fist tap CNu

Cuz you let a Jew break up my crew Heard you both got the same bank account.
Dumb nigga, what chu thank'n 'bout"
-'Pre-Are We There Yet' Ice Cube
Cuz you let a Jew break up my crew Heard you both got the same bank account.
Dumb nigga, what chu thank'n 'bout"
-'Pre-Are We There Yet' Ice Cube
Lower your skirt, Denmark.
“America’s willingness to give Isreal extensive economic, military, and diplomatic support would be easy to understand if it advanced America’s overall strategic interests.
…Steadfast US support might also make sense if the United States received substantial benefits in return, and if the value of these benefits exceeded the economic and political costs of US support. If Israel possessed vital natural resources (such as oil or natural gas), or if it occupied a critical geographic location, then the United States might want to provide support in order to maintain good relations and keep it out of unfriendly hands.
Instead of being a strategic asset, in fact, Israel has become a strategic liability for the United States. Backing Israel so strongly is making Americans more vulnerable-not less-and making it harder for the United States to achieve important foreign policy goals.
Like most states, Israel looks first and foremost to its own interests when it believed (rightly or wrongly) that doing so would advance its own national goals. In the notorious “Lavon affair in 1954, sraeli agents tried to bomb several US government offices in Egypt, in a bungled attempt to sow discord between Washington and Cairo. Israel sold military supplies to Iran while US diplomats were being held hostage there in 1979-80, and it was one of Iran’s military suppliers during the Iran Iraq War, even though the United States was worried about Iran and tactily backing Iraq.
In addition to selling weapons to America’s enemies, Israel has transferred American technology to third countries, including potential US adversaries like China, actions that violated US laws and threatened American interests.
Doudlas Feith, the former undersecretary of defense and a consistent supporter of Israel, was reportedly angry when Israel agreed in 2004 to upgrade a killer drone it had sold to China in 1994. “Something is going badly wrong in the US-Israeli military relationship,” said another senior Bush administration official.
Amplifying these tensions is the extensive espionage that Israel engages in against the United States. According to the GAO, the Jewish state “conducts the most aggressive espionage operations against the United States of any ally. Stealing economic secrets gives Israeli firms important advantages over American businesses in the global marketplace and thus imposes additional costs on US citizens.
The Wall Street Journal quoted John Davitt, former head of Justice Department’s internal security section, saying that those of us who worked in the espionage area regarded Israel as being the second most active foreign intelligence service in the United States.”
-The Israel Lobby and US Forgeign Policy
It's a case of divide and conquer
Cuz you let a Jew break up my crew
Heard you both got the same bank account
Dumb nigga, what chu thank'n 'bout
-'Pre-Are We There Yet' Ice Cube
lol@"Pre-Are We There Yet-Cube...,
Appreciate the shout...CNu too.
(Those pics on the side of 'The Kane' and Marlon Brando are symmetrically pop-lock'n off one another.)
When the caller said "Our Muslim Friends" you should have cut it right there.
If you believe that these "Muslim Friends" will give you and the rest of America a "big wet kiss" IF we all merely back away from the Israel conflict - you have been drinking too much saltwater from the Dead Sea and it is oxidising your innards.
Just this past week there has been a deadly conflict in Egypt between Muslims and Christians.
Is there any "Peace", freedom and EQUALITY for non-Muslims where he lives in a Muslim dominated nation?
Man that's was some of the worst analysis I've encountered in my life.
Where are you getting your perceptions shaped? AIPAC.Com?
Is there a syllable in what you just said that wasn't pure Left v Right, Red v Blue, Muslim v Christian, Dem v Rep, White v Black, Malthusian Divide & Conquer bullshit?
"da Muslims" aint occupying Baldwin Hills.
"da Muslims" aint feeding Negros a formula of diabetes & cancer.
"da Muslims" aint bankrupt America.
"da Muslims" aint shipping jobs oversees.
"da Muslims" aint increase the prison population 700% in 30 years.
"da Muslims" aint just scare millions of idiots into receiving the H1N1 Vaccine.
This aint a football game CF
What up Gee Chee?!
I like your style man,
Everyblogger please bow your heads, we 'bouts to pray dem Muslims into the Lawds House.
Aunt Esther: "Ooohhh Lawd! Behold your servant(s) Fred Sanford (I mean Islamic militants) Lawd. AMEN!!! Lawd, soften his (I mean their) heathenis' heart(s) and still his (I mean their) profane mouth that he (they) may better receive your bless'ns Lawd!!!
But kidd'n aside, is there any "Peace", freedom and EQUALITY for non-Muslims where he lives in a Muslim dominated nation, if he can't find Peace, freedom and EQUALITY from our non-Muslim dominated nation?
"Rise Bank Man, pull yourselves up by your bootstraps"
-Alter-Universe Marcus Garvey
Gotta love this guy.
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