never said it was. I said excessive greens won't clog your veins. Yes, spinach turns you green and carrots orange, that is why I said "HEALTHY IS A BALANCED DIET"

This is a family who consume food like gluttons. I don't care if they are eating only the best stuff from whatever organic store you choose. They will eat until they are satiated.

That is an important part of the problem. And the cure is satisfying their emotional instability with junk food perfectly advertised for the slave.

Didn't McDonald's talked nutritious?

Anonymous said...

"Our ancestors exercised tremendous discrimination regarding what they ate."

15,000 years ago, prior to agriculture our ancestors ate what was available. You think they turned their noses up at "rotting roadkill" when they hadn't seen a meal in 3 or 4 days WHILE hunting sparce game in winter...when there wasn't anything in bloom?

Bullshit, they ate what they killed, dug up, or found. If it wasn't for that behavior we wouldn't be here today.

Pink said...

I don't think the show is normalizing this families lifestyle at all. We see them going to the doctor on the first 2 episodes, once for the father's health problems caused by weight and then for the 14 year old boy's problems, also caused by weight. We see the doctor explaining that this young boy needs to make changes or he will die.

As for the microwave discussion, I haven't had one in almost a year but that's because my kitchen is too small. I like to think that it's a healthy choice but I so miss microwave popcorn :(